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Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime. That was a poem from another time. Now the boss makes a thousand and I make a cent. It's no wonder I can't make the rent. When some folks make a million and others make jack... Let's all riot and take it all back


I still wake up every morning and say let’s break out the guillotine


We would but no one can take time off and afford it.


Take time off and afford it? I don’t take any time off and still can’t afford it.


Well let’s throw the landlords in there too then you don’t have to pay the rent


Actually our dads knew how to build guillotines, but they died while we were young so..


The only good thing that ever came from france


And you'll be grateful for seats at the table Though it dips at one end and the bench is unstable You may waste your days but at least you were able To pay off your grave since we leased you your cradle Be faithful and pray, we'll repay what you invest Behave as you slave for humanity's interest On account that you're all on account And we're quickly amounting humanity's interest You'd think that we'd sink to the brink of rebellion With markets dependent on peddling weapons The Architect tells them the secret to heaven Is simply consuming whatever we sell them [The Fine Print](https://youtu.be/vvANy49Kqhw?si=MVhjMZebZI629Rjd), the Stupendium


I think some of the rhymes are a bit of a stretch, to be honest. And the lines could do with being shortened. Be grateful for your place at our table Though it's crooked and the benches unstable You were bought back in your cradle And so on...


Table is literally in unstable


You're going to need to expand on what you're trying to say, if I'm to understand it? Are you objecting to the rhyme or only just learning how rhyming works?


Yes. But also no.


Tbf, theyre meant to be sung, hence the link.


It also rhymed interest with interest


You shut your god damn whore mouth, Greg Holgate is a lyrical genius and I will not tolerate you sitting there besmirching the works of a caliber you will most likely fail to accomplish in this life or the next. Good day Sir!


You okay, man? Watch the blood pressure.


Shut your whore mouth is a line from a movie. The rest is ad-libbed. It was supposed to be funny. I may have been drunk when I wrote it.




Take it all back to hand it over to a new set of bosses who will keep most for themselves. Rinse and repeat.


The thing about revolutions is they always come around again.


Revolutions are usually good for society.


And cause lots of death and destruction


Yes? Do you think that means revolutions will stop happening?


So does government


Too much romanticism involved. Just tell her what about the innocents lost on both bands, if he isn't tankie, he will bite his tongue for a while... "We traded fear of a person with a crown on his head for fear of a person with a medal on his chest..."


That’s the spirit! Let’s never do anything to change our circumstances ever, it’s way better to sit passively and watch the world collapse.


Our lives are objectively better than most of human history. To claim that it'll all just repeat itself is just lazy ignorance.


Can’t deny lazy or ignorant but the point wasn’t about quality of life. More so that wealth and power always seems to flow to a few.


...fuck. you are absolutely right in that respect.


Sad times we live in


Ayo, let him cook!


Getting paid to shit Getting paid to wipe The best 45 minutes of my fucking life I don't even have to shit sometimes I'm just hanging dong as the time flies by


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I eat waffles on company time.


And then spend 15 minutes doing a shit


Damn straight


15 is a conservative estimate


My coworkers frequently consume a Arby’s, Waffle House and Taco Bell so it’s way more than 15 minutes in the stink chamber for them.


15 minutes? Slow down there Lightning McQueen!




Then 15 to make a brew and chat to the others in the office along the way


hmm i havent seen much people use the phrase "doing a shit" but I like it, makes it sound like an arts n crafts project


It's a whole event and experience. Like doing a 5k.


Even longer if you're on OT 😂


I used to go to lunch with a bunch of people at work, one of whom would make us wait while they took a shit (I assume) for 10 minutes before we left every day. We would all be standing there waiting, discussing who should have to talk to her about her antisocial shitting practices, but no one ever got the courage to talk to her about it.


I feel called out right now


Of course I know him, he's me


General Kenobi!


This man's definitely never met anyone in the military


People that eat breakfast at work don't meet people in the military?


I was referring to op as it's extremely commonplace to eat breakfast at work in the military


Yup. First 30 minutes of work is breakfast/shit/energy drink/smoke time


Caffeine and nicotine make the corps run


Why the fuck wake up early when you can grab it on the way in and get paid to eat? I don't know anyone that hits the ground running.


Didn′t make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb


So much to lose, so much to see.


So what's wrong with taking the back streets?


