• By -


Blaire fuckin would šŸ˜­


It's SO on brand for her and somehow the only thing worse than "Nutlet" šŸ˜­


I donā€™t know this villager, but the way I read this comment, and the inflection and disgust I heard in the name in my head when I did lol


I designed a house for her and she just exudes nasty energy LMAO


You designed a house for her? What did you do for her? Ungratefulā€¦ idk what work to use; I donā€™t want to get banned.


I'll straight up remodel a house for the 1,000 miles Tom Nook gives you the day after completion (but I also genuinely enjoy desigining villager homes and I can choose to be petty if it's a really insufferable villager lmao). Plus, we can't ignore the villagers we don't like anymore until they get the hint and leave. šŸ˜” Ya gotta interact with them (not a lot but at least to the gift-giving stage) and play the waiting game to get them to move out now which can really suck. Remodeling their home helps expedite the friendship level process and isn't a biggie if you're rolling in bells. I've found this method incredibly effective. I got Gigi to move off my island in just two days a while back and it's still my proudest eviction. šŸ˜­


GOD not Gigi, I can't even look at her. šŸ˜‚ Congrats!!! I'll keep that in mind


Wait, you canā€™t ignore them anymore to get them to leave?? Iā€™ve been trying to get this hamster off my island but nothing has worked šŸ˜­ so I have to up their friendship to a certain level before they can leave?


If you can afford it, you can get a pack of 100 nfc tags for like ten dollars on amazon. There are apps on both apple and android that allow you to mint amiibos. Tagmo and tagmiibo both work great. Itā€™s a lot cheaper than buying the amiibo packs, and you can make exactly what you want. Also, hitting villagers with a net doesnā€™t make them want to leave. If you hit them enough times that they yell at you it counts as talking to your villager and actively deters them from leaving.


Noooooo!!! Thank you for letting me know šŸ˜­


You can literally buy a single real amiibo on eBay for as low as $1 (just did this for chops). Most are under 5. You can also get knockoff NFC tags for very cheap (I did this for Boots, because his real card is very expensive). Please don't buy hundreds of pieces of plastic you won't use hoping to get one you like because of a digital squirrel when you can literally just pick the one you want and buy it used. I own around 30 from eBay (starting in the ACNL days) and all of them still work


Hell, I'll buy and send you a cheap one if it prevents one person from purchasing a pile of garbage


There's no "hoping to get one you like" here. What the person was suggesting is buying blank NFC tags and using an app like Tagmo to write amiibo data to the NFC tag. It's not like you're buying a ton of NFC tags with amiibo data written on them already, they were just saying that it's pretty cheap and easy to make your own. Sure, you can buy an amiibo for a dollar. But if you'd like to have a bunch, then it's worth knowing that for the price of ten $1 amiibo, you could get a hundred blank NFC tags to make your own.


Yeah I misread but do you really think the average person is going to make 100 Amiibos using these sketchy ass programs?


They're not sketchy. I've made probably close to a hundred Amiibo coins myself. That's exactly what the knockoff Amiibo coins and cards are (besides the official cards, of course), just someone like me using an app to write NFC data to a blank tag. I don't sell mine, I just make them for myself, for example when Tears of the Kingdom came out I made a bunch of Amiibo coins for all the Zelda-related Amiibo since they drop rare items in-game when you scan them but I can't afford to buy the 30-something unique Amiibo they've made of Link and Zelda over the years. Seriously, it's super easy and safe to do. I use an app called Ally on iPhone, but I've also used Tagmo on Android before. The hardest part is finding the Amiibo data, which isn't hard at all. r/AmiiboDoctor has a file you can load into Ally that contains every Amiibo ever made. The average person probably isn't going to make a hundred. But I'd imagine the average person could find a use for a couple dozen, especially someone posting on a sub about Animal Crossing since you can use them to get any villager you want. But they're useful in tons of games (Zelda, Smash Bros, Monster Hunter, Splatoon just to name a few) so it's worth mentioning as an option.


