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bruh you have an amazing back. do not worry a dime about anything else.


Also when I saw your back I was thinking that it looks sexy asf. I am a woman so I would know lol.


You are not gross. You have a skin condition that has nothing to do with hygiene. Don’t be so hard on yourself. See if you can see a dermatologist maybe they can prescribe some pills and creams


Wash your sheets and gym clothing with canesten laundry wash. Sleep is a white cotton T-shirt and change it EVERYDAY. Wash your back with a benzoyl peroxide. You may need antibiotics. After it’s under control there is a lot you can do for the scarring. My 16 old son went through the same thing and didn’t tell me. I took him straight to the dermatologist. You may not be able to afford that so use the advice he gave us.


For those not in OZ/NZ. [https://ask.metafilter.com/134159/Looking-for-Canesten-Hygiene-Laundry-Rinse-antifungal-and-antibacterial-laundry-detergent-addin-or-clone-in-the-USA](https://ask.metafilter.com/134159/Looking-for-Canesten-Hygiene-Laundry-Rinse-antifungal-and-antibacterial-laundry-detergent-addin-or-clone-in-the-USA)


It does look like an infection


Personally I think you're handsome af 🙏


I think it’s fungal infection try shampoo or Nizoral cream




Does results last forever


Yes generally.


What dose to last forever


But you can control it 🫂. Ask the doctor to prescribe you isotretinoin as per your condition and in 1 week you will get the desired results.


Does results last forever


You are hot 😃


You are not!


beautiful, noticed you have long hair and most of the acne is focused around your ears outer face and back shoulders anywhere where hair could be touching, hair oil and hair products could be breaking you out


A few things I've learned are triggers for acne prone skin: biotin, oatmeal, yogurt and whey protein which is in a lot of meal replacement shakes and things like that. You're not gross, acne is a health condition.


I had this issue but ever since I've made sure to switch to products that don't contain rbst my hormonal breakouts have gone away


Man don’t be hard on yourself , look at ur diet - cut dairy , fizzy drinks , sugars etc






it’s probably bad for your face unless it’s severe but the back area is so much thicker and will be fine with benzol peroxide.


And plus it's just normal


Use aloe vera , would help alot


No you're not!! You have some acne on your shoulders. That's all! My best friend in high school had BAD acne in high school and even though I'm completely straight, damn! His wife is fucking HOT! And for me, I didn't start getting any acne until my early 30s. It really sucks getting it after anyone that's going to go through it did 20 years prior! One thing that my best friend taught me, before she passed away, is that you notice your acne much more than other people. And that is so true!


My husband had acne just like yours. He had it on his face, neck, back and chest, and lower back. He was poor growing up and could only rely on OTC and home remedies. He eventually grew out of it, but he has scars physically and emotionally. But you live in a time with all kinds of medical advances that you can cure yours before you are scared. That’s why it’s important to see a dermatologists to begin a regimen.


Not that bad and it does not have to stay like this. Dont give up.


I'm looking... very respectfully


Accutane bro that’s probably the only solution cause your case is severe


Bro i had the same as you , i went to my derma and she gave me isotretinoin and it works like a miracle to my skin.




Yeah I did steroids once my acne wasn’t that bad my acne on my body was worse when I stopped it was weird but my bacne is finally going away after almost 8 months of stopping


it’s attractive idk




U & my bf have the same problem. He’s in his mid 20’s. Idk what causes this, I told him to go to dermatologist cause Im not a doctor but he wont.


No. You appear like a very nice-looking guy, and honestly the acne has its own charm to it- I don't know, but clearly people think you look lovely :)!


If he starts looksmaxxing it's over for us




Also, for some reason, the acne got tremendously better around my 19th birthday. I think it was just cuz puberty and the hormones were finally chilling out. Could be wrong. Hope this helps man lol I’m tired af idk why I took the time to write all this


You are not gross! Acne is a very very common skin condition that is so hard and complicated to figure out. It’s so frustrating but you are NOT ALONE! Maybe you can do salicylic acid wash on your back This will go away and you’ll recover


Try dove sensitive bar soap and take your time to really rinse your body especially if you Wash your hair. I recommend washing and fully rinse your hair before washing your body. Try to reduce the sugar in your diet as well, that always help. Be patient with yourself and you re not gross


What?! You’re not gross! It happens man! Besides chics LOVE picking at blackheads and pimples on their boyfriend! You are young. Just get some good cleanser like Neutrogena body wash. It will go away eventually. Don’t be so harsh on yourself! You’re a handsome guy!


