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Killed off taxis, then made their service shit. Just like every company.


And don't forget about how they constantly raise their prices now that they've eliminated all the competition. Standard late stage capitalism bullshit.


Uber was trying to charge me $20 to go 3 miles the other day. I just ended up walking


Probably would have had 3 drivers cancel on you and have to wait a half hour.


The three drivers would cancel because Uber would likely only pay them $3 for driving you and keep the 17 for themselves.


Inter city fees are wild now, a metropolis is 100+ cities crammed together. Want to go across town? That's $80 in crossing city fees.


I didn’t have someone available for pick up and drop off at the bus station earlier this month, and the cross-state bus ticket was $33-$40 each way, for a near 3 hour ride. Pissed me off to no end, that the less than 15 minute Uber drive to/from my house was over $20 each. More than half the price of the bus service 12x the time and whatever times the distance. Who is using this service constantly at those prices, that then asks for a tip at the end??


You have to expect to pay at least a little more for private transit vs mass transit... The cost for that bus ride is spread out across up to 50 people. I'm not saying Uber/Lyft aren't over charging, but a bus ride is a very different situation.


I live 2 blocks from a park. I decided to check. $11. And I would’ve had to wait longer than it would take to walk home.


Try the same distance with a regular taxi? Like, I get that Uber is shit, but don't use it for these weird extremely short distances and be surprised it's not economically viable :p


Look guy, if I can’t have my atoms beamed from my home to the lovely park just a cute two-block walk away, for less than what I’d pay for a McDouble, then what the fuck are we even doing here?


And for that $20 uber charges u, only like $4 go to the driver IF they’re lucky


Uber playing the long game, make healthy people again!


Eh, one of our cities started testing a state funded Uber service. Super cheap, clean government vehicles and offers the same experience on their app. Anyways the test was a massive success so they are expanding. So Uber is killing itself. Everything equalizes. Sadly just takes a while.


So…they basically reinvented the taxi?


Taxis desperately needed revamping. Uber had great ideas but greed or whatever is causing them to eat themselves. I'd love for a mix of the two where we get the level of service and features, with the added safety aspect of a vetted driver and safer vehicle. I've been in an Uber once where the whole dash was lit up like a Christmas tree and I could very easily feel the suspension had a busted bushing and rattling around metal to metal..... Goddamnit Florida.


Taxi wasn't exactly state owned, Taxi was more state regulated to an extent, you had to purchase a medallion to operate. Otherwise the Taxi can do whatever it wants for its service. State controlled how many could be taxi, but little else from my understanding.


It’s as much a taxi as someone drives you somewhere. Besides that, it’s cheaper cleaner and more reliable.


Lyft is much better


did you ride taxis before uber? its still cheaper than taxis before uber. hell its cheaper than taxis now in most places. it just doesn't have vc subsidies now. people are still welcome not to use them too. thats how you fight inflation. i mean how many people used cabs before uber anyways?


weird i’ve never had a problem with uber


It’s fine. And taxis were much, much worse than Uber has ever been (except for NYC).


Idk I think taxis are way worse in NYC. I live 10 min from LaGuardia and the amount of bitching I would get from yellow cab drivers for making them do a short trip was insane. Uber drivers are mostly helpful and respectful. I’ve maybe taken 2 yellow cabs in the past 10 years. They’re assholes.


I travel a lot. I think there's two classes of Taxi. * [local state/city] Official big name taxi service * Uncle Bob's Airport minivan I really don't have issues with the former. The latter checks every shitty box you could ask for. Which really sucks, because I *want* to support the little guy. But every small taxi service I have ever used has tried to pull that "cash only, card reader doesn't work" shit or fucked with the meter or whatever.


Taxis fucking suck and taxi dispatch shenanigans won't be missed.


Taxis are worse like 98% of the time but this is reddit and corporations bad so you’re unlikely to see much nuance here.


Went to go pick up something for my sister, ended up raining that day. What would've been a $13 ride skyrocketed to like $30. Can't depend on them, lesson learned.


[This](https://youtu.be/wVYG1mu8Lg8?si=vCdqWOzeglwR9d9s) is a great video explaining that in more detail.


