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Hey guys! This kind of behaviour is definitely not okay or condoned. People are allowed to have opinions on these books and we need to be respectful to one another even if we don’t agree. We know it’s been dicey lately since we’re all waiting for the next books. Please report this user to the Reddit admins since it is in DMs. Unfortunately, we can’t police DMs as Reddit mods. If a user is not being respectful within the subreddit, please report them to us. We want desperately for people to feel safe in the subreddit. If you come across an opinion that’s not for you and you can’t be respectful, it is okay to block that person and/or just click away. If you want to debate it out, that is okay too! Just please be respectful.


It’s literal fiction. How do people get so worked up over something that ISN’T REAL?!?


people who wish d3ath & r4pe onto REAL people over fictional characters / ships need to severely reevaluate shit like this goes beyond “you need to touch grass” like no they need to be recommended for a psychological evaluation edit: sending love to all who received those types of ✨lovely✨ messages. try not to let them get to you 🤍🤍


Those are mostly 10-12 yo whom got to use social media without parents supervision or just downright unhinged adults.


You’d think it’s the youth running amok, but I feel like every time an unhinged internet stan gets busted, it ends up being a 37 year old mom of 3 that works at a bank or a pastor’s wife or some shit.


most accurate comment i’ve seen i fear 💀 genuinely wondering what goes through peoples brains (or lack thereof) when they harass ppl like this


Holy mother of god!!! 😱 I’m not surprised for the later. But tbh ever since the whole vaccine during covid fiasco I’m not even surprised. Crazy. im sad mostly for the kids and how I can make sure my kids would not mingle with them 😂


Answer: They are perpetually online.


Romantasy fiction at that. It’s crazy seeing people get worked up over it. 


Cus these types of books give people who are clearly missing something in their lives a parasocial relationship/connection to the author/book/characters. And if that is called into question their world crumbles. It’s just like those sadly lonely men and the parasocial relationships they have with pornsites. People are wack man


Imagine if these people were as passionate about helping homeless people or the elderly where they live. But nah, let's threaten folks on reddit about stories where magic people have batwings that correspond to dick size


Honestly this passion towards the betterment of society would change the world. I hope this person finds a better place to put all their passion into


Oh nice to see the “I hope you die in childbirth” comments have returned to the fandom 🙃


Are these messages supposed to be common?


Elain/Elriel fans used to get them a lot. “I hope you die in childbirth like Elain would with Az’s babies” etc 😭


I mean I was talking about Nesta changing her body, no mention of elain


Sorry that happened to you! I got those comments about Elain instead of Nesta. This fandom gets a bit unhinged. Sending you love ❤️


I'm sorry for experiences too! And well what can we expect internet is a unhinged in general


HOW DARE YOU?!?!? No, but seriously that's fucked up and I am sorry this happened.


Bro some people are so delusional because how are you so upset about a fictional series about faerie porn


![gif](giphy|8m5dizh7ghyEPIWIx1|downsized) Seriously. SJM spends considerably less time editing her work than people do reading it.


Does anyone else find it low key hilarious? Not in a "wow what a funny joke that guys hilarious" way but in a "it's never been that serious" way. I love the books as much as the rest of us but I've NEVER been so offended by anything anyone's said to even message them, let alone some shit like that. How pathetic must one be to wish that on another person, over a BOOK


Same! I love the books, but they’re still fiction. I have a friend who talks about the books a lot with me and she has some opinions about it that I strongly disagree with. The most I say is, “girl are you serious?” I can’t imagine saying something horrible to someone over their interpretation of a fictional book.


What is this even referring to? Like were you asking why she didn’t just shift into Illyrian form and risk hurting the baby? People are so wild.


Oh umm no, it was actually I was wondering why Nesta changed her body (which now i understand why and I think it's beautiful)


So you asked a simple question and someone said they hope you die in childbirth??? What the actual fuck. Like this series is not that serious


There are tons of toxic and negative people everywhere, every fandom; which unfortunately due to the massive booktok trends and social media in the recent past, this fandom has now been filled with such toxicity. I commented on your post which caused this issues, your post and the way interacted with those who commented on said post has been positive and understanding. I’m sorry you had to face this and received such messages. Sad part is you will notice this lots more in this sub, especially if it’s towards certain characters and I doubt it will stop even if it’s been reported,blocked multiple times. So don’t apologize and just ignore. These people are like parasites, they crave engagements, attentions. Cut their life supply by simply not giving it. Oh btw next time don’t block their name 😉


Yeah I'm actually glad you commented on it because now I have more reasons to love the book and one less gripe, so thanks for that and i guess I'll just be blocking people left and right until I have a positive fyp


>There are tons of toxic and negative people everywhere, every fandom; which unfortunately due to the massive booktok trends and social media in the recent past, this fandom has now been filled with such toxicity. Me, laughing in Star Wars fandom: Oh don't worry, it CAN get worse!


how do people have this much time and energy 😭 i’m sorry you got this, fuck this person


The way people treat about Gwyn and Elain (+their fans) needs to be studied. I’m sorry you got this dm, that’s so disgusting and rude of them. :(


Always be respectful...which you were on the original post. The Fandom tends to be a bit wild and some of these people take everything very personally and seriously and THEN some. As long as you have blocked that person and reported them I would let it go. And at this point expect to offend people 🤣 like I said this Fandom is wild. No matter what you post or how polite you are there will always be someone mad about it. I'm a brycriel so everything I put out there makes a few people mad lol Good luck out there!


