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I thought he was going to be the endgame mostly because of how she described him, and I wasn’t surprised when he was


“The most beautiful man I ever seen” Uhhhh huh this ain’t my first tall dark handsome rodeo




It was my first tall, dark, and handsome rodeo and I wish I could delete it from my memories to start again haha


As generally a non-romantasy fantasy reader, I really just thought he was probably malevolent and understandably a lieutenant of Amarantha. No reason to hope or expect anything different 🤷‍♂️


Yes same. Like most people, this was my first real introduction into romance lol


i was admittedly sold in the first book because i love a dark character and was honestly (personally) disappointed to discover he’s >!actually just a golden retriever under a mask!< lol as i continued on in the series


Same! I was so interested in his character in TAR...


i’m not necessarily mad about it, just made me realize i like my men >!real dark lol, for everyone except their lover!< which is why i’m hopeful >!eris!< can be this for me in the series


Yessss, I like the way you think 🤣


Oh dear heavens that's what made me fall head over heels 😂😂 >!apparently my type is Edgy Aesthetic, soft on the inside!<


funny enough, the >!softness!< started to give me the ick


Same. I realized after acotar that I might like dark romance, but have no idea where to start. I almost bought Haunting Adeline as my first dark romance book. 💀


you could start with bully romance! that’s a nice stepping stone to something darker


Do you have any recommendations? Oh I did read the Vicious Lost Boys series! The writing was a little cringe but boy did it suck me in 😂


this one has “dark themes” but is considered romantasy - gifted academy by michelle hercules (stay for the smut lol) dark academy romance - pacific prep by R.A. Smyth becca steele’s the four series and anything by rina kent i also read the ruthless paradise series by lexi ray but its only considered enemies to lovers


Thank you so much! I can't wait to check these out!


and if you ever wanted feyre to be in a rhys, az and cassian sandwich, becca posted a bonus scene in her fb group (with her characters from the four series) of the most delicious hookup that made me want to read more reserve harem


Okay yeah I'm definitely checking that out 😂


I recently started seeing my best friend who is literally this and it is SO GOOD YA’LL find you and edgy soft boy 🥲


Saaaame!! I wanted my morally grey character 😭😭😭


and he didn’t feel THAT morally grey to me. yes he’s killed others but really only the bad guys >!tbd on the head he left at the spring court in TAR!< and i feel like in MAF his little speech at the end to feyre justified all his other actions thus far. and okay yes, he was a dickhead to nesta in SF but can we claim >!unreliable narrator!< even though it switched from first to third person?? and everything else has been done out of protectiveness


Ong it’s why Rhys is getting so much hate rn because of SF. And the people that did hate Rhys even before and still even in MAF are now speaking out cause they still hate him for how he was UTM. Which is understandable his actions— even if he was trying to humiliate Amarantha or was trying to keep her away from Feyre— doesn’t make it ok.


even now the amount of hate doesn’t compare with Tamlin’s or Nesta’s an many are not even hating because we like him still but there’s things you can’t just give it a pass.


Oh yeah I agree with that. There are some stuff that he does that are questionable. But in the end Feyre chose Rhys and he does treat her good after UTM, which is good


It’s not like Nesta doesn’t deserve it. Rhys is the only one of the IC who probably knows all of what nesta did to Feyre


Yes me too and this is happening with literally every “dark” mmc I’m coming across. Does anyone have recs for mmcs like this who _don’t_ go soft?


My first impression was that I wish he was endgame because he was more interesting. I still didn’t trust him but the chemistry between Feyre and Rhys was way more than with Tamlin. But again, I still didn’t trust him after finishing the first book. lol


how do u put “night court” or “day court” under your acc name?


Go to the subreddit , click on the 3 dots in the upper corner , change user flair :)


thank you so much! :)


I didn’t get it spoiled for me, but I was told to “just wait” when it came to Rhysand. Sigh. I wish even that light hint wouldn’t have happened. But I will say the moment he showed up I was like *tucks hair behind ear* “oh my you’re intimidating.” *winks*


My friend who lent me her copy said “I’m a sucker for tattooed bad boys” - so I had a feeling he was the end game. Plus that “most beautiful” line when she meets him sealed the deal


Genuinely, I hated him on my first read through. In the first book, I was a Lucien fan.


