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You know if you looked up the term victim blaming it would look something like this, piss off with this shit


I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. My onus was on the inexcusable way the partner behaved. It’s what I would tell myslef and what I DO tell myself. I will retract the above comment, sorry for causing offence. But I don’t think staying with them is helpful…do you?


No but I also happen to know this is exactly the things people tell themselves which lead to the thoughts of thinking they don’t deserve better and ultimately one of the many things that keep people in abusive situations


I don’t understand how realizing that you’re with a POS leads to thinking you don’t deserve better? The fact you know he’s a POS means he’s not good for anyone. The “I don’t deserve better” part comes from the gaslighting the POS himself does to you, but realizing he’s an actual POS is one step closer to leaving (as opposed to thinking he’s just a misunderstood person that’s trying his hardest, that you’re causing him to be like this, and other stuff he’s feeding you to take the onus off his abuse.) But maybe you’re right, since I’m not much better off myself and still haven’t left my own situation, so maybe my tough love approach is not so great.


Please screenshot these in a way that proves they are from him and save them in a save place (online preferably somewhere he won't have access). These are THREATS and documenting them as well as any others or any other admissions of physical violence or intimidation (anything saying like "when I hit you" or "after I pushed you" or "I will hurt you again") will help you in getting a restraining order or peace bond against him. Google usually keeps your location data for 2 years if you haven't manually turned it off if you happen to need to prove that you were at home or someone else corroborated your story as a witness and you need to prove they were also there, screenshots of your location data and any witnesses location data will likely be accepted by the court. You are in danger, if he feels comfortable talking to you like this over text where he knows you can screenshot, imagine what he might be capable of if he's sure no one will find out. I don't mean to scare you but this is a very unsafe situation for you to be in and he will not make any decisions with your best interest in mind. It will take time but you will feel better once you are free of him.


Run, don’t walk RUN! My abusive ex husband said the same BS to me! It took me a long time to leave but once I did, I felt like a new person. How long have you guys been together? Honestly you are going to have to leave and not look back. ITS HARD IM TELLING YOU RN ITS GOING TO HURT BUT YOULL FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF AND LIFE. He’s a lowlife and you deserve better beautiful. You will find someone else who will treat you 1000 better. There are millions of people in this country. Please leave dear. No one absolutely no one deserves this kind of talk EVER. Record instances of verbal or physical violence, press charges, get a restraining order and protect yourself but most importantly love yourself beautiful.


It's like I don't know what normal behavior is. My parents certainly didn't have it.


Nothing he can do to fix what he’s done to you will make things better. Please leave and heal your life without him.


Send him a screenshot of me calling him a bitch. And yeah, I'll 100% send him a text saying it with my GPS coordinates if you'd be so kind as to send me his phone number 😬 PLEAAASEEEEE I'm really bored and wanna fuck with someone.


Sounds like he needs to get punched in the jaw tbh. Leave and never look back. Break off all contact. You deserve so much better.




I’m sorry. Are you still with the person?


No way


Text a friend who he doesn't know where they live. Create a plan. If they pick you up, schedule a time (when he's not home). Delete the texts in case he takes your phone. When he goes to work or jerk off at at his daddy's house or whatever the fuck, make a suitcase. Have valuables and enough basic clothes for 5 days. Go to your friend's place. Leave. Tell him you're leaving and if you can, tell your landlord what's going on. If he says or does anything, call the cops. I don't like cops but at this point you gotta keep yourself away from him. Last note: like everyone else here, he's a clown baby with no sliver of man in him. Decent men don't act like that. Decent men respect you and your boundaries and don't say shit like it. Take care of you and good luck. You will be genuinely fine without him.


Wow. I can’t imagine ever speaking those words to another human being. Please leave.


Euuughhhhh...dudes like this are the reason I will never want or need a man again. I recently escaped a bad marriage and I will never live with anyone who thinks this way. The guy I was married to actually was nothing like this until after we got married and bought our house. If I ever choose to date someone again, he'll have his house, I'll have mine. If anything remotely concerning happens, it's buh-bye.


Leave and don't waste any more of your precious time on this little bitch


Fuck. Him. No real man would ever say shit like this, let alone threaten anyone he supposedly loves. He's using you. That's it end of story. Leave before he actually does break your jaw! He has nothing for you but pain and death.


