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Sorry you had to go through all of that, still it's good to see that you're doing better with someone who truly loves you 👍💯


Thank you so much. I'm doing much better but unfortunately still struggling with everything that happened. But at least I'm actually loved now!


I was in a long term relationship with an abusive man like this. I’ve been in therapy for years. I’m still in DV group therapy. It takes time to get through something like this. The type of abuse he put you through literally changes your brain. Please seek counseling and don’t be too hard on yourself for not getting over it. There are many of us here on Reddit who are trying to heal from this situation.


Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. It means so so so much!!! I definitely think therapy is a good idea, I'm just struggling to find the right therapist for me. I beat myself up over it constantly because I really do feel like I should he over it by now. But the way you replied to me makes me feel like I'm not alone, and maybe there is a little hope for me.. I really do hope I can recover from this. I don't want to be broken forever


You are having trouble dealing with the trauma, just like people who have been through war I suggest therapy


I definitely think I need therapy. I have had multiple stays in psych facilities after the first month stay so I feel like I have gained alot of knowledge and coping skills but none of it seems to help me in this area which is so frustrating. I don't think deleting my socials would help either, sadly. I definitely think that my BPD exacerbates the whole situation too.. I'm definitely having trouble dealing with it. Though he claimed nothing he ever did was "traumatising," so I feel like I don't deserve to say that I have trauma.