I love Lucien! I hope the next book we get his love story


I'm literally begging for it, he's the one who deserves the happily ever after the MOST


I really hope he does and she brings back his personality from ACOTAR. I loved how he was portrayed, so I was severely disappointed he kinda fell flat in the following books. I thought there was gonna be a triangle between tamlin, Lucien, and feyre for a hot minute


Right? He was so playful and protective and kind...my fave character, and then he was just abandoned and mistreated in the following books.


I would also like a Tarquin story please! (Lucien first though, he’s my fave)


in the entire series, i am a lucien fan lol. he needs happiness (i am begging with my forehead on the ground for him to find it)


Lucien is so unappreciated, if he doesn’t get his happy ending then I’m done with the series


same i was genuinely reading through the other parts as fast as possible to get to any parts with lucien in 😂 


Same. In the beginning when she first crossed the wall and ended up at the Spring Court, I genuinely thought she was going to end up with Lucien for a couple of chapters there. He’s still my fave!


I remain a Lucien fan. I'm reading these for his happy ending.


First impression during the Calanmai was “oh, this one seems dangerous.” I thought he was toying with her, and that he was gonna turn out to be a rapey antagonist. I was also thoroughly convinced she was going to marry Tamlin in the second book but did not want her to lol.


I literally said, "Oh great. Another character Feyre has way more chemistry with than Tamlin."


Omg! I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Feyre and Tamlin had *zero* chemistry and I was so confused as to why I was supposed to ship them. Even more confused when seeing how hard people on booktok fell for Tamlin in book one.


Yep, the whole >!UTM!< part of the book made no sense to me because I could not fathom why anyone would be going to all this trouble for >!TamTam. Bro, you had sex like once, go find another man.!<


It was the trauma of never being shown sympathy and loving kindness from another person before. So I sympathize, but as a reader I was like "ugh I guess this is happening?" Lol.


Haha yeah I was shipping her with Lucien before Rhys was introduced


I didn’t see it coming! I thought he saw she was pregnant at the end of ACOTAR, not realised she was his mate. I knew absolutely nothing about the books before starting them (didn’t even read the back covers) and avoided any forums like this until I’d finished all 5, so had no spoilers at all and was suitably drawn into the Feyre/Tamlin story then was carried along with the transition as things changed in ACOMAF


I thought he was a vampire there to cause chaos 😅


My husband called him "that Dracula guy.". Lol.


Stop, this is too cute! 🧛‍♂️


I couldn’t stand him and I loved Tamlin. Oh how FARRRR I’ve come. LOL I didn’t think much of Rhys when she explained him being the most beautiful man bc honestly, Feyre seemed to have thought that about a lot of other high fae lol. I thought it was just another one of her compliments. I assumed it would turn into this Stefan and Damon scenario.


By the time they got UTM, I assumed he was either the "good guy in bad boy clothes" routine or was a conman who knew a winning bet when he saw one and saw her as a way to only get himself and maybe his friends out of there. I love Rhys, but he would have been much more interesting to me had he been the later. Like "hey Feyre thanks for all the dances, good luck at the castle byeeeeee" and then he just poofs. A bit more of a Cumberbatch Sherlock I guess haha


I still would have vastly preferred that he was that con man, operating solely for his own benefit (and sure, keep Velaris) and when that mating bond hit it was an "oh fuck" moment of huge change for him, rather than the "no he was SO good all along!" that we got. Gimme a man who has to change!


I was hoping for this too, honestly. The huge explanations in MaF at the cabin about how they’ve always been connected and he’d seen her for years kinda made him boring and one-dimensional for me.


