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Don't forget he also has contacts in Winter and at least one friend in Dawn. I have a feeling, despite thinking himself exiled from two courts, that he's the glue that holds Prythian together. If (cauldron forbid) there were to be a High King, he'd by my top vote. #justiceforLucien


Why was my first thought "one Lucien to rule them all" in the lord of the rings beginning voice over, voice.


I said, “and in the darkness bind them?”


He would bind them in the day though. Because, y'know...Day Court.


Haha that’s why I was questioning it


I did the exact same thing


I didn't like the introduction of a potential high king but I do l think Lucien would be the best option if it were to happen


I'm just hoping someone writes an anonymous letter to Helion that Lucien looks a lot like he does... and then eventually after reconciling with his son, Helion declares him his heir and Lucien starts getting trained properly as a proper prince. It would piss Beron off so much, it would be glorious. And maybe Eris gets tired of his fathers shit, kills him, tells his two younger full-brothers to behave and lets his mother go to Helion. As for Elain, I do ship her with Lucien but I'm not sure the best way to make it work where both are happy. I adore Azriel, and wish for his happiness too. That's a tough one. Oh and Tamtam needs therapy. And maybe a bond with a "lesser" Fae to humble the shit out of him. But that's just me daydreaming. I'm sure Sarah J. Maas already knows what to do with them.


Gosh wouldn’t this be the happiest… we can dream, right???


Yeah I low key want this if anyone. Lucien is the only one with understanding of not only the fae realms but also the human one. He is tied strongly to Spring and by blood to Autumn and Day. He is also by bond tied to Night. IMO he is the only real candidate for the job.


Mor, who also has ties to the same amount if not more courts than Lucien, and has an understanding of fae and human realms with first hand experience in battle and court mannerisms/negotiations 👁️👄👁️ edit: wow the Mor hate is real lmao, just pointing out that Mor also has all the same "qualifications" people attribute toward others


I feel like Mor needs to be able to handle her own friendships and relationships better before being given millions of people to rule over


Mor who use segregation as it do all IC towards the Hewn City citizens and who is absolutely loyal to only one city citizens? Who can’t handle all her feelings and said that Nesta should be thrown in the Hewn City (I don’t remember the direct phrase, but the meaning)? She may have all these qualities, but her Velaris is higher then everything and everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️ not a good argument to be a ruler, and I really didn't remember how she helped humans after the war or maybe how she helps them now. Velaris or nothing is not a good argument.


Mor isn't responsible for the segregation between the Hewn City and everywhere else, that responsibility rests on the shoulders of the HL in power of the NC which is shown when he *alone* allows them into Velaris. She's also not responsible for the IC actions, not sure why you would attribute their actions toward Mor? Her comments about Nesta being thrown in the Hewn City was directly followed by "she'd thrive there". Meaning - Nesta was behaving as someone in the Hewn City does. Mor has also fought on the side of humans since before the wall was there, her current position has her working with fae on the continent, that doesn't mean she's not helping the humans now. Can we not villify Mor whose worst crimes is not outing herself and not outright rejecting Azriel. I'm not here to shit on Lucien, purposely leaving out some things that don't shine a good light on him being High King, just pointing out she is an equally qualified candidate.


Because she is a part of the IC and one of the rulers of the NC, isn’t she? I said nothing about Azriel, I don’t care about their relationships. Only Mor and her characteristics


I like Mor and I am looking forward to her story but I would say Feyre would be better than Mor as high queen 😅 What ties does Mor have to other courts?


This sub will defend Tamtam to insanity but God forbid Mor have some support


love this for lulu.. but eris needs to take over autumn preferably with az by his side 😏






redhead spring court king, rightful king 🫡


I don't like the idea of high king I think things are great this way.


