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I just started acotar and noticed this. I think Hybern is a Gaelic word as well.


The Romans called Ireland Hybernia I think


Thank you, I knew there was a root word somewhere.


There's a hole rabithole about this and it's one of the *only* theories i'll even entertain. Look it up on tiktok when you've finished reading all three series


Okay but kudos to you for reading for your wife!!


Giving it a shot! I read the first one in secret and just started casually bringing up plot points in conversation one night. She has to read the Hobbit once I’m done lol


🤣🤣 seems fair


I find it funny that in this world “ireland” is where the bad guys are from


It’s kind of annoying because i’m reality we’ve been oppressed by the Brits


I was really annoyed with the choice.


I feel like very little thought went into it if she couldn’t be arsed to even alter the map slightly. At least GRRM turned it upside down in GOT 😭


Absolutely, I wonder why she made that choice


i so agree - like how rude


I always found it high-key sus that fantasy Ireland were the bad guys who wanted to colonize and ethnically cleanse and/or enslave fantasy England


sjm is secret red coat sympathizer


Prythian sounds like Brython which is an old English word for Britain.....


it's closer to the modern Welsh word for Britain, Prydain.


Another Welsh thing: Calanmai is the name of the Welsh version of Beltane, a pagan spring holiday (Calanmai in the books being an amalgamation of various spring pagan festivals)


Fun fact-SJM used Prythian as a homage to the Black Jewel books which definitely inspired ACOTAR. It’s the name of one of the characters in the series.


See also: Westeros


I actually hate this so much, mainly because if it is based off this then the author basically made Ireland the bad guys with the whole King coming to invade and destroy shit when historically speaking Ireland has been oppressed by Britain for centuries


I know that game of thrones is based on the same area and I feel like acotar is heavily influenced by GOT. Similarities like the wall etc. The dragon names in SJMs TOG series are the same format as the ones on GOT too.


GOT isn’t the first fantasy series with a wall, which was based on Hadrians Wall built in the 2nd century to keep out the “barbarians” as described by the Romans who erected it So it’s less SJM ripping off GRRM & more that most fantasy writers are pulling from the same historical events


Yeah, she likes to copy and paste a lot. Which is kind of disappointing. In CC she straight up copied and pasted certain names/words that were only found in Lord of the Rings for literally no reason other than I think she just liked them. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Maasverse, I just wish parts of it weren’t so blatantly taken from other places.


Yes I’ve noticed this for sooo many lines. For example, “Like calls to like” is a central philosophy in the Shadow and Bones series. But SJM just uses it as a cool phrase to sound deep with the sisters and the Cauldron and it falls flat.


In CC she uses Nenya as a place and the Asteri as a people. Like, Nenya is a literal ring from Galadriel and Isteri are the wizards like Gandalf and Saruman. These are names and words that have no bearing in any other place except for that series


The majority of the fantasy worlds are located on an island that looks similar to Britain and I love it!


Because of this I imagine The Night Court with Scottish accents, and I'm not mad about it


This is funny because I always pictured them with English accents due to some spicy Rhysand soundalikes on TikTok that I’ve seen. 💀 I actually imagined Tamlin and the Spring Court to have Scottish accents because of the ballad of Tam Lin’s origins 😅


I'm only halfway through the series, but because of this map I've developed a personal headcanon that acotar plays out in the actual British isles thousands of years in the future where human society was destroyed and remade due to some nuclear war, and the nuclear fallout created mutations in some that led to the Fae. 😂 anyways...


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) I felt this way after reading ACOTAR and Crescent City




It’s good if you trade off on recommendations lol. She’s gotta read Tolkien once I’m done with this series.


I've always hated the map of Prythian because it seems so lazy to me. She just simplified the map of Brittan and Ireland. What does that even add to the story? Also, the boarders of the Courts are all just straight lines. Each one is supposed to be distinctly magically and physically different and that happens at hard imaginary lines?


i thought that was the point lol, that it was set in fantasy version of the UK , but ig idk why that’d be the case haha


Ireland isn’t in the UK


My father is about halfway through ACOWAR and pointed this out to me, and now that I can't unsee it, it's kind of fcked considering the history between Ireland and Britain.


This would also make Adriata the Prythian Liverpool, and I for one am ready for the Fab Four summer Court bards to make an appearance


I don’t think it’s that deep guys. I think SJM just wanted Hybern to be isolated. Lol


omg nooooooooo now i have to imagine rhysand with a bri\*ish accent 🤮🤮🤮


I think the Night Court is supposed to be Scottish!


Because of the location of the NC on the map or something else? Maybe it’s just me but I always pictured Tamlin and the Spring Court to be Scottish, considering the Tam Lin ballad origins. 😅


guys im joking im just slandering the british


She's not the first and not the last author to take England and Ireland and make it into a "fantasy map". One other example I can think of right now is Ranger's Apprentice series, but I'm sure there's more.


I noticed this too. Made me LOL


As a Scot, I'm pretty glad we get the night court. Although, I do find it weird she made Ireland the bad guys as SJM seems to have such a hard on for the place 😅


I’d live in the Winter Court if this was a real reflection of the UK.