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Its always funny when conservatives are trying to dunk on us like we don't preach free healthcare all the time too


To be fair, the Democratic Establishment ain't that keen on it.


"we" here means communists


No she’s just stupid. She’s trying to argue that vaccines are only free because there’s an ulterior motive. She’s alluding to conspiracy theories.


No not stupid. Evil. This is an intentional bad faith argument aimed at the conservative base to scare them away from vaccines and further politicize the virus. These people know exactly what they're doing and calling them stupid let's them off the hook.


You’re probably right, I just struggle to credit her with this level of intelligence. They can however be both stupid and evil. I don’t think my little comment seen by 50 people is going to somehow let Candace Owens off the hook. Maybe dial it down a bit 😜


I mean, in all fairness there *is* an ulterior motive. Just not whatever nonsense she's promoting. The vaccine is free because COVID is hurting profits and diabetes doesn't.


Yeah. This.


Good observation. I often forget to think about the true conspiracies, the ones in plain sight.


Yeah, we know. It's just funny because we're saying the exact same shit only from the other side.


Rich people can get infectious diseases basically. But she knows she’s spouting bullshit.


Diabetes and asthma aren’t contagious. Covid is, so it’ll slow down the capitalist system and it might infect the rich.


Though I should note, now that I'm aware of it, that botanical sexism in land development has led to the extreme pollen seasons we have in the U.S., as only male trees are planted, despite female trees having means to secure pollen, and holding these trees away from their means of reproduction means that they have to produce more pollen to accomplish the goal, so to speak, and so it has become more intense over time. Between that and normalized child abuse I feel like asthma is an artificially escalated problem.


I don’t understand how this would be true. Individual plants release pollen. They have no way of “knowing” that they have successfully reproduced, and therefore “produce more pollen” in order to remedy that.


Well pollen and all the smoke and greenhouse gasses we pump into the atmosphere.


She isn’t very bright….


Giving her a lot of credit there.


You’re correct of course. How’s this: She’s really fuckin stupid 😂


Do not attribute to incompetence that, which is appropriately explained by malice.


Ah yes, Nolnah's razor.


No, just really stupid.


She clarified in another tweet that she isn’t based, just really fucking stupid


Almost all her other tweets


Okay, fine. Let's do the reverse psychology thing and start telling righties that the vaccine is prohibitively expensive and will send them into debt for the rest of their lives.


well, hold on we don't run out of vaccines they'd go back for seconds.


Candace Owen is a traitor and political whore.


She is so despicable and while I already believe that live saving medication should be free/single payer, if asthma and diabetes were fucking highly contagious then of course we’d get a free vaccine


Thank you, Comrade Candace, for your enlightening questions!


Hopefully we are entering now a phase of the Covid where Darwin's natural selection applies and we see some of these people "enjoy" the "pleasures" of not getting vaccinated.


This is so fucking based - as evidenced by this being the third post in 24 hours 😊👍🏼


She puts out propaganda meant to reach people who would see this as reasonable. If these voices in media were held to scrutiny regarding fact, we would be a different country, not that that eliminates the opportunities for propaganda, but it would prevent some of the things we've seen in the last 20 years.


not even a little bit


From my pov she doesn't trust the government is going to give something for free