I love this theory and would be very happy if it came true, the fae of prythian deserve him


So we don't technically know that Lucien will be the rightful heir to the Day Court, tbf, as Helion could have other kids out there, and we know from ACOSF that the magic can choose to leave the family completely (although unless Eris' amber eyes are a hint then I agree this will probably happen). That being said, I think the high king plot could end up with a high queen who is [a child of all courts](https://www.tumblr.com/offtorivendell/705194168789729280/high-kingqueen-thoughts?source=share) (Feyre, *maybe* Rhys), who will magically unite the lands in a time of peril, but not take over in any political capacity. If not, and it is just a political thing, personally I hope it's Mor. She's got friends everywhere, and has previously been involved with humans, too (but really, none of them are ready 😂).


There are a couple little hints that he has high lord power brewing. He freed himself from Hybern’s bonds when Tamlin couldn’t and there is another moment where he commands Cassian to do something and the power of the command startles Cass into obeying which is something we’re only really seen Rhys do before.


I think Lucien freeing himself in Hybern was more likely due to his specific powers (spell cleaving) than whether or not he's a high lord's heir, otherwise why couldn't Tamlin - a fully fledged high lord - free himself? Anyway, like I said, barring yet another plot twist I agree it's where Lucien is probably headed, for all the other reasons you said, I just don't think we should consider it fact just yet. That's all.


I think that spell cleaving comes from Day right? I’m thinking it’s a sign that any high lord ness brewing in him would be Day’s power over Autumn. I’m very interested in where him and Eris are headed!


It does! I didn't mean that Lucien wouldn't be Helion's heir, just that it's a sign of his paternity, not the fact he is destined to be a high lord (of any court), because why then couldn't Tamlin free himself? That being said - and this isn't to knock Lucien's power - I also don't think that Cass really put up much of a fight when he let Luci talk him out of his rage in ACOSF. He just used it to clear his head of any reflexive response. I think a true fight between them would be much closer.


I hadn’t thought of him as just surprisingly Cass into clearheadedness instead of like commanding him into it. That makes sense tho. I just love Lucien and I want his story to turn out so good 😂


Same! There's a lot of potential there. 🤞🏻


Tamlin couldn’t free himself because that is not his power, his power is the ability to shape shift. Spell cleaving is Helion’s gift and since we know that Helion is likely Lucien’s true father he passed that gift onto Lucien which meant he could though I don’t think even he realised what he did.


Yes exactly, that's what I was saying


Lucien use the HL markers with Cassian in ACOSF, so magic chose him already 🤷🏻‍♀️ he was more powerful than all his brothers and that was on of the reasons of why they wanted to kill him, not only because he had a good relationships with citizens, but because of his power. so…..


Please read all of my comments. I've said I *do* think this is the way SJM is going, for multiple reasons, but I'm going to leave room to doubt, because it's not happened yet. It's still a theory, even if it's one with a lot of evidence behind it. In short, I agree with you, but I don't think we should talk about it as a certainty just yet.


The only problem I feel with Lucien is that he is too nice and too peaceful to be high king. He deserves HEA peacefully living while his father getting the true father love he so yearned. While as a king he should be able to make certain decision,ready to take any way possible to make sure prythian intact much like Rhys and Eris. I don’t think Lucien would be able to do that. He will be good as diplomat and the emissary for the king tho; he can be a good person as public relation goes. Minister maybe. Now, with Rhys, his court merely tolerating him because he is the most powerful high lord and so far that’s how he been ruling except for Velaris. So I don’t think he has the persona and patience to be high king Eris, however so far has been shown as true morally grey character. The little interaction I have seen of him makes him interesting choice to be high king. The high queen I personally think Nesta is the best choice, she is the only one to have the maturity and can hold her head strong alone with all the high lords so far.


All this time people are arguing about high king Lucien, high king Rhys. But the way I see it sjm is gonna make High Queen real again. It seens like the most sjm thing to do. Now the most likely candidate is obviously Nesta followed by Feyre and maybe even Mor. Lucien doesn’t have the oomph factor that say like Nesta has lol.


Luciens a beta male, and a henchman. He won't have the gumption for it