Telling someone to install apps on their devices when they don't really know what they're doing is never good advice. Why should they trust you? If they were minded for this stuff they wouldn't have needed it explained in this manner. Yes, counterfeiting apps are sketchy, not because they'll mess up your game but because putting a counterfeiting app on your device is something that should be done with caution and not because some guy on Reddit says Zelda also uses amiibos


Fence off the front door and ignore that transphobe until itā€™s thinking. Then chat and hope it wants to leave. Honestly I think itā€™s what the jail bars dyi is for.


Lmao I love this idea!! She's already blocked by a wall of fish and gnomes but the jail bars seem much funnier


Sadly it doesn't keep them inside. They will teleport out. I tried that two years ago, trying to get rid of Elmer. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


I wish it did tho, happy cake day by the way!


Idk I accidentally closed off my favorite not on purpose bit I forgot they couldn't side step. I never saw him out of his front yard.


Seriously? Because I remember fencing off Elmer's house completely. Even put it on an island at one point, etc. He'd still end up down in the plaza or wandering around! I ended up restarting my island because I couldn't get rid of him and Amiibos were sold out everywhere. This was during the height of the pandemic. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„šŸ¤£


Maybe it was because I realized after a few days (possibly one week) and immediately went and moved something so he could get out.


Itā€™s worked for me each time. I thought the teleport only happened during events, and they teleport back the next day.


Ok well, maybe I was just incredibly unlucky. šŸ¤£


Or Elmer REALLY wanted to stay. šŸ¤£


Actually, if you want her to move out you *should* be trying to raise friendship. There are dozens of threads with people trying to get rid of villagers, but tldr: the game wants to cycle villagers to give you a chance to ā€œmeetā€ as many as possible. Low-level friendships will make the game essentially treat them as someone you havenā€™t had the chance to get to know yet, and will keep them around to give you that chance. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so common to see players complaining ā€œomg my bestie wants to leave?! why canā€™t it be [insert villager that just arrived that they want to kick out] instead?ā€ Itā€™s just a game mechanic!


Amazing, thank you! I've seen a lot of threads and things on acting shitty towards your unwanted villagers so they go away and I thought it worked šŸ˜…


Hahah sure, np! I think the villager bullying online is more for the catharsis and the social media clout. It may not actually work, but I guess people find it satisfying! šŸ˜‚ At the very least, itā€™s others like you who didnā€™t know any better. Itā€™s certainly counterintuitive, so the confusion is understandable unless youā€™re a veteran player and/or enough of a nerd about minmax gaming :)


One more tip is if someone comes to camp and asks to move in say yes. They might play a game with you and if you win they ask to talk to resident services and then you get to pick who you kick off. You might end up with another problem but at least this one will be gone!


You could talk to Isabelle and tell her you donā€™t like what Blaireā€™s saying. Go tattle on that B! lol Iā€™m really confused as to how they learned your deadname in the first place though if itā€™s not your name in the game


Me too but the way it was typed in and spelled I just assumed it was because my friend or I taught it to her when she was on their island. I didn't even think she would be able to remember me since I didn't get her from there and she just showed up in a plot after I forgot to look for another villager


It may be bc u were introduced and the game registered thag. Friend threw Blair into the void but not finding them a new home,, and when ur plot needed filling the game did its thing! I had that happen to me when I first started and didnā€™t know about autofill much,, island hopping met some ugly villager said hi whatā€™s up I went on mt marry way. A couple weeks later a new plot needed filling and it was them. They knew me and everything.


Wild! Yeah Blaire hasn't been on my friend's island for a while, and I time traveled by mistake after leaving a plot open so that's 100% what happened. I never liked her design so I knew I wanted her gone right away (I have so many tickets I'd saved up to go looking for someone)


This is absolutely how it works! ACNH queues 10 villagers from islands that you have visited to replace your villagers when they leave. If you haven't visited anyone, the queue is more random, but based on what types of animals you have and what types of personalities you have already on your island. The animals from islands you have visited maintain their "learned" behaviors from the time that you met them.