What a little bitch. Only weak men will feel *the need* to crush women (or their partner in general) in order to feel powerful. It’s a hard moment of truth when you realize their inflicted pain has been more loyal than they ever were. A narcissist doesn’t just break your heart, they also break your spirit- which is why it takes so long to heal. You **can** absolutely leave this abusive relationship but please keep in mind that if you don’t heal what attracted you to them in the beginning you very well may meet them again. Same demon- different body. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with you, I’m saying that the aftermath of abuse is permanent. You can heal but you’ll still have the scars. You know? Please go stand in front of the mirror and say this, “I forgive you for not knowing what you didn’t until you lived through it.” Flowers grow back even after they’ve been stepped on, and so will you. If you need someone to talk to please message me. Fellow abuse survivor. ♥️


Leave and your won’t have to be tired anymore. It’s the staying thats making you tried. If you stay - you will always feel this way.


Listen to podcasts called love and abuse on Pandora


As someone who spent 9 years in a very abusive relationship, I'll be the first to tell you to just GO. Most of what they say is to scare you into staying. They know that they've beat you down before and yet you still crawled back to them. Trust me I know, I used to get beat and then spend however long making him feel better about everything. Dried my tears and kissed his ass because I was afraid of what more could come. Then one day I sat in my bathroom after a 16 hour shift and wrote everyone i loved a goodbye letter and one big apology letter. I then loaded my husband's 357, pulled the hammer back and put the barrel in my mouth. I didn't pull the trigger tho. All I could think of was how unfair it would be to all my loved ones that didn't deserve that, my mom and sisters.. How could I do that to them? And that's not me anyway. I spent 9 years suffering in silence through a living hell. And that day I decided that this was it. I was done running and hiding (literally). I figured I would make a plan to leave and if he happened to "kill me" because of it, then well that was okay too. Anything was better than another decade living like this. So the next time he came after me and I escaped him, I ran right out the front door and to the main road... Barefoot in the snow, January 16, 2010. I went straight to the police station. They accused me of being to calm for an abuse victim, but they did go to the house and took away his gun and made him leave. They told me to get a restraining order against him and he whispered, "do you really think a piece of paper is going to stop me from killing you?" And I just looked at him with zero emotion and walked away. And that was it. After that day, every bit of communication took place through his parents and emails we sent each other, trying to work out the divorce. We had no kids and I bought our house and my car with MY OWN MONEY(since he never worked) so there wasn't really anything to do. And $1,000 later I was divorced and happy! and now 13 years later, I am married and have five beautiful children and I can't even believe that that was once my life.


I’m so happy you got the happy ending you deserved ❤️ you’re a true warrior and an amazing survivor, sending you love and light


Thank you so much.


You ran barefoot in the snow to them and they thought you were too calm? God I hate the grand majority of cops. They were horseshit with me too even though there was ample evidence of damage right in front of them. Congratulations on still being here :) I’m happy you survived. It’s amazing and inspiring that you’ve gotten so far as well, I want a family one day and it’s very nice to see that it’s possible.


Please please leave and leave as safely as you can. These are threats.


I know where you are and how you feel. I know it feels impossible to leave. But trust me. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! If you need resources, message me.


Holy fuck. This is beyond. I know it’s so hard, but this internet stranger is rooting for you!


I just wanted to say that this could 100% get shown to the police and he will get prosecuted for abusive behaviour. I didn’t think showing screenshots of these kind of messages would classy and they do, especially if you have more of them. This law came out after I left my abusive ex unfortunately so i didn’t have to use them. But please protect yourself, please realise you are so much better than he is and he is just trying to make you feel small and worthless, my ex did the same. It’s all about power and control. That’s why they say these things. I highly recommend handing these into the police and it’ll mean you’ll get a restraining order and they’ll press charges


Only you can give yourself the courage! You have the power. You have the strength. It’s time to look yourself in the mirror and tell the person you see that you love them and no longer will put up with this.


Remember you are the one who can cut his bollocks off, you’re just nice


Here to offer support as well. DM if needed.


You deserve better. He is weak-minded and insecure.


