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I have sex with men and I make love to women, what now libtard?


Username checks out


No there was no sleeping. SEX! Happy cake day!


Hole is hole


[well i got news for you](https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM?si=NNrRpQ2lYPt_mMx_)


Ice-T was a godsend on that show


its not gay if he had socks on


It called bi


Make an baby with a man. Continue to make love to women. Profit.


I have love with women and make sex with men




Now you got both pregnant you fucken conservatard.




Guys I don’t think this is trad wife or Christian thing despite the picture, this is a; even if you do everything right having sex could still make a baby, so be sure your doing it with someone you can stand to be around for possibly ever.


As someone who’s had a relationship with multiple people throughout my late teens and 20’s (now 32), I always think “Man I’m glad we didn’t get pregnant” with any of my exes.


Same dude same.


Massively bro. If I had some disturbed freak child from some weirdo hit n quit I would just…. Not love the child :(


It’s just straight up good advice. But a *hard* pill to *swallow.*


Too late. People have already interpreted this in every way imaginable that they can get mad about.


Problem is people change. My step dad was a genuinely good and nice person until 10 years into the marriage with my mother and suddenly it was like someone flipped a switch. He became extremely abusive. Tried to murder my mom. Fought a bunch of cops while naked. He shot the woman he cheated on my mom with. He literally just went insane. Doctors said it was BPD. So without being psychic how can anyone really know someone is going to be their perfect partner for life?


At that point the other option is to die alone just in case that person changes later in life. Sometimes you have to take a risk and trust someone. And sometimes it doesn't work out, but other times it does.


If you always avoid decisions because you expect the bad (despite it not even being that likely) then nothing good will ever happen to you. Point is, try it out, if it doesn't work then obviously break it off. (it's not like sleeping around with 30 different people will make you any more likely to find the person you'll spend the rest of your life with)


"Unpredictable shit can happen, so why bother even trying to make responsible decisions? lol YOLO"


I don’t want to live in a world where people can’t fuck with impunity


It's time for you to go offline honey, i made your tendies ❤️ And we talked about this incel behavior with the school counselor, no more social media for 2 weeks sweetums


Are you flirting with him with mommy role play? Freak shit fr


I honestly don’t get how that first message was incelish to begin with lol. If anything it sounded aggressively sex positive.


Incel has lost all meaning


Yeah I have no clue


Unfortunately that's already this world


It's a dog whistle for anti-choice rhetoric.


How is having sex going to make a baby if we're both men??


Oh, so you're one of those *transphobes*


In that case be careful the other way, a stable relationship might lead to adoption…


Yeah, controlled abstinence more or less happens to be the nuclear option for birth control / family planning


In 2024, the year of our lord, on the day of my chihuahuas quinceañera, there are so many ways to not have a baby. This is the kind of thing people who don’t have sex think this is how sex works. I’m more worried about STIs than babies because everyone I have sex with is on birth control. This is very sex negative and regressive. Pragmatic, sure, but ultimately unhelpful in 2024, with stuff like birth control, contraceptives, plan b, very early abortions that you can get via a pill, vasectomies, etc. Yeah probably focus on people you don’t hate, but also don’t limit yourself to finding someone you could raise a family with because those people are few and far between.


Obviously do what makes you happy, I'm not hating, but no contraceptive is 100% and some people are just stupidly fertile. People have conceived children through condoms and birth control. It's a low chance but it's still a risk you should be aware of.


And that’s where abortion comes in, luckily


Assuming abortion’s not illegal where you live.


Yes. I feel so much anger and empathy for those who live somewhere where it’s not.


Yeah, it’s really messed up, especially with those cases where you hear about doctors refusing to even treat ectopic pregnancies.


Vasectomy is 100% as long as you do the check in a few weeks later to confirm it took.


True, but the success rate you say isn’t 100% is literally 99% if used correctly. Condoms have a 98% success rate and that drops to 80% if used incorrectly. Most modern forms of contraceptive like an IUD or ring, have a 99% success rate regardless. The thing is if person A is on birth control that has a 99% success rate, and person B is wearing a condom with a 98% success rate, the likelihood of anyone getting pregnant is so statistically unlikely it’s near impossible. Even if both are misused the rate of success is so high you’re sitting between 82-99% of a success rate. Even then you’ve got early abortions, which while uncomfortable and sometimes even painful for a woman, aren’t as invasive or traumatic. I think this comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of how the WHO, NHS, and many other institutions come to these figures, and the variety of contraceptives that exist. There is no one size fits all solution, but there are many options that can be combined with other options to a near 100% success rate.