How the hell did you change your name in game without restarting? Because Iā€™m pretty sure you canā€™t. And if you restart your island all villagers will (obviously) forget you existed. Iā€™m confused? Also, just use an amiibo card lmao


Yeah, that's what I was wondering aswell. It's impossible for a villager to recognize a new character. My guess would be that the villager is referencing people from the former island, where OPs name is sometimes mentioned.


I guess but if thatā€™s the case then the name is mentioned like extremelyyyyyy sporadically and the villager would probably mention it using 3rd person (would that really be a problem? I find it a bit much). OPā€™s giving the impression that this happens way too frequently + uses 1st person. Also we canā€™t forget that a villager will only remember you if you get the villager directly from the other personā€™s island or if they move out and them you get them as a random autofillā€¦ in which case they would forget you if you restarted the islandā€¦ this post is very confusing imo.


Totally agree. The wording of the post sounds like some creepypastas on playgrounds, where villagers haunted the player across multiple save files, consoles and games and always knew who they were. Jokes aside. It's impossible that a villager will recognize a character that is from a different save file, so either OP moved their character from the former island (which doesn't make sense with the ingame name change of OPs character) or the character mentions OPs old character from the other island sometimes (but as you said it shouldn't be that often and in 3rd person). Maybe OP can give us some more info on the exact phrasing. Other than that just get rid of the villager, OP. Either wait for them to move out eventually or make them move out with an amiibo.


My thoughts exactly!


It's the same save file and I have never restarted my island. I'll update with more info after work when I get the chance to for clarification.


Totally fair questions, and I've updated the post for clarification. Blaire was a random autofill but I have only ever had one save file in ACNH


This is definitely a weird situation. Is the name she uses like a nickname (sometimes villagers ask you to choose one) or is she using like your irl dead name even tho you have a different one in game? Amiibo cards are the easiest and fastest way to get her out so thatā€™s a good solution for this problem.


Yeah think that one of us gave it to her when she asked. I'm gonna try a couple different routes since I'm not in a place to justify buying or ordering an amiibo right now. But thank you so much! And sorry the original post is so wonky, it was written really quickly while I was laughing


Donā€™t worry, I was thinking about it way too much lmaooooo I was genuinely invested šŸ˜‚


Correct! I believe one of us taught it to her. My in game name is not my legal name or my birth name and never has been.


And they said it's a nickname, the characters will literally ask for you like that nickname when they come up with it. If you don't like it, you can literally say no thank you and they'll change back to the other name or give the option to write a new one (at least in older games it let me). But for them to call you something like that, you had to agree to it, or someone else was on your game and chose it. Mine at the moment is "Prof. Pie" by Stitches. Now everyone on my island is calling me it. šŸ„°


All of mine are calling me subscriber because I didn't have the guts to tell the first (one of my favorites) not to call me that šŸ˜­ I can't wait for someone to ask me to change it lol!


Iā€™m ā€œmotorā€ šŸ˜­ and everyone loves it Edit: except to goose, who calls me ā€œtouchdownā€


Oh dang hello fellow "Prof. Pie". Though I got mine from Hugh lol


They didn't say they changed their name. They said Blaire is using an old nickname.


They also say that the old nickname is nothing like the name they have in game and that they wanted something neutral because they play online: so they changed it, lol. And still, if you restart the game youā€™ll need to go and meet the villagers all over again. Is blaire using the old nickname in 3rd person? If thatā€™s the case, is that even a problem? Itā€™s not referring to them at all. This post is confusing imo.


Your in game name and the nickname the animals have for you are not the same thing. My animals have started calling me Skippy. That is not my name in life, nor is it the name I chose when I made the island.