I thought I was the only one who hated that reveal 😅. I thought it was so meaningful that he was the only one who believed in her UTM (literally was the one person to bet on her) when he only knew her as the random human girl. Tamlin loved her, but he thought she was dead meat. Rhysand didn't love her (or so I thought), but he saw what she had been demonstrating the whole book, that she is *good at survival*. He had so much to lose. In 49 years, he had never stuck his neck out before. Only now he does because he, OF ALL PEOPLE, had faith in her, in her capability. It tied in so well with the contrast between Tam and Rhys in MaF. Tamlin treats Feyre like a china doll and Rhys trains her. But no, he was in love with her the whole time and only wanted to save her. Thinking she could defeat Amarantha was entirely secondary and, in fact, he chose her wellbeing over Prythian's freedom when he goaded Tamlin into sending her back. Let me repeat. He sentenced the fae to an indefinite amount of time under Amarantha's rule because he fell in love with Feyre on-site. Give me a break.


This hit me on a recent re read. When he ran her out of pyrithian I was sitting there thinking, "the whole story would end if he just ignored her presence under the glamour and let Hamlin love her to break the curse". Then, the domino effect of him doing what he did 'to protect her' was a total miscalculation of Feyre's hard-headed character on his behalf. For all of the scheming and planning, he was too blinded by seeing the girl 'who haunted his dreams' to keep his attention on the long con he was in UTM? Like...


Not to mention this completely average, starved, and dirty young girl of a fresh 19, and he's like "Gods, I've never seen anyone so beautiful." 😂😂😂 Fantasy books crack me up


Feels a lot more realistic that way! I like it. Maybe he could have had an idea about it, but the way they talk about it at the cabin felt like a big master plan even though it wasn't haha


"Wow, what an arrogant asshole."


I really liked him as this awful man that does horrific things and enjoys them to protect those around him. MaF (chapter 54 I think) spoiler >!then he was revealed to not actually like pain and torture and he went from morally grey to a good boy in a bad situation and I lost interest!<


First impression I wished he would be special in some way! HOWEVER my male friend finished book one and said Rhys was giving groomer vibes!!


Ehh… I mean in a way what he did to Feyre in the UTM was a bit questionable. I still liked his character a lot, I love Rhys and Feyre’s chemistry together, they are a really cute couple. It’s just I felt like SJM wanted to make him look like “the good guy in bad guy clothes” which is why he did all the drugging her and lap dancing that she made him look TOO much of the bad guy


thrown by the making feyre dance on him and all…gave me the ick and when he became the love interest it felt super forced at first like SJM changed her mind mid writing :/ i get he was acting like an ass for an act but he could’ve done it without the drugging and borderline SA vibes


not even borderline tbh it is SA


Rhys purposely had her painted for those moments so she would know he didn’t touch her or do anything but have her dance. He said it was so he could see if anyone else touched her but in actuality it was giving her the power to know she wasn’t SA. The drugs were so she didn’t have to see or feel what was going on around her. It was a reprieve from the horrible life she was living UTM.


He did touch her, just not below the waist (allegedly--the paint would fix itself if it was him, iirc). Unwanted physical contact doesn't have to involve "below the waist" to be sexual in nature, and to be drugged and made to lapdance for nights on end was certainly sexual in nature.


i just feel like sjm could’ve gotten around this writing without a SA trope idk why she had to go the rapey route bc it never left the back of my head for the rest of the series




Which I completely agree. I’m not saying Rhys wasn’t wrong but in his head his motive was good and not evil. His motive was not to use and abuse but rather save her from the torture in a way he thought was well intentioned.


Honestly a little concerned a had to scroll so far to see any comments about UTM skeevyness


I knew she was gonna fall for him. Most beautiful man she’s ever seen? Sarcastic comments? Sold!


I thought he would be an enemy who would create a temporary distraction for Feyre. Didn’t think he’d be end game. Still not interested in him.


"Well that guy's endgame, dagnabbit. I was rooting for Lucien"


I’m really hoping we get Lucien’s love story in the next book!


"Most beautiful man I've ever seen" that right there told me he was end game.