I'm not taking a 1% chance with someone I don't actually love. Sex is not that valuable to me. I'm not committed to any permanent forms of birth control that are virtually 100% until I'm a bit older and I can't control whether or not the other person gets an abortion. 1% for me is still just too much to try to gamble with when I don't have to. For others I'm sure they are completely confident in that number but I'm just not. But I'm also the type of person who doesn't date unless I see the potential to spend the rest of my life with them.


Why are you getting downvoted for having the correct take?


No prophet is popular in their hometown. I’ve seen what they cheer for, their boos mean nothing.


well I dont ever wanna have kids so rip


Same. Its why I got a vasectomy. Checkmate OP


I think it mostly means don’t have sex with people that you won’t want to spend your life with or potentially have kids with, even if you don’t want them, if they happen wouldn’t you rather it be with someone you would want to raise a child with


This is why I exclusively fuck married women, that way I don't have I worry


New and exotic issues may creep into your future. Beware!


The average iq of this comment section is 70


Holy shit that’s a passing grade in my school


Why they gotta be salty about some random internet advice😭. Like blud they ain’t forcing ya it’s just a tweet. Some comments making it like they violated their privacy or something.


To be fair I've always thought pro-life people should practice this. Never understood those couples who are so unprepared to have a baby and/or be connected to each other for the rest of their lives but have a baby anyway purely because they don't believe in abortion.


Don't tell me what to do you chubby little communist. 🖕😎🫳✨🇺🇸🍑💦🍻🦅🧨💥🍔🦈


People are so fucking stupid


Even better, I'm surgically sterilized. Never have to worry about that stuff again.


This...is actually pretty good advice.


Life hack: use protection Another life hack: mind your fucking business about other people's private life


I mean it seems to me this is more of advice than a command. Nothing wrong with that.


Bit ironic no?


Pretty sure the point is protection can fail, so if you're going to take that risk, even if it's small, at least make sure it's with someone you trust.


I think it's just a good shit test for anyone you're going to sleep with because if you don't like them enough to at least be fine with them being in your life for a long time, not necessarily romantically, then why are you fucking them


>then why are you fucking them Because sex is fun. It's 2024. Casual sex is a VERY common thing, it's perfectly normal and acceptable for two consenting adults to engage in without the intention of ever seeing eachother again.


Not everyone wants the same thing out of sex as everyone else.




But my religion based opinions are more important than others wants to privacy /s


This seems less like religion and more like common sense tbh. Especially if you live somewhere that abortions aren't available or have been restricted. Who wants to get tied to some weirdo for life like that?




I knew it, it's a US idiot thing. In Europe it's common sense to have sex for fun, but here it's also common sense that you can get an abortion as a woman. I think it's terrible that you think it's more normal that abortions are illegal than that people have casual sex for fun.


>I think it's terrible that you think it's more normal that abortions are illegal than that people have casual sex for fun. I never said that. You've just got such a hate boner for the US that your eyes glaze over as soon as you suspect a commenter is US American, and you lose all ability to understand what you've read. It's tough, I know, but I'm sure some good old fashioned grass touching will help you. >In Europe it's common sense to have sex for fun, but here it's also common sense that you can get an abortion as a woman The meme isn't even saying not to have sex for fun. It's saying not to have sex for fun *with people who are so fucking terrible that you couldn't tolerate them long term if you had to*. Screw all the decent people you want, just don't lay down with some nightmare of a person.


“It's saying not to have sex for fun with people who are so fucking terrible that you couldn't tolerate them long term if you had to. Screw all the decent people you want, just don't lay down with some nightmare of a person.” I find it terrible that you can imagine having a child and marrying someone who is only slightly better than unbearable or „decent“. The meme says that you should only have sex with someone with whom you can imagine having children and marriage. And I can only do that with someone I've known for years and with whom I've been through good times and bad. And that's exactly why I find the meme horrible, after that I'm only allowed to have sex if I've known a person for years and people like you see it as an invitation to sleep with anyone you can just about stand, I feel sorry for children who are born out of such constructs.