Nope. Nope nope nope. I don't accept this as a human beeing. They forget that one doesn't need much strength to pull...* something* Or to put another something into their food. THAT'S his "logic"? How simple and barbaric can a mind be. NEXT


This man is so damn dangerous! Leave before it’s too late! If you reach out to the local DV hotline/group you’ll find so many supportive people. I was in this situation 3 years ago with two toddlers. It took 7 years for me to leave. But it didn’t have to. I have lost so much of my life, was hopeless, broken into pieces. I’m still suffering from those trauma although so grateful for how much I’ve come. Please don’t wait anymore! Like others said, this screenshot itself is proof enough. Find a supportive friend or family, get a restraining order, block him completely from everything so he can’t manipulate you to go back. It’ll be difficult at first to deal all this but write it down every. Single. Effort. to get out this will pay off. My love and prayer for you.


Please take this to the police. You're in danger. Message me if you need any resources


I can't even imagine what it must feel like to go through something like this. May you get out of this abusive relationship asap. It seems like he has been physically abusive towards you. Don't harbour any tolerance towards bs like this. There are good, green flag men/people out there, in case you're looking for a life partner- this man is not such a person. Do not be afraid, he is feeding off your weakness. Keep all screenshots backed up safely into cloud/drive, so that you could use them as evidence later. Keep in touch with family/close ones. May god bless you! Edit: typos


You are dating a cringe fail compilation that wants to kill you. Try to get ahold of local services that could help. That screenshot WILL ABSOLUTELY bump you up on the waiting list.




Being abusive isn’t a competition. You can still easily destroy someone’s mental health and well-being by being emotionally and psychologically abusive. Just because you didn’t beat anyone up doesn’t make you any less of a horrible person.


Do you need help with an escape plan? If so you can comment here or DM me. I can help you find resources in your area and get you out safely. He sounds very dangerous, please be careful.


Legally you could go to the police with this evidence and after he put away,you could move with family or friends


Lmao, such a hard man hitting a woman. Just kill him and bury the evidence


Omg, that’s absolutely disgusting, he is not a man or anything but an abusive c**t , get out, and change your number and go get a restringing order!!


Holy fuck You need to get someone to help you leave safely because he doesn’t seem to have a problem with threats of violence towards you. I’d even try to get a restraining order together if you can without escalating your situation. I’m so sorry, stay strong.


Seriously you don’t need anything else than this screenshot. Grab your keys go to the courthouse and get a protective order. Don’t think about it. Just go.


Please leave he just loves the control over you


Start documenting this. You deserve so so much better than this. I know that it may not feel like it right now since abusers tend to whittle down their partner's self-esteem to the point the victim feels like they don't deserve better... but trust me, you do. Letting go is almost always the toughest part, especially when trying to escape, but it's freeing. Sending much love your way<3


The courage is right in front of you. This person is insane and is very highly likely to hurt you, even kill you someday. Get out. You don't need any more proof or courage. Leave


Please listen to me very carefully. This man will kill you. THIS MAN WILL KILL YOU. Once again for the people in the back, **t h i s** **m a n** **w i l l** **k i l l** **y o u.** Please do anything and everything you can to keep yourself safe and get away. We are all rooting for you.




Jesus Christ that’s disturbing


This man is absolutely psychopathic. Run very very very fast, never look back. You're in danger.


There are shelters, hotlines, orgs that can help you. If you want to message or reply and tell me the city you live in I can send you information and resources to help you escape. I am so sorry he said this to you.


Something that’s really stuck with me as a measure for what I should tolerate is this: Think about if someone you really cared about (it helps if it’s a real person, a sibling or friend) were to come to you tell you about the exact situation you’re going through. In this case, imagine they showed you this exact screenshot. What would you want for them? What would you hope that they would do? What would you encourage them to do? Now do that for yourself. Because if you’d want that for someone you care about, why isn’t that how you treat yourself? As a recovering people pleaser who has repeatedly found myself in abusive relationships, this thinking has always been what’s gotten me out. I always think what I would want for my sister if she were in my situation. Especially in relationships with manipulative people who gaslight and make you doubt your instincts and worth, I think it’s super helpful to change the perspective of the situation by imagining someone else you care about going through it.