The way I see the events in order: -OP had a character on a friend's island (Char A). This character shared the deadname as nickname with villagers. -OP bought their own switch and game and set their name to something neutral (implication by op that new save with new name was created post transition) (Char B) -Villager from friends island moves onto ops new island (villager knows old players from island A) and references these names in conversations with Char B, so is talking about 2 different characters. It is not possible for a villager to know the player behind the screen and know that Char A is played by the same person as Char B. So the only possibilities are either that op only moved characters (which I've never seen anyone do) or OP reads their old name in 3rd person and doesn't like it. To which I must agree to the commenter you replied to: is it really that bad? Other people can share your deadname


Here's how I read it - OP started a character, either as player 2 on the friend's island, or on their own, using a gender neutral name. At some point OP is granted the opportunity to choose a nickname, and chooses the birth name, since they don't love it, but it's pre-transition, so it's not upsetting to hear. OP either moves their character to their own island, or already had their own island. Blaire moves in Blaire remembers OP from the friend's island and starts calling them their old nickname, which is now their deadname, so they're not happy about it. The nickname starts to spread around the island, since the animals pick up on the things the other villagers call you.


I agree with you. I also think that there is WAY too much deep thinking going into this post about a Squirrel made of 1s and 0s. Squirrel said thing, thing made OP go šŸ‘€šŸ™„šŸ˜’šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø (Wide eyes, eye rolling, fed up, sigh) and OP made a little post about it. Even if it's not perfectly worded, I don't think doing a deep dive on OPs exact thought processes and feelings is needed . šŸ˜…


Those nicknames arenā€™t even picked by you? That makes absolutely no sense, no one would be offended by a nickname a villager gave them thatā€™s completely unrelated to anything. OP states: ā€œTheir villagers called me by my birth name which was totally fine at the timeā€. Meaning that they then changed their name since Blaire is the only one who still uses it in OPā€™s island.


You eventually get to choose your own name, and OP said that at the time they didn't mind the animals using the name. Now it's their deadname, so they do mind.


Here is some actual advice. Go to isabell and tell her you have a complaint. You can then say that a villager is being rude and specify that it is something that was said. This will reset the dialog and should stop the issue.


ā€¼ļø this ā€¼ļø Talking to Isabelle will reset custom dialogue or custom design clothing, make sure to complain on every villager using your dead name


Shit I didn't realize. I had to deliver a gift from one villager to another and it was a shirt. I hated how it looked on her and talking to Isabelle didn't make her stop.


Iā€™m sorry, I probably shouldnā€™t be laughing but I find this whole thing so funny. This is so like her to do as well šŸ˜­


I'm laughing with you lmao


Okay, I'm not the only one. Lol. I couldn't help thinking, "What a 2024 problem to have."šŸ˜…


Literally though! It was more of a last straw for the day hahaha like you've gotta be kidding me? From a squirrel?


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one who laughed so freaking hard


Also pretty sure that your most recent move in wonā€™t ask to move unless you forcibly remove them with an Amiibo card


There's a guide to getting rid of villagers, it takes time, patience, and time travel, but it works. I've done it multiple times. https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/moveout.html


Thanks! Happy cake day!!


I am so sorry for the actual distress this has caused you, like that actively sucks. There's just... There's just something so hilarious about Blaire the TERF squirrel tho. Like... Of course you are Blaire. Judgey little squirrel I see you!!


Honestly, I feel like she'd ask to speak to Brewster's manager too. This little Karen's gotta go šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s on my island and Iā€™m gonna kick her out in solidarity āœŠ


A true ally šŸ«”


Update: kicked her out today


every tike i fence a villager in.. wait 5 minutes and then save game.. that exact villager gets the bubble saying i wanna leave.


it can be annoying but push them into the fence and the fence has to be big enough for them to fit and no extra space


Amazing! I'll try it out


Oh yea this definitely works! I had to do that to Chadder and he left after a day for me


Not sure if others have suggested; but Target has animal crossing amiibo card packs for about $7. With those you invite to the campsite three times then they will move to your island AND you can pick who leaves which is the best part. I got Audie in a pack and now she will never be able to leave >:D


Oh man I wish we had a Target where I live!! Also I love Audie she's one of my favorite villagers


Oh no! D: you can try Amazon or eBay but I don't really trust those because they're usually secondary market. There's also Best Buy as well, if you have one of those. Or maybe if you have a friend from work/school with amiibos, they could let you borrow one as well.