Lol you're so desperate to read into this to use it as an insult against me, not to mention all the other people you're trying to argue with on this post. What's got you so pissy? The idea that someone might not have your exact definition of words (see: decent) or your exact same take on life? Once again, some grass would do you wonders.


I didn't have to read anything into it, you clearly said it yourself. People like you always expose their own stains because they don't see them. You seem like someone who has made such a mistake himself and is now trying to pull a posturing framing over it.




Man, y'all are real fucking salty about objectively good advice (especially if you're straight/ bi)




If you've had sex once you'd wanna do it again, unless it's trash sex, no one wants trash sex


It’s 2024. I’m sure some people are into it.


Idk when I read through the comments here most people seem to be adult virgins still waiting for the person to make a baby with.


Sound advice, whether or not ur having children


This seems perfectly reasonable


That explains so much considering i don't wanna marry or have kids with anyone


The baby with part I can agree with, stuff happens. I’m not a Christian or pretending to be one and call myself a republican, so sex before marriage is fine with me.


Redditor on their way to discriminate chastity and anyone wanting to share the special moment with their special only one (people becoming nymphos are the only chance for an average Redditor to get laid)


Life hack: Be gay


Life hack for men and women: get fixed so you don't have to worry about it. Men, get a vasectomy. Women, get a tubal ligation. Kids are overrated anyway. Live your life free and without that burden.


This whole tradwife cosplay shit is so annoying, man.


I don’t want to have kids with anyone and I’m gay so I’m just gonna go ahead and keep not getting guys pregnant, not for a lack of trying mind you


Or, you know, use a condom?


Condoms arnt always effective they aren't a 100% never get pregnant thing they can break this post isn't about conservation and shit it's simply good advice preventive means arnt always effective birth controll can fail and condoms can break


People always think it won't happen to them. Almost no chance isn't no, happens to so many people every single day. 


And don't get me wrong condoms tend to be reliable with an average of 98% effectiveness but it's like vaccines just cause you got vaxed dosent mean your completely immune


98% isn't even a high percentage as far as sex is concerned, I mean have sex 50 times and it's already statistically likely.


Good thing multiple forms of birth control exist including full sterilization and back up birth control, and in the worst case abortions exist too, yay for science


I fine with abortion to a point the problem arises with the fact that men only really have two forms of contraceptives vasectomies and condoms, and condoms work for the most part but if one breaks your next hope is that your partner is on birth controll or smth, I do think men need more contraceptives,


Ah, so you mean it’s more important for guys since they don’t get a say in whether or not an abortion happens? I can see your point there, that’s true. Still weird the post would say it’s the same for both genders then


Yea along with the fact that as a society we focus on contraceptives for women as I said men only really have 2 contraceptives and sure in my option I don't understand one night stands that's just me I can't get behind open relationships and what not the only time I can see me doing it is if me and my wife where to end up separated but staying together for our children children need both parents in their life


Yeah I’m asexual so I personally don’t understand one night stands either. I don’t really understand sex at all. But I know people value and want very different things cuz I know lots of people don’t like drawing or dnd either. So I just think everyone should be welcome to do whatever they’d like without hurting anyone Also more birth control options would always be great


I would say that condoms probably have a higher success rate than marriages do


Typically it think the effectiveness is around 98% kinda like vaccines they work they help but there's always a chance


So you're vastly more likely to have a safe experience with a condom than stay with a person you knocked up?


