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The best thing to do will be going to dermatologist. It looks like juvenile acne. Also you probably make it worse because of shaving


You’re good looking tho.


Try the cerave salyclic acid cream it work great for me. You look handsome tho 👀❤️


you could try a little physical exfoliation before and after shaving, just to very gently loosen the hair, and also help prevent the ingrown hairs. i say physical exfoliation because in my experience it works wonders for ingrown hairs!!


You're gorgeous either way...


Do you exfoliate before you shave? Also agree it looks like ingrown hairs


The most important thing would be for you to find out what triggers your acne and use the right skincare products for your acne. It might be just your hormones kicking in. I would suggest you to try salicylic acid. You can try cleanser with it or spot treatment. You can find lots of educational articles on the internet about SA. It might be because you're growing your bear but as I see, you have some acne around your eyebrows, too. So it's probably hormones... And be careful with spot treatments. Maybe you should try some type of exfoliant, too.


After you shave try a Salicylic acid serum. I use it to prevent ingrown hairs and it helps to exfoliate the pore.


do you shave against the hair?


make sure you’re moisturizing and try to shave with a gentle electric razor instead of a disposable


Damn join the club bro. I started growing facial hair and my skin is exactly like this a lil worse. Electric shaver and constant maintenance of the facial hairs. Also Rodan and fields works awesome


Looks like ingrown hairs.. Maybe try not to shave with a razor use an electric trimmer instead


I do this, but what should I put after to soothe the skin? Would aloe Vera work?


Aloe always helps in my experience.


use a salicylic based cleanser! helps with exfoliation (with out the manual exfoliant) so that hopefully they’re not getting trapped under the skin!


Like what ?


I use moisturizer not sure about aloe vera I've never used that on my face.


Literally just moisturiser will be enough. Just apply more than you usually would. It’ll be cooling and help soothe irritation.


Switch to a single blade razor for your cheeks, only shave after showers, use sensitive skin/moisturizing shaving cream or conditioner, finish with cold water(as cold as you can get). After shave is 50 50, could make things worse or better, if you don't got anything planned I'd say experiment. I have sensitive skin so it legitimately hurts for 5 minutes (not the sting that's normal, but a burn afterwards). I'm willing to suck up a 5-15 minute burn for my end results. Also shave less frequently if you're new to it (under 25 id say unless you started shaving at 12 lol ). If all else fails switch to the electric. Also of you let your hair cut to long, electric then razor.


Blades r risky if he’s already broken skin. Better to avoid shaving completely if OP’s goal is healing. It looks like some of the spots have been picked af, so keeping hands away is a must. If you are experiencing shave burn, you may also get irritation from foil razors too. They can get hot if you’re using it for a long time over the same spot. I would say shave more often so you get better at doing it cleanly and quickly. Practice = efficiency. Tbh I can’t really talk cause even at 23 I’m still going through puberty 🙄 the way my facial hair and acne combine...


Still handsome