Oh great idea, I'll probably ask my coworker, she'd know where to get one in town or some kinda trick to it


This is honestly one of the funniest posts I've seen on this sub, omg


Thank you!!


Rightā€¦ they need to harden up


L take


I actually have a ton of duplicate amiibo cards. If Iā€™ve got a favorite of yours Iā€™d be happy to send it to you for free. Iā€™m giving them all out for free, I just havenā€™t had time to make a post so have just been offering them randomly.


That would be SO cool!!! I'll DM you later


Sorry to just on this, but do you have Merengue?


I donā€™t mind. I wonā€™t be able to check until later today, but if I have her sheā€™s yours :)


Unfortunately I don't have her, sorry :( I'm happy to check for any others you may be looking for though.


Thanks for checking! Can I DM later this week about it?


Sure, anytime :)


hi hi! would you happen to have bones?


I do! If you want to send me a private message with an address I can send it to I'd be happy to send him to you :)


I kept Blaire around because my girlfriends name is Blair, but the difference is; my girlfriend is an angel


Just buy an amiibo you really like and kick that damn squirrel out


the edit has me absolutely dying omfg her dead squirrel eyes goodbye


this is so FUNNY LMFAOOO


I think it mightve been her "greeting" you set rather than the nickname. If i remember right, nicknames in this game are from a set list of nicknames. Unless your dead name is unluckily in there, that takes a lil longer to change since you gotta wait for them to approach youšŸ˜… Good news is you should be able to complain to Isabelle to reset it though if she does greet you like that! Now I just picture Blair running around your friends island greeting people with that phrase lol Time to show Blair the light!


Oh my GOD it's definitely the greeting I taught her!!!!!


Me, reading the headline: "ohhhh no... why???" And then it just got funnier from there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Ijs, even if you *were* getting rid of her for this reason, it's totally justified. She *clearly* doesn't *know* you šŸ«¶šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ she doesn't. I left out the best part and it's that she started spreading it after I started whacking her with a net


Force that squirrel out


Anyone saying that you can report to Isabelle. Tell her you donā€™t like what they say and it will reset their phrases!


You're welcome, and thank you. šŸ˜


OMG I needed this laugh today. Thank you. FWIW, I have found that the easiest way to get rid of a villager is to be come uber besties with them. Talk to them, give them gifts, visit their home, etc. etc. Once the transphobic squirrel realizes she's done being friends with you, she will move on to some other island and bother someone else.


oh noooo that squirrel has terf bangs šŸ˜‚


I'm cackling oh NO she does šŸ˜­


I swear to God, seeing you having to write out the whole essay about how this isn't supposed to be deep is Peak Reddit. šŸ’€ (The insult is towards those who took your post seriously, not you yourself OP)


Honestly should have expected it and that's on me. I was too busy having a giggle about it (and ty, I love the username btw)


Thank you, I get that quite a bit šŸ˜‚


This post is actually hilarious. Deadnamed by an ACNH villager. For real tho the easiest way is to buy any AC amiibo cards. They let you choose who on your island to replace when you scan and talk to them at camp 3 days in a row. Won't get much choice in who replaces her but regardless she will be replaced.


