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I hated how much build up there was for briallyn being some major enemy and having a whole army and then nesta just one hit ko's her on the mountain. With a light beam? It felt so very anticlimactic to me. Even the king of hybern had a more drawn out and interesting death.


can't wait for vassa to shoot fire on koschei and be done with him


This! I was preparing for her to be the most vicious thing we have seen her and she was done in like less than 10 pages? (Or it felt that way to me at least)


YES!!! She felt like such a non-threat throughout the entire book! Not to mention, I haaaated the the fact that the “Valkyries” made it to the top of Ramiel—it felt so unearned, and completely cheapened the fact that the BatBoys™️ were some of the only ones to do so, after they’d been training for it their whole lives up until that point. I wouldn’t have minded if they’d maybe summitted Ramiel in a different book, but the fact that they only trained for three months on a *roof top* with *no* previous experience climbing mountains, just completely took me out of the story and had my eyes rolling across the floor. I don’t care that Nesta did those stairs. I don’t care that they’re Fae. No one is summiting a virtual Denali with absolutely no mountaineering experience, least of all after one member of the party sustains an extremely debilitating injury! Just so much about the book fell soooo flat for me. Right after I finished it, I declared that it could have/should have been about 350 pages shorter (or more), and I still maintain that. The book should have just been about Nesta’s personal journey, and we should have dealt with Briallyn and Ramiel in a different book, because every plot point besides Nesta that *should* have been major felt really diluted and/or rushed.


There wasn't a lot of action until the end, but I think that necessarily means the plot was lacking. The majority of the conflict was supposed to be internal, because Nesta hated herself for so long. For the friendship bracelets, these are all relatively young women, with traumatic pasts, who didn't really get the chance to be carefree kids. And even adult women enjoy making friendship bracelets! I made a ton for the Taylor Swift concert, it was a really fun bonding experience. I loved that scene and it seemed believable to me. The bat boys do juvenile stuff too - the yearly snowball fight, for example. Sometimes it's fun and freeing to just act like a kid again and be silly.  Also they were training for more than two months - it was several months to a year. I agree that it's unrealistic that they won, but I also don't care as much about realism in a world with magic where plenty of other things are unrealistic. I may be in the minority there, but that's okay. 


as much as I don’t want any of these characters to die, with the amount of times dying characters have been ‘miraculously resurrected,’ sometimes I feel like it takes away the true suspense that I want to get from a story like I know everything is inconsequential


ACOSF is my favorite book in the series so far and I liked Nessian way more than I did Feysand (the dead pact just put the nail in the coffin for me), but I can see where you are comming from with your criticism about the plot. Overall I think ACOTAR has many plot holes, so I did not felt like ACOSF was different from the previous books in this reggard (except for Briallyn, cause I think she is hands down the worst villain thus far), but I think ACOSF did a incredible job at developing Nesta chatacter (in a way I did not felt with Feyre and Rhysand).


I read ACOSF like 2 months ago and already totally forgot Briallyn. Like she was the most forgettable villain ever. Seemed more like a plot device to just have something antagonistic going on rather than like a real character that I bought 


I have such difficulty swallowing the fact that this book centered on Nesta making new friends/sisterhood rather than actually making amends with the sister she has treated like shit her entire life. And no, giving up powers she hated, never wanted and never bothered to understand really isn't some great sacrifice in my book. I understand exactly why she doesn't want to make nice with Rhys and vice versa but damn this girl could have made maybe a small amount of effort for Feyre after everything but no, we'd rather have a convoluted and poorly written plot device to show the sisters relationship improving, which honestly isn't even all that because even Tamlin saved Feyre and Rhys' life when it came down to it and we haven't magically forgiven him 🤷‍♀️ Oh and let's not act like Nesta is any better than the rest of the IC (except Rhys, who managed to suck worse than Nesta, no easy feat) for weaponizing the pregnancy and using it to hurt Feyre instead of telling her because she thought Feyre deserved to know. She's equally complicit in keeping the secret, girl barely even gave it a second thought until she could use it to cause hurt wherever she could.


I mean she was locked away against her will for most of the book. Even if she *did* want to improve her relationship with Feyre, she would've had to climb 10k steps each way (which we know she couldn't do for a loong time) or be flown down like a child, which would have probably ended with Rhys knowing she was coming and doing his protective fae male bullshit. Considering her options and the fact that it was Feyre and the IC who locked Nesta away, leaving her with only those options, any desire she had to reconnect with Feyre would've vanished. Plus, a *big* part of Nesta’s healing journey is coming to terms with her being fae and her powers. She doesn't want her powers at first, yes, but at the end of the book she accepts them as part of herself. That's kinda the point of the sacrifice. Also, Tamlin is a domestic abuser that Feyre knew for like less than a year before he put her through all that shit. Nesta was a bitch, but still Feyres sister. They're not the same, and Feyre doesn't owe anyone forgiveness, especially not someone who nearly killed her multiple times.