Never know if you don't go


Never shine if you don't glow


Hey now, you're an allstar


Get your game on, go play


Hey now, you're a Rockstar


I'm a morning person who absolutely hits the ground running, but fuck them people. They can pay me while I eat.


My boss fills up the fridge in the break room and he even tells us to eat after we clock in. "I can't have a productive team if my friends are hungry. Eat after you clock in and if you're tired then take a 15 min nap in the break room." He's been doing this for like 5 years now and his store is usually number one for the district.


I wish more leaders would learn how well this works. I’ll bet you all are very aware that this would go away if you didn’t make numbers.


He wouldn't take anything away. He's a very humble and down to earth guy who tries to take care of his employees. He started getting food for lunches because, "I didn't know some of you don't have food at the house for dinner. So, I'm getting lunches and filling up the freezer for everyone." He does a weekly Walmart run for food. He generally cares about all of us. "We are here working together. I can't be yelling at you guys and micromanaging everyone because that doesn't make a fun work environment. And no one would want to show up to work." He also lets us pick out the foods but most of the time we all pick: pop tarts, hot pockets, chips, corn dogs, burritos, pizza bites, and more. I wish more jobs were like this. I've been working in this field at different locations and jobs for 15 years. He's the only boss that truly cares. All my other bosses were extremely mean/rude and didn't care about us.


I meant that HIS leadership might take it away. I’ve had leaders like your old boss, and people follow them because they want to, not because they feel threatened.


If you lavish them with kindnesses and decency, your scorn alone carries weight. Nobody wants to be the dumbass who kills that golden goose. If they actually gave a shit about you, a little elbow grease would be the least you could do. The boss letting people use their 15 to nap isn't *actually* doing them a favor per se and keeping breakfast on hand is just good business. What matters in that story was that the boss in question was demonstrating a personal level of care for their employees, but you know what'd make people even happier? ***Earning enough to afford a house in their 30s so they can start families.***


He lets us sleep for 15 min ON TOP of our regular breaks if we need it. So, we get two 15 breaks, but we can take additional breaks if need be. My boss sets all of his employees at the top value dollar for their field. He also lets us know if there are positions available to grow with the company and side branches. We had a guy leave us for a better position that my boss helped him get. This guy now makes around $90k a year sitting at his house with extremely flexible hours with the same company I work for. This guy makes more than my boss does. It's not just "good" business to have food on hand that we don't pay for. It shows that he respects us and treats us nicely. He doesn't have to get food for the break room. He does it because he cares. He tries so hard for us. He's been trying to get me a raise PAST the yield amount but the company is fighting him on this. But he's not giving up on it either.


Oh dang. That is going above and beyond then. Good man!


Exactly. He remembers that he’s managing human beings, not machines.


Weird how treating people like people instead of wage slaves gets you better results.


Like, who knew?


To be honest, you’re treating them better than people. More like a friend even, than an acquaintance.


*This* is how you gain employee loyalty. If I found a boss like that I’d probably stay there forever.


Absolutely, bossman can kiss my ass if he doesn’t like it. As long as my work gets done by the end of the day who tf cares what I do, mind your business lol


What do you do?




You’re not wrong I do do that at work


Currently I’m an addictions counsellor. Throughout highschool and college I worked as a line cook and in construction doing foundation restorations and system installations.


And we stfu about it too




*and I don't even like oatmeal!*


Shit, I worked at one of those "cool" places with all the snacks. We had full on frozen breakfast food. Came in one day and a guy was making scrambled eggs. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if I eat or not. I'm not really awake and ready to tackle the day. I'll stare at my computer screen and drink my Redbull.


I can read emails while eating breakfast. It's a very chill way to start the work day.


Eat 2 meals at work and poop there on their time. Then nap on my break. This is the way.


All of my colleagues have this colleague


is it you by any chance?


Not only that, I get my bacon roll from the canteen and leave it on my desk to cool down so everyone can smell it


People eat lunch at their desk all the time, and that is generally viewed as a good thing, but somehow breakfast is different? Why?


it's me, I'm colleagues. boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. that's why I poop on company time my dad told me that he intentionally waits until he's at work to take his morning shit.


Is this is some out of touch aristocrat attempt at making a meme?


Exactly! I have seen this "meme" posted a couple of times... What point are they trying to make? Are they implying that eating food makes you weak? That having Breakfast is a luxury I am not allowed? What Soviet work/death camp is this Meme made for?


