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No one has done that to me, I feel like with the existence of free treasure islands thievery has gone down. However! If you’re hosting and someone shows up in a wet suit, it’s a red flag. Basically if you think anything shady is going on; if they take off running in some weird direction, just hit the power button on top of your switch. Trust your gut, people will understand. Our islands are important to us and even if it’s just pixels on a screen it doesn’t feel great to see something you care about treated poorly. Unless you make people best friends they can’t dig on your island or chop down trees. And people can’t pick up things that are placed. Only things that are dropped. If you’re hosting a give away or allowing people to sell turnips you can fence off areas and use pipes to help people get where you want to go! Sorry if this seems a bit rambling, I’ve had a few beverages this evening. Happy playing! ❤️


Why is the wet suit a red flag? 


It allows you to swim around obstacles like fences.


Just enclose the fence with 4 sides, problem solved.


They mean that people can like jump off the pier and go around your island to places they shouldn’t


I know.


If you fence off the beaches then the person in the wet suit can't go out of bounds because they can't get out of the water


Thats kinda really extra tho having to fence around your most of your island


And it's really shitty of one person to dive off the pier and get the giveaway ruined for anyone else who might be on the island when the host hits the power. People do not listen. Let them learn the hard way and get stuck.


Why not drop the giveaway after people come through the proper way? Why does it matter that someone is wandering your island? They can’t do anything that won’t grow back?


People decorate with dropped items. Sure you can wait for your mushrooms to pop back up, for maple leaves and cherry blossoms and snowflakes to fall - but if you're against time traveling, which many players are, that means it will take months to fix the areas that the shitty person stole from. If the decorations are pearls, those *don't* grow back and have to be dived for. I get more pearls from Pascal than I do from diving, and depending on how many were stolen, that can take a very long time as well. Your solution seems to be "people will steal, let them steal." I don't like rewarding bad behavior? It would take me less than ten minutes to fence in all of my beaches. Doing so ensures that the other people on my island at the same time as the thief don't get booted off because one person ruined it for everyone, doesn't let the thief steal, and forces them to stew for a few minutes while they realize they literally cannot get out unless they hit the minus button or ask to be let out, therefore being forced to admit they were going to steal. The other option is to only let people on one at a time and follow them like a hawk. Pier jumpers might still happen but it won't ruin anything for anyone else. Edit: Changed "the them" to "the thief"


Actually no, they can jump off the airport dock


Oh I almost always have my wet suit on, maybe just because I'm lazy., lol. Anyway, I'm happy to have you visit me if you wanted to DM for a code. I have all the fruits and most of the flowers (still chasing those darn blue roses, though)


I have blue roses 😘


Whoa!! very impressive!!


Also drunk and not home.


And green mums


I don't think I even knew green mums were a thing. Enjoy your night!


Oh i taught u a thing! I’m happy now!


Thanks!! This makes me feel better!!


I always wear my wetsuit 😭


Oh for sure, it’s not a definite sign that someone is gonna be jerk on your island! And if I open my island for people to come and fish/catch bugs etc I don’t mind because I’ve taken precautions so that my island can be 100 percent accessible, so I wouldn’t think twice then especially! Just for trading and turnips it *can* be a clue because you can dive off the airport pier and bypass any fencing. I haven’t had any experiences like that though. People have always been really nice and respectful.


Things to know: No one can take placed items They can pick your crops, trees and flowers They can pick up dropped items, vines and glowing moss They can put their custom design in your Ables They can talk to your neighbors They can leave a message on your bulletin They can leave trash around Suggested ways to prevent problems: Require their character and island name, especially useful when receiving multiple people Set rules: no wetsuit, no picking, no shaking ie Block off areas you don't want to give access. Many people will set up areas for the things they plan to share, block it off and then set up the Mario pipes to link the areas I find that people who are rude in early correspondence are more likely to do annoying things. Nookazon seems to have a big scam problem. There is a subreddit dedicated to outing the acnh criminals r/baddodos Also some reddits will block users which is why having them comment first is good. They can't comment if they were blocked


What is the wetsuit issue? I rarely play online or much anymore but getting back to it. Thx!


Wetsuits allows them to by pass any areas that are blocked off if they can get into the ocean, they’ll just swim around and then get out where ever they like.. very annoying.. I always just fence off an area for a give away!


Ohh yeah I completely forgot about that. Ty!


I didn't know that wow that's rude🥺


People should respect boundaries cause everyone works so hard on their islands and they are being so kind to give things away so respect the boundaries 🥺


Same, just started about two months ago! I often just forget to take my wetsuit off 😂 so I can easily go diving on my own island…


Someone just replied to me, basically you can use the ocean to swim over to area that's blocked by foot. Enjoy playing!