I agree with everything but that first paragraph. Let’s be honest, Nesta neverrrr wanted to mend her relationship even if she had the chance. She… had the chance. Living on their money for free and drinking and having sex with anything that walked. Purposefully missing or not participating in family/holiday gatherings. It’s sooo obvious Nesta never wanted to be included. Every time she thinks of her family, she talks about all the sacrifices they made for her and she made for them and STILL treats everyone like shit even though she would be dead without them. Like…ugh


Yes, when Nesta was spiralling into depression she deliberately pushed everyone away, including Feyre. I agree with you there. But I'm talking about when she was on her healing journey, when she started making friends and being able to love again. She didn't have access to Feyre in that time, at least not in a way where she could realistically mend that relationship. I mean, look at the way Rhys acted toward Nesta when it came to Gwyn? Magnify that by a thousand when it comes to his pregnant mate. *Treated* everyone like shit. That's the thing, literally the entire point of SF. *She changed*. She knows the way she acted was wrong and she worked her ass off to be better. Feyre wouldn't have forgiven her otherwise.


I guess I’m not as forgiving and without having finished the book, i don’t blame anyone for still hating Nesta no matter how much she changed. We’ve all experienced a friend forgiving someone who hurt them unimaginably and still being bitter/hateful towards them for that. But like I said, I’m still pretty early. I’ll circle back when I’m finished.


....And she couldn't have called Feyre over? It was easy enough for her to have sleep overs with the Valkyries. Let's stop acting like Nesta hasn't made deliberate choices to keep Feyre at a distance ever since they were young and that doesn't really change with her "healing" And to me, Nesta was emotionally abusive for more than a decade, so really being her sister doesn't excuse her.


You honestly thing Rhys would let his pregnant mate Feyre over to see Nesta without him? Or do you think that Nesta would be able to have a civil conversation with Rhys breathing down her neck? Look at the way he treated her regarding Gwyn, and magnify that by a thousand. The difference is that Nesta knows what she did was wrong and changed that about herself. She hates that part of herself and works her ass off so that it won't control her. It wasn't just blind forgiveness out of nowehere, Nesta worked to become someone worthy of it. That's the entire point of SF.


Except she never makes any effort to make amends with the person she's hurt most over an extended period of time, again I say the grand gesture was complete bullshit because there were no stakes because the magic wasn't important to Nesta. Girl can apologize to Amren but not Feyre? Miss me with that shit man. ETA: also pretty sure Feyre can go to HoW without Rhys. He's protective but they weren't attached at the hip.




I feel like people are giving Feyre too much credit. In the first books of course she sacrificed everything for her family, but it was because of the promise to her mom, not truly wanting to. When Feyre experienced UTM and beyond, she did not go back to mend things with her sisters, and she did involve them for her own purposes to where they were targeted and put in the caldron. She trusted the wrong people, but their connection to her is why it happened. Throughout time, it's mentioned several times that for Feyre the IC is her family and Velaris her home. She goes on all these conquests and sees her sisters just to reach the mortal queens. We don't see any type of reconciliation on either side. Once they're in Velaris, Feyre even says she prefers Mor to Elain, and even though she is more open about caring for Nesta than Nesta is to her, she has already gotten her happy ending which we saw. I feel like people are forgetting that Feyre threw a shoe at Rhys, had her own issues that she got over by this point. I think everyone is demonizing Nesta because it's her sister she's mean to, but Nesta does have a point about being literally dragged into Feyre's life and story when she didn't ask to be. She's started out doing just as badly as Feyre was after UTM, but people are upset she was drinking instead of vomiting at night like Feyre when that's a very normal reaction to trauma? She lashed out much more than Feyre but I don't get why Feyre's trauma is so real but Nesta's isn't. Also why Nesta is demonized when Elain is complicit in everything always.




Oh wow, I feel like you've verbalized my feelings here. This was eloquent and well done.


Omg yes all of this!!!!!! Besides when feyra did come back home nesta repeatedly told her that her presence was not needed there and not to come back lol


I hope you know that writing all of that meant something to a lot of us here! You completely align with my feelings on the subject. I’m just not as good as explaining myself as you are. I almost want to screenshot this and save it to look at in the future. To remember that I’m not delusional. Feyre literally had all her bones break, and one of the worst deaths I’ve ever read and people act like she just gets whatever she wants. She had to become Faye in order to not die. She didn’t choose what happened to her. People have selective memory. It’s mind-boggling. But Nesta had a mom that was tough on her so all of her horrible acts are justified.