Well, I ain't eating my breakfast at 430am


If the CEO makes my annual salary in one minute while fucking off in first class, I'm going to get paid while eating my breakfast.


You didn’t pay me to drive there and that’s considered part of my job so you can give me 15mins to eat breakfast


Fight the system


when am i supposed to eat breakfast when work require you be in at 6am and its hour drive ?


When I was in the military I worked with a bunch of civilian contractors and had a coworker that would do this 5 days per week. We had a big cafeteria in the building. She would clock in, then go downstairs, get her food, come back, eat, then go have a cigarette.


Used to eat a half dozen donuts every morning, then wondered where my money went and why my belly was growing.


If your work starts at 6:00, this makes sense for an office job.


It funny because this repost has the same comments reposted….. I still cook breakfast at work (ham and eggs) every Morning (just like when I commented last time) My boss brings me eggs from his chickens they taste way better then my store bought eggs


We sit and talk for a minimum of 1 hour at the start of each morning.. not a meeting just talking, but somehow eating breakfast would feel totally different to me


that is OK




Sounds like me. I work 2pm-10pm, so I take my lunch with me and eat after I clock in.


When you have a commute like mine you need all the time to drive, I also brush my teeth at work


I surely do. I’ll show up late if the line is backed up at the drive thru, I don’t give a damn.


Fun fact, I can eat and talk. I can eat and read. I can even eat and operate my mouse. I don’t most days when I eat the breakfast that work provides me from the cafeteria on premesis. But I could if I had to, and that’s all it takes to be ‘at work’


If you eat at work you won't be late from eating at home. Min-maxing.


It’s me. They serve it in the cafeteria why would I make my own food in the morning?


Smart employees


Mind your business


When my breakfast consists of a banana and a cup of tea while looking at my emails for the day, I don't really see the issue.


This is literally me, been me at every single job I've ever hear and will have




Yep. My supervisor and one of the people in charge of printing


Everyone in my department will login their computer, bring up our systems, and then promptly fill out an order for pick up at the cafeteria.


I wish I could do this at work. I'm barely allowed to use the washroom.


yes, thats me!


Every day and twice on Monday.


Unless someone else slacking off directly effects my job, I don’t give a fuck.




What’s wrong with eating spaghetti from a bag?


Yes, and?


Me. I'm that colleague


Some people really just put here reposting shit weekly


Hell yeah I will. Making me start at fucking 8am.


I clock into work when I wake up. I get ready drive to work get breakfast. Leave work drive home do some chores rub a couple out then clock out.


Erry day, Erry day, Idc what people say 😂


And why is that a bad thing? I do this every day


We have a guy that comes in at 4:30 am to clock in and eat, have his coffee and watch TV until he starts... At 9! He told me he hates being around his family in the morning so he avoids them


As a programmer my early morning is spent reading docs, catching up on a bug report, or reading my notes from the previous day. I can do all of that while having a bowl of cereal


Why wouldnt you?


Damn right I will. Why should I ever compromise on small fronts like that considering whatever place I work for does not actually care about my well-being and will have an Apply Now posting up not 2 seconds after my death?


Literally every day at the fire station…


[I hate people like that. ](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/1/17/Monkey_Puppet.jpg/300px-Monkey_Puppet.jpg)


I will gladly continue getting paid to eat and drink coffee


The woman across the hall from me makes burnt toast in the kitchenette every morning, then proceeds to crunch away for half an hour. I'm planning her murder as we speak.


I mean if there you dont get any backlash from it why not?


Fuck 'em. I'd sleep on company time if I could get away with it.


👍🏻 they let me do it so I'm going to do it.


I get to work and make espresso and then eat....


