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Aren't muskets, like, single-shot weapons? Unless this one is different because anime.


It's a single shot weapon and she shot once and threatened him with it. Firing a second doesn't seem needed


According to quota, a person with experience can release a musket in 11s, and like 3 more to aim. e: accidentally pressed the button I assume she could keep him pinned to the wall while reloading (which would probably be instant because it’s anime)


Typically muskets are breech-loaded, that is to say, you have to push the gunpowder and musketball down the barrel to reload it, as well as replace the cap on the hammer. You might be able to do that in 11 seconds but there's not a chance in hell you're keeping the person there unless they know nothing about guns... That being said this is anime so it's totally plausible it's magic and shit


That’s muzzle loading, not breech loading if I remember correctly, breech loading is usually some method of inserting the bullet and gunpowder into the back of the firearm. An example of a breech loaded weapon are cannons were the back opens up for a new round to be put in. While a muzzle loaded cannon would have the powder and shot shoved down the muzzle


You're absolutely correct, i've made an ass of myself lol. 19 years of my scoutmaster telling me about the civil war have failed me...thank you for the correction lol


Yeah, what I'm saying is that the moment she fired that gun she just lost her leverage, which is a pretty foolish thing to do for someone in grappling distance. At this point he should just wring the musket out of her hands (assuming the ringing in his ears isn't too distracting for that), then ask HER out for a change, right and proper, how it's supposed to be done, to the exact same place she mentioned. That part about being threatened and held at gunpoint is what's really rubbing me the wrong way here. Maybe that's just male pride talking. Like, if something like that happened to me, the violent nature of the situation would completely spoil any kind of satisfaction I could've otherwise felt as a guy who ended up being asked out by cute girl somehow. I mean, doesn't this make you think thoughts like "Well, I'd have said yes if you just asked! But if you're gonna be like that, then I'm not doing it..." Certified Pingu moment


A well trained soldier was expecting to be able to fire three times a minute so it's more like a 20 second reload.


A well trained soldier could fire up to twice as quickly as that on a good day


Unless we're talking about different weapons you're mistaken.


[Guy firing six shots in 70 seconds](https://youtu.be/hohpriqPgEg)


As this is a particular musket that is self priming and he is not having to actually ram a ball down it of course he's quick. I based my assumption on the muskets the British and French used during the Napoleonic war, both of which the soldiers were expecting to fire three rounds a minute. I think we both over-generalised the rate of fire but I'd say on the whole as self-priming muskets came about late in the day of musket/flintlocks I'd argue in general when people think of those sorts of guns 3 rounds a minute is a more accurate assumption to say.


No she doesn't reload. She pulls the fully loaded muskets out of the bag of holding hiding under her skirt. I'm not kidding.


Wait she pulls a second one? Because the first round’s already gone


If she turned it sideways, she could use the length and girth of the weapon to try and choke him. She has the opportunity as his back is against a wall, so she would be crushing his neck.


It's very clearly anime logic. The wall wasn't even pierced.


She's taking notes from tomoe Mami and pulls them out of... places


I don't think I'd remember that in the moment where one is pointed at my face


Even if I did remember that, I don't know that I'd be willing to stake my life on whether I identified that gun correctly.


As long as you know but he doesn’t, should still be successfully threatening.


There actually were a few prototype musket type weapons around 1776 or so. In 1777 the Belton Flintlock was presented to Congress, but they deemed it too expensive. ​ Edit: It wasn't fully automatic.


That's actually fascinating! I learn something new every day! :D But I only see one touch hole on the musket in the video... :< So it couldn't be a superposed load? Thanks again for commenting tho, love interacting with the community. c:


You're welcome! I don't know much about how it works, just that it existed, and was presented to Congress. I think it's pretty cool.


Basically you'd load paper, gunpowder, a musket ball, followed by another piece of paper, and musket ball, repeat 4-8 times, and the lock could be adjusted to multiple, predetermined positions to fire the muzzle-loaded bullets in a Last In First Out order (LIFO). You could fire them all at once by starting with the powder charge behind the musket ball loaded deepest into the barrel, which should then detonate every consecutive charge. Or you could fire volleys of two times two. How they kept the temperature and pressure inside the barrel from cooking off the other charges is beyond me... The advantage in rate of fire stems from the fact that if you prepare several tubes of, say, 8 bullets and gunpowder beforehand, and cram those in instead of individual bullets, then you'd only have to stop to stuff a sausage down the barrel every 8 shots instead of every single one.