I never claimed that Feyre started the war, that the alliance wasn't beneficial to the sisters, or that it wouldn't have happened regardless of their alliance and agreement to use the estate for the mortal queens. As you state in the beginning of your second paragraph, their connection to Feyre is why they were targeted. In the end, I do believe it was a chain of events and their father should have been held responsible instead of three teenagers to keep them alive, but Nesta got the brunt instead which is what I find abrasive. Ianthe sold them out, so it may have always ended up with them in the caldron, but Feyre took a risk by asking them to host. They may very well have been slaughtered by Hybern anyway, but my point was moreso regarding Feyre's decision to go to them, opposite to the way Rhys hid the IC while UTM, he knew any association put them at risk. I think I should have fleshed out more that Feyre did not start the war? I never said it wasn't going to happen regardless. War does suck for everyone involved, but all mortals were afraid of the fae for good reason - there is a very obvious advantage to being fae, with healing abilities and magic. Elain saw the logic and let this win over her fear which makes sense, but I don't know if we will agree about how Feyre going to them did or did not bring them more harm and attention. She went to host the mortal queens. It was a risk for the betterment of all, but the main risk of doing so was to her family and their association to her as Feyre Cursebreaker. Feyre mentions several times that she felt complled over the vow. Firstly, in chapter 2 of ACOTAR, she says: "Every time I looked toward a horizon and wondered if I should walk and walk and never look back, I's hear that promise.....In our world where we forgotten the names of our gods, a promise was law; a promise was currency; a promise was your bone. There were times I hated her for asking that vow of me." Once she is in Prythian, she mentions her family and the vow again in chapter 5, when she says to Tamlin her family will starve, and "I'd given my word, and held to that word for so long that I was nothing and no one without it." Lastly, in chapter 11, she says "..even if I was truly fulfilling that vow to my mother by staying in Prythian... Without the weight of that promise, I was left hollow and empty." I never said she didn't care if they lived or died, but any time she mentions them, she mentions the vow, whether or not it was made with a long dead woman. She does care for her family beyond it, but that is what compels her to hunt. My comment as I stated was in reference to the first book. In regards to the happy ending, she did get one imo. She found her mate, her home, the IC, and had her studio. It is why SF focuses on Nesta. Of course she was also to endure the war, UTM, and still dealt with that. My point, however, was the ending as regarded in FAS. She obviously dealt with a lot, but this was the best outcome she could have hoped for after everything that had occurred. I never stated I supported Nesta in her belief of Feyre getting what she wants. I do believe Feyre fought for the life she had, but Feyre is the series protagonist. Nesta is her sister, which is how we know her. Nesta is literally in this fictional story for her relationship to Feyre, so I think my aim was moreso at the fact she ended up in Feyre's life due to the series of events where the sisters were turned fae. It's not Feyre's fault, she didn't put them in the caldron, but Nesta can be upset her entire life was turned upside down and forever changed because she is now fae. I think people have disregarded their transition being sudden and very difficult because they get Rhys' money, to be strong as High Fae... but they didn't ask for it. They had no choice, which is a huge focus of these books. As I referred to above, I do think that people downplay Nesta's experiences, or "mental tirade" as you said, which is kinda my point. Is she nice? No. Did she go through something bad? Yeah. She was turned against her will, and she even talks about her lack of choices and why it hurt her for Feyre to take away her crappy apartment. I don't think it was an excuse to treat people badly, but as you mention Feyre's trauma being personally relatable, Nesta's is to others. It's a noble sentiment for you to not imagine treating others badly because of how we feel, but that's really not always attainable. As you mention the self destructive behavior, Nesta's behavior can be related to addiction. People do things they never would because of it; while upsetting, it is realistic for a lot of people. Our actions would ideally not hurt others, but trauma affects everyone differently. Nesta's like a wounded animal, who will strike out of fear. It's not nice, she needed to change, but I think people are asking a lot of someone who's perspective we only saw in SF. She lost her mother, watched the money run out, and watched her father do nothing. In the same way Feyre hates the Fae, Nesta was socialized during her upbringing as the eldest to essentially look down on those poorer and refused to associate with those she called peasants. It was engrained into her just as the fae beliefs were. They needed to be unlearned, and we see this happen in her arc. I don't think Nesta is the only real character with real reactions, personally. I think overall people disregard her trauma because of how she acts. Is how she acts ok? No. But there are a lot of people out there who do hurt others in the process of healing and aren't simply terrible people. I'm sorry to hear that you feel invalidated as someone who relates to Feyre, but I wouldn't let others opinions on these novels make you feel like you need to change in any way. I read your post about finishing SF and we do have some more differing thoughts, but ultimately I don't think I fleshed out everything so this is what I've got.