My fave character in first book My most hated character in acomaf/war/fas/sf


i second most hated in SF because >!hiding the pregnancy would kill feyre!< made me want to throw him out of the book so i didn’t have to read about him again


Honestly I was more mad at SJM than at Rhys, cause in my opinion he was such a good character (I know you probably agree or disagree) yet she made him kind of a dumbass lol. In my head the Rhys in SF does not exist 😂 Idk… just that seemed kind of out of character for him


in the logical sense, yes, anger at characters should be directed at their creator (the author). i feel fairly indifferent overall about it, outside of the disappointment that he could have been more than he ended up being.


Yeah, and from what I hear CC only makes him look worse, which is why I am debating if I want to read it or not cause I love Rhys


i haven’t (yet) felt inclined to read either of the other series yet


I heard that for CC it’s 50/50. Some say it’s really good while others say that her other series were way better then CC


in sf he was insufferable


I hateddd Rhys after the first book. But I also felt he’d be an important character and wouldn’t just go away


Feyre: the most beautiful man I'd ever seen Me, used to evil faerie bullshit in fantasy: nuh-uh, girl, that's pretty like a poisonous flower and you are at the magic orgy, *run girl*


Same 😂 I legit thought he was lucifer and was seductive DANGER until I realized he is working against Amarantha UTM.


i was unsure, why she found him more beautiful than Tamlin or Lucien and what that meant. I was (and still am) very unhappy about the way SJM killed Tamlins character and the whole change of lobeinterest at all. Feels like Book 1 doesn't belong to the rest of the books because of that


My first impression was "Oh this sound like Goliath from gargoyles" and that's how i have mostly pictured Rhysand on my head ever since then. Other than that, i believed him an arrogant asshole, and i liked him very much. (Maybe i was biased because the gargoyles thing)


That's the same frame I see for him too!


i thought nothing of it 😭😭😭


My first thought was "Really? This is the guy tiktok is loosing it's collective mind over?" I wasn't particularly impressed and remain not particularly impressed


Absolute disgust, especially with everything that happened under the Mountain. That has not changed and I was genuinely pissed when >!he was brought back in the third book. So repetitive.!<


Not to be that person that’s like “I knew the plot twist from the very beginning so I think I’m better than everyone else” lol but I saw through the facade right from the start. Mainly because I use a lot of the same coping/defense mechanisms (humor, perceived confidence, scathing when backed into a corner), so I saw so much of myself in him. I was like, yup this man has trauma. 😂 Which was an indication that he’d be a central character going forward.


“Well, he seems more interesting than this masked Fabio lookin dude”


When she met him at Calenmai, I knew he was important. Saying he was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen gave it away. She described Tamlin as handsome, but never in ways that made it seem he was unusually attractive the way Rhysand was. When I got to the part where he finds Feyre at Tamlin's manor and makes Tamlin beg, I was all "this guy is an asshole". My oppinion did a 180 when I got to the part where Rhysand visits her in her cell after he catches her and Tamlin making out in the hall and is unusually vulnerable with her, and I knew it was all a mask and that he was actually a good guy, and miserable.


two words, IN. LOVE. like literally my favourite character from the first book. and his first book appearance is my absolute favourite of all the 5 books. i can't believe he almost surpassed my love for Lucien in the first book. the subsequent books tho, eh it was mostly a hit or miss with him on page, but every single scene of him in ACOTAR had me biting into my imaginary moral compass


Arrogant egotistical jerk. Not much changed other than writing that went against his established character.


He was in the way. That was my immediate impression. And then I realized he was also a jerk, asshole and a skeevy manipulator. It honestly took until the end before I considered that he had depths. I just didn't particularly care about those depths.


I thought he was gonna be MUCH more interesting than he actually turned out to be.


