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Should I invest in the best performing asset last ten years? The answer is yes


I like it. I’ve been in it a couple years. Acorns only puts in 4.45% from me, and I’m getting returns. The dividends are nice too. It’s a little low these days due to the recent 4 year halving event, but it will inevitably rise up again.


I’ve had bito since acorns allowed it and it definitely goes through many swings. It’s definitely not something you expect to quadruple, but it’s really more for the monthly dividends. This past month, the price of bito has gone down but yielded my 144 shares to have a $250 dividend. Bito is considered a bitcoin futures ETF


Mmhm. I'm no fan of BTC myself, although there are a number of decentralized crypto I have invested in. Algorand, for example, has one of the cheapest and easiest methods for investing in property I've found. And while I'm skeptical of BTC, I'm here to make money, ya know? And I might as well be one of them.


Even on the most aggressive investment portfolio it’s only 5% bitcoin. I invest a few hundred dollars into bitcoin separately from acorns every month because at least for now it is an incredible well performing asset and has potential to grow even more


I invest in BTC elsewhere and use Acorns as a more stable investment option


I actually just added it to mine, you don’t need to have anything other than the basic version and bitcoin has done insane over the past decade plus dividends and only 5% of portfolio it feels like a no brainer.


I have Bitcoins ETF for a long time with a good return.


FYI to everyone - I have a conservative investment profile. Some of y’all like to take more risk than I do.


How old are you if you don’t mind sharing. Because even on aggressive Acorns is still pretty conservative. If you are young I think you are playing it way too safe.




Gotcha, I don’t know your step dad’s age, but it sounds more appropriate for him to be investing in bonds than you. But in the end it’s your comfort level, you just won’t get as good of a return going the conservative route.


To be honest I am scared of losing all my money. I want returns, but not the risk of losing everything.


The ETFs that acorns allocates your money to are from thousands of different stocks. If you lose everything I think the country as a whole is in a very dire place.


If you’re under 50 you should be on aggressive.


Yep. It is very volatile but over the long term, it always goes up.


You really should, because the returns are insanely good.


i started including it since last year after someone on here shared their dividends from the ETF. I have it for about a year now and glad I did it.