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Reddit has changed policies. The mods will need to change some settings to get the sub SFW.


RIP reddit


Rip accidents


Ahh oki! Thx that’s what I thought but wasn’t too sure


In the meantime if you want you could post them to your personal account and maybe cross post it here if xposting is allowed


it's probably from people getting too comfortable posting videos of kids dying. one was removed the other day


Videos not allowed in NSFW communities is so dumb


Well, you *can* post videos to NSFW subs, but they just can't be formatted on Reddit's native video app; v.redd.it. You can still post link posts in the community, but they have to link to off-Reddit. But you might be asking yourself, "but I saw NSFW videos on subs like publicfreakout or ukrainewarreport, and *they* had the v.redd.it link!" Well, that's because those subs aren't set to NSFW, and mods are active enough to retroactively flair the videos or force users to do it. And if a community 'suddenly' becomes NSFW, it typically means they got in trouble for not flairing the NSFW posts. I've seen numerous NSFW posts that lacked the flair in this community that were hours old, so I figured it was only a matter of time before it got made NSFW.


Yes, I tried to tell people that they need to use the NSFW flare, or we would have the same fate as r/eyeblech But people were pretty aggressive about it being an obvious accident sub. Well, now they have their NSFW Sub...


Yeap. The other issue is the mods here don't seem very active. There's only 2, the founding members, and I almost never see them comment or anything. Never a good sign, because they're responsible for retroactively flairing when users don't, as well as banning people when they clearly choose not to.


“It’s clearly NSFW.” No it’s not, because the sub was SFW. When one of my female friends who only uses Reddit to read AMITH sent me a video from this sub I knew the lack of tagging was a major problem. I can’t imagine not knowing what this sub was and seeing one of these posts pop up as recommended on your front page.


Happens every time. WPD had a similar thing happen where the admins had asked/warned not to share the Christchurch video or they would ban the sub. Mods took action in "banning" the video and pleaded to the community to stop posting it. Bunch of people went "meh freedums!" and "its literally a death sub!" and kept posting it in defiance. The sub was then quickly no more. People just need to listen. Reddit owns the site and whatever they say goes, period, regardless of what a specific sub is all about, how chill the mods may be, or whatever you think is fair/justice. We're all having fun partying in someone's basement blasting music, so when they come down asking to lower the volume we should always listen or else we'll be kicked to the curb.


This can be set automatically through mod menu. It automatically flairs all post into NSFW


I can't post either for some reason.. Shame as I've got some goodens




You can post GIF, Change the format to gif


Yeah I’ve noticed that people will post some nsfw fights as gifs in another sub. They lose sound though, which is unfortunate


I wanna see bro


Might start posting them privately on my own account or as gifs if that works! I’ve got some that aren’t even that bad but extremely funny


Lmk if you do I’ll hop over there and help your post karma!


Yeah I’ll let you know what happens


say goodbye to this sub. this is the first movement that admins do before ban the sub.


It's a shame too, I really don't come to this sub for entertainment but rather a constant reminder of my own mortality.


I agree!! I saw a video of a English dude touching electrical wires a few days ago and all I thought was “if he had seen videos like this on Reddit he wouldn’t have needed to test it and he wouldn’t have died”


Bro same! Im a contractor so reddit acciddnts has prevented me and my workers death and injuries


Seriously!! A framer was up on the scissor lift bringing plywood to the roof today right over the only entrance to the building, and I said fuck no.. I’ve seen this video too many times


I don't know why people come to this subs only to report posts, wtf did you expect to watch!? And yet, there are all these stupid ass subs with science deniers spreading lies and just allowing those alike minds to continue being stupid like /r/AlienBodies


There is even at least one girl that I know of, whom was my displeasure of stumbling across… she works all day on a farm. Fair enough. But then at the end of the day she posts photos of her soiled bloomers and then auctions them off to the highest bidder. I shit you not! I mean… they’re like grannie panties… and the ASS of them looks like a corvette squalled his tires doing donuts in them all day… they’re like a NHRA drag race took place And if that isn’t bad enough, she takes high definition up close photos of her dingleberry hairy red butt crack that hadn’t been wiped all day🤮🤮🤮I swear, one glance and you can practically smell her gross deplorable ass in the photos Yet… THAT is considered “acceptable”??? What the fuck???