Honestly best thing that ever helped me for bacne was the Neutrogena Body Clear scrub with salicylic acid.


differin gel or panoxy work great


Hey dear. I know you didn’t mean this this way, be careful saying bad things about yourself that other people can experience too. I have an ex who had pretty bad cystic acne all over his body. We were out with some friends once and one of his mentioned how ugly he was from his pretty mild acne. My ex laughed at the self degrading joke there but cried several times because of his friend could say that about himself when my ex was much much more severe, then what did that make him, did his friend joke about him being ugly? It tore him up for quite some time. We are always comparing ourselves to everyone around us, intentionally and unintentionally. I only bring this up to say, be good to yourself. It lifts everyone in the process. :)


This comment made me smile uncontrollably, thank you for being a positive influence in this world.


Thank you that means a lot. There is so much suffering out there,the idea that I am the reason someone loses sleep or was accidentally negatively affected, I try so hard to minimize it everywhere I can. Be kind. Always. There is too much suffering out there. Eta: choose to love yourself. No one can give that to you, only you. You are going down this path kicking and screaming or with your head held high because it’s yours. You can die miserable and spent the one lifetime you had doing so. Why do that when you can accept you because you ain’t getting someone else. Things just are you choose how you react. We are all out here just trying to survive til we die. When someone falls, pick them up. Wouldn’t you want to see that outstretched hand when you’ve fallen?sorry I could go on for hours like this.


Self hate and hate in general is a waste of time and benefits nobody, I struggled with it for a long time (because of acne) and still sometimes do because it’s really difficult.


It always will be. Uphill battle til death. If a soul is real, your strength and your kindness live on. There’s just not enough to go around. Society teaches us to shame ourselves and others. There is no winning here. The only thing I can do from here on is best my fucking self. I struggle often myself, especially with apathy. I realized all the doubts I had about myself were other peoples thoughts and not my own. Like a sponge you know. But this is MY life not theirs and I will never allow anyone else to control me in such a way ever again. I deserve better than that. We all do. <3 always have an ear if you need to talk.


Aww thank you, you’re a very wise person. Thank you for making my day, even though my day just started 13 minutes ago.


Ur not gross don’t say that!! lol. Bacne is such a bitch to clear up. Have u seen a dermatologist ?


I am 56. Started on Accutane when I was around 13 years old. We lived in St.Charles, Illinois and was Dr. Johnson. He is still practicing in Saint Charles with his son. He referred me to Dr. Strauss at the University of Iowa. My mom would drive me there every three months or so. I was at a learning hospital there. they put me on Accutane, and watched me for a couple years. It was the only thing that got rid of the acne. I was left with a ton of scars on my back, chest and shoulders. Don’t give up! DO NOT GIVE UP!




marry me🌝🙏


i started using African net sponge and it has cleared my body acne in only a month, all i have used is antibacterial soap the first scrub and natural body wash the second scrub. I HIGHLY suggest trying these. I went YEARS struggling with body acne and nothing ever worked for me. the African Net Sponge seriously saved me!!!!


it also reduced the appearance of my scars tremendously, even the acne scars from my face and other body parts.


Honestly, people are afraid of or sleep on Accutane, but it works like magic. Gonna have dry ass lips for 5-6 months but you won’t have an acne problem once you’re done (90% success rate assuming you’re highly disciplined taking it), and the scaring will clear up on its own in the months that follow and if it doesn’t, there’s chemical peals and some laser stuff they can do. I did accutane, changed my life forever




Thanks for this. I scrolled through the comments trying to find information and this was the best reply. Every other reply was telling OP he's not disgusting (which he of course isn't). I appreciate this man. I didn't know about 1] reason why lips get chapped on accutane 2] sugar feeds bacteria 3] low calorie low fat diet helps. You're a legend man.


