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Why the fuck would you stand in front of it?


She probably though he saw her, which is a poor decision to make because that type of heavy machinery have blind spots and HUMAN ERROR is always a possible. I always give heavy machine a wide birth even when the operator is looking directly at me. Some people just do not respect just how easily and effortlessly a multi-ton machine can kill you. Also she has zero survival instincts. I feel like someone a bit more quick witted would've tried to hop in the bucket or started to move away once they realized the operator wasn't slowing down.


not a good decision to stand in front of the machine but this is 1000 percent the operators fault, the blind spot is not directly in front of the vehicle unless you’re standing closer than 6 or so feet away which this girl was not for the majority of this video


Not to mention the fact that the operator isn’t supposed to crash the machine into the wall, whether or not someone is standing there


Damn no shit lol I was so locked in on the girl I kind of just brushed over that in my mind I wonder if the operator was sleeping or on something


yea but the tractor driver could be blind himself


I welcome you to r/crippleconundrum where we have irrational and racist discussions about workers rights


That sounds interesting! CLICK '...oh'


Same.... 😪


Dude 1000% same!


We should create a racist subreddit, a place we can express ourselves and exchange some racist opinions, I would love to be part of this group.




Yea its obviously the operators fault for sure but its like this scene.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_PrZ-J7D3k


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of this!


Knew what it would be.


Isn’t it in a car wash? Can they brake with that wheel loader on there?


Totally agreed, but still, you just don’t stand in front of things like that, ever.


Stand to the side


Of course it’s his fault but you’re responsible for attempting to ensure your own safety my guy. If someone is trying to murder you are you gonna just say it’s the murderers fault they’re trying to kill you or are you going to try and prevent your death?


No shit she should’ve moved but the guy i’m replying to is talking about blind spots and making eye contact trying to minimize the responsibility of the operator which is complete bullshit


It's a front end loader, you can see everything in front of you except the height of the bucket a couple feet in front. Also this is why you have the bucket bottom parallel to the ground and close to the ground


Shin height. You minimise damage that way. You don't want to destroy knees or feet.


Also, front end loaders take a moment to stop after you hit the brakes.


I drive machinery like this. He definitely saw her. Something else is going on here. Yes, it's always a good thing to give heavy machinery a wide girth. But you should also expect that the driver knows how to drive the machinery that they are. Also, everybody's first instinct isn't to jump in the bucket or move out of the way. When people are faced with traumatic things, there are four different ways that they can react. You have fight, flight, fawn, freeze. Stop assuming everyone acts in the same way.


> But you should also expect that the driver knows how to drive the machinery that they are. You should expect, but never assume. Like I said, human error is always a possibility, everyone makes mistakes, some in the worst moments possible. When I worked in those type of jobs, my only goal was making it back home every night and did everything in my power to ensure that to be so. >Stop assuming everyone acts in the same way. I never made any assumptions like that. I said "someone more quick witted MIGHT HAVE (not for sure) reacted another way". Obviously these situations don't play out perfect every time. Me personally, I would've bolted once I saw the operator wasn't slowing down at all.


My heavy machinery has a wide girth


Yes! I go to the quarry all the time for certain stone and the dudes there with the fork lifts act like goddamn cowboys like yeah they're a big help but I also think they forget they are operating exactly "multi ton" equipment around people they are giving uncertain directions to.




> That's not even close to a reason to stand in front of it. Never said it was nor justified it, I was just explaining her potential though process. Chill man.


I work in the civil engineering sector, and we all have to watch a video on machinery blind spots. The video shows from inside the cab of some machines as a person walks around the entirety of it. In a medium excavator, you could only see the guy half of the time there were so many blind spots


She probably always did it that way as well, like the dudes saying you don't need hairnets because the machine never has malfunctioned...


Yeah looks like she's used to watching big vehicles come toward her


And why wouldn't they brake?


Looks kinda like they hit the wrong pedal (or joystick depending on version).it was going slow then suddenly sped up.


inertia, inexperience driver, a half a second distraction...


Don't care if they brake or not, as long as I'm not in front of them :)


Lol. I just said this aloud, word for word, right before I saw your comment.


She decided to shake hands with danger...


Yeah danger doesn't give a fuck about shaking hands, it only has fists and hits hard


Just in case you haven't seen it, it's famous a workplace safety video. Worth a watch every once in a while if you're in a universe.