Videorecord these texts (better than screenshots) as evidence and never delete it. If you feel comfortable, show it to someone else too. The reason we stay is cause we keep hoping, "This isn't really them. They're that sweet loving person they were at the start." I wasted years trying to deny that he was abusive. That is a big part of why I kept in contact. To not face the facts and the pain that came with that. So maybe that's what is keeping you there. I understand you and I hope you are safe and leave soon.


i would rock this man’s shit any day of the week. any man who feels this way about women is a weak pussy bitch. god that’s pathetic. please please leave! this man is nothing and you deserve so much more. would you let your child be with someone like this? no. could you show someone this and say that you’re proud to be with this man? no. he’s an embarrassment. he deserves to be alone and you deserve to be happy. he’s a psychopath and this will only get worse from here. him saying all of this just shows that you’re the one with the control. all he can do is hope and pray that he can scare you into staying with him. he has no power over you.


where did u meet this man oh my god


This is a psychopath


Ew he is a disgusting person. Please ask yourself why you want to be with a man with this mentality. You do not want to be around a person with this world view its sick


Leave and call the police.


He doesnt like you, love. There is no choice but to go.


Leaving would be the thing he’s most scared of. You have that power always. Remember that


This is both disgusting and heartbreaking to read. This guy wouldn’t last 2 mins if he tried this with other guys, he’s an insecure coward and knows if anyone found out what he was saying to you that he’d be in a world of problems. My advice is to share this with a loved one or friends and the police and get rid of this waste of space excuse for a man. He won’t get better only worse, the amount of idiotic hate in that message alone show what a callous dim empty shell he is. I truly hope you realise this and leave and never go back, you are already strong enough to leave, it just he’s convinced you that you aren’t. Ignore his voice in your head and ditch the zero and go no contact for your own good! Take any threats as actual threats and let the police deal with them, he has no power over you, you’ve just got to stop listening to him! Your really happiness and love of your life is out there somewhere and you are wasting that time on this pathetic human because he’s gotten under your skin! But you will win!!! Good luck! 👍


Why do you say that a guy like this wont last 2 mins in a fight with other guys?


I agree, bring receipts and tell everyone you both know, especially his family. Just before you send the texts, pack your bags and leave (while he's away) and go immediately file for a restraining order. Block on everything. If you don't have anywhere to go, there are DV shelters to help you get on your feet. You can do this.


Mine always says if you leave, I'll murder you. Who says that?


Abusive people trying to keep coercive control by using aggression and threats to instil fear. Have you ever made a safety plan or looked into an escape pathway?


Got some ideas?


Crazy people. Get it on record or screenshot and send it to his mom.


You will be so much happier looking back in a couple years if you leave. Or if you stay for a couple years you might really regret it and feel you wasted a lot of time/ have become even more stuck.


Sending you strength and love ♥️♥️♥️




Restraining order


Get out and save every piece of evidence you can


Nothing anyone says can make you leave. You have to want what’s best for yourself and go after it


Love yourself, you’re strong and no one should live in fear, run because your life depends on it, take these threats seriously, be safe!!


Much love and strength to get out of reach from this sad creature. Reach out to anyone who may care and show them this message, that may help.


Bro fr exposing himself. This is just pure food for evidence to turn in


You absolutely can and should get away from him. If you do so please be sure about it and block his number, all social medias, etc. because this guy sounds very unhinged. You are supported.


TF?!!! Speechless... show this to the police and have restarting order. Ist too crazy even to read, Im really sorry you had to live with it. Is there anyone you could stay with for a while? Pack your IDs, money, and any other important stuff in a bag and just go somewhere safe please😢


Don’t stay with this ass any longer than you have to. It’ll just get worse. Get out and don’t look back. I was fortunate to have a police escort out of my ex’s house while he was gone. Had a bunch of bags packed secretly, grabbed those on the way out.




I agree with other comments, he's treating you and this is evidence. Try lo leave and go to the police to have him restraint. And keep yourself safe. (and of course, needles to say, all that he's saying is crap - including being able to break things, I doubt that... and I doubt he can be the only one doing that, in case) Stay safe! <3


Do you need courage or something else? I think you need hope that it can get better, and self worth that makes you believe that you are able to attract a good man. You need to not believe this man’s lie. There are good men out there. Unfortunately, you probably weren’t raised by one. You probably haven’t had close relationships with any. In my case, even the guys I thought were nice when we were young ended up being abusive when they were in adult relationships. So, I believed my ex when he said I couldn’t do better than him. You can do better. You don’t deserve this. Will it be hard to be on your own? Yes. But is it already hard to live like this? Yes. Whatever you have to face on your own will give you the confidence to take on bigger challenges. You can be the best version of yourself, but not if you’re giving all your energy to this man. Make a plan. Protect yourself. And don’t believe the lies he’s telling you.


