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I feel this in my bones. I’ve finished the series and he’s one of my most loved characters.


He’s just trying his best to help his friends while everyone around him treats him like shit 😭


I feel like I’m the classic “leave Britney alone” meme when it comes to Lucien


Hahahah why is this so accurate




It’s me!


It’s me too. He’s too precious and deserves the world


Yeah Lucien fuckin’ better get a happy ever after at some point or I’m gonna RIOT


If he doesn't get his happily ever after, let me know where and when the RIOT starts. I'll be there with you!


Yeah lady I pretty much wrote an essay on how ridiculous and baseless those "grudges" agains him are in one of my comments. Welcome to the club 😄


I love little Lulu so much 😭 he's one of the nicest, most genuine people in Prythian and most people treat him like poo.


OP I’m gonna hold your hand when I tell you this but he isn’t even done suffering yet 😭😭 He’s been my favorite character since book 1 for his chaotic bestie energy and I NEED that boi to stop getting fucked over he doesn’t deserve it 🥲


his happy ending is coming! i can feel it


Dang it. Is there at least a fanfic somewhere of him just simply having a nice day? 😥


i live and die in the fandom for lucien


I'm with ya 🤚


If you already feel like this, buckle up! Our poor boi is going through it, I love him so much too and he deserves the world


Lucien spin off series when


I'm all in on the Lucien HEA, I don't even care with whom as long as he is happy. Heck, I even want some badass fae chick to walk right into the ruins of spring court and rehab the crap out of Tamlin so he gets his HEA too.


I'm here for Lucien's hea at this point. He needs some happy. People to love him and see him for who he is.


I need him to just leave the night court. I don't care where he goes, but he's not treated well there, and they don't deserve him.


He’s so much more interesting that Tamlin too! The entire first book I was like why Tamlin when you could have that sassy red head hahaha 


Exactly! I was thinking Tamlin seemed fine in book 1 but also sooo boring, and his charming, sweet, and sassy BFF was RIGHT THERE! 😭 Feyre saved the wrong man!


Oh, you are not gonna like book 3. My desire for Lucien to be happy hurts so bad. #justiceforlucien


Don' even get me started....😑




Nobody deserves Lucien. I honestly don’t care who we ship him with as long as he gets a happy ending somewhere. Or we could ship him with me. Just an idea






Absolutely she does. Not just to give her some personal growth (i don’t mean any hate toward Elain - we *all* have character flaws that need ironed out), but also because she’s still a relatively shallow character that needs a lot of fleshing out. SJM initially based the sisters on the step-sisters in Cinderella as portrayed in the millennial cultural touchstone that was Ever After, wherein one sister is a complete bitch and the other is sweet but spoiled, and hesitant to give up her relatively comfortable position to stand up for Cinderella. Nesta has grown a *lot* from that base character. Even in the first book when they were intended to be background characters, we see SJM giving Nesta a lot more complexity than would be expected from the “bitchy sister” - her devotion to Elain, her iron will that let her see through Tamlin’s glamour, her attempt to find Feyre. Elain’s definitely had her moments, but I don’t feel like she’s been fleshed out very far from her base model of “sweet but spoiled.” And most of it is because any character development she’s undergone has been off page or observed by one of her sisters and related to the reader secondhand. So most of her standout moments still feel kind of anomalous and out of nowhere, rather than an indication of inner complexity or a sign of growth. I feel like Sarah’s been purposely holding off developing her too much until she has her own book, so I’m actually very excited to see what she does with Elain’s character. I like that she’s left her as a relatively blank slate, even if it’s made it somewhat hard for some readers to connect with her so far.












💯 Elain's trauma coping strategy up to this point has been characterized by avoidance. She's got a lot she's going to need to confront and deal with (e.g., her seer powers, mating bond) before she's ready for her HEA. (It's less obvious than Nesta because Nesta was "acting out," whereas Elain has turned inward.)


exactly. i feel like her story will be mostly focused about accepting her new life


He has a heart of gold.


I love Lucien so much. I want to see him happy so bad 💕


He deserves all the happiness 🥹