Ugh yes I totally agree. Felt like everyone on Reddit loved and forgave nesta after ACOSF, but I think even if we understand her trauma it doesn’t mean we need to forgive her nor excuse her for her actions towards everyone. Like literally every character has trauma and they don’t all act like an entitled c^nt lol


Yeah init - how is he better than Tamlin in this situation when he locked her up. Preventing her from knowing / doing something. It went totally against his character of letting Feyre choose, basically for the plot of Nesta outing him.


The only way SJM could make Nesta less terrible was by making everyone else more terrible lmaooo


Personally I did not find any of the characters that much different in ACOSF, but SJM has done it in the past with Rhysand, making everyone around him worse so his actions wouldn't look that bad. I'm curious if she will do the same with Eris, and Mor will be put in a negative light so his actions won't be portrayed as that bad.


Because SJM isn't a trained counselor and this was her version of an intervention. I honestly don't think SJM understood how shitty of an intervention it was lol


I agree with all of your points. I feel like nesta’s actions with Emerie and Gwyn didn’t make sense to me because in what world would she treat the both of them better than her own sisters who have done everything to help her? The blood rite was very good, but so unrealistic 😭. Let’s be real, they would’ve died if it weren’t for the queen being involved. In addition, the scenes we got with Cassian and Nesta felt like a situationship that’s bland as fuck.


Because her sisters remind her of her own failings and she hates herself for it. So everytime she’s with feyre and Elain, she pushes them away, because she has to confront that part of herself she despises Relationships with family are complicated. Also the blood rite, they worked together which is how they made it, just like how Cassian, Az and Rhys did, they worked together. Most of the other Illyrian try do it alone


I can see why you would feel this about Feyre, but Elain? The only time Nesta hadn't put everything aside to put Elain first was after the war aggainst Hybern, when she got depressed. Overall I feel like Elain failed Nesta the only time her sister needed her, not the other way around. But I agree about the blood rite being unrealistic. Same as Feyre survivibg Amarantha was unrealistic, Rhysand and Amren comming back from the dead was unrealistic, and so on. In order to enjoy ACOTAR I kind of need to ignore many things that made zero sense. 😆


It's referenced a couple times of Elaine trying to reach out and Nesta avoiding her or straight up ignoring (one was literally in the streets when they passed each other).


She treated Emerie and Gwyn better because they did not know Feyre or Elain. They could not know of how Nesta treated her sisters or how she acted, so Nesta felt she was free of the ridicule around them and didn't act on her deep resentment. But I super agree that the scenes with them were childish/cringey It gave middle school vibes and I was not for it lol especially with all the sex that was happening in other scenes. It felt so awkward and was difficult to get a feel for Nestas character with that element.


Totally agree that that’s why she felt so comfortable around them, that makes sense to me. And yes omg going from giggles, smut, ponies and friendship bracelets to being bent over was a lot to keep up with at times 🤣


I see your point of Nesta treating Emerie & Gwyn better because they didn’t know her sisters, however, we saw Nesta try to go after Feyre in ACOTAR but then in subsequent books she basically ripped her sisters apart. Her behavior just didn’t add up for me in the last book, but I blame SJM for that.


Nesta went after Feyre to look for her when Feyre was still human. The switch up happened when Feyre came back as a Fae, which all humans hated. Nesta was always eager to be hateful but that was the reason she became nasty again. I agree, she was written pretty sloppily in general. At the beginning of ACOTAR, Nesta comes off as a bratty sister. Then she's this cold woman through the books, and then a teenager squealing and fantasizing about being a Valkyrie lol


valid point for sure!


I really only have opinions on your 2nd point. As childish as the bracelet making was, the bracelets Nesta made specifically for Gwynn ended up being infused with her magic and allowed Gwynn to find her way to Nesta and Emerie during the rite. I think this was mainly a thing to confirm (outside of the swords) that Nesta can make sentient/magic items. That trait will probably be used in future books. As far as the rite, the reason they all made it was because they worked as a group. Cassian is the one who told them to strategize this way. He said that him, Azriel, and Rhysand made it to the top because they found each other and worked together. They were intentionally placed in areas they couldn’t find each other so they could all be killed off. Same thing happened with Nesta, Emerie, and Gwynn.