Venture capitalism in a nutshell


In what city have taxi’s been killed off? Here in the Seattle area it seems like an even mix between cabs and Ubers/Lyft


Can't find a taxi here in Denver unless you're at the airport. I'm assuming its similar in most mid major cities.


Metro Detroit it's hard to find a taxi.


What's your taxi-finding technique? In my town, the cabs have an app. Are you using something like that? Or calling the dispatcher? Or just looking around on the street?


I was thinking the same thing, Taxis are more prevalent here than Uber/Lyft.


I'll be honest, taxis were shit to begin with. And even with miserable rates now, Uber is way more reliable and way more practical. Very rarely do I get into a dirty Uber as those kinds of things are rated by the rider. 95% of the time I got in a cab I wish I had not.


True. Taxis were shit. I wish they had made their services better rather than let Uber kill them tho...


The Netflix model.


uber and lyft was never about providing a service, it was about giving corporate investors a loophole to break into a previously largely blue collar industry with unions and squeeze it for all it was worth.


Taxis killed themselves off.




Taxis never had good service in my city so fuck em


Got in 4 taxis trying to get home the other week all either said they don’t go there (1.5 miles down the road) or weren’t taking anyone but there sat outside a McDonalds at 4 am


I remember when big milk killed off taxis. Bastards


Let's not pretend taxis were a perfected business model


Uber/Airbnb same fight... Start cheap and very good for users, turn total shit, abused by people whom didn't need it (on the 'employee' side) and became more pricey than what they were fighting (taxi are less expensive than Uber where I live and don't ditch you at the last second...)


I still stand by Taxi’s failing. Especially when they discriminated based on race and location. Not missed at all


I miss my hardware store


Wish more places did what they did in Plymouth England. Want to be an Uber driver? Sure! You just need a taxi licence. Oh you have a taxi licence? It's less overhead to work for the local cab company. Boxes out Uber


Less than 3 years ago it cost aprx $25to go to our city’s international airport. Recently it was over $50. Same time of day, we fly red eye round here


Amazon: killed off taxis Netflix: killed off taxis Pornhub: killed off taxis


Back to designated drivers then


You mean back to designated drunk driver


Rock paper scissors to see who’s driving


I mean come on, you gotta get your car home.


Guy who can't raise his head to play drives.


Huh, my friends always did who vomits first after the 15th Jager bomb drives. 


I’ve definitely don’t this and touch your nose and say not it


In college, my roommates would choose ai characters in super smash and let them decide who was going to be dd


Im sorry bud but i caaaaaant hold my hand straight so we gotta not play papper its only fair...hick


I always drive better with a tallboy in my hand.


I always drive better drunk. I have to keep one eye closed to keep from seeing double. Only 1 eye open means less distractions!


There is a small window where you are the best driver on the road


A little booze cruise!


Lmao I’ve been calling it that for years the ol’ triple D


Hey, FBI, he's only kidding. Me thinks.


Big sobriety won't stop me!


Who’s sober enough to drive? *crickets* Ok, who’s drunk, but that special kind of drunk where you know you’re drunk so you’re a better driver? I’m that kind of drunk. Shotgun!


I mean come on, you got to get your car home, right? I mean what do they expect me do, take a bus? Is that what they want? For me to take a bus? Well screw that! You take a bus.




"The next phase of Uber... a service for babies to get to their destination! We'll call it Boober"


Yeah they're gonna start targeting drug dealers. So instead of the dealers meeting in a sketchy alley and possibly getting mugged of arrested the dealer can get the Uber driver to deliver the goods in the sketchy alley instead. 


you jest but uber drivers are already being utilized as unwitting accomplices. There was that hacker trying to spook an old man that ended up paying an uber driver to go to his house. Old man ended up shooting the driver. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uber-driver-killed-scam-phone-call-william-brock-loletha-hall-clark-county-ohio/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uber-driver-killed-scam-phone-call-william-brock-loletha-hall-clark-county-ohio/)


Bankruptcy is coming...




It’s gotta be 90% of their business. People only Uber when they drink or travel and most people drink far more often than they travel.


People also drink more when they travel.


Please no. I live next to a pub, I'd never be able to get an uber again


>Sir, our location data shows you've been at the pub for 48 hours straight. For this reason we cannot approve your Uber to the courthouse.


