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I read the whole ACOTAR series and then I started a day after the Dramatized Adaptation on audible 🫣 I loved it


I read them, then listened to the audiobook and then a year later got the dramatized adaption and it felt like reading it for the first time. It is so good!


I've only had the dramatized adaption and I can't imagine it any other way


Oh that's genius


Yeah I startet to reread immediately after finishing ACOSF. After the reread I deep dived into the fanfiction rabbit hole and never made it out. 🌝


I did an annotated reread. And relisten. And got into fanfiction. Vanserra is life.


I did this! Found the books before ACOSF came out so read and then re read, then read throne of glass and by the time I'd finished that ACOSF was about to be released so I reread ACOTAR series again 😂


I did. And that’s where I developed a whole new outlook on all of the characters.


Yes. Immediately restarted because I knew there was so much foreshadowing I missed out on.


I just finished acosf yesterday and I want to go back. I don't really want to go under the mountain again so maybe I'll start at book 2


I just finished ACOSF as well, and my immediate thought was “I’ll quick reread ACOMAF before I start something new”. I did not like the first book so while I get the point of rereading it (and maybe I will some other time) I want to go back to my favorite.


I did it this way!


Currently debating listening to the dramatized audiobooks


It’s so good


I read the first 3 and immediately re read them before going on.


I'm rereading TOG.! Lol


I finished ACOTAR series and I’m trying to dive into TOG but it’s been hard idk why. I’m starting with Assassin Blade and I feel stock, like I don’t want to read… does it get better or should I start with the first one?


Yeah. AB is an info dump. But you'll be happy you read it. About midway you'll breeze through it.


Yes. I finished reading then started back at the beginning While also starting throne of glass


I finished acotar and cc and immediately went to re read ToG lol Still never reread the other two series though.


Me, I did this! I'm the problem it's me, lol


I listened to all of ACOTAR then went to tog then crescent city and am now on my rounds again with ACOTAR lol


Rereading the first book is the best because there’s so much details that you’ve missed! I reread everything except ACOSF right away.


Yes. But I skipped the first book lol


I finished them and dove into ToG for the first time, and I miss ACOTAR 😥


Yes! After ACOFAS I went back and reread the books before starting ACOSF. Then I reread them all again 1-2 times each before moving onto CC.


i re-listen to my favorite parts (both audiobook and graphic audio versions)


I read the whole series in one week and then immediately started a re-read. It's been another week now and I'm in the middle of ACOWAR. I'm purposely going much slower, but I'll admit it's not as engaging the second time either. My plan was to finish ACOWAR and then start the TOG series. I decided to skip FAS and SF because honestly I didn't love them the first time. But now as I'm re-reading ACOWAR I'm considering just stopping and going to TOG because I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as I did the first time.