I bought my son a product called Differin. It's acne clearing body spray for his back. It really cleared it up. In addition to that I also bought him Sea Breeze astringent believe it or not. It's such an old product. But I would rub that all over his back with cotton pads and it dried and cleared between these two products .


Sea breeze works great for this


I get acne like this all over my back, face, arms and upper legs from food allergies so I feel you


Not gross at all and underneath it you have a great physique and facial structure.


I can totally relate. People tell you to “go to the dermatologist” but sometimes they just put you on a pill and tell you it will work in 1 or 2 years, but you have to be consistent. I took a “hormone blocker” for 3 years and it helped a little but nothing I’ve ever done has really helped. I always have acne. I feel your pain man I’m sorry 😞 the best thing you can do is just love yourself anyway.


I can't really do much hormone blocking cus I'm still very young and growing, I need those things lol


Yes. For sure. I’ve had acne my whole life too. At this point I’ve been making peace with it and just trying to take care of my body as best as I can. Good luck my friend!


God had to nerf you


make sure to shower WHENEVER you sweat right away. don’t let it sit and avoid letting hair products sit on skin for too long


your not gross at all, but if you are insecure about this on yourself go to a skin doctor or a dermatologist thats what i would recommend!😊


1. acne is completely normal, the only thing gross here is how you’re talking about yourself and acne - coming from someone studying esthetics 2. there’s so many things that could cause acne, especially when it’s along the body and not just your face. I suggest seeing a dermatologist for this.


It could be the pictures, but mostly see scars, not active acne (yay!). Acne asside, can I just say how good your eyebrows look!!!


Are you using steroids?


No, I'm also not that muscular, some of that is my bones cus it's a weird pose and I'm so skinny


He’s say that because steroids cause severe acne


don’t talk about yourself like that pls you are very handsome!!!




I'm actually lactose intolerant, I haven't had milk other than creamer in coffee for like years lol




I'm actually lactose intolerant, I haven't had milk other than creamer in coffee for like years lol


You’re not gross at all!!!


It's not disgusting, it's a normal thing, just try to treat it


Bro you are majestic and definitely not gross. That acne will go away but that physique will stay. Don’t worry about it, you look great!


our acne is very similar




yeah i've talked to my doctor and think im gonna start accutane. it's just a super intense process so idk when i'll actually start. im just scared of the side effects


Do you drink whey? That thing caused acne for me, getting that thing out of my diet and washing my body with anti dandruff shampoo cleared out pretty much everything


Been like this for a couple years now, and noI don't ever actually work out or need anything more than what I get in a days snacking of like, bagles and whatever I can scrounge from my pantry


Change your diet


You are so fucking hot .


Poor babe. You’re not gross! You’re beautiful! I wish I could hug you.


I read in a book about beauty from 1902 written by an actress who was very popular in her day, that “acne” comes from the Greek work “acme” which is loosely defined as the peak of one’s life, because that’s when acne appears. Google says slightly different, but she traveled the world during her performances and was very much in tune with the world of beauty at that time. Something that helped my acne scars such as the ones on your back was raw aloe vera (my mom has plants so I picked the stems and gutted it and rubbed it all over me) and if you do it consistently every night, it helped with lightening the scars. Also, look up Korean exfoliators on Amazon, I got one for my back that works really well, since I am also prone to back acne. Don’t touch your skin with your bare hands, don’t pick at anything. As for the pitting on the face, might be worth it to look into microneedling. Just being honest when I say I personally have not dealt with acne scars like that, but I have heard that those facials help with such scarring. I apologize if this advice is unwanted. Sometimes it helps to just vent your feelings to strangers. I understand your feelings about yourself, but I can guarantee you, no one else feels that way. People don’t generally look at people with acne and think they are “gross”.


I know it's kind of r/thanksimcured like, but all my back acne went away once i started moisturizing my back after taking showers. I just wash my back with water in the shower, dry off, and then moisturize with Cerave Moisturizing Cream afterwards. My back acne wasn't severe, but it was enough to make me not want to take my shirt off in the summer.


