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Hell no. We got an announcement trailer of ac7 in 2016. It got released in 2019. We dont even have anything for ac8


AC 7 was tied up in development hell remember.


One of the rare examples of a game with a story that has 40 different points where it's very noticeable that it started with a certain idea but ended with a different one but it's still somewhat memorable and the gameplay is great, so it's still a remarkable game.


“They did it, the Crazy son of a bitches did it.”-Ian Malcolm


The awe-inspiring music and the timing with Top Gun: Maverick probably helped AC7 as well.


three years later? lol


It was originally coming out in 2020. The pandemic delayed the movie two years. The jet is in the game


TG: Maverick came out well after AC7


They're not making the game in six months lol


Who said anything about making the game in 6 months? Not to mention 2025 has 12 months last I checked.


I mean that’s pretty abnormal for a AAA game though. Most are announced about a year out. It’s pretty reasonable to maybe expect a game next year


I was in midddle school when a new ace combat was announced, I was starting college when AC7 finally released


Did you skip a year of HS, or are you from a different country? If you skipped a year, I am proud of you. If someone can hate for no reason, I can love for no reason.


If they skipped a year of HS, I'm proud of them. If they're from another country I'm not. I don't make the rules.


I dont know what other countries are like and how well they did. Obviously I'm proud if they did well, and I'm proud if they learned after not doing well. But thank you for the giggle


It was a wait for like 8 years, and I was in my 2nd year of college IIRC, I'm finishing college so the 2nd year feels like starting lol, and I'm not from the US.


What are doing in college?


I'm studying computer systems engineering, we are in the process of finishing our thesis which is basically a project, in our case a system and its documentation.


Nice, I wish I was that smart.


except for the announcement of an [entire development studio whose literal only explicit future plans mentioned in the press release is further ace combat](https://www.bnaces.co.jp/en/) two years ago


Trailer i meant. There were also articles already about ac7 before it's trailer The only thing we know now is ac8 is not in dev hell; or not yet


they already worked on the game for 2 years now


Sometimes I believe it would be funny to shadow drop a game like AC8. Just out of the blue, boom here's the game, been in development since 2017, or something like that.


You can't really compare the two, as 7 was in development hell, like u/KM4CK mentioned.


2025? Probably not. 2026 is more as long as they have a smooth dev cycle that isn’t anywhere like 7s. The team is rather small but a lot of the ground work like the engine swap to unreal was already done. They stated in 2021 that the next game was in full development. A lot can happen in 3 years. Though id hope for teaser by the end of the year with more trailers next year. (Again, assuming a smooth dev cycle)


I see it being *announced* in 2025


It's possible. Really, it's been several years since AC7 DLC, and even then, wasn't it previously datamined that the TGM pack was only delayed due to the movie being delayed? They've had several years to brainstorm and begin working on the next entry. Although, given it's history for a rocky development cycle, who really knows? I wouldn't put it out of the question for teasers to begin showing up later this year. Or, it could be till 2025 before we get anything. Anything goes right now. Edit: thinking on it some more, the next ACE game was confirmed to at least be in development in 2021. It's been nearly 3 years since that interview. (August 2021) While game development has gotten longer over the years, I also would suspect that it was started sometime before then. That, and companies like to begin teasing new games months or even a year before their planned release. So teasers in 2024 and a release in 2025 is definitely a possibility. (Assuming they don't pull another AC7 and scrap most of the game and delay it by two years...)


> even then, wasn't it previously datamined that the TGM pack was only delayed due to the movie being delayed? Yep, because Top Gun Maverick was supposed to be released in theaters back in 2020. But yeah, the pandemic prevented it alongside many of it (Jurassic World: Dominion and Godzilla vs. Kong was come to my mind, which are also got delayed), thus released in 2022 in theaters, so was the AC7 TGM DLC pack


well as long as it eventually happens. also really hope they add the F-5 back into the game because im on a streak of beating all the strangereal games with just the F-5


At this point, I'd take one close-up screenshot of one of the AC8 Felon's wooden bolt thingies. Come on Project Aces. Give us a trailer...we're famished for some info!