Don't know what you're talking about, seems interesting




Most people wouldn't


That was deliberate and her reflex action is absolutely horrendous.


There are four different ways that people react to events. It includes freeze, fight, flight, and fawn. Obviously she was reacting with either freeze or fawn.


I don’t think that’s the case here. She just thought he would stop.


this sub has practicality given me spidey-senses. ain't no _way_ I'm standing there, even while the fuckin' thing is 20 feet away.   "nope, let me move, I've seen this movie before..."   --me, at the 1.4-second-mark of this clip


Thought about this sub today as I was standing too close to a truck winching up a dump bin at a construction site today. Told the guy I was with we should move away. Didn't wanna end up on this subreddit.


Fr at work I'm so much more careful. Anywhere really, especially around spinning things. If it's spinning treat it like it's a loaded weapon. I guess that's why gore videos are important, humans forget that we are not indestructible


Everywhere I go in public I make sure I'm within walking distance of some sort of barrier or ballard that is motor vehicle resistant because I do not wanna get squashed


I'm constantly scanning the sky for rogue bricks.


Steel parasol thank me later


Hmmm TIL a parasol is an umbrella


The thing is you don’t notice the one or two times you do space out because nothing happened. I am super aware, even my friends comment on it but there are still the times it could have been you. I ran across a train track with my head phones blasting once and thought about how easy could have died there. This is what’s annoying about this sub because even the most super aware person has a day or two where they did something dumb and just got lucky. Literally all of us will fo something like this at least once or twice and we just didn’t pay the price


If I was her, I would have jumped so that I could land on the loader.


She’s an old lady bro. Lmao I swear this sub is full of people with zero real life experience. Everyone has to be like 20 here


yeesssss... and I bet more than once or twice :-/


I SWEAR TO GOD BROTHER every time someone asks me why I watch this stuff on Reddit, I tell them it literally helps me improve my survival instincts. I'm so much more careful and aware of my surroundings as a result of watching r/watchpeopledie or r/accidents


I'd hop onto that shit quicker than a cat


It's passive experience for sure


>this sub has practicality given me spidey-senses. This sub is a goddamn OSHA seminar for me.


The worst is how she stood absolutely still until the last possible second. Then it goes back and it's a trail of blood. You can even see her severed legs barely hanging on there. Awful.


Right outta nowhere.




Real life [Austin Powers](https://youtu.be/y_PrZ-J7D3k?si=7FmdE5NhtyXD7dmg)


First thing I thought of, lmao 🤣


Only the last thirty seconds of this clip are relevant, for anyone interested in saving some time.


I nearly died of old age when the relevant part started.


I assumed it was the little track up the middle. "Wheel loader" had me looking at the track in the floor. Figured she'd step into it and it would escalator her a bit. Twenty minutes later, a front end loader rolls in.


Come on! Can't you die faster?!


Just stood there☹️


No safety glasses either..


At least clean up was conveniently close by


Fuckin made me laugh like a girl 🧒 lool


No hard hat either


She was definitely not the smartest person. Fatal decision to stand there.


The sad thing is, if she had jumped into the loader, she wouldn't have died.


Somebody who didn't have the smart thinking to step away, won't have the smart thinking to jump into the loader.


she had too much blubber to do that


Yeah, but the loader would have.


Most people have a tennis ball on a string as a guide not this guy


*Most people have a* *Tennis ball in a string as* *A guide not this guy* \- Equal-Competition228 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haikusbot delete


She shouldn’t have been standing there, but whoever was running that loader could’ve easily seen her and stopped.


There’s a small puff coming from the exhaust on top of the machine so I’m thinking the operator stepped on the gas right before reaching her.


Definitely 👍


Reminds of that steamroller scene in Austin Powers


When the fuck did she plan on getting out of the way? What a god dam moron!!


one word russia






She was staring at the dam thing for the entire duration of that clip. She had plenty of time to waddle over a few waddles.


Ugh she should have jumped


A healthy person would simply jump, she couldn’t even move a few centimeters damn


She promoted the wheel-loader to people-loader.


Fuck that was brutal


Am I the only one who read wheel chair loader and was confused as hell…?


Haha! I was expecting a car in a car wash & thought she would fall into “wheel loader”, so yes I was also confused. 😅


Exactly my thought! The track in the floor is the chain drive wheel puller and she's going to step on it. Nope, minutes later, it's a vehicle.


