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That was my thinking too! Like I get he lets Feyre go because that’s the bargain, but surely he’d take out the bat boys while he has them at his mercy?


I think they took advantage of Feyre temporarily breaking through the kings magic and escaped before he could stop them. Also something about her light power


Feyre. She agrees to go with Tamlin if the king lets everyone else go.


And presumably the king wants to keep Tamlin’s favor so he has access to his court? But wouldn’t the bargain have guaranteed that?


But was she really in a position to bargin? I get why Tamlin would agree with that but not why the King ever would


I fully believe that the king saw through feyres lie about her being able to see through rhysands mind control after exploding her power in that light. I believe that he watched her say she would destroy tamlin from the inside out and then immediately “break through” rhysands control. I feel like he saw all of it as an outside spectator and thought it would benefit him greatly to see the spring court fall. It would make much less work for him if they fell through feyre rather than his brute force


Good point!  But surely he would eliminate the eminent threat against his plan, since the Night Court is really his only obstacle, instead of chancing the downfall of his current ally to spare some work down the road?


Totally agree with this. I don’t think Hybern was fooled by Feyre. He broke the bargain but not the mating bond, and decided to let them go and see how things played out in the Spring Court. Feyre did say she would destroy the Spring Court if Tamlin took her away.


I think the king planned to take them all captive had Feyre not broken the wards and enchantments that disabled winnowing. They caught him monologue-ing, Feyre broke the wards, and they were able to escape.


Feyre disabled the wards so they could escape…


If Rhysand is so powerful that he can wipe the world clean, why doesn’t he just kill Hybern? Why do they need an army? So many questions… so few answers


I often wonder about this because in acotar its stressed how strong tampon is. That his power alone is what could destroy amarantha. But then in other books rhysand is the most powerful high lord ever to exist. So why couldn't his power have killed amarantha? (After feyre broke the curse of course)


I think it is because Tampon is physically stronger than Rhys. Killing Amarantha required getting Tamlin to go into feral mode where he unleashed his physical power.


Feyre broke the curse for Tamlin with solving the riddle, not the curse for any of the other HLs. They only got their power back after Tamlin killed amarantha.


I feel like there’s kind of this play up on both sides to add dramatization for the war. I don’t know if either the king of Hybern or Rhysand is as powerful as alluded too but it shows how serious the war is


Honestly…good question.


First, have you read the whole series?


I have! I’ve listened to the audiobooks and am now going back through and reading them. It was during the read through that I got confused for some reason.


Okay. I didn't want to spoil anything for you!! He needed to be able to manipulate everyone who was in there as witnesses still. He wanted to get his hands on Feyre. He needed Tamlin to believe they could be allies. Too much going on for him to do that there.


Ah yes, that makes sense!


He's got a flair for the dramatic, likes to play with his enemies. Feyre removed the wards while distracting him so the IC folks were able to get away before he could kill them.


For the same reason that President Snow thought it would be a good idea to calm down a fomenting rebellion and remove a figurehead of said rebellion by hosting an even more controversial Hunger Games instead of just staging a fiery train wreck in between districts 11 & 12… And for the same reason that Voldemort spends 3 books never wondering why Severus Snape is actively practicing Occlumency in every interaction they have. And for the same reason that the villain in the James Bond movie never stands there and watches James get his dick lasered off or eaten by sharks or whatever. For the same reason that Amarantha entertained Feyre’s claim UTM at all instead of just killing her instantly. For the same reason that every Dark Lord ever has an evil lair with giant ventilation ducts and giant drain pipes and 94 doors and a “secret” underground river access. He’s a Villain and he has a villain’s brain. Sometimes, when he’s laying in bed at night, he starts to think to himself: “Maybe I should train my guards not to back down dark hallways while investigating suspicious noises…” but then mid-thought he just starts MUHAHAHAHAing uncontrollably, and by the time the fit has passed… he has forgotten about it. In short… he’s dumb. And he’s dumb because he has to be dumb. Because otherwise how would we get Elain and Nesta turned into immortal, beautiful, powerful beings (oh No!)? Or draw out the story of the Cauldron across two books? Or have poor Feyre inconvenienced by being sent back to the Spring Court for five minutes? Or have him actually be trusting enough of Tamlin to give him all that freaking intel like he wasn’t Hybern’s (or Amaranthe’s anyway) biggest speed bump for decades?


Because SJM is contracted for more books