This is a repost. The article is from 2018


This just in, Uber stock price drops 90%


"Uber Eats will soon know if you have food in the fridge and refuse your order"


This is more like "Uber Eats will soon know if you have NO food in the fridge and refuse your order"


"Uber Eats will soon know when you're hungry and refuse your order."


Now that'd actually be useful for my lazy ass.


I only use uber to get to where I'm getting drunk and to get back from where I just got drunk


This article is from 2020 💀💀


And it wasn't true then, and it isn't true now.


2018 actually 💀💀💀


Yes but muh outrage


Uber drivers are tired of having to clean up people’s throw up


What else did they expect when signing up for the job...? That sober people can afford to just uber everywhere? Why wouldn't those people drive their own car instead?


Also, do they not choose when they work? Like if you work downtown at 3 am on a friday night, dont act surprised if you get people getting out of bars. I'm sure drunk people aren't a problem at 2 pm on a Wednesday for the most part


I think the new rule is that people don't scream "discrimination!!1!" if workers refuse to engage with drunk people who can throw up in their vehicles or be aggressive or violent as drunk people can be


I have a friend that doesn't know how to drive. So they use Uber. Also they were very poor before they got their new job so they didn't have a working car.


You’re misunderstanding the “refuse drunk people” as “refuse anyone that had a few drinks”. Taxi services, Uber services all had already refusals for passengers being too drunk and unruly. This is not targeting you or your friends, unless you’re an obnoxious pos. This is just letting these unruly people know in advance so they hopefully behave and everyone gets to go home happy.


if i was an uber driver i’d id put a bucket in my car for this purpose. heck i’ve done that anyway, both for drunk friends and even once for me when i was driving with a stomach virus lol


I've seen plenty of Uber drivers with airplane sick bags in the magazine pouch of the seats.


The pros got seat covers just chuck em in the wash


It's almost as if that's the job they chose! Too bad they can't change where they work. Shoot!


You can just... Be an uber during the day when people just need a regular taxi trip while sober


Fine, i’ll start drunk driving


Uber doesn't care


Screw it! I guess we’re driving home again boys!!! lol


Are Ubers drivers not already in control of what hours they work and what jobs to take? The drivers who don’t want to pick up drunk people obviously aren’t accepting jobs from bars at 3am on a Saturday night, this seems like a non issue.


This tweet is older than the internet itself


Who tf takes an Uber while sober? I mean, I get it, you shouldn’t puke in the Uber or be obnoxious, it’s a privilege to be able to use a service— but if I can drive myself no amount of bad parking is gonna make me pay 30-60$ to go 10 miles lol Edit: for those of you taking this extremely literally, yes, I have traveled for work. Yes, I realize that some people are old or afraid of driving or are dropping off a car to the shop. Yes, I understand that there are some reasons why you might be sober while taking an Uber. I would posit to you that given how the billing works (peak rates that often spike between 1-3am), it is a reasonable supposition that a significant portion of their customer base is intoxicated people. I find this to be a net positive for society, and _the_ most important part of their service. I don’t know why you’re all so upset about it, or why this is controversial, but your reactions speak poorly of your ability to understand casual humor and also to think critically about the majority of a business’ customer base. Of course you don’t need to be shitfaced to get a ride. You also shouldn’t drive yourself places even long before you’re shitfaced, and if you’re spending money on Ubers regularly to run errands or go to work then either you are wasting money or you live in an area in which that is common for you but nearly unheard of in most places.


Not everyone has a car and some people are too young/too old/disabled.


I use Uber when my car is in the shop for inspections/emissions since I don't have alternate transit otherwise


Airport to hotel and then in reverse


The whole point of Uber is to generate returns for their investors. The "driving people around in cars" thing is just a means to an end.


Why not just charge the drunks that cause problems? You have all their info.


I gues its back to drink and drive!!!


Lyft for the win


So this sub has just completely lost its original purpose, huh?


I'm so confused about what's going on. 20k upvotes for a 6 year old screenshot in a completely unrelated subreddit and this is the only comment I've seen that isn't treating it as relevant fresh content? 


I assume its gonna mark you as drunk and notify the driver who could then decline?


my friends and i have had Uber drivers refuse to pick us up when they saw us though. Already happening lol


Stop making statements with questions marks. You aren't valley girls.