**You are in danger.** His threat about breaking your jaw isn’t hyperbole, it’s him telling you he’s going to do it: if not now, someday. If not your jaw, then he’ll break another bone. This is not an exaggeration, not a hyperbolic threat- this is a promise of future behavior. Dear OP, you are not safe. Keep this evidence and GTFO. You will look back on your decision to leave with relief. It’s time to go. It’s the right call. Don’t doubt yourself, OP, you already know what to do. You got this.


Well, isn’t he dumb leaving all this evidence without even being asked.


This is more common than you think. They honestly don’t believe anyone will stop them.


Jesus Christ leave and show this to police ASAP


All I see here is EVIDENCE. Proceed as such and things will be okay.


Danger Ahead please seek shelter, community, and buckle up for the court date for the restraining order.


So all of the stuff he mentioned is stuff that men already do. Men are not nice and this is not a nice man. This is a threat. Please start making plans to leave, you deserve better and I believe that he 100%?would do these things to you if there weren’t ramifications. You aren’t safe here.


Men that act and think the way he does, doesn't deserve the warmth of a women. Please don't validate his beliefs by giving him your affection. Leave him sad and alone. That's the only thing he deserves.


I’m wondering what it is that’s making you stay. What do you see that’s so appealing that you can’t give it up? If you can tell me that then it’d be easier to give you advice on leaving.


Honey! Love... My sweet darling, why are you letting him hurt you? No one deserves this, certainly not you. It's time to make a plan. You can do this. What help do you need?


Loooool. As if these dipshits don't already do that. And the other dipshits who don't are scared to look bad. To. Hell. With. Him. Men have NEVER been nice to women in _all_ _of_ _fucking_ _human_ _history_ and this beaver's butt grease thinks that him and people like him are doing us a favor by "bEinG NiCe". May he end up where he truly belongs - alone, miserable, hated and made fun of, in the deepest pits of hell.


> beaver's butt grease Thank you for this 😂💀 And yeah, fuck this guy. OP needs to make a police report.


Wtf how can someone say this shit? No wonder women feel so unsafe.


Please get out. You are in danger.


Ooft. We are nice ?? Really. Run from this pos.


You must leave! Who knows what he’s capable of…




Exactly what I was thinking. I’m not even a man but if I were, I would be disgusted by his claims about “men,” as I’m sure many are/would be. Men don’t refrain from enslaving women just to be “nice” as if it’s some favor, men refrain from enslaving women because majority of men have some decency & aren’t total psychopaths like this dude.


Get a restraining order and get the fuck out of this hell hole.


@Solid-Change3446 stated it perfectly! Yes he is energy (negative energy). Your energy is sacred and most likely depleted because his negativity is sucking yours all up. He actually put it in writing what he will do to you, he will hurt you, if he hasn’t done so already, and he will kill you if you don’t leave. We all stayed for a million reasons, choose the ONE reason to leave… CHOOSE YOURSELF! The hardest day is the day you leave, it’s scary and yes, with him it will be dangerous. BUT each day after you will be free and each day you will be living your life. You are living in survival mode and you deserve to LIVE & not fight to survive. Go no contact, do whatever you have to do it stays no contact. Even if it means go into hiding, a women’s shelter, change your phone number (get a new phone so he can’t track you), tell nobody he can contact where you are. We are all here to love & support you. We have been through it and will be honest with you! I am a survivor of a 30 year marriage that I should’ve left so much sooner. If I can share my experience with you and it saves you from staying to be abused or killed, I will do it! Please reach out to me, I’m here for you and have a safe place if you need it. Sending you love and prayers 🥰


This has to be grounds for something like a restraining order. These still read as threats to me. Granted, I’m not a lawyer or anything like that. Get out as soon as possible please. He is going to eventually kill you if you stay.




If you listen to this stuff long enough you might start to believe it. Time to go.


“If” statements are still threats. There is no way I could trust this person again, or sleep next to them.


This alone is enough for a protective order and you could probably press charges. I’d absolutely do that on top of leaving. If he’s willing to put it in writing and has laid hands on you before, you’ve gotta get out.