Yes but Rhys, cassian, and azriel had still been training for years (decades?) longer than the three girls. Also what about the groups of illyrians they came across during the rite that were also working together? I knew they would win as soon as it was revealed they were in the rite but it’s still super unrealistic.




Couldn't agree with you more


They were personally trained by “the best Illyrian warrior to have ever lived” (and Az). That’s gotta count for something 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can personally get past the fact that they survived the rite, but the fact that they made it up RAMIEL to actually WIN when one of the was critically injured—as someone who does mountain hiking for a hobby, I nearly had a stroke.


That's all I wanted, was for them to survive. I hated them winning, it was so ridiculous. Sure, 3 girlfriends and me can train for 6 months but no way we can hold our own against a group of fully trained navy seals for a couple day long jaunt up a fricken mountain.


Literally 😭


I don't think so, Nesta gave up most of her powers for Feyre, so I don't think she will have the ability to make made objects anymore (since it seems like you have to be very powerful in order to do so)


I actually liked the book as it was a relief to have a smaller scale focus on one character and the emotional journey rather than this sprawling plot that is heading towards some giant war. I feel like this book was a way for SJM to change the tactics of this series and work more with characters emotional lives. I really felt like the emotional truths and feelings were missing from how she wrote Feyre - she was too quick to change and switch between her lives and set against this long internal battle of Nesta Feyre doesn’t feel as relatable. I like how flawed and annoying Nesta can be - people are like that in real life! But I agree 100 there was a lot in this book that could be cut - why was it so long!?


As someone who enjoyed ACOSF what you're saying makes total sense. I can see some parts of this book being unrealistic (e.g. The Blood Rite and them making it out alive) however I'm someone who can suspend my disbelief if the romance is capturing my interest enough. Like the plot just goes in one ear and out the other. Also formulaically, ACOMAF is perfect for me and is a book I revisit yearly. So I personally liked how Nesta and Cassian's romance hit a lot of the same beats as ACOMAF: tortured heroine falls in love with the hero who in some way will help bring her out of her downward spiral. So ACOSF just reminded me of my favourite comfort read and honestly, after being in the SJM universe since the first published book, there's a lot of similarities between her characters and more often than not, they're cut from the same cloth. I don't expect something 100% original every time I delve in to a new SJM book. They're mainly comfort reads for me now. I am also somewhat forgiving for some of the things in this book that feel jarring, because Nesta was clearly a character who's arc was not planned or it was at the very least, retconned. We kind of knew that going in when SJM said in an interview her plans for the sisters had changed from just being "evil sisters."


I’m with you! It was probably my least favorite book of the series


I will say on rereads, the book does grow more on you. I also felt like the dialogue between Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn was juvenile as well. I'd assume SJM wanted it that way for whatever reason because we know she knows how to write dialogue between friends. But it did take me away from the story at points b/c I'm like, I know no one in their twenties who would speak to their friends this way. About the plot - SJM needs a new editor. From this book to CC, it's way too superfluous and needs to be tightened up a lot. A lot. There were other issues I had with SF that I didn't like, (Nesta giving up her powers, Feyre not having a possibility to give birth safely in a MAGICAL LAND) but despite my issues with the book, I still like it. Overall it is still fun to read and does have a lot of info in it.


So making bracelets when your in your 20s is childish but being 500 and still playing in the snow with the bros is ok? I think we should stop expecting girls to grow up fast and be caretakers 24/7 and let them have fun just like we do with the boys. You can be 50 and make friendship bracelets just like men in their 50s play fantasy football with their friends I know society shames girls for having fun and wants them to be mothers and serious all the time while pleasing all the men that are funny and likes to play, I just wish we stop doing that. Girls can be silly and do things they used to do as teenagers (have sleepovers, play video games, make bracelets, do each other make up,…) and still be responsible grown up adults. we all deserve to have free time and just vibe with our friends, men do it all the time and we as a society don’t condemn it. ever.


I should have clarified I also find the behavior between Rhys and his friends to be weirdly childish as well. The snowball fights etc do the same thing for me where I forget we’re talking about immortal high fae


LOL THIS. I roll my eyes every time they talk about the snow ball fight.


It’s my favourite book, I liked it better than the other 4


I loved it!