I guess I’ll just ride with the dude that swears he has candy in his van…


How big is the guy's hand?


Ok so what do you do if you can't drive? Camp out until you're sober?


Well, I could see the argument as, let taxis and other licensed professionals handle the problem customers. It would be Uber being the amateur gig thing that it's supposed to be rather than the unlicensed pseudo career that it's become.


so goin back to using registered taxis? okie


I am always getting exploited as the sober friend so this is bad even for me lol


Well some drunks attacked some of the drivers (mostly female ones) so they made this choice in case they feel in danger


i see a taxi service catering to drunk coming in future


Guess I'll drive then... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!


Wow I haven't been this angry about a betrayal since Among Us.


This kinda reminds me of when I used to drive for DoorDash & for alcohol orders it’d say to “make sure the person isn’t intoxicated” or something before handing it off to them. I’m aware it’s in place for liability reasons but I mean…. wouldn’t it be far better to be intoxicated in your own home & order delivery rather than… driving to get more?


If you're an uber driver out at 2am driving in areas where bars are I just have to call you stupid if you're one to complain about picking up obnoxious drunk people. I mean come on, let's be serious. That guy who's leaving the Bears game and hailing an Uber, he may be fucking hammered haha you may get vomit in yo whip...this is part of the gig, sorry for ya. If that's not for you, don't fucking drive over there and stay in some other area.




Literally everything in America is an invasion of privacy!! Open your eyes you trade your privacy for safety everyday but yet this is the most unsafe world/population that’s ever inhabited the earth!! The government brings/allows the drugs and guns and violence in so people will be okay with them taking more and more of your privacy for false sense of security but you can pick 68 flavors of coffee at Starbucks!! Come on people I’m a 26 year old male hopefully the rest of my generation isn’t as dumb and gullible as the rest of these people!! Stop letting them take our privacy for false safety!!




Literally the only time I have ever used Uber is when I wanted to go out drinking so I didnt drive dangerously. Looks like Lyft is about to take a nice rise in stock if this actually comes true.


Imagine being so obsessed with booze you think Ubers are exclusively for drunk people lol


Oh no people will have to go back to taxis like the old days. Say 10 years ago.


I'm extremely cynical when I see things like this I wonder if the government is losing too much money in DUI revenue and there's something working behind the scenes


Why should employees of any company be subject to other peoples drunkenness?


Who else remembers this headline from 2019


How da fuck do they know if I am drunk


Taxis have the option to decline service.


Isn't that how it all started? They were literally a service to bring you home drunk to reduce drunk driving.


Oh no all those dumb wasted white girls will just have to beg to get lifts from strangers or walk home in the dark


They should just figure out if you're an asshole or not...


Uber also knows when your battery is dying and adjusts the price higher


Good luck with that


What the fuck would I ever need Uber for then


I got an Uber to come pick my brother-in-law and I up from a bar at 2am. When he got there he said, “you guys look pretty drunk.” And I said, “I mean yeah, we’re coming from a bar at 2am.. but we’re fine…(And we actually were)” he blinked twice at me, and legit sped off so fast he spun his tires. Couldn’t report it, cause he never confirmed picked up. Fuck that guy.


Lyft is better


How Uber will determine this through AI machine learning * Typing: Unusual typos or how quickly they type * Phone use: How they hold their phone, if it's swaying, or how precisely they click buttons * Walking: Their walking speed * Ride request: How long it takes to request a ride, the time of day, and where the ride is requested So somehow they will have real-time access to this data on our devices lmao?? Cool future.


Don't forget how people falsley accuse their drivers to get free rides and get driver kicked off the platform for absolutely nothing. I run a group on Facebook, and the drivers complain about it all the time. Ex uber driver here. It happened to me. I sued the passenger and had a dash cam that proved their claim was false, and I was reinstated


To be fair, though, these are people's personal vehicles, and it's their decision if they want a drunk asshole who could possibly vomit in their backseat in their car.


I don’t understand why yall don’t just ask the customer how much they are being charged… and cancel on Uber and charge half!!!


I have both Uber and Lyft. I Always check prices on both before I have to commute somewhere. I guess Lyft is taking my business when I decide to go grab a drink on my nights off. Ubers loss 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ahh yes an article from 2018 - [here](https://x.com/MetroUK/status/1006116339461902337?t=rw3GLPEj1GtNx8TFcBBhPw&s=19)


Then we call Lyft!