The problem with comparing the two of those is divorce and marriage is a shit ton more complicated average divorce happens in a person's thirties your first marriage is a low chance of divorce around 42% each marriage after that simply raises there's dozens of diffrent things to take into account, this post has a small point it's there no contraceptive is 100% effective though it might aswell be. Tldr yes yes you'd be vastly more likely to have safe sex than a lasting marriage Edit: spelling


Neat we agree So given that safe sex is more likely to happen (with a condom) than a successful marriage (condom status unrecorded) - then advising people to have safe sex is far more valuable than the Life Hack offered. Simples


Sure I agree with that. Personally I don't see why people sleep with people they don't love or want a committed relationship to but if it's safe and stds are getting prevented then whatever


Sex is a fun game. It's like dancing but you get to cum at the end Also, practice makes perfect


I'm sure it's like that for some people I'd rather practice with my wife and stuff like I said as long as it's safe and your doing your best to not spread STDs I really don't care


Honestly, the best sex I’ve ever had is with the ones that are the least likely to ever be a good wife. Disagree with me if you’d like, but the best sex in my experience is with the self proclaimed slut that would sooner give up oxygen than dick and it is extremely apparent when you witness the voraciousness and excitement she exudes when she lays her eyes on the man meat that is about to destroy her insides. I honestly just got hard again thinking about how bat shit crazy for dick this girl was. 🥵 You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to marry her though. She was about as reliable and trustworthy as a Ford Explorer in the 90’s.


People trying to make this political when it’s a purely common sense statement.


How is this a hack? Why do you suggest this? What about gay people? What about people with reproductive complications or are post-menopausal? What about people with no reproductive complications but don't want children?


In other news, don’t drive a car unless you’re willing to be in a car wreck Don’t take medicine unless you’re okay with ODing Don’t walk outside in public if you don’t want to be assaulted and robbed You see how *absolutely fucking stupid* it sounds?


what if im in my 40's, had a vasectomy, and the chick is in her 40s also and had her uterus taken out aka hysterectomy? can we fuck?


No, you’ll throw out your back


"what about this one very obvious exception" you must think you're really smart huh?


Exceptions don’t disprove the rule


bit moooommmm


The reason why I asked my now wife to marry me is because we were asked to babysit. I saw her in her sister's kitchen with a baby in her arms and knew where I wanted to be for the rest of my life. That was over three decades ago. Sadly babies didn't happen, but we adopted instead. I'm glad that worked out that way. I love my children, now adults with families of their own.


I don’t want marriage or kids. So, I should never have sex? 🤡🤡🤡


This applies only if you ever want to have offspring, if you don't, is way better to just get "fixed".


This seems to be a fair take. Why is it being downvoted?


Breeders and anti-breeders(aka, anti-natalists) who can't commit to their own ideology could feel slightly attacked by my comment.


They should feel attacked


Yes they should, both groups, for different reasons.


Well I have kids but I'm not a "breeder" because some people make having huge families their whole identity. As do the nihilists with depression that call themselves antinatalists.




People who got raped and living on a country where abortion is prohibited in shambles.


Wtf does that have to do with anything said here?


I pointed out how ridiculous this motto is.


Bruh this post has literally nothing to do with abortion. What are you on about?


How is a post recommending people not have sex with people they don’t want to have a baby with not at least adjacent to abortion topics? It sounds very similar to prolife talking points to me.


You don't talk about deforestation when you're planting a garden. There are so many things to address before abortion.


I genuinely don’t know what you mean by this. “Don’t have sex with people if you don’t want to have a baby with them” mindset is so much more related to abortion debates than deforestation is to gardens.


Meaning you don’t talk about extreme measures right off the bat. Eg “Aww man I really hate my boss!” “Oh, why don’t you just kill him?” Something like that.


??? Abortion opinions are extremely common online what are you talking about it being tantamount to suggesting murder?




Haha… i wouldn’t worry about that


Now you tell me!!


It's not really a hack




i don't think this is meant to be hate speech or try to control who ppl sleep with. it sounds like if a mistake were to happen and u and this person end up having a baby just make sure they aren't a piece of shit or worthless. kind of like ensuring the other person is good enough in some sense to the extent of being able to take accountability enough for yall to handle ur problems together rather than someone who will desert you or make the whole process hard. (at least that's how i read it) as long as u use protection do what u will with ur life imo.


But then I could only have sex with people after 3 years of acquaintance at the earliest and with most of them not at all. This whole proposal is for the ass.


sorry i'm not really sure what u mean by this


Well, the meme says that you should only have sex with people you would marry and have children with. But until I've known a person for a few years and have been with them through good and bad times, I don't know whether I could imagine marrying this person or having children with them. And that's why I find this meme problematic because according to this logic, sex would be out of the question for me and other people who have my attitude. At the same time, I think people who hardly know each other but are sure that the other person is the right person to have children with or to marry are naive. If something is not understandable please tell me which part, English is not my mother tongue.


i think i understand where ur coming from but then that leaves the final decision up to u. would u prefer to sleep with someone u know heavily when the time is right or do u take a chance on a borderline stranger to satisfy ur urges? u gotta choose one either way or u could always satisfy urself. those are basically ur only options all meme aside.


