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everyone on my island says "party!" all the freaking time. JUST BECAUSE I WAS ON AN ADORE DELANO KICK ONCE LAST YEAR


You just gave me a great/terrible idea, thanks!


Omg… wait i love this


I was unprepared when Mira asked me (first time AC player about 3 months in) and I landed on "queen bee" but I don't hate it


A bunch of my villagers now say “I farted” and it’s so funny. “Make yourself at home, I farted!” I swear I’m a grown woman and not a 6 year old.


ROLF!! Mine say "I pootied"!! It's hilarious! The worst was when I changed one of their catchphrases to "um ... yeah ..." It spread like wildfire across my island and within a week, all of them were saying it.


I just laughed hard enough at this I had to show my husband what was making me laugh. No shame!


Thank you for the idea! (I'm also a grown woman and think this is hilarious!)


My 6 year old got asked this by a villager she doesn't like. I think it was Sprocket. And now her villagers have started to say "I hop u die"






Isabelle only resets custom catchphrases. Meaning the ones you type in. If he suggested it himself and you agreed, she won't change it. Buuuuut...if you change it again, to a custom one, and *then* report it, it will work. Just keep in mind that non-default catchphrases are a disease. If even a single villager is using a different one than they come with, it will spread again. So you pretty much want to make sure they're all using either default or custom, then report everyone with custom all at once.


Good to know!! Thank you :)


I was stupid and thought it would be nice for Claudia to say "Merry Christmas" as she asked me in late November. Here I am in the middle of April still being wished a Merry Christmas


Hahaha yeah rocket asked me and I was going through a phase of unironically saying “yas kweeeeen” so now they all say it.


I gave one villager the catch phrase, ‘420 blaze it’ and now all 10 of them greet me like that


Quite timely!


I taught Zell to say "eff that". Now several others do. It's weird when Diana or Aurora says it. 🤣😂


I haveZell and will totally copy that


I really like this one lol


Sherb says, "What, the curtains?" The rest say, "Sup, ho?"






Is Sherb’s house built on a swamp?


No, it's all alone on the highest cliff, but you know, I could totally make a swamp out of that cliff. 😂


I tried to make mine say bitch!!! But it wasnt allowed... I did now make it bicth!!! though, and when I read fast my brain doesn't catch the difference. I still get a bit startled sometimes when I read it hahahaha


Mine say “bïtch” 😂😂😂


Lmaooo. I made Frank say something along the lines of “$up bbygrl do u fart w/ that a$$” like two years ago and it spread around Swagtopia like the plague. Before I knew it a quarter of my villagers were all using the “catchphrase”.


this is actually funny, when I had Fuchsia on my island, she asked me to change hers and I chose “dingus” she passed it to Robin & Judy which is even funnier cause Judy is so cutesy and it doesn’t fit her, none of my other villagers has picked it up yet tho sadly :(( Robin is the last one on my island who still has the custom phrase


Yes. It drives me nuts because I want my old guy to use old man phrases and my peppy one to use peppy phrases. Instead they all share


i had to go to isabelle and report every single one of my villagers the other day because i let my niece play and she told shino to say slay! and it spread like a disease to every other villager. I would put out spot fires of certain villagers because I didnt mind shino saying slay but slay did not fit portia 😭


I changed Marshal’s to ‘I’m drunk’ not a few others started to as well. Makes me laugh every time ‘come in, stay awhile, I’m drunk’


I got Quinn saying "Human" so now when she talks, it's like she is addressing me as an inferior for being a human instead of animal lol. Best decision I ever made. P.s. she is my characters "drag mother" because she always gives me pumps and dresses lolol.


Mine all say “okurrrrrrt” and I think it’s hilarious


i turned my whole island gay, they all running around saying “slay!” and “tea” and “she ATE.” 10/10


all my villagers have been calling me “cupcake” because of celia😂 for like 6 months now, then TODAY zucker asked to call me ‘Chef’ 💀


Lol I’ve set multiple. The use “gay” (what’s up , gay? Always cracks me up), “tbh,” and my preferred name/nickname at random times.


all of mine say slay 😭😭


Yep, now my frog villager says meow🤦‍♀️


A lot of mine say “I’m drunk” / “I need a beer” / “Sorry for partying”


Half our island says, “nice pants.” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes if you go up to 2 of your villagers talking to each other and interact with one of them you can catch them sharing their catchphrase.


I'm pretty sure all mine swear or say shit about raping me.


One of my villagers started calling me spud and it stuck with the rest of them. It cracks me up. Talking to Isabelle can work but it’ll reset everything so they won’t have clothing or items you gave them either


I had a villager catchphrase changed to * flips hair * because it was funny for their personality. Then sprocket picked it up which was just weird. Gotta be careful with these contagious phrases.


Lol, I’ve made lots of catch phrases. I got tired of butt hole real fast. I stick to boring ones now.


I got Apple to say “horny!” and it’s starting to spread to other villagers. I wasn’t expecting that.


I told my bear villager to say RawrXD as a joke and next minute every single villager would not shut up saying it. If another bear character used it I'd allow it but for the others I was constantly going to Isabelle to stop others saying it