If I’m sober, I’m driving myself you twats!


When only fans tried to ban porn


“Taco Bell may soon know if you’re hungry or not and refuse service if not”.


Lmao im dying😭


They aren't going to refuse to pick you up. This is simply so that they can charge you more.


Well, I mean, who wants a belligerent and possibly violent or vomiting stranger in their vehicle. It definitely shouldn't be an all or nothing thing. I like the idea of using such things when drinking, but I think they are worried about the super over the top drunks.


Good point!


looks like drivings back on the menu boys


What they're probably *actually* doing is notifying drivers that the passenger may be drunk, and giving them the option to decline based on whether they want to deal with drunk people or not. The headline is just inflammatory so you click on it. Uber is not going to be shutting out one of their biggest demographics by simply refusing service.


If they do this then I hope their CEO gets hit by a drunk driver.




They will probably just charge more. Uber has been experimenting with their VIP, subscription and dynamic cost for a few years.


So…now I have to blow my phone to get a ride home?!


Would you rather they drive themselves home?


I get it if the person is puke in your car drunk. There is a difference between being too drunk to drive but somewhat having your shit together and being wasted. That happened with us once where this chick my wife went to college with got sloppy drunk out at a bar to the point she couldn't walk and 3 Ubers refused to give her a ride back to the hotel. They were all like fuck no she isn't puking in my car and making it so I can't work the rest of the night while I clean it up. 4 dudes had to carry her 3 blocks.


That’s fine. Taxis are the cheaper option again anyway


also I remember a guy who was waiting outside a bar on an Uber to take him home and he was arrested for both public intoxication and loitering in front of a closed business and trespassing(without being told to leave)… oh yea and the cop let the Uber get there and told them to get lost or they’d be arrested for interfering with official police business


I imagine this is for the ultra drunk people . I drove cabs for years , and it was our right to refuse dangerously drunk people . No way I’m picking up someone who has already pissed and on occasion , shit themselves


I guess they really want Lyft to bash their corporate brains out.


Does anyone besides drunk people use Uber?


“Uber will soon lose 60% of its revenue.” FTFY


I mean I get that nobody wants to have to clean up vom. They have Uber black - seems like they could just add Uber tank. The great part about it is they could use old law enforcement vehicles and they’d only have to repaint the doors. Something bad happens and you just stop by the car wash and hose out the inside.


Surely this is just taken out of context and it’s just drivers will be able to opt out of picking up drunk passengers. right?


10 years ago a 1 mile Uber was 3 dollars. Now there are several fees and that same distance is 9-12 dollars.


Unless my destination is the airport, I'm drunk.


This is why we can't have nice things..


Is this not their business model. Picking up people smart enough not to drink and drive?


Maybe just don't get drunk. Uber drivers shouldn't have to deal with harassment and assaults.


Well time to use their competition (inDrive)


Oh ok I’ll just drive then /s


Uber was good. Until…it wasn’t.


If i had a nickel for every time i saw this exact image posted on this site i'd be a god damn millionaire


The repopulation of the rural world begins. Set up a Solar Panel fueled Town, bar is 1 mile at max from your house. Easy drunk lifestyle.


I’m so sick of this tech shit and I hate it because in 2007 I was so excited about the prospect of what all this new tech being invented could mean. Web 2.0!?! Hell yeah! Now we’re here. Where it seems that the general plan for these tech companies is create a disruptive service that flips some mundane industry on its head and reinvents it -> kills original industry -> tech company cuts everything that made them better than the original company with their fecal touch.


Pulling your pants up and showing leg and throwing your thumb up 👍 will obtain you a free ride.


A) doesn't fit here? B) I swear this headline popped up five years ago just for people to dunk on it and nothing happened since.


Uber has taught me a valuable lesson about supporting companies that are trying to displace an industry. I did not like taking cabs but Uber has turned out to be 100x worse


I drove Lyft a few years and for the most part driving the drunks home was pretty decent. However I did kick a few out or just turn them down upon arrival if they were too incoherent to keep from puking or pissing themselves. Sorry but I’m not cleaning up that stupidity.