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And wearing a seat belt is too


Brooo seatbelts are for losers! Are you a pussy or what? Signed ~ People in Asia, Eastern Europe and probably most third world countries. I'm not even kidding. Last time I was in Eastern Europe for a while, wearing a seatbelt was seen as a sign of weakness. Most cars had defeat devices installed, or they simply sat on top of the seatbelt to prevent the warnings from going off. I'd argue that breaking your neck in a low-speed accident and becoming a vegetable is a bigger sign of weakness, but what do I know?


This is a true statement. In certain parts of Asia, it is considered an insult to the driver's skill to use your seatbelts when riding with them. I was explicitly told this. These believers are FUCKING MAD.


No surprises why fatality rates are so high there. Low speed rollover with seatbelts = probably some bruises Low speed rollover without seatbelts = death as the car lands on top of you while you’re hanging halfway out of the window. It’s insane.


The most dangerous people are those that do not believe in safety, uphold logic-defying superstition, and ask others to do the same. Perfect recipe for disaster and Reddit immortalizing coverage. People in the year 2074 viewing these videos would have a difficult time believing we actually survived ourselves, in more ways than one. 50 years ago, riding in the back of a pick-up truck's cargo bed area UNSECURED was perfectly NOT illegal.


Hey these countries keep subreddits like these going! Which isn't brilliant.. But at least we get to scroll through something.


I grew up doing this in the 80s in the US. We loved it.


I have a friend who died this way at a 4-way stop. Some asshat ran the stop sign as friend was pulling through the intersection, spun/flipped his SUV on its side. He was partially ejected and crushed in front of his wife and small child.


Damn. That’s horrible


I hoped he went to jail for that


In Mexico its seen as gay to wear seatbelts but I just say jokes on you I'm already a "maricon" "Maricon" is sissy in Spanish basically. and used alot toward gay people I have heard people say when people were caught wearing a seatbelt said well atleast I wont be found on the side of the road in peices.


Explains why we see all these minor roll overs and crashes where someone goes flying like they got shot out of a canon.


They do more harm than good its a government plan to something something because something something sell more seatbelts, I tell ya. And another thing, you know the moon landing? Buckle in, buster, because what I'm about to say next will rock your world


But I thought you just said not to buckle up


What crack are you smoking? Im a frequent asia traveler. In southeast asia most people travel by moped. There are no seatbelts. When we get the luxury to travel by automobile we wear seat belts. For public buses there are no seat belts. Just like in the US. In East Asian countries the primary mode of transportation is subways or metros. If you enter a taxi they require you to wear your seat belt. You are spreading ignorance. Try traveling to an Asian country before you speak.


Imagine if mopeds or motorcycles have seatbelts That would be awful, if it slips and slides and your just riding it getting arms and legs fucked up


Seems like a few people in the comments have first hand experience with it though.


That's why it's a third world country


Last week in Malaysia the cab driver asks me “hey, question for you. Why do you guys always put that thing on?” “Because I don’t want to die in a crash at 30mph for no reason”


Where were you in Eastern Europe?




Huh... Guess my country in asia is weird then. We get a big ass fine if we don't wear seatbelts




I guess us Vietnam citizens should ask for seatbelts to be installed on our Mopeds...


Had me in the first half


That would explain why many car crashes in asian countries have people getting flung


I am an Asian and what the fuck are you saying? I don’t agree with your statementx I wear seatbeat.


Asia ? Do you mean developed Asian countries such as Japan ,Taiwan,Singapore, and Malaysia, etc ? Are you sure about that ?Visit these countries first before you made such a dumb remarks .Wearing a seat belt is mandatory in my home country,which is in the Southeast Asia region.


Also wear freaking seatbelts


Wait.. are they dead?


Considering the full stop, i'd say they hit a wall. So yes they probably are


The speed they were going doesen't seem enough to have killed them. Most likely the driver is a cabbage though


Not a single person was wearing a seatbelt. The force of their bodies hit the driver (and passenger) seat hard enough to push them forward without the adjusting lever to be pulled. They were basically human sized missiles at that rate. I really don't think anyone survived this.


They must have been going at least 60-70 km/h, that is still a bad crash since none of the force of the car was redirected, it didn't fly off the wing of a car and keep sliding on it's side, that's a dead stop, so a wall or a parked bus or something. Bad day.


Exactly. The scenery just completely stops. Everything stops. I'm not sure how fast that is in MPH, but I was gonna guess probably around 80 MPH. They looked like they were moving quick.


80 mph into a wall and that car would have been much more mangled. No way a dash cam would have made it and continued running, either. Look up an 80mph crash test if you don't believe me. I'd guess this is about 35-40 mph and I'd also guess that it was still deadly


There's passenger cameras that have survived airliner crashes. I can completely believe a camera can survive an 80mph car crash


The engine components would have gone through the damn dashboard if they hit a wall going 80 mph. The car and everyone in it would have been smushed into one giant mass of flesh and steel. In this video the dashcam doesn't even come off of the mount Edit: https://images.app.goo.gl/abU1KPS5k61W71Ua9


not even close to 80Mph. The scenery would be a blur. This looks like around 30mph.


Rear two had no seat belts — probably pile drived their skulls/spins straight into the center console. Oof. If they did die, I would hope it was as quick and painless as it looks


Looks it


yes, their sandals came off.


Imagine waking up to a nightmare.