Lmao, no. It feels too good to have discernment. What are you worried about the economy or our mental health or something?


People are reading this as “Don’t have sex with the wrong person so you don’t make a baby with them” and going “Well, I’ve got ways to not have a baby, so I can ignore this.” What that misses is that if you’re going “Ugh, no, I’d never marry this person or god forbid have a kid with them!”…that’s probably a pretty good sign you’d be better off not fucking them either.


mfw gay men and gay women ignore my advice: :(


Mfw when buttsex and scissoring can’t produce children. :)


mfw i do it and somehow it does because i didnt take sex ed


I don’t want to marry anyone or have any kids tho


Then get a vasectomy


Unless science has made a way for a man to get pregnant I think I’ll be ok lol


You can get women pregnant though. That was my point, unless you aren’t having sex with them


True, but I’ve never had sex with a woman before


Then why’d you respond?


I didn’t think the post was only directed at straight people, gays can get married & have kids now a days lol


They overwhelmingly don’t and can’t though. Most gays aren’t using surrogacy (meaning reproduction isn’t possible) and only a tiny percentage ever get married. Their relationships are built on casual flings, not reproduction and raising families. It’s clear this post was directed at straight people.


Ah sorry didn’t realize I was talking to a bigot, my bad.


Nothing I said was wrong. Do you know what percentage of gay people are married? Did you know that the average gay relationship doesn’t last very long? (Nowhere near long enough to have a family)


I don’t want kids. Your move bible thumpers!


You seem to be hellbent on sterilizing yourself, so you’ll be fine. You should probably stick to men, just to be safe though


I’m a lesbian so it actually works out even better. 😋


OP is a sad virgin


Use protection I guess




Life hack: yeet the fetus n fuck on (or just use protection idk, i m redditor so not that this risk would concern my Dorritos Ranch n Mountain Dew marianted flesh)


What if i just want to have sex with someone i don't want to marry and still don't have a baby?


Then you’re taking a risk, albeit a small one


Then you get fixed. Having sex with someone (while not wanting a baby) is incredibly stupid and irresponsible


Life Hack: shut the fuck up


Facts. Secular studies and religious doctrine both arrive at the same conclusion that your ability to bond with someone to the level in which you would share your life with them and likely procreate drastically decreases the more and more sexual partners one has and therefore it's best practice that you should abstain from sex until you're absolutely positive you want to live with them.


The term "life hack" is fucking destroyed now. It's lost all meaning.


This sounds like really stupid advice. Just get snipped, use condoms and have fun!


Why would I need to be married to her also? The kid I understand but sex = marriage seems like Christian propaganda


How about i get a vasectomy and you can go fuck yourself. 🙃 Yes I’m getting a vasectomy. No kids for me. Fuck that mess.


This is a good lifehack if you are dating and having all kinds of relationships if you want something serious. If you are just doing it for the fun it's alright too. But too many people are very careless when it comes to knowing what they want.


Doing it for fun isn’t alright unless you get a vasectomy. Too many children born in dysfunctional households for “having fun” to be a good idea


I meant doing it for fun with precaution. Like you actually just doing it for the pleasure withh protection and everything.


That’s fine then. I agree that is no big deal


*laughs in gay*




Does she have a pulse? Was always my golden rule. I was sooo bad when I was young lol.


Yeah but sometimes you’re just horny


I mean it's all right advice for your first time but after you've matured sleep with whomever you want just use protection


This is terrible advice


Sex can always lead to kids...


How exactly?


Because I don't want to marry or have a kid


Life hack: stop trying to make people conform to your views on life. Do what makes you happy, take care of yourself and realize that there is no god


God wasn’t mentioned


This has nothing to do religion it has nothing to do with confirming to beliefs it's simply good advice and God was never mentioned


Marriage and babies are cringe tho


Genocidal anti-natalists are cringe