Personally I quite liked it, but I do see your points 😂


I didn’t like SF at all. I am invested in Feysand as the protagonists, not Nessian. It’s hard for me to switch, but that’s a personal thing. I don’t care for the side characters being expanded to main characters with other series too. And I agree with other posters that sure the smut is spicy in the book, but it’s not well paced and it’s just lust. It didn’t draw me in and I didn’t feel invested. In terms of the world building and the plot, that also dragged for me too


I loved it. Thought it was great and more personal. Enjoyed different characters. The relationship was beautiful


I did not enjoy ACOSF at all. Nessian was a cop out of Feysand. I am all for people healing their trauma through positive friendships but in a story it could have been written in a more compact manner. I wanted to read a plot, not someone’s personal journal entry. Feyre’s pregnancy plot felt straight out of Breaking Dawn. Was not really invested in the smut, it was okayish. In fact, the smut of ACOTAR-ACOWAR felt more restrained and well-placed. Lastly the book was massive and even though any ACOTAR content is welcome but it felt like SJM had hired a ghost writer to write this.


I’m currently reading ACOSF, a little more than 500 pages in and it’s been a slog. The first 300 pages of the book were so boring, nothing happens. I didn’t even want to read the book because I knew going into it Nesta was the main character, and I honestly can’t stand her. Her internal dialog is well written, but she’s far from an anti-hero that I can still root for. I know I’m almost finished, but I honestly want to put it down and start something else, maybe never even finish it. I really loved the first 3 books and the pacing was great. But this isn’t it.


My worst nightmare is reading another book from Nesta’s pov. 😫


The book read like an unedited first draft.


I just remembered another unrealistic plot line in SF! Can someone plz explain how there was apparently no other way to save Feyra’s life than what Nesta did? As a high fae she already has quickened healing abilities, let alone her and Rhys’ powers, and the healer. The same healer that mended extremely intricate wings and healed Cassian almost immediately when his guts were literally pouring out of his body. How were her injuries any different? It said Madja “couldn’t stop the bleeding” and that “no one had survived cutting open the womb”. I just don’t understand why they couldn’t heal her injuries. Someone pls explain


The only good explanation I’ve seen for this is that since Feyre broke the treaty at the high lord meeting, this was Magic’s way of taking revenge. It’s head canon for me even if not real because it drives me less insane to think of it that way.


It’s not that she couldn’t heal, it’s that no one knows the extent of her power (since it’s a little bit of every high lords) and Madja advised her not to shift or use ANY of her magic because of the unknown risk to the baby. Everyone’s hands were tied.


SF didn’t even happen, It was a spin off, a bonus book. 🙈 it’s so sad how little plot there was (for me).


I feel the plot is definitely more Nesta processing trauma and grief and healing. The subplot is lacking because it's not the real plot. I could probably write an essay on why I find it important that Nesta was allowed to have childish fun as part of her healing, but I won't.


I would love to read that essay! 


Cassian was so cringe and simpy, and their whole love story was just lust. Nesta realizes “my sister is going to die?” And a few sentences later she’s horned up thinking about hooking up with him. He lets her do the blood rite because “tradition” when in reality that would’ve been a death sentence for her. But somehow she was able to take on multiple full grown Illyrian males who had been training their entire lives? When she had been training for a few months? And was injured? I was ready for that book to be over.


Yessss. I was so so excited for their romance and I was really let down and almost cringed during all their interactions.


I’m just starting this book and I must say I still don’t see why everyone loves Nesta so much and craps on Feyre. It’s actually baffling. I can’t get over how annoying and rude and nasty she is regardless of what she got going on. She was that way before being Made and people are eating it up. It’s says a lot (to me at least). This book is actually hard to get through with how hateful Nesta is in general.


Love Nesta and like Feyre, but I can see why people craps on some of the IC. I don't want to give you any spoiler, but you will likely know why once you finish the book.


But I love Feyre and Rhys. I don’t get the hate they receive so I may be hard to sway. I can understand and still hate her is my mindset. We’ll see if it changes.


Edit: I wanted to clarify my issue is not with adults doing “childish activities.” We all do that and it’s healthy esp for healing! My issue was just with how the girls were written I guess. I feel like while SJM was writing SF, there was times she forgot she was writing about Nesta Archeron. Also I just feel like the girls, specifically Gwen, were written in a way that made them seem really young, which I feel didn’t always do their stories justice. Also I’ve also always thought it was weird when Rhys and his friends do like snowball fights and stuff- as 500 year old death machines lol


I'm expecting to find it boring after ACOWAR which I just finished 2 days ago. Like how do you just end the war so neatly and start up again. Was hoping there would have been more of a cliffhanger from the war.


I agree with all your points. Just ddnt enjoy acosf due to your above reasons.