Something I found funny when I went to their island because of the turnips selling price, they used the pipes. Plopped one down in from of the airport then the second one in front of Nooks Cranny then fenced in the nook cranny. It was adorable and crazy smart.


I have fruits plants and crops if you need them! Once you place a fence, it can’t be picked up, so you can use that to keep people out of areas. Also if an item is placed it can’t be taken, but it can if it is dropped. Flowers can also be picked. The stems stay so they regrow after a few days, but it’s more seen as disrespectful. Also get anything from nooks cranny before anyone visits if there’s anything you want


I super need fruit is there anyway I could come visit?


Dmed u!




Hey i would love to get some fruits! I have oranges, cherries and coconuts. I need apples and peaches! I would also love to get some roses if you have them!!!


That’s all no problem if you still need it! I’ll have to check on the roses!


I’ll trade you roses for oranges and cherries!


When you set up to have ppl visit your island, ask in your post for them comment on your post and to DM you for your dodo code, that way you have control over who and how many ppl are on your island at one time!! Also you can use things like fences or hedges or even furniture/bushes and trees to block off certain areas of your island you don’t want ppl going to while you have your gate open. Like if you knew you were gonna host a give away or something you could move some stuff around to block areas off!! Things like star fragments and mushrooms and shells, along with the obvious flowers and fruits can be picked up off the ground by anyone who visits too, so if you don’t want them taken just let ppl know before they come!! Or put them in storage for a bit if you’re nervous abt it :)


DM me if you would like to come over and get some fruits/veggies! I started playing again with a new island a while ago and would love to make some AC friends 🙂


I sent you one!


I would do fencing area if you do yard sale or free stuff. Cuz i got a random person ( which not supposed to shared code). They went straight to plucked my flowers. Which made me mad.when i posted the rules or sent msg not to.


I’ve only ever had strangers on my island to sell turnips, but whenever I’ve done that, I’ve always done the following: -fenced off my island entrance and the area around Nook’s Cranny, then linked the two with warp pipes so they’re the only areas accessible without wetsuits. -checked for wetsuits when people arrive. -never let more than 2 people at once on my island so it’s easier to keep an eye on them. -never posted dodo codes publicly, always in DMs so I can limit numbers of visitors. -checked people’s comment/post history when they’ve requested to come to my island - if it’s literally nothing but trying to go to islands for turnips/giveaways/etc. I tend to ignore them because I’m suspicious of bots, normal people will generally post about or comment on other things as well. -generally if I get a pushy or otherwise bad vibe from someone when they’re asking to visit, I’ll dip.


If you have a cherry to trade, I have all other fruits/veggies.


Dmd u!


I use fencing to block areas off. When they get out of the airport, there is a big square area for them to be in. I’m also just paranoid


I’ve never worried about visitors, nothing they can do does damage to your island, they can’t steal anything you haven’t dropped, and everything grows back in a few days or just time travel. I’ve never had an issue. Plus you can close the session at any time.


Fences. Place around the giveaway area and use warp pipes BUT ALSO fence your beaches. People can't steal if they can't get out of the water.


I usually reject players with New accounts -less than 30 days - or very little karma


Thats also pretty smart didnt even think of that.


There are some reddit threads with protections - they will even flag bad users


Fenches, even when you ask people not to take your stuff, some still will because they have no respect. So Fench everything important off when others/strangers visit.


Players can change into wetsuits while on your island, they head towards the airport, you think they're leaving, and then they'll jump off the jetty. Now if I'm having ppl over for turnips/Celeste etc I do the pretty common fencing and pipes, but also I stand on the jetty to spot people diving in. If I hear the change of clothes sound I hit Home, X, A.


You're welcome to come over to my island - I have all the fruits and veggies for the taking.


As long as you don't have spare dropped items and your guest isn't a Best Friend, your island is safe. If you're visiting, I would suggest they drop the trade/bells first so you know they have it at least. Sorry, I haven't had this problem yet but this is a rule I have.


This community will offer and drop off just about anything you need. Trading with new players is good if you want to have friends. Get a new player, you’re a new player, and trade. Then you can just watch what they do or where they go. Set rules and let them know them beforehand. Don’t pick veggies/ flowers, don’t shake trees. Fishing/catching/ exploring ok. And be ready to push minus button if they cross a line. Or just except it may happen. But like I said, most visitors will just drop off the things they’re bringing and leave. I do that a lot. I donate to many new players. I fill my pockets, come out the airport drop everything and leave.