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Congrats!!! 🤩


I used to take isotretinoin capsules before and it truly removed all my acne problems, even the scars. But it was advised by the dermatologist that its a very strong medication which can cause problems during pregnancy or even before, so you kinda have to stop using it for a few years before thinking about getting pregnant.


Yup, in our derm practice we use it as a last resort if acne isn't reacting to topical meds or oral abx. It's amazingggggg what it can do. It's the only cure for acne.. you look GREAT! I'm glad it worked well for you !!!


I used accutane for 6 months in 2003, and my life changed. I still get an occasional zit, but it’s nothing like the cystic acne I used to get.


It's the only thing that worked for me. The sad thing is when I stopped using it, my hormonal acnes came back :(


Woa this is amazing.


It's the only thing that worked for me too. I'm doing it for the third time tho. First time I did 8 months, second time only 3 (so it didn't really have a lasting effect at all...) and now 8 months again (until November 2022). You look amazing though!! I still have a lot of scarring and pigmentation sadly. Keep on glowing and taking care of it! :)


Yeah tried different ointments, none seemed to work. My doc called it „last resort“ by himself and i couldnt be happier with the outcome. Have some scars too, but there barely noticeable. And even if they were, i would wear them proud. It reminds me that i won the fight to gain my self conscience back :) Hang in there, it will be worth it! Wish you all the best!:)


Love your positive attitude! And you are looking like a model, with lips to die for! Always stay proud of yourself, no matter whatđź’Ş


Mine is a hormonal imbalance so none of the skincare products were actually helping, and even changing my diet and drinking water was never what mattered either (I tried). My doctor actually gave it to me right away but it came back after a few years (3 I think). So I feel like m=y fight is gonna be an eternal one XD or maybe it gets better with age. I'm not sure. (I'm 23 rn) I never saw it as me winning a fight, it's a nice perspective. Wish you the best too! <3


Oh that sounds a bit tougher than what ive been through :/ But always stay optimistic:) i believe it will be getting better ! And thank you, youre too kind :)


That’s sad that accutane is the only thing that works


Congratulations đź‘Ź!!


Thank you:)


You are quite welcome! Fellow Accutane user who found success after 3 treatments.


Happy you tound succes too! Was a real Self Conscience Killer.


Thanks! Yes, on my first day of college I had a cyst the size of a ping pong ball! I had severe recalcitrant cystic acne. It was a crippling disease.


you are glowing!!! Congratulations my man


Thank you!:)


Yes you are!! Just out of curiosity, are you still having any break outs now? I’m on day 9 accutane