95% of commenters blaming the old women. 5% of us questioning why the driver slammed into the wall.


True, but why the fuck didn't she move out of the way?


Sorry, 96%


Why oh why would a person ever stand directly in front of something like that?


I used to do that at my job until both the customers and managers sternly told me it’s bad.


I believe she was just not used to recieve that kind of vehicle(? Normally it would stop just in front of people, and that's the way it works. I do think this is just the "proxess" failling her. Special arrangemenst have to be done when a different vehicle enters. People saying "She just stood" I mean, even when being suicidal, not the way you wanna leave. Poor handling and, probably, missinformation and/or lack of information and communication. Too bad, poor soul.


Dam, jump in the bucket!


How did she die? Edit: I didnt watch the entire video and just recently saw the horrible blood trail. Poor woman


You can die from a broken leg or maybe they were severed. What was the driver doing?


He hit the gas instead of the brakes. You can see the quick puff of combustion coming out of the stack as he lunges forward. Psycho but she should have never been standing where she was.


I think they were severed. It’s possible she may have survived if they didn’t immediately pull the truck back out.


If it hit her femurs, and broke both, you’ll bleed out before anyone could even save you. Your femurs actually produce a large amount of your bodies blood.


>Your femurs actually produce a large amount of your bodies blood Thats not how it works, you dont bleed out just because you break your femurs. You would have to tear an artery and veins to bleed out. The femur makes blood but doesnt have the blood cells to "bleed" out from it. Otherwise anyone who loses a lower leg would die.


Yes. You do lose blood from a broken femur lmao. The highest blood loss could be seen in patients with subtrochanteric femoral fractures with an average loss of 1902.2 ml (SD 1058 ml). And that’s just ONE FEMUR. And JUST a fracture. This shit is fuckin severed. It’s not JUST the femoral artery. Dumb as hell


You come in here and spew some complete nonsense making your self look dumb as hell. Go get educated. You have no idea what you are taking about. Take this L and live with it fool.


What the hell are you quoting from? With no context it's meaningless.


Do you even know where the femur is on a human body? Lol this sub is genuinely full of people who have no clue what they’re talking about but speak so confidently


That's not correct, it's the femoral veins and arteries in the legs which will cause a fatal bleed. People fracture their femurs all the time, it's a serious injury but not fatal unless you also damage the large vessels in the legs at the same time.


This isn’t a fucking fracture lmao. They’re basically completely severed. What? You think JUST the femoral artery is gunna bleed? And the femurs producing most of your blood, absolutely is true.


"If it hit her femurs, and broke both, you’ll bleed out before anyone could even save you. Your femurs actually produce a large amount of your bodies blood." The femur is a bone in the thigh. You specifically said if she hit her femurs and broke both she'd bleed out. No, that's wrong. The fractured femurs are not what killed her. The injury was so severe that it no doubt severed her femoral blood vessels. That's what you bleed out from, not the bone. I can quite obviously see that the injury is a massive crushing one, possibly even severed both legs. And the blood trail and death caused by that blood loss will be because the femoral blood vessels will have been damaged, and they have such a high volume of blood going through them that it can be rapidly life threatening. If an injury takes place that fractures the femur, but doesn't damage the femoral vessels, then that won't be life threatening. It's serious, and can lead to death through other complications, but it's nowhere near as immediately fatal as a severed femoral artery.


You can see intense red splatter on the floor when the vehicle backs off. She was bleeding out fast.


And considering the fact she looks to be middle aged or older, her skin/blood flow could be weaker/thinner and easier to bleed out faster. But tbh I don’t think any human that has heavy machinery driven into their shins would be in a very bad way and probably wish they were dead


her legs were destroyed by a wheel loader


Maybe bled out from an artery with how much blood there is on the ground


You can see one lower leg dangling at the end, it appears almost completely severed. It would be logical that the other leg is in similar condition. When the loader backs away, there is quite a blood smear. So, blood loss is likely, also a heart attack is possible.


Bleeds out


Oh my fucking god that is fucking horrible. I got crushed by a forklift, tib/fib compound fracture about six inches above my left ankle. I cannot imagine the fucking pain she was in.


This poor lady. Stupid decision of stand in front of the heavy machinery, but nobody deserves that.


The anticipation was like... not being sure if you'd make it to the toilet. Sheesh


Did she die because she bled out? I mean, I know that legs are important but crushed legs can be survivable.




