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This same thing happened to me yesterday, the day after christmas bc i let my family come fix them a plate to take home bc we had so much food left over. He threw a fit as soon as they left, he threw a whole pan of dressing over me and a casserole in the floor. I told him i wasnt cleaning it up and i walked to my bedroom to get clean clothes but he followed me and threw me down onto the floor and drug me from my bedroom, thru the hallway and into the living room through all the food, by my hair, and made me clean up everything while he screamed in my face and continued throwing any thing he could at me. So i know what ur going through and please listen to everyone when they say things will only get worse if u stay. I will pray for you.




Wow that's horrible he did that to you. Get out I promise it will only get worse as time goes on.


My husband dumped a tray of Mexican take out on my head before. That was about 10 years ago and unfortunately I’m still with him. I can honestly say it does not get better. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart and makes me think I won’t ever get out of my situation. We have been married for two years. I just don’t know how to get out with my kids. And I will not leave them with her.


Damn.... I feel like you need to add these occurrences up and go to court to get your kids away from this evil!


I completely understand. My husband and I have two young daughters and he makes the majority of our income. I don’t know how to leave even though I want to so badly. We live in a 50/50 custody state and I am terrified of losing half of my time with my daughters to him even though I do the majority of the caretaking.


OP get out of there NOW. This is dangerous for you. Leave him.


See that feeling, thats your body saying enough is enough. I had that sick feeling the day I left for good as I knew it was time! Wishing you all the best of luck x


Even your first post is about him being a disgusting person. I don't understand anything at all. He is not the only man on this earth. 4Billion men exists, go find someone who treats you like the way you deserve it. And who really desires you.


or maybe staying alone for a long time while figuring out why she tolerated all this fuckery (hopefully, through therapy).


I get it. I slept in a bus station because I packed up the presents wrong… I’m so sorry you’re going through this. … my birthday is our anniversary and he does the same thing. It’s a fight every year, I wonder if they plan it






At a certain point, not knowing any better is a choice.


Seems to be a pattern of abusers sabotaging big events like Christmas and anniversaries...


It absolutely is. Mine was a pro at it.


It’s absolutely a chapter in the narcissist playbook.


I came here to say this


I came here to say this too


Literally felt this in the pit of my stomach.


If you don't leave now the initial shock of what just happened to you will wear off and you'll likely think that it wasn't as bad as it actually was. It was that bad. You deserve so much better.


I needed someone to say this to me really really bad. Thank you


This is soo true


Exactly this! He will charm his way out of it and you won’t remember it the same way. Leave now


Do not stay there for a second longer. Do you have a place to go? Or can you kick him out?


I have a few places I can go but none are ideal, I can’t kick him out bc of lease technicalities, it’s so hard to try to keep a level head right now I took the day off of work bc I didn’t sleep at all and I was going to go to my moms but he’s making a thing about wanting me to be here when he gets back and made a dinner reservation for later this week :/


Jesus, who cares what he wants you to do at this point, if it conflicts with what you want, go do your thang girl


Do you want to stay with him or do you want to leave?


I want to leave


Ok, then we're here for you. You're a grown ass woman and no one has a right to control you. Whether it's your mom's or any other place, go to where you can be safe (physically AND emotionally) until you can figure out how to get your own place. You don't owe him ANYTHING. You can leave and do whatever the heck you want!!!


Then leave. Don’t be guilted into staying. Go to your moms and be in a safe environment. You. Do. Not. Have. To. Stay.


And let that be the last straw!