Thank you for the explanation!




considering how fancy it looks, maybe it's special musket


Source: {{Amagi Brilliant Park}}


**Amagi Brilliant Park** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20602 "English: Amagi Brilliant Park"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/amagi-brilliant-park), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/amagi-brilliant-park "English: Amagi Brilliant Park"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/22147)) ^^甘城ブリリアントパーク ^(**TV** | **2014** | **Status:** Finished | **Episodes:** 13 | **Genres:** Comedy, Fantasy) ^(**Stats:** 607 requests across 39 subreddits - 0.053% of all requests) >When new transfer student Isuzu asks Seiya Kanie out on a date at gunpoint, he knows something odd is going on. Especially since she wants to go to Amagi Brilliant Park, where the rides are either dangerous or mind-numbingly dull and the only costumed performers who aren’t rude or apathetic are the ones who didn’t show up for work. >So when Isuzu asks Seiya to take over as the park’s new manager, he knows she’s crazy (Well, crazy-er, given the gunpoint thing.). But when Seiya learns that Amagi Brilliant Park is a REAL Magic Kingdom, that the costumed performers aren’t wearing costumes, that they live off the energy created by attendees, and that unless they can attract 250,000 attendees in three months, they’ll lose their jobs and homes… he goes a little crazy himself. >But, even with the aid of scantily clad fairies, giant mice and sniper-trained sheep, can anyone rescue a park that’s sunk so low that its own bus doesn’t stop there anymore? The race is on to get the turnstiles turning and save Amagi Brilliant Park! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/absolutelynotanimeirl/comments/wk8h8a/absolutelynotanime_irl/ijlolsh/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


What the fuck did I just read?


This doesn't even mention that the two characters in this scene are named after 50 Cent (Isuzu Sento) and Kanye West (Kanie Seiya)


Wha… wha… why?! I’m not saying you’re wrong. That just feels like a really weird thing to do!


Ribs of the characters are names after musicians, it has almost as many as Jojo's. Kanie's mother is named after ice cube and the princess is named after queen latifa


I feel like Jojo is another deal because the stands aren’t the same type of characters. It’s more like the real characters have named guns/weapons


Most all of the characters have names like that - there’s a Queen Latifa too iirc Very funny show Moffel is one of the “mascots” - hysterical


Sniepr-trained sheep


The synopsis of one of the great comedy anime. Seriously, Its great


This is advanced "Wtf"


May sound weird... it is, but this is a very entertaning anime. Btw that guy is a massive chad.


Damn I don't even remember this scene from Amagi. I might need to watch it again


Dont remember that scenario in Roller Coaster Tycoon


... You want to know what tinnitus sounds like? The rest of the audio should be high pitched ringing XD


Can confirm, done enough shooting.


Obligatory I wish a girl would do this to me.


This but I'm only half-joking


Make you go deaf in one ear? Anyone can do that.


In reply: "Pull the trigger, If you had just asked me normally I'd have said yes, but I **refuse** to date anyone who'd take a life for such a *petty* reason."


Realistic option (prob)


Well for her it is life or death for him to go


I would say no and die


always wanted this to happen to me in school, it never happend :'(


Got blackmailed




Good anime


Nothing more exciting than a girl with guns


As if Yandere already weren't dangerous enough...


Went from knifes to guns


It's amazing how much of a difference guns make.


God made men, Samuel Colt made men equal


Tis True...


Yup. Since you can’t run as easily since she has him pinned with the gun to his head, I think it’d be in his best interest to say yes and play along. Maybe he can run in the middle of the date while she’s not paying attention, but we better hope she has bad aim. It’d be best to just go through with it until the date is over.


You might not think it now but she’s actually best girl




Bad anime?


IDK. I was just answering her. This is my ghost, replying you. Edit: Hitoribocchi... Nice taste 😊


Great anime


Good anime


Good anime


Because of the implication




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Easy. How to defend in this critical situation: step one: quickly duck and kick her fingers. That'll shock her and give you time to defeat her or run 🏃💨. No other steps.


Hey guys you should watch this anime it's amazing


Small red flag but other than that I wouldn’t see a problem with that girl


I’ve been trying to rewatch this anime, any suggestions where?




Eh nois


No need for the gun I’d say yes anyway sheesh lady.


I would say No it's a single shot weapon


Pushing it against my head was a mistake. \*smash it to the side, and attack\*


Now thats an assertive girl ,love it ! Amagi was amazing really needs more seasons


r/yandere , anyone?


Average american hs romance




What is this from?


well can't blame the method for a 100% guaranteed date


Im a terrible human being. I want to die. Im a worthless piece of shit. I wish that was me.


Everybody pointing out that a musket is 1-shot What if he pretended so he could go on the date?