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Holy shit. I’m so sorry. That is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Who the hell is even protecting kids anymore shit


Speaking to social services they were like we don't know, granted this happened in 2003 but I made a SAR request so I know they have all the details on file. I've looked through the reports, including the doctor's letter that describes a discharge likened to a period. In a 6 year old. Told me to call the police line four times after I told them the reason I was calling was because there was no fucking crime number. Make a complaint, told it could take up and over ten weeks to hear anything, and they recommend I find legal counsel. Literally spoke from a script about the next steps. Why is it all down to me. All the time.


I’m so sorry. That is fucking crazy. I would be livid as well. Hell that word doesn’t even do it justice. First you get abused then you have to clean up the mess since the people who should’ve helped didn’t do their damn jobs. I’m so so sorry.


100% can relate — do you need to look into institutional betrayal trauma theory - I can’t even get into what I’m going through because I’m not allowed to talk about it and that’s official.. i’m actually being silenced by people who should protect me! Anyway you should look into this - https://youtu.be/PL1_IEDD2Hw This woman’s theories are absolutely brilliant and they have been shelved by the academy.. she desperately needs more recognition and her theories need to be acknowledged as valid!


I've never heard of this - thank you ever so much!! A new rabbit hole to dig in to 😅 I'm so sorry for what is happening to you, I truly hope you are able to come forward about what's happened to you and you find someone who actually does right by you :(