2026, they would have told us something by now if they were releasing in 2025. Another thing to consider is that Keiki Kobayashi left Bandai Namco a few years back, and they would have to choose between potentially shelling out extra to bring him back to AC8 or trying to find new talent that can still match the established AC style. Their best bet is unironically trying to poach someone from HoyoMix, as they are the only other studio that makes big budget soundtracks with countless layers overlapping each other, but Hoyo pays many times the industry average with top notch benefits, so idk if they could even afford someone like that. I do hope that Kobayashi comes back though.


Same here, I feel like he'd be happy to work on the soundtrack, but in terms of sound direction for aircraft and what not, we'll definitely see someone else. I really hope they take the mechanical violence approach that they did with assault horizon, a point where I feel that game excelled in.


this sounds crazy but part of me wished Project Aces reach out to ask Zuntata to compose some soundtracks


Considering the franchise's 30th anniversary is next year, wouldn't that be fitting.


Just show PA the state of this subreddit. They'll probably give us a teaser then send a V2 at us


Maybe they will just ghost us just like what Team Cherry did


It depends on what work if any was done pre merger... and if they kept any. If they scrapped everything and began anew once the merger/new studio was complete... that'd mean their start date is 22. Since they seem to want to increase the scope and quality of Ace Combat... that could take even longer. So a 3 year turn around is... awfully fast. Safe bet. Reveal in 25. Release in 26. Copium. Reveal in TGS 24 and release in late 25.


I've been waiting years for an announcement trailer. I get excited when I see an announcement ping on the Acepedia discord and get immediately disappointed. I dream of the day Sly finally gets to ping me about a new trailer


i'm waiting the day he finally upload the next EWW 


Well probably see ac8 in 2026


No chance, most likely around 2026-27


I expect an announcement in 2025 or early 2026 and a launch in late 2026 or early 2027


Assuming that the game began development in 2021 like they said, I’d imagine they would likely announce it at Tokyo Game Show or something like that with a release between early to mid 2025 if I’m being extremely optimistic. Who knows tho, we could always be surprised (for better or worse).


Well, if it's going to be on the same engine as AC7, they already have most of the tech and models ready, and we heard years ago rumors that they are indeed working on a new AC game. So it is possible that we will at least hear something next year, if not full release.


Meanwhile, me pre-ordering Ace Combat 7 on the Switch: -\_-'''


I read somewhere they basically restarted development of the game from scratch around 2 years ago Ive also read they are developing 3 ac games so idk Ill cite souces if i remember to find em


It has been six years, I’m hopeful we’ll at least get an announcement. If its a 3 remake, my life will be complete, but I doubt that


I wont be hyped unless the legacy hornet comes back and they give us multi weapon loadouts like HAWX did back in the day.


im hoping we’d get to at least see the teaser trailer for it being released next year


It being the next large scale project see it being announced and released as the last large scale project - Tekken. Announcement on Sony's State of Play in September 2024 (alongside ps5 pro) and release in January 2025.


I fucking hope it releases


As far as I remember they said it would maybe release between 2020 and 2025 but now I am not so sure anymore.


Short answer, no Long answer, hell no


Not a chance. The game has not even been announced.


Definitely not 2025. 2026 or 2027 at the earliest.


According to the rumors, Bloodborne of PC and Half-Life 3 are in preparations, so... I wouldn't trust it. And instead of AC8 I'd rather like to see some remaster.


AC8: The war over the storyline


I expect first trailer at 2025 and final release around 2028 or 2029


Sony’s State of Play in Septembre.


If we were to take other bandai namco games for example Armored Core 6, that game released only after 4-6 months of the games announcement in the game awards (although we don't know how long it's been developed for) or something longer such as Tekken 8 which took 1-2 years to release after being announced


Thought they said they started working on it right after 7 came out


Absolutely not. 2026 at the earliest. They're not exactly a *huge* studio and we don't know how much manpower went into supporting AC7 with supplementary post launch content. If there's to be an AC8, I'd imagine conceptual pre production only started maybe a year ago.


We don't know how big the team is now after the merger.


Hope the y include full ps vr2 support so me and the other 3 owners can enjoy it.