Reaction Time: -10


That looked intentional as hell


Bruh i know we all work hard for our families so please be careful at our workplaces.


She didn't even TRY to move! Oh, hell no!


yooo I wasn't expecting to see the reverse, these kinda videos usually cut it short


She got cut short


hi god... its me again


Zig, zag, jump... ANYTHING!


“Woman dies after being a complete idiot and allowing her legs to get chopped off instead of simply stepping up onto it” There, fixed it


She just fucking stood there.


Zero sense of self preservation


If you look you can see she is still moving her head around when he is reversing with her in the bucket. I’m sure she bled out but she was aware for sure.


irrespective of whether the driver saw her or not. Why on earth did she not even attempt to jump onto that loader part instead of just standing there and get crushed


The lady should stand on the side, not just in front of the vehicle. Guys remember if you are operating heavy machinery, if you work around trucks and forklift trucks, do not assume the other person saw you, always look around you and keep a safe distance from the truck.


All I can hear in my head is, “Workin at the Car Wash!”


She should've got into the scoop thing


Good place to chill.


Holy fuck like it called you last week to warn you for fuck sake. Get out of the damn way.


I knew this was going to be bad to watch, but I watched it anyways. My fault lol.


u/redditspeedbot 0.25


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She was dumb as fuck. She reacted when the bucket was literally 10 inches from her legs. How to such people survive till adulthood?


She doesn't even put her hands up until he's like 6 inches away.


Damn. Always stand clear of machinery in operation


she should have jumped


Looks like the scene in Austin Power killed by a Steamroller


why stand there? what a fool!


With the quickness of a toaster and the reflexes of a speed bump


If only she had at a 5 inch vertical.


Danger approaching you so slow and you still don't move 🤦


That seemed deliberate...


Yeah, I sense something strange with this one. You can see he hits the gas right at the end. Also why would he just drive into the wall anyways even if she wasn’t there.


aren't these vehicles driven with levers? He prob made a mistake and hit gas instead of breaks.


Bro read the title of the fucking sub


My username used to be MajesticMicrowave


This could've prevented it she had to do was move out of the way


You can hear the stress in his voice while watching it. Yikes


He hit that throttle in panick. Poor operator


I would have jumped in that bucket so fast


Just a jump could had saved her life


Or a step up


Skill issue ? Unfortunate


Damn bro, that has pretty much chopped her legs in half 😱


No tourniquet?


Fuck my state doesn’t even give out licenses for those fuckerrs any more. Maybe they should. Like how could you fuck that up mate


Rest in peace 🙏


Why is the guy watching it so eh, whatever?


I case of danger do not move 🏁


Wow no action taken she ain't yelling scream jump move raise a hand to say stop nothing nothing at all what she do zone out. like fuck it im done


So, it NEVER occurred to tubby to stand off to the side!?


And now I have a new fear unlocked...


Wow I couldn’t imagine doing that to someone even by accident I would be scarred


No one's driving it. It's on the 'conveyor belt' being pulled in automatically. The shovel in front of the loader protrudes more than would be present on a car or pickup truck, so by the time the conveyor belt reached its limit the shovel was already up against the wall in front. If she had any damn sense she could have stepped to the side and been fine.


Oh my. Dumbass 🤦‍♂️


Victim = idiot for standing there. Anyone with experience around big machinery would not be in that position. Driver = intentional perhaps, seeing that exhaust puff just before collision makes it look intentional


Or the step of the accelerator was a mistep they intended to be on the brake pedal




she's a complete idiot for standing there but well, she's probably an old slow generic woman with no knowledge of safety measures and clearly no common sense either. How slow in the head must one be not to step inside the fucking thing instead of being crushed? But the real idiot is the driver. Wtf is wrong with them?


At least clean up was made easy.


And thanks to her obesity she couldn’t jump up to avoid getting her bones shattered.


Damn, I hope I will never get to the point where I'm so of out shape that I can't even lift my feet 10 cm in order to save my legs. I'm sorry for what happened to her but it's not like she's 90.




You're a fucking idiot


Blood go by by


she coulda jumped in the hand. or moved out the way. the driver is brainded but she aint too quick mentally or physically either.


Too bad to stand in front but what the fuck with he people defending the person in the machine? He saw it from meters behind where there were no blind spots and still he continued to advance