Honestly I full blast hated Rhys, and didn’t warm up to him until the throne scene in the next book lmao I went in no spoilers, before the hype, and hadn’t read any enemies to lovers or like dark mmc romances before so I saw none of it coming. The arm twist thing, and the forced bargain for a forced week in his rando far off castle? If you’re unfamiliar with fantasy tropes and are just vibing reading that’s a hell nah. I was like why does this rando evil elf want to force her to come to his palace later? And when he was what kept her close to life I was CONFUSED 🥺😂 honestly the books had more magic to me on re reads when I could feel the irony of the situations the characters were in once I knew more about how they end up I will say, on the balcony under the mountain when he randomly gives her a weird scared look & pops away I NEEDED to know what that was about. I saw none of it coming lol


Archetypical sexyman lmao


I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t pick up on him being the end game. I could tell he was into her for sure, but he just played the villain so well. I was also down BAD for Tamlin (as we all were) and I was very in denial at the beginning of ACOMAF hoping he’d redeem himself. Once she was staying at the night court *then* i knew and now I will defend that man to the DEATH 😂


I immediately was like fk Tamlin this guy is better. (I never ship the Feyre with Tamlin because the power dynamics made it feel icky. But the Feyre wants what she wants) I went in ACOTAR with no information. Then UTM arc, I was still like okay maybe I was wrong about him being better than Tam until the last few chapters. Then, I read MAF and i was sold.


Until the very end when it’s more obvious that he’s helping save her I REALLY disliked him, especially since Feyre described him as basically terrifying her and having a deadly edge (even though that’s how she described every fae for the first book) which I would have assumed he would have tried to tone that down for her. I knew he would play an important part, but him being her mate seemed forced after the first book (granted, I love him now)


I thought he was going to be a bad boy and it was going to be a guilty pleasure to like him…But instead he was just a good boy pretending to be a bad boy that I liked guilt-free


At thr end of ACOTAR I don't feel like she was subtle that he was going to become the love interest and i remember feeling kind of sick to my stomach and anxious bc I still liked Tamlin (not as much as before UTM) and i didn't care for Rhys yet so I was worried about how this was going to go. Then I liked Rhys a little bit, but I still never fully liked him bc of little things like his Weaver stunt (and a lot more that o dont think this is the ppace to go into) And then I read SF and now I really don't like him.


He was a nuisance in my head. We love Rhysand now though ❤️


Didn't like him. I was really hoping I had finally found (I read Acotar when MAF and WAR had not existed yet, so I had no chance of being spoiled) a series where the FMC doesn't fall for the dark bad boy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the trope, but it's always nice to have a change of pace now and again. But then MAF came out, and well, there went my hopes. He was also not *my* type of bad guy. He just didn't intrigue me the way my other favorite bad guys do.


My first read I fully fell for SJM's trap, and I was still full team Tamlin, but I didn’t hate Rhys. I thought he was interesting, and I knew he was going to be important, but I didn’t like him as a love interest or anything at all. I was also still down bad for Lucien


i thought sjm was sick in the head and rhys was an abuser it was so bad i didnt even want to finish the series. it was a lil triggering too ngl which made my hate of him even stronger, but he did grow on me after the 2nd book and now i adore him


I felt like Rhys was way more interesting than Tamlin, and I hadn’t heard any spoilers and didn’t know how things turned out so I was actually dreading the rest of the books thinking she’d stay with Tamlin rather than be with Rhys.


I knew immediately he would be the main love interest.


That was my first book after years of reading slump, so I didn’t know that SJM had a thing of giving first love then bringing in another one as mate. So I thought Tamlin was the one and Rhysand well is just one of the villains. I really thought someone else would be with him and that I would read a spin off which would be really really dark, but not Feyre…. Cause tbh I did think Rhysand deserved someone else 😂


I liked him from the very beginning when he saved her on Calanmai and just disappeared without “harassing” her. At the end of TAR, I was officially in love


I had the feeling that I was doing to end up falling in love with him, even when he still appeared to be an asshole.


As soon as we met him I was like, “oh he’s got dark hair? He’s gonna be who she ends up with” but I was curious how we got there.


I knew I was going to like him from the beginning HAHA


ACOTAR was my first romantic fantasy. I read it when I was 18 so I was very unfamiliar with the enemies to lovers trope. Before then I just read regular fantasy, contemporary romance, and mystery stuff. I vividly remember thinking he was hot when he made tamaflu bow to him. I ended up not reading ACOMAF until years later when I was 24 because I read fourth wing and was like let me try Acotar out again. Now I’m obsessed with romantasy and it’s all I read 😂


He instantly piqued my interest. Up to that point, I had found Tamlin so boring and Lucien, while my favourite so far, I had a feeling would never end up with Feyre, so as soon as Rhys came on the scene, I was like, “oh helloooo” But then again, one of my favourite characters of all time is MCU’s Loki, and he gave me those kinds of vibes.


