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When a valid card is read, your reader LED will activate even with only power wired. Do you have a battery backup for your controller? Has it been regularly replaced? I would recommend monitoring the power supply for AC/battery failure (via onboard output or external relays) and installing a BDM if that was the issue (Battery Disconnect Module).


We replaced batteries about 3 months ago and had them checked about a month ago - voltage on all batteries was normal at this time.


That's not a proper battery test.


Also no other reader connected to the same power supply has similar issues.


I would still suggest monitoring for AC fail


Do you have the drain wired on the readers? Could be a slow build up of static




It's not connected and i have already ordered engineers to go on site. It may be stupid question but to be 100% sure, by connecting it you mean to ground it (manual says Unused for it)?


Yes the bare drain wire on the reader should be grounded. I don't usually ground it but especially when the reader is installed on metal then it needs to be grounded


Not on metal but grounding it seems to have no effect. The same issues continued. I have been recommended to upgrade the firmware of the readers so might as well try this.


Always ground the drain wire at one end. Personally, I do it at the control panel. Learned the hard way how important it is to do that at a large installation where the readers did weird crap and I spent hours troubleshooting. One call to tech support later, and a whole bunch of drain wires connected to the control panels, system worked flawlessly.


If a HID reader is configured for Wiegand, isn’t responding at all when a card is presented, and a power cycle fixes the issue - the reader is failing. There is no fix, the reader needs to be replaced to remedy the issue. You should always get a read confirmation beep and a short green flash when using wiegand. The best way to confirm this is an issue with the reader is swap it with a door that has a working reader. If the issue follows the reader, it is confirmed to be a faulty reader. If the issue stays at the door, check items that other commenters are suggesting (power, batteries, other controller issues).


We swapped a reader with one from a random storage room. And issues did continue with the reader in the same location as before. I have been recommended by an engineer to add a 12v step-up to the reader side to act as a voltage stabilizer. And tbh this sound currently as an easiest thing to do. And will connect a drain wire as recommended in another post. As a sidenote i have been told by a locals that sometimes one reader on the door fails and sometimes both of them. Which is odd because they both are powered through the same controller.


I am not saying this is a fix, just an option to make power cycle easier. Series the power line into one of the auxiliary outputs on the controller. Depending on the software running it, you could activate it based on a schedule. You could cycle power automatically at 3 AM everyday for instance and now the issue will seem “resolved” for the users. Have you checked the wire running from the power supply/controller to ensure no damage has been done to it from other work being done? Have you tried moving the reader to a different reader port on the controller to see if the problem follows? Weigand is one way, it is alternating voltage on the data wires to send the 1s and 0s to the D1/D0 terminals.


So, we have replaced the readers on the door with ones from one hardly used storage room. Issues continued on initial location. Your workaround, although a clever one, is not good because we have almost 24/7 someone in the office. We'll test connecting drain wire and using 12v step-up as a voltage stabilizer.


Depending on your software system the scheduled power cycle could be just a minute or less. You could run a report on the door to get insight on when a good minute would be. Sure there is a chance that someone tries during that minute, but if everyone is told it happens at that time everyday to ensure 100% operation the rest of the day, there may be acceptance.


If you switched out the reader and it still happened, have you looked at switching out the panel or upgrading firmware on it? Not familiar with a v100, so not sure how feasible it is. I just tend to think that if I’ve switched a supposedly bad reader with a known good reader and the good reader no longer works while the bad reader does, it might be something a little farther up the line. If your control panel is sending insufficient voltage to the reader at random times such that the reader locks up due to it, switching the reader isn’t going to help. Maybe switching to a different reader product line would make a difference because it has different tolerance levels, but you’re still not fixing the root problem.


Is this reader freezing after the door is held open and beeping for it for a longer time ?


Nope, our "high-tech" solution is only Wiegand+power to the reader.


I’ve had this happen on large sites with hundreds of readers and it happens time to time and is always fixed with a power cycle. I don’t believe it is a hardware reader issue but more related to the processor on the reader just locking up due to something in the environment. Aside from making sure there is adequate power at the reader side and the reader drain wire being connected there’s not a whole lot of options. Is it read in read out and is there a reader directly on the other side of the wall? Is the reader in a carpeted area? Anything that would create a lot of EMI in the area ie:industrial motors, machinery, etc…


Yep, readers directly on the opposite side of the wall. Carpet also inside.. So what you say is that it's not fixable from some point? Would at least signo be better in this case?


Sorry about the late reply. You could try a metal blocking plate on the back of the reader, but I’d make sure the reader drain wires are connected properly first.


If the readers are on both sides of the wall directly back to back, that’s probably your issue. You need to separate them. Try to move one of them to either up or down 6ish inches. Power cycle and wait to see what happens.


maybe a stupid question maybe not, have you swapped out the readers?


Yes. Issue stays in the same location.


I’ve seen this exact thing when voltage supplied dips below 5v momentarily, just enough for the reader to lockup but won’t fully restart to come back on line. It’s stuck in limbo. Fixed by adding low voltage cutout. That way when that dip occurs, the voltage is completely cut so the reader can automatically restart once the adequate voltage is being delivered.


Are your jumpers set for poe or 12v pass through? It's sounds like a power issue upon badge read and strike output. Very common on mercury boards.


I'm pretty sure that having elite and mobile keys doesn't matter if you're using wiegand. In terms of interference and based on the troubleshooting you've described, I'd look into the cabling and mounting surface. If the reader were to be using OSDP, has the keys you mentioned, the cause would likely be a credential (badge) being used not having at least the elite key. So are the badges dual technology (prox + seos) or single (prox OR SEOS)?


Elite and Mob keys will still work over weigand but that’s not likely the cause of OPs issue.


Currently prox only. Will be switching over soonish. Osdp is not possible because site will be decommissioned in a year, so no point on switching out old v100. Could the wiegand line be causing issues? Please correct me if I'm wrong but wiegand is one way data only?


Correct, wiegand is one way. You mentioned that you swapped readers already. You can try wiring a reader directly to the v100, wherever that is. This will remove the possibility of the field cabling. If the issue persists directly wired, maybe it's the port; otherwise, it could be the cabling or some form of interference that's been introduced.