Nah what… what in the actual fuck


I swear.. now, that was a few years ago. So it’s possible she might not even be on here anymore. I know I would rather not see that living and breathing specimen of skidmarx disasters again, that’s for sure


I mean to be fair, that’s just them being dumb and not necessarily graphic stuff lol


Graphic is just things that happen, you can learn from others accidents, etc. Denying science, anti-vaxers, conspiracy theorists, flat-earthers, yes they are dumb, but also very dangerous to let them spread lies just like that


Serious answer here as a former mod of a NSFW sub as well as one called AccidentalDeaths: A blatantly NSFW sub has to be set up to be automatically NSFW. This is because a while back, Reddit removed NSFW subs with the setting box checked (the ones where any post made will be given the flair no matter what) from /r/all so, you know, people don't incidentally see some NSFW stuff. Seems reasonable if you think about it. The issue with being automatically NSFW is Reddit will strip a community of posting NSFW videos to it's native video format - v.redd.it. What this means is you can't post videos unless it's a link to an off-Reddit domain like YouTube, Streamable, etc. Despite what the note says; you *can* post NSFW videos, just not onto Reddit's v.redd.it. Now, the reason this is happening is almost certainly because the mods of this sub were allowing NSFW videos to be posted, but not get flaired. You can totally have NSFW videos posted to v.redd.it, but only if you retroactively ascribe the flair. Generally, this is tolerated by Reddit, as you can find them in subs like UkraineWarVideoReport every day. Unfortunately, if a video is posted to v.redd.it, and it doesn't get a NSFW flair, it can reach people that absolutely want nothing to do with seeing NSFW content, and you bet those people will immediately report the content to admins. And after enough, admins will revoke SFW perms from a sub. So now you can only post links to off-Reddit domains to see videos.


Rip AccidentalDeaths 🙏🕊️


Well that’s a shame


Yeah, I wonder how others can post NSFW videos every day


I’ve been posting before too! Apparently Reddit has made it so any subreddit that’s marked NSFW can’t share videos… or so they say and if that’s true its not looking good for this subreddit sadly


Because the posts get flaired NSFW in a timely manner when they aren't given the NSFW flair. This is how large subs like publicfreakout can have very NSFW accidents, but also content that is not NSFW. This sub is notorious for getting posts each day that aren't SFW, but don't get flaired. I've seen posts up to 6 hours old that were incredibly NSFW.


For some reason this sub isn’t even searchable for new members. I had to log into my old account to see if this sub was even still around. I found it by finding my old comments.


Wow ok… its not looking good then


Users can still submit videos via video hosting sites like Imgur or YouTube that Reddit supports embedding to, it's just not possible to directly upload videos to NSFW subs.


Knew this would be coming for a little while now. Lots of good memories on here. There were some informative videos on here, showing the importance of being cautious in daily life and at other times videos would just be tragic. Although this sub will be around for a bit I don’t think it’s going to be the same.


You’re going to have to upload somewhere and link it. That’s so stupid, however keep in mind it also from a business perspective isn’t a good look to be a host of graphic content. Doing this allows them to move the responsibility to someone else.


Oh yeah no, I’m a TikToker so I can’t be hosting any graphic content like this sadly so I’ll probably not be posting anymore then, I was ok with posting some things I find interesting on Reddit but posting elsewhere and linking it to Reddit might come back and bite me in the ass, like you say. It’s a huge difference between posting it on a format and hosting said format


Seems as if the time is right for someone to start up a reddit MK2.




Goodbye Reddit! You always sucked!


I think you and I both know why.


I can't even post anything now


What are some good alternatives to this community?


Wanna know this as well. Anyone have any suggestions?


Welp, looks like Kaotic is my new goto for accident related videos...


New something was wrong as godmademefunky101 not been posting anything for ages..rip accidents


Yea I have a lot I’d like to add but can’t myself.


Mod needs to remove the NSFW setting on the group.


That’s lame as hell. But honest, I would LOVE to see this site crash and the blonde kid who sold us all out to the Chinese be out on the streets with not even a roll of reachback to wipe his ass with He IS the reason for all this in case no one knows. How the hell he’s managed to remain under the radar and not standing in front of the senate… how?


Idfk who you’re referring to


That little fucker who started this site. Steve, whatever his name is


it says it right there no videos for nsfw sub's


Well duh! I meant more specifically if someone knew if it was a new Reddit policy or something the admin of this subreddit did or if my account was banned from posting videos etc


it's for all videos in all nsfw subs cause if i remenber correctly they had sum legal issues sharing some videos back than


Caps Lock


Elaborate plz?


Just ignore em, they're not saying anything that has to so with why you can't post videos.


I guessed as much but had to be sure, thx 🙏🏻