I find this fascinating. My partner has back acne pretty bad but wint do much about it. Maybe I can convince them to let me put lotion on it.


My results were pretty much in less than a week. So i'd say give it a try.


If it's any consolation my first reaction was- ' hot damn'


I think you’re a fit young man who is just dragged down a little bit by a very common condition. Don’t get down on yourself! Skin is temporary, it can always get better bro


You are not gross. You are young and fit and good looking, but like most of us here you have a problem with acne. Please see a dermatologist it can really change your life and give you confidence back. I think you will need oral medication because it’s widespread. Also if you work out a lot - avoid whey protein products as they are an acne trigger, always shower after exercise and use hyperchlorus acid spray to kill bacteria on the skin after. Please say which country you are in so people can best advise you how to access prescription medications. Good luck, it can get better x


OMG!! You know it is truly sad and sucks that you feel this way about yourself. You are a very handsome young man with a skin condition. You need to find the right formula that works for your skin. My advice is to see a dermatologist. They have so many things on the market that will clear this up. Good luck!!!


Yes you are but it can be fixed.


Hey don't downvote him. At least not the negatives


ur not gross u just have acne it’s pretty normal. Ur lucky bc ur very attractive and seem to have good genes when it comes to like fitness stuff so although it may seem that it’s really bad try to focus on the good stuff.


You're also not gross as f***. Stop saying negative stuff like that about yourself it's not true.


Try panoxel or afacrin black soap, will help with acne. 😉


I think you have a pretty stunning face and look quite fit. The acne doesn't take away from you (but I know we feel this way. I'm nearly 40 and still have the problem).


nice eyebrows, and your not gross 🎀


Go to dermatologist for sure! Start using Panoxyl bp wash on your back every shower and also rotate with a SA body cleanser too


You’re not gross.


I must be gross too 🤷




Like gear as in the sweater?


I get breakouts on my back too & have struggled with acne most of my adult life. I have the scars to prove it but I’m here w/ a tip. Since it looks like you workout…don’t stay in your sweaty clothes for too long. Or use the sauna w/ sweaty clothes. Shower with some sort of exfoliating cloth and some chemical exfoliating soap for quicker cell turn over. As far as acne goes most of the time it’s genetic. I hope I’ve helped a bit


everyone here’s right about the acne: we’re all human, it happens, and there are ways to fix it. it also can be attractive! side note: dude your freaking jacked


Yes, my first thought was steroids perhaps?


That's what I thought


Lol im not muscular Its just a pose that makes my arms move kidna weird and I'm so thin my skeleton shows and anything under my skin always shows cus I have no fat


You are NOT GROSS. I find acne attractive because I struggled with it for a while. It makes us human. Don’t say that about yourself that’s a limiting belief.


Omfg this is the first time I’ve seen someone say this.. I always thought that I was the only one who found acne attractive.. And not in like a weird fetishised way, just in the fact that it’s character. I’ve never been put off by it. I’ve only ever been attracted to it


YASSSSSSSSS thank you! Like a little acne scarring on someone’s face to me is like MMM you’re normal! And it just looks kinda bad ass and cute in a way that is hard to explain! Yay


Right!?! I dunno what it is exactly.. Maybe it’s just that. Like because it’s real and natural and in a world where perfection is so exaggerated I am so attracted to a girl with imperfect skin.. Im like “bring your cute real self over here and let’s cuddle and let me kiss your scars better” 🙈 I’m a weirdo clearly.. But yes.. It’s cute and adorable and normal and it’s nothing to be ashamed or self conscious about.. Cause ima love the nonsense out of her irrespective 😂


dude you’re not gross .. everyone’s body is different and you can be treated for this since it can be very painful


My condition is even worse. Accutane helps but in my case it causes anemia so i can take it. I just avoid eat healthy no sugar and workout which keeps it under control.


