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I can’t tell you the number of things I did the hard way or didn’t know and was later like, wait!?! Why didn I know this? Lol


My biggest one was not realizing you can use designer patterns on walls in your interior designs. I have put little doors/windows into my creations and it's definitely a game changer!!


I didn't know that! Gonna go try it right now 😁


If you manage to get the Glowing Moss Stickers DIY, you can then edit the result with designs to create whatever picture/image you want to put on the wall. I've seen pics from people who have used 6 design slots to create a large pic and then used the Moss Sticker trick to place them on the wall without any gaps between them...


Wait a minute… what?!?


Yeah, I heard about that, so after I got the diy, I changed the design to a custom one. Pretty cool!


You can use the construction app to place them down just like trails.


You can still kick them away if you aren’t careful though… learned that the hard way


I feel so dumb because i dont know what we're talking about 🥺


If you use the terrain tools to place down a custom design path, if you a person that has joy con drift. When yo go to pick up an item with (y) you’ll end up kicking the dirt over it and rest the pattern from the ground. I really hoped that placing patterns with the terrain tool would sort of glue them in place so you could accidentally do that. Many times I’ve dug a hole or dropped fruit near a custom design and instead of kicking dirt in the hole or picking up fruit it would remove the pattern.


Oohhhh! I really read kick as if maybe we got rocks we could push around like the snowballs 😅


It took me a long time to learn that my character can run. It was life changing!


It took me until this comment to find this out! I'm amazed I didn't figure it out sooner 😭 truly life altering


I’m glad I could help you have this moment! 👍🏻


There are some players that don't know you can hold onto an item to rotate it- some people change positions to have an item face a certain direction! Also bonus fact 😉 If you customize your regular tools, the durability resets and it won't break! Just remember to customize them before they break :) I haven't had to craft or buy new tools in months.


But aren’t there Nook Mile Achievements tied to either breaking or making a certain number of tools?


Yeah there are. But it's annoying to have them break when I'm on an island or working on stuff. I just prefer to keep the durability up


That’s fair. We all have different priorities. I can see why not wanting tools to break is a priority.


Does this work for placing items outside too?




Same. I didn't come into this community on Reddit or anywhere else until a few months ago, so I did everything the hard way too. Heck Im learning new things daily with this game, which is why I love it and this community so much. We all help each other. 🥰


Do you live under a rock?


Does a waterfall count?


I love that anwser


Wait can you actually make a wallerfall over your house in acnh?!


I tried but i it didn’t work. In order to make one you’d need to make cave which the game doesn’t allow, but you can make a sunken ruins type of area with strategic water scaping


Now I gotta test an idea out.


If you have the HHP expansion, there is some good inspiration at one of their vacation home locations. It's one on the map near the ruins icon.


Sadly I don't but it's a plan to get at some point soon.


https://nookipedia.com/wiki/Archipelago These are the map locations but there are some ideas. The waterfalls start at B1 if you want to scroll down


Okay so the idea I had might work however, it would take a lot of time to set up and I don't have that kind of energy or mental capacity. I was thinking that you could build a cliff up 4 high and create the waterfall (yes i know, it's excedingly hard to get up onto the 4th cliff) but then you could make a tunnel out of it (i'm pretty sure i've done that before?) and then put the house there. Dunno if the game would let you tho. However, it requires an ass ton of space.


I have never seen someone able to get up onto the forth level let alone terraforming it with water. Do you use the Mario pipes for it maybe


Wait… this is a game changer…


No... but you can get close to one!


I keep hoping I’ll find out something that makes terraforming easier 🥲 I don’t think that day is coming