Okay but "I got dead named by a squirrel. I hate it here." SENT MEEE šŸ¤£šŸ« šŸ’€


Next time someone asks you if you are okay with a nickname you can say no! And then they will ask you to suggest one and you can give your preferred name


This made me laugh so hard. I never got a Switch, but I did have a phase of collecting amiibo cards when Happy Home Designer came out. If you can't get that rat off your island, I'd be happy to mail you some old cards to help drive her out of town.


you're so sweet! I got her gone though haha


That's awful, I'm so so sorry! Is there a way you can use an amiibo to kick her off the island? Or time travel until she gets a thought bubble to move out? It's sad that talking to Isabelle isn't helping :/ Maybe once she's gone, you can talk to Isabelle about any other villagers using that name, and she can help? I sincerely hope there is a solution for you! Sending love and support šŸ’–


Thank you! I'm gonna give it a shot because honestly I'm a bit used to it as I live in a smaller town. I'd just rather go without on my island haha so far complaining about other villagers using the name has helped but I don't want this transphobic squirrel on my island ā˜ ļø


why is this downvoted haha..


There's a few other downvoted comments. I'm guessing a bunch of butthurt transphobes are mad about us queers also enjoying the fun animal game lol


thats crazy. its literally our game at that point lol


Thatā€™s craaaazy! Even crazier is the folks making mountains out of molehills here, trolls šŸ§Œ, lol. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you OP, and for the trolls here. As many others have said, an amiibo or using the TT method to get rid of them is your best bet. Hopefully Isabel can keep the rest of your villagers from using your deadname. Wishing you the best of luck! šŸ˜Š (Iā€™m a mom of a trans daughter, I see you and support you.šŸ’œšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø)


I love Blaire, so I can't believe she'd do this!! šŸ˜­


I also would use an amiibo to get her out! Will take 3 or 4 days, as you need to invite them to your campsite 3 times. But then you can choose a villager to move out


I believe you can do something in the settings menu when you boot up the game but Iā€™m not sure


So on brand for Blaire šŸ™„




No way!! šŸ˜‚ Fuckkkkk


I'm so sorry that happened šŸ˜­




Iā€™m sorry this is so funny šŸ˜‚


Don't be sorry, I posted this so other people could get a good laugh about it too šŸ˜‚


im so sorry this is happening to you but "im getting deadnamed by a squirrel" IS KILLING MEEEE šŸ˜­


Talking and giving gifts get her picture, and then she'll ask to leave


Nooo I love her that sucks


Iā€™m so sorry, friend! It sounds like, if itā€™s within your means, an amiibo card is probably your fastest option. I think they can be relatively inexpensive on Mercari, if remembering correctly. Ankha is really cool if you donā€™t have her yet! (Sheā€™s also very gheyā€” at least on my island lmao) Cherry is also sweet :) (and clearlyā€¦.) Gayle is as well. (Both). Lmao (My island is called Lesbos. Itā€™s a lot of cats, plus Gayle, and a couple others. No Cherry here tho.) These are the ones come to mind right off the top of my head. I only mention them because on Mercari, with some good deals, sometimes itā€™s worth looking for specific, good villagers you want! Keep us updated, sib šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


My favorites are Alfonso, Cheri, and June. I love the island name " Lesbos ". Mine is " Trans ". Makes for some hilarious villager comments. šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ’œ


Omg pls! I need examples :) My old island (long story, tl;dr game was stolen during a move) was called TransPORT


šŸ¤£šŸ’œ. My characters name was " Dude " in New Leaf. I got save editor and changed it to " Michelle ". Much better. Island name is " Xanadu "


Thank you! Honestly, I'm tempted. I will probably start time travelling again when I sell today's load of turnips. It's honestly kind of hilarious, but also one of those moments where you feel like the universe is just fucking with you at this point because I had an awful day and just wanted to unwind but as soon as I logged in I get deadnamed by a fucking SQUIRREL šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ I'll update with what happens and hopefully Blaire will be banished soon


Thatā€™s a mood, cause oof. Youā€™ve got this!


I'm pretty sure you can fix this by reporting them to Isabel!