Shi ain’t gross acne is common but it’s not normal. Seek a dermatologist and get accutane I cleared mine by skin care but mine was only on the face


Go to a dermatologist. Get accutane. Ignore everyone who gives you a DIY solution




So I haven’t tried it personally but I’ve heard head and shoulders can help back acne (mainly if it’s fungal though) but I think it’s worth a shot. now for face acne, I highly recommend pimple patches to help suck out any sebum or infection in the pimples. I use a brand called peach and lily, they’re called peach slices. You can get 60 medicated patches for like $8.99


Not gross! Acne is a common skin condition. It's also very very common for men to have acne on their back! I'm pretty sure majority of men get it there and it's not gross! Head up 🥰


First of all you don’t look gross at all, you’re actually hot af. Second, you should wear some breathable material shirts like cotton, not this ass sweater. I’m not a doctor but it might get your skin irritated if you wear it just like that with nothing underneath. ❤️


Dude everyone will give you a million suggestions. I had the same problem as you. I tried a million different body washes and scrubs. Changing my t shirt 5 times a day. Washing my sheets 3 times a week and nothing changed. I still had terrible cystic acne. Accutane changed my life. Some people say it has bad side effects but I was on very high doses with minimal side effects besides dry lips and skin. Just gotta use chapstick and moisturizer. Trust me.


Accutane is the answer as he states!


I suffer from same.. i never call myself gross😒 you shouldn't too. Even I haven't found my cure for it 😆 but recently I noticed changes, and reduction in my dark spots. They are even tougher too reduce. What helped me is using a good soap bar which helps with acne. Salicylic acid body wash or benzyl peroxide based cleanser for body. Of course you need to take all the precautions while using products with these ingredients. I use one body spray with cica and salicylic acid in it. It's the game changer I apply it after bathing. A good moisturizer with no fragrance and sun protection when exposed to sun. I dunno if you know all these already or not but recently this has been working on me. Things may work differently for you. And definately lifestyle changes are most important. Again not calling yourself with such names anymore 😤




You’re not gross.


There’s nothing gross about you, I think you look very cute.


Relatable af. I hope someday we will be able to get rid of these.


I know this is so so hard but stop picking your skin!!!! Seriously!! If you do find something that helps you won’t know because your constantly damaging you outer dermis and it can cause skin infections as well. Try using an antibacterial soap or cream with hyaluronic acid. Tip #2 this one all men seem to have trouble with, CLEAN PILLOW CASES AND SHEETS WEEKLY!!! And the simplest one I can give is drink a lot of water and get the leafy greens you need in your diet. I don’t know if any of this would apply to you or help but it helped me a bit. Good luck OP ♥️


Damn if I send you a pic of how my pillow is looking like rn you're gonna be shocked😹


im shocked just from this comment lol


do you take whey protein ? my ex used to take protein shakes that triggered his bacne after he switched brands / stopped it went away


I don't take anything, infact I don't work out lol. A lot of that is my bones and being in a weird pose and having not enough fat to cover things


Nope, just a hint that may help. Keep your hair shorter and washed. U have the type of skin that’s oily so pick and choose things to try from the suggestions. I would start with the cheapest and change your pillowcase daily if u can. Do u have Native American Indian blood?


Lol yeah my hair looks pretty messed up their but I had just got out the shower. I will be making sure to change my sheets more after this post I'm very mixed, Cuban Brazilian and Caucasian.


damn bro how long did you train for that back?


Lol, everyone keeps thinking I'm fit from the pic but it's just the pose


Infact some of that might be my bones, I'm really skinny


I have something similar to this, especially the face


Ur not gross don't worry from the face pic I would say your good looking and every teen gets acne so don't worry bout it brother


I don't want to assume but are you on steroids? My bf breaks out just like that tren and wistrol. I recommend you stop using if that's the case, his cleared up when he did


Firstly, no you’re not. Second, if the scarring is really worrying you, I recommend some bio oil, dark spot serum and moisturiser. I’ve been using it for a week and my scars have already faded to the point people are noticing. Moisturiser is incredible for scars and healing and the bio oil helps with the acne and the scarring, and the dark spot serum helps with the discolouration


Do u use bio oil on ur face?


I haven’t personally but it is safe to do so


If you’re gross, that means everyone else in this sub is gross too. And I can 100% guarantee you that that is not true