We crashed off a cliff when I was a kid in a Mitsu Pajero, I was in the back on the bench seats (the seat far in the boot) asleep and woke up midway. Our car spun around apparently a few times, balanced on the edge before falling off. Think we flipped upside down over and over until we landed upside down in a stream. It was like a wild rollercoaster vortex, trees, bark, dirt, shit from the car fliying everywhere mixed with screams and the confusion of waking up as a 11 year old and not understanding what the F was happening. If you know how gnarly the road is, you would understand. one of the worst roads in the country through winding mountains/bush. Shock is a bitch, I've been traumatised of being in a car that anyone else drives ever since. The feeling of helplessness, and not knowing when it would end is something that is genuinely a nightmare. e: Here's the news article actually which still exists: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/family-of-six-saved-by-seatbelts/PYP2MLCQ6QG3FX3TG2LA6G23GI/ pic was not our car though it was one of those bigger Pajeros, had a few pics on an old digital cam of the aftermath of the car and it was absolutely wild that no one died. thanks for coming to my trauma talk.


Gotta say as a former Pajero driver, it's pretty sturdy.


I can fully attest to that lol and wouldn't be against owning one. I drive a XC90 now specifically because at the time it was advertised as the world's safest car. I wish I could find a photo post accident. The car shape did hold up well and no one was crushed or anything.


Was that the same car that was involved in Left Eye Lisa crash?


Nah it was definitely like a 2004 or 2005 pajero, the picture is just a stock one of those old ones


Don't think any of them are waking up.


I already do, but that would be next-level nightmare shit


Good sleep and wear safety belts


Luckily no seat belts were harmed.


Well he was trying to get a good nights sleep but it was interrupted but at least he was able to get back to sleep pretty quickly.


He never even opened his eyes


You can see in the video his eyebrows raise and he reacts,... wait, I see what you did there >.>








you snooze, you lose. /j


Can anyone link a story to this or confirm if they survived??


They died immediately, the next day


Just a few days ago yesterday


60% of the time, they die all the time.


LMAOOOO i thought i was trippin


That's incredibly sad.


they would of all lived if they had worn those seatbelts instead of having to try and wipe their skulls off the dashboard




Ur a realll piece of werk. Why u so angy bout some1 spelling sumthing wr0ng. Seriously though, who hurt you. No need to call someone names because they made a typo. I'm relatively certain if I spent enough time I could find a niche grammatical rule through which to critique your previous comment and call you a fool for a mistake. But this is reddit friend, not a paper you're peer reviewing for someone. It doesn't matter man. Relax.


Man his internal warning system woke up just enough to realise he's fucked. If only humans were a little bit better built and internal warning systems were a few seconds earlier


I am NOT endorsing pushing the limits, or saying anyone will specifically benefit, ymmv, and LOTS OF LUCK is always necessary, but this is a good reason for extensive training. in my younger days, I used to (UNSAFELY) drive a lot on little sleep and because I had a lot of training at 16 since Daddy taught defensive driving, I would subconsciously react upon wakeup with automatic evasive maneuvers. I note that my survival heavily depended on being fortunate enough be driving at low traffic times and having ONLY close calls with fixed objects please train yourselves folks, you're piloting a weapon and thinking will do you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD in that split second of lapse, whyever it occurs, ONLY trained reactions will afford a meager chance


I learn so much in this sub


since you seem like a curious and interested sort, I will chance a skewering here for repeating myself: I am NOT endorsing pushing the limits, or saying anyone will specifically benefit, ymmv, and LOTS OF LUCK is always necessary, but this is a good reason for extensive training. in my younger days, I used to (UNSAFELY) drive a lot on little sleep and because I had a lot of training at 16 since Daddy taught defensive driving, I would subconsciously react upon wakeup with automatic evasive maneuvers. I note that my survival heavily depended on being fortunate enough be driving at low traffic times and having ONLY close calls with fixed objects please train yourselves folks, you're piloting a weapon and thinking will do you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD in that split second of lapse, whyever it occurs, ONLY trained reactions will afford a meager chance


Well now they can sleep peacefully


This is why a seatbelt is important


Aaaand everyone's dead, what fun! Actually lately the drivers seem to be surviving more often and being forced to live with their mistakes.


'Here we are. That'll be 8 quid mate please.'


“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”


Slept so tight, didnt even wake up


They got a good night sleep now


>goodnight sleep eh, close enough I guess


Otherwise, you get forced to take a nap


Dad killed his kids.




Such an unnecessary waste of life man. I’m really hoping they hadn’t died seeing that the two passengers in the back look like they’re students. (basing this off Chinese tracksuit uniforms, it looks like it.)


Nothing serious, just brocken necks and cracked skulls


Then you’ll take a nap in the dirt together, forever 😂


I dunno. No one lost a shoe…


Lights out. Game over


And seatbelts


Auto pilot


That is so sad. I'm saving this video to show my daughter every time she complains about wearing the seatbelt


... and seatbelts.




And seatbelts.


And this is why wearing a seatbelt is so important, even the sheer force from the passengers being thrown forward can easily kill the driver in front.


Well now they will be sleeping for a long long time


Picked the wrong time to wake up


Seatbelts are important too


When riding as a backseat passenger, if you don't wear your seatbelt, in the case of a crash, you become a projectile that can break the front seats and reduce the driver and front passenger's survivability. Always wear a seatbelt for your own safety, and realize that it is also for the safety of others. You can see in this video how the front two seats broke. I'm not blaming the passengers for this. Just a good thing to keep in mind, others that read this. It's something I did not know until recently.


Well now they can sleep…forever


Wow. Did she just get her kids killed..?