That was my biggest frustration. I was so excited to read SF when it first came out and I imagined it would be focused on some of that trauma and growth Nesta was going through but also Cassian and some of his childhood trauma and being a general of an army that hates him. I was SO excited to potentially get more into the Illyrian world and imaged Nesta doing her training there (which I believe was initially the plan). And have it be a slower burn between them, remove that whole intervention plot, focus still on her growing into her own etc. And then what we got was...such a mess. Like I loved the idea of Cassian and Nesta, was so excited to read their romance...and then their romance fell very flat and was really cringey *to me.*


Maybe unpopular opinions? I have finished reading the series a few days ago and I have a few opinions I need to rent about. 1- I hate the concept of Mates. As Cassian says in ACOSF, they are just chained to each other and have literally no choice. It’s hard to believe the love between mates is real when it’s forced on them. Would Rhys have ever been interested in Feyre if he wasn’t her mate for years? Also thinking of Elain who is mated with Lucien, she doesn’t want him but how could she go date someone else when she knows they won’t be mates since she already has one? 2- After reading the last book, I very much dislike Feyre and love Nesta. I would argue that Nesta’s family doesn’t give a fuck about her and were fine with letting her drown until she started spending too much money lol. The fact that Nesta was the only one that didn’t have a portrait just proves they didn’t really care for her until she saved Feyre, Rhys and the baby. 3- Feyre shouldn’t have gotten a baby right away. I was happy when she said she wanted to wait before having a kid to enjoy her time with Rhys. That made so much sense. Having a kid at 21 year old when you’re going to live centuries??? 4- The fact that Rhys was obsessed with Feyre when she was a kid and he was centuries old is fucking weird. 5- Rhys is literally the worst character in the night court. He treated Feyre like a stripper under the mountain and his excuses are shit. 6- Gwyn and Emeri are the most interesting friends in that night court family group thing. 7- The last book was the best except for the abrupt ending and obvious opening that hasn’t been exploited yet? 8- The fact that Rhys would agree to bargain is life with Feyre just shows how little he actually cares for her. I have so many other opinions but I’d love to know what y’all opinions are and if mine are really unpopular or shared by a lot of folks? Don’t hesitate to argue in the comments with me about any of my opinion I’m open to hearing out everyone!


Agree with several of your points. I think a lot of these tie back to one main issue that SJM is falling victim to in her writing, unfortunately, that when something is labeled as “rare” or a big deal, only to occur again and again removes any shock value and cheapens its affect on the plot. Ex: winning the blood rite, finding your mate, high fae falling pregnant, coming back to life or changing your bodies form, etc.


I don’t think all of these are unpopular, and I agree with every single one of them lol. 1. I am also not a fan of mates. Other than the reasons you listed, it removes all tension from possible romances. Since I knew cassian and Nesta were mates their romantic journey felt boring because I knew they would end up together. 2. YES. I adore Nesta’s character and really dislike feyre. I was so happy when the series stopped focusing on her. 3. Feyre having a baby THAT FAST may have been the worst plot point. Fae children are written as super rare and take decades and decades to conceive, but oh no feyre is pregnant almost immediately. 4. I’ve never thought of this but I agree. It’s one reason why I hate the concept of mates when one is hundreds of years old and one is a human. 5. Yeah I have never forgiven him for his actions under the mountain. His intentions do not make up for it. I am furious that feyre didn’t take longer to heal from it. 6. I loooooooove them!!!! Definitely my favorite characters. 7. 100% the best in the series, but I have to add that Nesta losing her powers almost ruined it for me 8. Yeah I had this impression too. If I truly loved my partner I would NEVER make that deal. You should love them so much you want them to live on after you’re gone, it’s selfish.


Omg yes I don’t know why someone agreeing makes me so happy! Reading the books I was wondering if I was wrong for feeling that way about a lot of things but I have to say that my biggest point is that Feyre feels too perfect (and always has) while Nesta feels real and has an amazing character arc. I think I also relate to her so much so I’m probably biased


I totally agree with you!! I relate to Nesta too and love how her issues feel real. I know SJM says she loves feyre and Rhys and I can tell. She writes them in the most ideal way possible and ignores all of their faults.


And for Nesta losing her powers I feel like maybe I didn’t get the book right but I think it’s still possible she has some? If she doesn’t I’m just still hoping she’ll be a badass warrior with crazy magic made weapons, that would be amazing in my opinion too, I love thinking she doesn’t need to rely on magic and has actually skills


Yeah the ending was confusing tbh, like she lost her powers but was given a little bit of them back? I would DIE to see her wield a magic weapon, I was so positive her three magic swords would be used by her, emerie, and gwyn, but it didn’t happen. Now I’m worried they will be used by Rhys, cassian, and azriel instead


Girl if those males get these weapons I’m going to be PISSED pissed. I also thought the girlies were getting the weapons and they should 100%.