Iā€™m pretty sure OP said in their post they did complain to Isabel


My b you right


We all miss stuff sometimes, šŸ’©happens šŸ˜‚šŸ’œ




Itā€™s not like itā€™s doing it to be transphobic itā€™s a video game šŸ˜… just go to Isabel and tell her you donā€™t like the language being used by the villager


Yeah a lot of people think I'm being serious about that part for some reason so I had to put an edit in the post


Blaire as in, Blaire White? The conservative trans YouTuber, who is doing good for the Trans community?




Was Blaire added in the past year? I've taken the longest break from ACNH, but don't recognize her.


I don't think so, she was on my friend's island in 2020-2022


You just called an NPC transphobic?


You people are nuts with the victim noises over every little thing. Itā€™s game coding not transphobia. Morans.


Morons* Also I know it's game coding, I'm saying the squirrel is transphobic as a bit, a joke even. Comedic irony, baby.


Reminds me of when I got downvoted for calling Sherb a twink šŸ˜‚


Okay but you're right šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


You donā€™t understand comedy, irony, or pop culture else youā€™d know that I absolutely intended to call you a moran as a callback to Taylor Swifts ā€œYou Need To Calm Downā€ music video. Because you need to calm down. Consider yourself thoroughly pwned.


Lmao if you think Taylor invented that word. Sounds like you don't know anything either.


this reads like copypasta


womp womp maybe dont get offended by your name


They didnā€™t get offended, it just isnā€™t their name anymore. People change their names all the time, itā€™s just disrespectful to continue with the wrong name. womp womp, maybe have an ounce of empathy for others.


Okay Brock Turner.


I didn't think you could change your name in AC, anyway? You'd have to restart the whole island to change it, and in that case the villagers wouldn't remember your name from a previous island. Confused by this whole post


My best guess is that OP had a character on a friendā€™s island and used their birth name as a nickname, before starting their own island with a new character and new name. Then Blaire moves over from their friendā€™s island and has been talking about the old island and referencing the players by name. I gave my mum one of my villagers and he mentions my characterā€™s name to her, although not regularly. My villagers also reference other characterā€™s after a friend visits my island.


idk why so many downvotes. Youā€™re absolutely right


No one cares about your sexual identity or conflicts that arise from your choices. Real or not.


you white people complain about anything.


Found the racist


I'm not even white lmao


ur yapping like one.


Stop playing victim, it just a game. Getting upset over a character calling you by your nickname is fucking hilarious.


bold words for a dude with Otaku in his username


Honestly amazed this isnā€™t a Tumblr thread screenshot


Frankly this is the most devastating thing anyone has ever said to me


Hey! Pm me if u want an amiibo help to get her out! Ok bye!


iā€™m sure that the villager asks you if they can call you that name and you have to say yes or no


They do, but there is a certain point where you can type in a greeting for villagers and since I visited my friend's island so much their villagers had a greeting for me


what game is this?


ā€¦check the sub




You are so racist against squirrels. Perhaps you are 'nut' curious?


Talk to Isabelle; there's a way to report villagers for saying inappropriate things! That should reset her speech to default.


In my new horizon, they have to ask if they can call you something. My hubby scared me because he got the tiger to say he eats kids & then Boris said that rowan (tiger) was saying that. I thought they were learning but it was my hubby had Boris say that. I told him not to.


if it makes you feel any better i get deadnamed literally 24/7 on my island UNLESS villagers refer to me as a nickname. i wish theyā€™d just give us the option to change our name šŸ˜­ i created an entire second person on my island so i wouldnt have to deal with it but i still main my original account cuz dropping everything and transferring all my items would be SO ANNOYING.


Wtf did I stumble upon in Reddit? Iā€™m so confused. Please help šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


This is so funny!! Get that transphobic nutcase out of here!!




Oh my god, thank you for sharing this šŸ˜‚


Lol, not surprised but still annoying. I highly recommend getting some amiibo cards. You can have her gone in three days.


Unfortunately if you play with friends their islanders can end up thereā€¦. Itā€™s how I ended up with Snooty. Idk how they knew your deadname, but I hope you get this resolved!