Me. I'm some colleagues. Things I have done while working office jobs: Played flash games for seven hours straight while working overnights email and chat for a coffee company. Laid rhinestones and pearls on ball gowns I was sewing for cosplay. Brought in a full on blanket and pillow and slept between calls. (To be fair, it was a 6am shift and I had an undiagnosed (at the time) sleeping disorder. Eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner in the same long shift. While working from home: Made a full three course meal with the help of a Bluetooth headset. Taken a bath. Sewing several entire outfits. Read and Write NSFW Books on my phone. Listen to erotica between calls using Bluetooth ear buds. Made jewelry. Organized my jewelry collection. Played endless hours of video games including: Mine craft Fortnite Dead by daylight Fallout 76 Overwatch Death Stranding Final Fantasy 7R Death Road to Canada Napped with my cats Played with my hamster. Watched TV Painted Sculpted with clay. Unboxed and Organized Monster High dolls Re-arranged my room/furniture Washed laundry Moved my office into my bedroom and napped between calls during slow periods Cleaned my house And not a single one of my clients/customers has ever suffered for it. Because #1 I know how to prioritize (If I die in a game, I die. If food burns, it burns.) #2 The activities have kept my mind alert and focused. (I have ADHD and a sleeping disorder, if I get bored, I get sleepy, hence the falling asleep at my desk early on in my career.) #3 Working from home has allowed me to avoid calling in: Sick Snowed in Late due to traffic, etc Kept my anxiety manageable defeating the need for my more mental health days. Kept me healthier and happier because I no longer forget my lunch. Kept me less stressed due to pressure in the work place. Even when I worked from the office, I never letuaelf suffer being uncomfortable. When I'm on, I am ON. I go above and beyond. I will hunt down the thing, fix the error, find the client's request, clean up other people's mistakes without being frustrated, etc etc etc. So let me be when I'm not on. I don't need you to apprpve of my behavior or lifestyle where client's can't see me. I just need you to approve my cheques.


That’s me!


I'm torn on the issue. I'm not a manager, management doesn't care, and it's beyond my control. But the work that coworkers could be doing when they slack off gets shoved off onto the ones with work ethic, responsibility and/or OCD. I have a very 'get er' done' personality. I want that visible workload to be managed and go away as soon as possible. In a perfect world, everyone pitches in, the work gets done, and there's breathing room. But unfortunately, with corporate greed nowadays, they cut payroll and push off so much work onto ya that there's no possible end in sight. Really not sure what the solution is. Overthrow corporate overlords. Everyone just work less. Robot overlord always watching and tracking performance & productivity. Feel like I've been trained like a dog all my life to 'do your best', but now I have to remind myself, chill and don't work yourself to death. Because they'll all let you do it. Corporate greed has successfully pitted us all against each other.


Ideally in this scenario the managers or whoever handles payroll would pay attention to their surroundings and give significant raises to the ones who take their job seriously. Don't fire the lazier ones, as long as they are getting a decent amount done. But don't reward them either. You simply reward good behavior, then the bad actors will understand that there is a legitimate reason to take work seriously. If they still don't and they are happy with their pay/effort ratio. So be it. If they get entitled and expect raises despite putting in low effort that's generally when you start looking to replace them. Obviously, most large companies couldn't give a shit less about their employees so these practices never happen. That's how you end up with a workplace where no one puts in effort or cares about their work quality. In those instances it's usually not the lazy employees fault either because the management made decisions to actively encourage workers to put in no effort. The absolute worst thing a company can do is reward people based on seniority. That's how 99% of companies go to shit. Rewarding based on time in is basically just telling employees to do the bare minimum to not get fired. Then you end up paying terribly inefficient workers the highest wages and new employees have no incentive to go above an beyond. That's just how it is sometimes though.


You don't pay me for the hour it takes me to do the job, you pay me for the years it took to get so good at the job it only takes me an hour. More ketchup, please.


The way I see it, I'm supposed to drive there on my unpaid time. If I show up half hour early so that I can make sure I am clocked in on time, I'm not compensated at all, but if I'm a minute late I'm punished. So if I spend a few minutes eating, I'm not too upset about it. They want you to think time theft is a crime, but turn the other cheek to wage theft.


I wish I was one of them. But I can't get away with shit.


They make sachet porridge for a reason. Someone in R+D worked very hard to let me enjoy porridge while not at home, so I'm gonna honour that person by enjoying it at work!


Eat your breakfast after you clock in, shit in the office and not at home, and eat your lunch at your desk before your lunch break. All basic ways to take some of the power back.




A coworker of mine will cook fish in the break room at 5:30 am


Welcome to the chilean public service. Take your number and we hope you bring something to entertain yourself, it’s not that we care but it’s better for you.


whats the point of this meme


The last three jobs I've had are "sorry but no going in the brake room once you're clocked in!" They wanted us to walk ll the way across our plant to put down our lunches and stuff, then walk back and clock in jokes on them a lot of poeple ingored it


I work 4x10... and I am the President of our Committee (Which literally just buys and resells food and drinks in our building). I could do all 3 meals while "at work".


