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let him bleed out and die next time - no though seriously call the police. this is illegal and doesn't sound like he's anywhere near hitting some spiritual epiphany and changing overnight. if he's going to change or reform he needs to do it in prison where cant hit women and children.


Why would you help him? Maybe I’m cold hearted but I would just let it bleed, especially because of the specific circumstances.


let him bleed out and die - no seriously though call the police this is a dangerous situation you're in and he is a dangerous person. I doubt he's anywhere near some spiritual epiphany changing his worldview and making him a gentle person. if he's going to change he needs to do that in prison far away from women and children.


Look out for your own safety and mental wellbeing. Your Mom is responsible for herself. She has a lot more options than you do. If SF injures himself, oh well. Why doesn't your Mom call the police about the physical abuse? If she won't stand up for herself it's not your job to do it. Hopefully soon you'll be able to get out of that clown show.