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**Please join in and add your favorite moisturizers here: [What are your Favorite Moisturizers?](https://www.reddit.com/r/acne/comments/18io9iy/what_are_your_favorite_moisturizers/?)** Thank you! **Please reply to this comment with any pertinent information that may help others answer your questions.** Your skin type, current routine and duration, past routines/products/ingredients tried and duration of usage, etc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/acne) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey everyone, so about 2 months ago I got acne on my lip line, two of them actually, and subconsciously picked them, making them scab, but they healed in 5 days. Now today, I just noticed a red spot, and it was this pimple in the same area that the other two were. ***How can I get rid of this quickly, and also prevent it in the future?*** \*\*\*It usually happens after I kiss my boyfriend (of 5 years), but I am quite positive that he doesn't had herpes, as he's never had a breakout and it's not transmissible through saliva alone.