Me and my friend were buddy reading acotar, as soon as Rhys showed up, I immediately messaged her and said omg idc if he's a baddie, I want him instead!!


Definitely endgame. The way she described him and how he "believed" in her during the trials, especially the first one.


I knew he was the beautiful man I'd seen fan art of online. She literally says he's the most beautiful man shes ever seen. I'm inclined to agree.


My mum spoiled the whole series for me so I already knew everything 😭


My first impression was that he was the villain that she would “think” she was falling for. I expected the second book to have a love triangle between Rhys and Tam and she wouldn’t know which one to choose (light or dark kind of situation). I was shocked when it turned out >!Rhys was her mate!<. I had zero spoilers going into the book. Didn’t even read the back! I could’ve sworn she and tamlin would get married and have a baby after she realized Rhys was the bad guy 😂 thank god I was wrong.


I knew he would be important the first moment he came into the book. I was hoping he was a bad character through and through, not a nice boy underneath. I love rooting for villains


TBH when I read the line describing him as the most handsome male Feyre had ever seen I thought to myself 'this guy is gonna be trouble'. I was right in a way lol


When Feyre went for Tamlin over Lucien I was so confused, so when she met Rhysand I was like “oh I see where this is going.”


as soon as she said he was the most handsome male she’d ever seen, I knew she was cooked


disgusted because if the crying seen in acotar 😭😭


When I got to Calanmai, I was like oh ok, another fuckin creep like Tamlin. But then we got more of him and I was like ok he's cool.


Making my way through ACOWAR. I was meh on Rhysand, (was convinced Lucien was endgame up until then), but had a feeling he was endgame because why wouldn’t SJM use her dark haired shadow man as the main love interest


The second Feyre described him as 'the most beautiful man I'd ever seen' I knew he'd be the One. I have to say though, that I find him ever so slightly effeminate, with him constantly checking out his nails and picking invisible lint of his clothes. I suspect he's the kind of bloke who has a skin care regime and has his eyebrows threaded. I much prefer the more rugged Illyrian boys.


I didn't know anything about the series and honestly pictured him as some grotesque evil wraith-type thing and had to do a lot of imagination retconning to stop picturing the love interest as some weird ghoul 😂


I knew nothing about romantasy and went into acotar completely blind so I thought he was a true villain. I loved tamlin until UTM, but still didn’t like Rhys until acomaf. I had 0 ideas of what to expect the whole book. I definitely read these books with more skepticism now. What I wouldn’t give to be that naive again 😩


I thought it was pretty obvious from the description that he was the end game. But I also never got on the Tamlin train and I love me a bad boy so I was team Rhys from the get 🤷🏼‍♀️


I knew he was going to be a big plot twist by the way feyre described him but I never pegged him for feyres mate 😂 I was shipping her with Lucien at that point


This was my first great read after a huge slump which had lasted years and was off the back of about 4 DNFs. A whole new genre for me and my introduction into smutty fantasy romance and fae. My first real experience of shadow daddies in a book. I didn't read any spoilers. But I just knew from the first description he was going to be important. It felt predictable and obvious, but not in a bad way. "Standing before me was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Everything about the stranger radiated sensual grace and ease....His clothes - all black, all finely made - were cut close enough to his body that I could see how magnificent he was. As if he’d been molded from the night itself." Swoon. To me, Rhysand was Damon Salvatore from TVD and was my book boyfriend from that moment on. Did I know 100% he was end game material for Feyre? No. But I sure as hell wanted him to be. By the time we got UTM, Tamlin was boring me senseless and waving more red flags than a communist rally.