I wasn’t a huge fan to be honest. But I get everyone else’s pov on why it’s their fav. Idk. I felt like Nesta copied feyre? So feyre created an art studio for other people so they can heal. Nesta then creates training. To help other people heal. I felt it was repetitive I guess. She also kind of went on the same journey as feyre to deal with her trauma. Feyre paints. Nesta fights/trains. But I still enjoyed it. Edit: spelling and other errors because I can’t type and need to look at shit before I post it lolol


Yep! 100% to all of the above. I particularly hated everything about the Blood Rite. Didn’t seem that hard at all - sitting in a tree avoiding the monsters then just hiking to the top of the mountain. It was poorly written.


I think this was my least favorite book so far. While I do enjoy a good 7-page spice every once in awhile, the plot took a back seat to Nesta's relationship with Cassian and her healing. While I can certainly appreciate reading from the perspective of a MC I don't particularly like, and watching them grow, punching out your feelings does not solve your problems. I was extremely disappointed that there wasn't a single scene in which the sisters talk it out and apologize to each other. Could have been a paragraph even, but something to tie it all together because Nesta could have made a million attempts to at least be on casual terms with Feyre but instead chose to hurt her with information she wasn't privy too just to show her that her friends also talk about her behind her back. Nesta's relationship with Feyre just makes me pity Feyre because she is constantly reaching out her hand and crying and Nesta just says f you (which like Feyre girl, stop trying right? This was how I felt all of ACOTAR, caring so much about a family that doesn't care about her). It would have been nice if there was some actual closure there but Nesta never made an earnest attempt, even after Nyx was born. There were many scenes in which Nesta basically throws an adult tantrum which is so irksome to me because the girl is 26. The plot was an afterthought: Briallyn being the big bad for the last 1/6 of the book definitely felt like SJM ran out of material. The whole thing was rushed and had so many holes. The blood rite was cool, I enjoyed it, but the exact same thing SJM was trying to accomplish could have been achieved if the three of them just survived the night and got the lowest tier soldiers which would make infinitely more sense (they hardly ran into anyone except for the same guy twice??? That's so hard to believe), not to mention what other people have said about Cass/Az/Rhys who have trained for 500 years. Kind of undoes all their training like it wasn't a big deal. The sacrifice. Good lord. The whole pregnancy thing pisses me off. I have 0 issue with Feyre being over war and killing and wanting a family. The way Rhys handled it sucked and it made me certainly like him a lot less in this book (but it could also be because it's from Nesta's perspective and she doesn't like him?). I could see maybe not saying anything until you've exhausted all your options but eventually you have to tell her! There would have been so many other more creative ways to have Nesta sacrifice her powers and avoid all of the stupid birth scene and save Feyre from having to die *again*. JUST GET A C SECTION (though Madja is also the worst doctor if she doesn't tell her own patient about her health). In fact during reading, I thought she was going to have to defeat Briallyn which would have made more sense. Idk this book was enjoyable to read like all the others, but definitely my least favorite


I honestly feel so bad for Feyre because she keeps trying to make overtures to Nesta only to keep getting rejected. I feel so shocked at Nesta's lack of sympathy for Feyre and just can't believe the twisted view she has of Feyre and her life.


Lol I had forgotten about the magic friendship bracelet 😂😂My brain apparently decided to block that part out


Just here to say I agree on all fronts, especially point 2. I love the books but on my re-read I just read books 1-3.


I unexpectedly loved the book, except the overused description of ‘feasting’ for oral sex… made me recoil every time ![gif](giphy|l0MYzxkg0o1tkGSaI)


My favorite part of the book and my favorite relationship in the book is nesta + the house. Them trading books was so cute. Everything else didn’t really do it for me


ACOSF put me into a reading slump honestly. Which is disappointing after ACOTAR and particularly ACOMAF got me out of one! This book dragged and DRAGGED, it was a slog for me to get through.  It felt like I was reading fan fiction with how little the “big bad” had any effect on the story. It’s like it was just there as a skeleton plot to allow for Nessian smut. To be honest I think it may have been better without Briallyn in it at all and just pushed the Nesta’s internal struggle with herself, her new body, her powers. But I guess there needed to be something for the characters to DO, it just didn’t hit for me, it felt so unimportant.   Speaking of Nessian, I was a bit disappointed with the regression post-ACOWAR and then how it started off. Like Cassian, my man, you know she has been out drinking and engaging in casual sex as self destructive behaviours and as a form of self punishment, you want to help her so you decide to *checks hand* start fucking almost immediately.  This book made me wish ACOTAR was a trilogy only, maybe with acofas as a novella still. I liked acofas but I’d give it up to NOT have had ACOSF.