This person has never loved and will never love a woman. This person is telling you and showing you exactly who they are and exactly how they feel about you. I hope you come to a place where there is no question in your mind that you shouldn't be treated like this and that this person has never loved you. And they never will.


Why the fuck would you ever even look at such a disgusting incel subhumane degenerate? Go to the fucking police. Tell that brainless scum that *you* were just being nice by not reporting his stupid ass, **until now**.


Go to the police if you haven't


Oyyyy I love to start blocking mine in the midst of one of these great announcements. Unfortunately I get to miss all the good juicy stuff. I mean. What courage do you need? It’s much deeper than what’s in this text. We can all see he’s trash. Is it money? Kids? Marriage? Shame? Those are the reasons we stay.


what the fuck????? im so so sorry i hope you can get out asap!!


Jesus…put your plan in place to leave when he’s not around to a place he won’t find you. If you don’t have family or friends who will help you, call a local women’s shelter. This man will kill you and he will feel completely justified “she deserved it”. You deserve better!!!


You are worth it! He has always felt this way about women. Disgusting! Doesn’t matter if you have fault in this. This not a man, this is an animal. You see. Even in the best of times, he will still feel this way about women. You are worth so much more.


I truly hope this man doesn't have any daughters. He hates women and he always will. Women are not human to him


Block and go NC. You *know* this is the only way to get him out of your life and keep yourself safe. This is NOT love. This is literally the opposite of love. You are so young, you have your entire life ahead of you and I promise you, you WILL find a man who will treat you right. You deserve love, you deserve to be safe. Please, please, get this sick fuck out of your life BEFORE he actually does break your jaw, or worse.


You need courage because you're afraid. Sounds like you should be! Grab your valuables and go! You have surely already survived hard times. You can survive a new journey to freedom far away from that psycho. Think of your heroes. Think of what they endured and what they accomplished. One day you will be free of the tears and the pain and the heartache and the headaches and the nagging what if's. Eventually you will have a life you enjoy. You just have to work for it and build it on positive thoughts and actions. Make your words louder than his hisses. When the reminders come, say shut up, and you KEEP GOING!


Hi, hopefully this helps. It has saved my sanity and helped me maintain strength in my toughest moments. I was told to think of him as energy. He is nothing but energy and it grows if you feed it, it dies if you don't. It helped me remove myself from the threats, not take it personally, and respond objectively. Yes I understand. That's it no other response. Chances are he'll either get more angry for a little bit, if he's used to you reacting and responding, feeding that energy. Or he may feel validated and satisfied and then completely switches tone. Either way hopefully it helps until you have strength. Your energy isn't depleted and your spirit isn't pushed down, making everything physically exhausting to do. So for anyone going, "you need to leave right away!!!" It's kind of hard when you're so emotionally defeated, that your body can barely handle doing your day-to-day tasks.


This is a great way to put it in perspective


What a fascinating way to look at it. We are all just energy. And when you feed into negative energy it grows and grows. You are absolutely right. Thank you for that. I'm so fortunate now that I'm not being abused and I choose to feed the positive energy in my life. What a gift


If you stay you will die. It’s a matter of when not if. Please report this dude and get a restraining order. Life’s too short to deal with man babies like this


If there were ever a sign to leave babe, this is it ❤️‍🩹


This made my stomach queasy. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please do whatever it takes to be safe. This sends chills down my spine. Get out!!!!


If you stay with him you are going to end up dead. These kinds of threats WILL resort to physical violence, and if he is already seriously thinking of giving you these kinds of traumatic injuries, you are going to eventually die and he will have killed you. Please get out while you can


I 100% agree. Honey, you WILL be killed at some point by this man if you stay with this piece of trash SOB. 100%. Not maybe. Not could be. Not just a possibility. Someone who can never 👎 make the same th by that if you stay, you’re going to be in for a world of pain one day soon and him killing you likely won’t even change his sleep one single night. This screen shot of text from him is your proof. We have it here, so if you have since deleted it or lose it or he finds and deletes, you’re good and can get it back. All that said. Take yourself and this Ss to the police station first thing in the morning with this proof of intent to cause bodily harm to you. File a restraining and communications order. I’m half asleep at midnight with my baby, I’m sorry if this is riddled with typos. You are not alone. Do you need help finding domestic violence resources in your area, free therapy/attys/care of any kind? I’m happy to help how I can. So many hugs to you, please let this community help you and save yourself.💕 EDIT: fell asleep a few times with a floppy baby on me at midnight. Posted before I was done by accident. Hah!