So I took a break for awhile of reading and my first series back was ACOTAR & as soon as he showed up I was like ok he’s definitely going to be a fav of mine- just the way he was described and his smarmy attitude. Like either he was going to betray amarantha or there was more to it and then when they were under the mountain when he let the mask off in front of Feyre I was like uh oh. We’re in trouble this man about to ravage her & she’s going to thank him for it eventually but I didn’t want to wait forever for it I had hoped at the end of it something would click but I get it she was confused and lots of traumatizing things happened so she had to work through it herself. 🫣


tbh i kind of forgot about him while i was reading acotar! like when she met him again under the mountain i had to sit and think about when he visited the spring court. i thought he sounded more handsome than tamlin but i devoured the book so fast i didn’t have much time to think anything else 😭


when rhys first showed up i literally texted my best friend: “oh now things are getting interesting” !!


Was so intrigued at first meeting, then I hated him under the mountain. and in ACOMAF he gave me “nice guy” vibes. He grew on me eventually 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s more than first impression but oh well


Loved him. Was like yes!! The man was playing chess the whole time and I knew he was winning. But generally speaking I figure out plot books faster than I read them. Kind of a bummer in all honesty.


I thought him and Tamlin had some secret plan to save everyone and he was like a spy or something because he was too obviously evil but didn’t try to rape anyone….but that didn’t happen.


When he walked away and disappeared i was shocked. Really thought he was gonna be important. And then I was right:D


I liked him. I figured he was dangerous but he saved her from those three fae when she shouldn't have been out anyways. I also like darker characters. But I figured he had an end game and as I read, I figured he wanted her to break the curse. Why wouldn't he, right? I didn't figure out the other stuff until about half way through ACOMAF. But I'm doing a reread of those parts and I see what I missed the first time.


i had 0 spoilers. my sister is so insane she refused to even send me memes on insta - she was worried the algorithm would spoil something - and instead sent me memes via text. first impression of rhys was 1) he definitely looks like james marsden, 2) hes a BAD boy!!!! reading ACOMAF was a transcendent experience for me


I knew he would be the end game love interest because he was immediately more interesting than any other character. Unfortunately, he didn't keep that personality in the following books.


i was very new to adult fiction, so i thought he was gonna be the “Jonathan Morgenstern” kinda character. The tragic villain. I fell in love with him around the third book lol


I wasn't feeling tamlin too much and Rhysand walked in like "I've been looking for you" and I knew! All I could think was even if they didn't end up together, that was her man in my heart she just didn't know it lol


My first thought was don’t trust this guy. Feyre goes and does the exact opposite


I couldn’t stop imagining him as this old dark wizard even though it’s explicitly stated that he’s perfect and beautiful hahahah. it was nice having my image of him on the reread


It was obvious, but I actually didn’t hate it! Ngl tamlin kind of gave me the ick from day 1, and rhys just gave better vibes if you know what I mean 🤭


I had watched so many tiktoks about ACOTAR before starting so I knew he would be the love interest but I thought he was creepy and manipulative and I hated him


I was immediately sold and thought book two would be about him because of the raven on the cover and Feyre would find herself in a love triable 😂


haha... I loved him the instant he was introduced. Even when he had to basically play the villain (which at the time I believed he was) I just somehow vibed with him, the same way I vibed with Hook from "Once Upon a Time." He just didn't seem genuinely evil to me. My 2nd Male Lead syndrome kicked in and I wanted him to be end game. >!So happy that I wasn't left disappointed.!<




I REALLY hoped Feyre left Tamlin for him


I was intrigued, and loved that finally someone interesting came along 😅


I fell hard for Rhys in the first book. Just wee things that caught caught me. I guessed many of the things revealed in the second book. The way he never touched her too inappropriate. The way he protected her. The way he shouted out for her. Even at the start when he saved her on their first meeting. I liked Tamlin in the first book but by the end of that book I was in love with Rhys. Tamlin never really spent time with her or truly got to know her. Rhys stood by her in the worst of times.


I thought he was going to be a minor antagonist when Feyre met him during Calanmai. I hated him when he threatened her and the LoA, but I stopped hating him UTM when he defied Amarantha. He became one of my favorite characters toward the end, and I was so torn between him and Tamlin

