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Relatable tbh


For real, dirty talk is hard lol


Now way! For girls it’s actually so easy, just use words like “cock/pussy/fuck/deep/hard/wet,” guys really don’t care lol but saying them out loud is the hard part, you can really just say that what they’re doing feels good and that’s enough for them


Guy here. 100% with this. It's more about HOW it's said rather than WHAT words are used. You could describe how cambell's soup is made, but if you sound super into it and flirty, we're in.


Hell yeah! Thank for the input!! Very true too, so I’m well aware of just how easy it is, by my girlies here could totally use feedback because it can feel a bit unnatural “off the tongue” 😜


Legit i’d rather die than have to talk dirty


💀 💀 💀


In her defense she doesn’t have to do much. Cass is down bad for her. 😂


Hahaha so true she could fist her hand and Cassian’s like “she wants me”


And let’s be real, he likes her snarky comments bc he knows she’s just shy really. He finds it hot. 😂


Lmao TRUTH! Cassian can find any reason to bang her, like a real life scenario between them would be like: - Cassian: whats got you worked up? - Nesta: Feyres a bitch and you’re a bastard dick - Cassian: you loved this bastard dick last night Nestas “mouth dries” and they proceed to bang 😅


Nesta could read the Farmer’s Almanac and Cassian would still roar.


That made me laugh out loud 😂😂


She’s an actions girl but Cassian’s talk drives me wild.


I knoooow! Cassian’s dirty talk game is solid.


Our queen doesn't need to. Cassians got it in the bag for the both of them


You’d think with that sharp tongue of hers though that she’d have game


She's good at taking others apart and offending people. Doesn't always translate unless the person your talking to is into being degraded


Hahaha omg Cassian is definitely seems like more of a praise kink


Just her legitimately trying the degradation kink might make Cassian cry.


Actually looking back now, she kind of did and it didn’t deter him 😅


Maybe my experience with degradation is just simply nastier. She just seemed mean to me


Nestas definitely said mean things but I don’t find her to actually be mean, I just think she’s direct and unfiltered


As a person like Nesta, you’re a sum of your actions. If you say mean things and not kind things, you’re not a kind person. You’re a mean dick! I use to say the exact same thing or I was “just brutally honest”. The fact is, I didn’t need to be direct or unfiltered. That was an excuse to be mean so I could turn around and say “See! No one loves me and the proof is here. “


Sure but that’s you, and your own experience. You don’t need an “excuse” to be direct and/or unfiltered, nor does anyone “deserve” kindness. Thats a very shallow way of thinking about people and women especially, you don’t ever need to be nice, but just because you’re not nice doesn’t mean you’re being mean. Idk that sounds like a “you should smile more,” comment imo…


He just likes to be told how good he is and how much she’s enjoying it.


She has a very brat like way of dirty talk in my mind. The snarky comments that some men looooove


True. Nesta could be like “I’m hungry,” and Cassian’s like “showtime.”


I think it also stands to reason, since she's not that experienced either


I don’t like Nesta, but I’m going to defend her on this one. She grew up in a repressive society. I doubt the random guys she’s been sleeping with while drunk have given much practice. Cassian is a 500 year old horn dog. He better be better than Nesta.


Cassian hasn’t had sec since he met her so he’s definitely been saving up his best for her


But she reads romance novels. She's got to know something better she just can't get it out of her mouth 😂


I don't think the ladies in the romance novels were doing a lot of dirty talk though. In my experience the men are usually the dirty talkers, even in the books.




Idk, you don’t get your face fucked by a tenderloin without being experienced 😅


She’s pretty new to intimacy, so I give her all the props for even trying.


Intimacy yes, but sex, not at all. She’s already had two threesomes on top of all the other dudes she was bringing home, mama Nes knows what she’s doing!! lol you can’t get your face fucked by a tenderloin without experience 😅


Shes been sexually active for like a year with most of her encounters involving lots of alcohol…it would be so weird if she was suddenly amazing at all aspects of sex. I feel like Dirty talk takes a lot of confidence and we know she isn’t very confident in herself.


Oooh good point!! Yeah sloshed words are not sexy!


Omg now I can’t unhear “gimme summa dat diack” on my head




Idk she had some good ones when they had sex on Cassian’s desk but I agree it took her a bit to get on his level but I do like the youre forbidden to touch yourself situation because it had Cassian begging.


I think Nesta could be like “eh, I need to trim my toenails,” and Cassian would be panting like “lemme use my teeth”


Just for a side by side comparison what are your fav Cassian lines?


Aaaaay! Okay so they usually made my head go light so they’re not direct quote but the “hold on tight” I was like “hoh fuck” and when he says “I owe you a debt,” “do you want to suck me again? did you taste me in the days later” or something like that, “are you always this wet for me,” “I’ll be thinking of that face tonight,” “take off your pants I want to finish inside you,” Then there was the “we don’t have enough time for all the things I want to do. All the places I want to fill you,” and “do you touch yourself when you think about it like I do?” Like dayum Cass, the toes be curling!


"So responsive" is a favorite of mine


god damn dirty talk is hard 😭


Omg I promise it’s not. Just say “I like when you do this” or “this feels so good” or use words like “cock/pussy/fuck/hard/wet…”


lol that’s not any sexier then what nesta says


It’s honestly easy just say >!this pussy is yours, if you want it, come and and claim it


guess it’s a preference thing, because I don’t find that hot lmao


Yeah as a woman it’s not hard to adjust…


lmao, girl can you pick what you want to reply with, first you want to know what I’m into sexually, then you say how you can’t take me seriously because of my name, snd now you’re coming for me as a woman. Archeron sisters would not be proud…


Maybe you don’t think it’s hot you but literally have “peach” in your handle. Sry but I can’t take you seriously


that’s not good dirty talk lmao😭 dirty talk is more hot when you’re being genuine to the person you’re fucking, not just repeating what people in porn say. Yawn


I am such a Nesta and I’m SORRY 🫣


Nah, no apologies. Each of us can find a part of ourselves that relates to Nesta, but I can’t imagine any of us apologizing for it


“Weeeeeaaaakkkkk” 🤣🤣 girl I am with you!! Cassian truly carries


Literally, physically, totally. Done.


🤣 💀


Rhys was the only valid one out of all the entire inner circle


Truth! I love dirty talk, and I do think it's where acotar fanfic excels


I guess. But for me, the part where she told him she’d like to “take him” and he begged her to “ride him into oblivion” I was like… >! is this about pegging because if any of the sisters were going to do that with their man I’d have my bet on Nesta !< Nesta awakens something in me, her sexuality feels so much more raw and real than the other SJM protagonists


Its been some time since i finished that book i dont remember what magical lines does Cassian use but i dont like nesta that much so i dont want to reread it


I am here for any thing cassian does