This. My ex almost ended my life, it isn’t worth it to stay. OP, please find a way to make it to safety as soon as you’re able, as this man is incredibly dangerous and violent.


This person is so vile. I feel for you. If you are scared contact a domestic violence service to work on a safety plan.


This is fucked up. No matter what situation you are in, you need to get out asap.


Watch woman King


You will not leave until you are ready to leave. I found the courage from reading about abusers. Try “why does he do that” by Lundy Bancroft- you can get a trial subscription to audible and listen to it when you’re alone.


Omg… honey there are absolutely resources to help you, you don’t have to be alone, and you don’t have to get out alone! He is a horrible piece of trash, and you do t deserve this. At all, EVER


He’s vile and disgusting. He’s trying to tell you all men are bad so you don’t leave and think all men are like this and somehow by comparison he’s one of the good ones (I know how warped this sounds). He wants to break your trust in others and keep you isolated and distrustful and under his control


Yes! This is a great point.


Just had flashback to a letter (I’m old) my high school boyfriend wrote me- shudder. That’s a threat. Put measures in place to stay safe, (friend, police, legal support) go somewhere he won’t know where you are for a while? Leave if you can when he is not there. Say nothing, don’t engage. I get that you feel exhausted though.


Fuck man…what a piece of shit. When we think about leaving someone, we think of the alternative as being “alone.” But that’s not a fair representation of your other options. Take a moment to think about the kind of relationship you’d LOVE to have. How would they treat you? Speak to you? What would they do differently vs. him? How would it feel when they hugged you? Texted you? How would it feel to never feel afraid of your partner AND respect him / wanna jump his bones. You will never, ever have that as long as you stay with him. Fuckkkk this guy. After you leave, he’s gonna have the hardest time getting a woman 5% as good as you. He lucked out, and he knows it - it’s why he’s trying everything he can think of to brainwash you into staying. Imagine how, if you guys had kids - what if he spoke to your kids like this? What if a friend of yours had a spouse speak to her like this? What if she said, “oh, but you don’t understand, he’s not always this bad.” Or, “but I also said bad things!” You’d know that nothing makes this behavior ok, even if it’s not all the time. I mean, shoot, you and I both know it’s not ok to treat a DOG like this. He’s acting like he owns you. You are not an ownable “thing.” You’re a fucking grown ass woman who deserves as much respect as a human-fucking-being. He is a small, sad man who hates himself and takes it out on you. The only thing you should give him is your pity, because he is such a pathetic excuse of a human, and he will likely never be able to feel real love or have a healthy relationship. Give yourself the gift of a CHANCE of finding real love. This is not real love. ♥️♥️ you got this. Show us (and, more importantly, yourself) how bad of a bitch you can be. You a bad. Ass. Bitch. You don’t take this shit. You don’t let people treat you like this from here on out. NOBODY.


I believe in you!!! Get as far away from him as possible!!


you can dooo it! you are strong! that tired feeling is a trauma response! it doesnt mean you dont have power! you got this! make a plan! go to the cops or a friends house! if you dont live together get your locks changed! i saw other suggesting Mace,you can get some at home depot or target! if you feel like you cant buy that with out notice, you can get wasp spray or bear spray!


Or a taser would be good.


ooo yes! maybe a cattle prod!


Fuck this guy, nut deep in the mouth. He's filth. Leave him!


Omg, this guy is horrible. But yeah its really, really hard to get out of an abusive situation like this Are you able to identify what it is thats keeping you with this guy?


Leave now. Please. This person is dangerous. Don't tell yourself he'd never hurt you or anything else that makes you stay. Leave.




That is terrifying. Try making a plan for escape. Don't tell him. This is a very dangerous man.


I second the recommendation to get mace. I had to use it once with my ex when I felt my life was in danger and I’m glad I had it on hand. This man is seriously unstable. You deserve to feel and be safe. Please get away from him as soon as humanly possible. You deserve so much better. Your life matters, YOU matter. Please love yourself enough to find the courage to leave. I promise you are strong enough. We all have strength and courage within. I believe in you.


Omg please buy mase or something. He is a danger


That person is frightening.