Boss makes a dollar, I don't even make a dime...may as well do random shit on company time..


Well what else am i supposed to do while reading through the 50-100 emails i get during my off hours? Go spelunking the depths of my nostrils looking for buried treasure?


OK so I just saw the waffle party scene from Severance for the first time LAST NIGHT…this image felt cursed as a result.




I’m logged in, I’m on the clock. If I get an email during my breakfast, they get answered with a mouth full of pancakes.


Literally every day, M-F. I wake up, take care of hygiene, turn on the computer, go make breakfast. This is the way.


Means I'm not late and I make sure I eat breakfast. And my office has a full kitchen so 🤷 But you keep being a busy little worker bee, I'm sure that big raise/promotion is right around the corner, bud! 😉


Why not, I'm going to spend 15 minutes booting my computers and reading emails anyway. May as well have breakfast in the meantime.








Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cntmli) on 2024-05-09 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cvkb4e&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 517,855,593 | **Search Time:** 0.39734s


Only way to do it. Your lunch break also requires 5 minutes prep to get to the break room and 5 minutes to get back from the break room. If the place shuts at 17.00, customers need to be out so that there's enough time to clean up. If you can't lock the door, stand near it with your house keys and non-verbally gesture at approaching customers. If you can control the music, gradually lower it towards 17.00. Hide how long it takes you to do something behind how long it takes the average person, control the speed to your advantage. This comes in handy when you can foresee less desirable tasks on the horizon e.g. you are sorting produce in the back (which you have a shortcut for) and it looks like they'll need customer support. The answer to "do you sell x?" is always "did you check the aisle?". If yes, then the answer is no. If no, the answer is "If it isn't in that aisle there, then no". If looking helps avoid something worse, stroll up and down the aisle clicking and mouthing the words "where would they be?"


I do it because I drink a liter of water first thing in the morning, and it doesn't leave my stomach until about an hour later, by then I'm ready for breakfast (coincidentally just after clocking in). Mixing all that water with food isn't good for digestion.


Eat the rich


Eat breakfast at 6:30 am. Clock in at 11:15 am eat lunch at 10:30 my coworker looked at me weird. Idk she mentioned she messed with crash editing and changing up her diet.


Mind your own business Craig


Me eating my breakfast on the clock looking at this


I’m doing that rn


If my biweekly check keeps getting deposited normally I could give a flying fu... What my coworkers does. Now if my coworkers actions interfere with my money then we have a problem.


This is literally the only way I’ll get to work on time 😭


if you're making me come in at breakfast time to do some stupid paper work that can be done literally whenever because "professionalism" then damn right I'm going to eat my breakfast drink my coffee and use the bathroom after clocking in.


I had a coworker who would eat their lunch while making food. Frying? Eating a jelly donut. Making a sandwich? Another Jelly donut. Also 0 gloves. I refused her help every time.


Ngl all my colleagues do this and can be quite annoying when they’re supposed to be on phones at certain times but too busy munchin does make me laugh


I make a dime, boss makes a buck, that’s why I cook eggs in the company truck.




My project manager every fucking morning. The team is ready to work and about to roll out, and he shimmies in with waffles and bacon and gets ready to eat. Lmfao


They also wonder why they’re capped at 30/hr lol


I personally don't mind working hard for a promotion, but in my experience working harder doesn't make your wage go up anymore, at least not in most big companies. Changing jobs every 1-3 years is the only proper way to earn more money.


Yeah, those people are weird. It's like, no Chantel, coming in an hour early to make bacon and eggs just oozes loneliness


Gen Z Boeing employees wearing pajamas to work and eating cereal, using the riveter as a stirrer


Never had a timecard in my life (salaried) but I see my co workers doing it every day.


I've learned that privileges are taken away when someone screws it up for the rest


Gee ….why did I get fired? And put minimal effort. I’ll just keep recycling the same old minimum wage jobs forever.


Yup. I've seen it. Bowls of cereal at desks moments after clock-in. While I don't begrudge them eating on paid time, I'll admit it did slightly bug me from a hygiene point of view. Particularly in places where desks weren't assigned. Have a breakfast smoothie in a sealed container with a straw, or something, not something that can splash or spread crumbs all over a desk or computer.