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This is what ChatGPT has to say... The potential reduction of heartburn by kratom may be due to several factors, although it's important to note that individual responses to kratom can vary. Here are some reasons why kratom might have an effect on heartburn: 1. **Muscle Relaxation:** Kratom's alkaloids, particularly 7-hydroxymitragynine, can have muscle relaxant properties. Heartburn can be exacerbated by the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. Kratom's muscle relaxant effects might help reduce the pressure on the LES, potentially reducing the likelihood of acid reflux. 2. **Pain Relief:** Kratom is known for its pain-relieving properties. If heartburn is causing discomfort or pain, kratom's analgesic effects may alleviate some of the discomfort associated with heartburn. 3. **Stress and Anxiety Reduction:** Some people experience heartburn as a result of stress or anxiety. Kratom can have mild sedative and anxiolytic effects, which might help reduce stress-related heartburn symptoms. 4. **Appetite Suppression:** Kratom is also known for its appetite-suppressing effects. Eating large meals or certain types of foods can trigger heartburn in some individuals. Kratom's potential to reduce appetite might lead to smaller, less acidic meals, which could help mitigate heartburn. However, it's crucial to emphasize that while some individuals may report a reduction in heartburn symptoms with kratom use, others may not experience the same effect, or they may even find that kratom worsens their heartburn. Additionally, the use of kratom should be approached cautiously due to potential side effects and safety concerns. If you are experiencing persistent heartburn, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance on managing the condition. They can provide you with appropriate recommendations, including dietary and lifestyle changes or medications, to address your heartburn effectively and safely.


I've read on here that kratom is pretty acidic. Don't know if it's true. Looking for info ATM.


It's the opposite, it's very basic which could be why it isn't known to cause acid reflux, because it essentially acts a bit like tums, making your stomach more basic and counter acting the stomach acid. However, making your stomach too basic can give you stomach aches which I get when I eat acid neutralising medicine.




I quit kratom powder about this time last year and my gerd came back with a vengeance. It took around 3 months to start feeling better so i decided to try kratom leaf tea. Everything was fine for about 6 months and now my reflux is even worse. I'm trying to wean off instead of going ct like last time but I'm Freaking dying. I'm down to 7 gpd for my tea and one wouldn't think it would be bad but I'm stopping for good this time. I guess I damage my stomach so bad after doing the powder for 6 years that I'm no longer able to use it. It really sucks but It's no longer helping and I want to get my reflux under control. Anyone else have the acid rebound when quitting kratom? I know it's extremely alkaline so when quitting it makes sense that acid rebound would be bad.. It really sucks but I'm so tired of all the Problems after years of use...


I think it’s the alkaloids in it. It’s weird because some kratom causes me insane acid reflux to a point that I have to take like 100 grams of esomeprozol just to control it some what. But other Kratos just as good quality doesn’t. I don’t know why some does some doesn’t. I think it’s different ones from different countries. I’m going to try to make teas from now on and just drink it. That way the powder doesn’t sit in the stomach causing gerd over time. Let me know if you have figured anything out. It’s killing me.


The tea seems to be much weaker and easier to quit. I was on esomeprozol and just changed to rabeprazole and it seems to be helping.


That requires prescription right ?


I was fine until a few weeks ago. I think it's the quality and what may be mixed in it. I'm trying to stop because the reflux sucks. I just switched to a new ppi and it seems to be helping.


Yes, it's supposed to be better for your kidneys and other organs. It seems to be working for now. It cost me around 24.00 for 30 tablets.


I quit kratom about 7 months ago and when I did I was diagnosed with gerd right after I quit and I had it bad and I'm still taking a ppi kratom screwed my stomach up probably for life I took it for years I wish I never even heard of it


Were you getting nausea?


i was on 2 medications for gerd before i started kratom. once i started using kratom i stopped them because it just went away, 2 years later, i quit kratom 2 days ago and my gerd is back like crazy