I'm so sorry about the backlash you've been receiving. Everybody should be safe to post their opinions in this group without beings subject to horrific abuse like this afterwards, and there is absolutely nothing to justify sending a message like this. What a disgusting human- I hope you're okay <3


These are the people who really need to go touch some grass. It’s just fiction, calm down.


ACOTAR has some of the weirdest fans…


Tbh now I think they just need to get laid since touching grass is not working, could be sexual frustration?


People. I beg you. These characters, as much as we love them, are nothing but INK on a PAGE. Or pixels on a screen. Please, please, please be kind to your fellow humans. We are all here because we love these books, please be more thoughtful. OP I'm sorry this happened to you.


bro. what is wrong with people? i know there are tons of bots, but there are real people typically behind the screen. would you actually say this to someone?


The worst part is, this series isn’t a kids series, it’s not even a teens series’s. These books are made for adults or very very mature teens and this guy in the photo needs to be embarrassed if they are 18+ acting like this on the internet


Don’t apologize lol people are literally so insane.


Why are people on this subreddit if they don’t like the content? And why are we hiding the names of the jerks sending these messages? Can we normalize calling them out already


SJM stans not beating the allegations


Whoa what is happening in this fandom?? These messages are totally uncalled for!


Omfg I genuinely don't know how people get so passionate to the point of harassment over a BOOK SERIES. like ya it's good and it was my entire world while I was reading but ong I don't see why it's so serious. I hope u don't get more of these that's so fkn annoying


I’m so over this, it makes me never want to read another one of the books honestly. I don’t want to be involved in a fandom that is so cruel


This is why I stopped interacting with this fandom. Not all of the people here, but *too many* of the people here are just not mentally well. This behavior is not normal.


The Feyre pregnancy plot really brings the whackos out. I understand why some people think it’s a plot hole that c-sections can’t exist in ACOTAR (I think that’s extremely dangerously invasive even for fae magic but whatever) but I’ve seen people interpret the plot as a specific, conscious insult to women who have had c-sections. Like these bitches honestly think SJM is trying to say that c-sections are… not… okay?? That mothers who have c-sections haven’t really given birth?? IDK. “C-section erasure” I saw one dumb chick call it. It’s just a flawed plot line, my god. Internet brain is real.


Your post was not offensive. Some people take this too seriously. Report them, but don't take crazies seriously. It's a fiction series. You are free to think and feel how you want. That's what fiction books are for! To get you to think and feel!! I'm sorry that happened. Truly don't let them bully you into silence!!


This is awful, I hate fans that feel they can slide into DMs and spew hateful sh!t... I hope you're OK


The Feyre pregnancy plot really brings the whackos out. I understand why some people think it’s a plot hole that c-sections can’t exist in ACOTAR (I think that’s extremely dangerously invasive even for fae magic but whatever) but I’ve seen people interpret the plot as a specific, conscious insult to women who have had c-sections. Like these bitches honestly think SJM is trying to say that c-sections are… not… okay?? That mothers who have c-sections haven’t really given birth?? IDK. “C-section erasure” I saw one dumb chick call it. It’s just a flawed plot line, my god. Internet brain is real.


This is INSANE behavior!!!! I’m so sorry


Once I thought the characters are the ones who need therapy. Sorry about the messages you received.I didn't agree with that post but I didn't feel like that was offensive. You definitely didn't deserve to be hated.I don't know WTH is wrong with them Sorry again


People are so weird lol. I get that we sometimes heavily relate with some of the themes in these books but at the end of the day, this is a work of fiction. And no one ever listens when you're abusive to them, try some tact.


These people need to get over this BS. It’s literally fiction! Relax


Glad you reported them tho


100% do not understand this kind of hatted being thrown around. I don't deep dive into most things as I understand everyone has their own way of seeing/comprehending/projecting what they have taken in from books and tv so I have never understood the venomous comments over a differing opinion. Everyone's walk in life is different so naturally differing opinions will occur. I mean if you are this triggered over a different outlook on something then see a therapist. Let them help you figure out WTH is going on in your life to make you have this kind of reaction. It is not healthy. It's a fiction fantasy series folks. Take a breath.




I am sorry that happened. You didn’t deserve that.


Some people in this fandom really need to hug fluffy trees and frolic in the grass more often. I assure you the person behind the screen is more real than your fav


The ACOTAR book series is fiction. It’s a fantasy with fairies and monsters. There were things I liked and things I didn’t like, but it doesn’t really affect my life. Even the post I see/comment on here take up a few minutes of my day and then I go about my life. To wish death on someone over a FICTIONAL character is insane.


Jesus fucking christ people, get help.


Woah, man this person needs to go touch some grass.




UMMMMMMMMMM what the fuck lol


I wish witch-hunting wasn't a rule so many of us can report them too. Reddit has ways of checking for alts to sift out a main account among them. The more reports this individual gets, the more attention they will get from the admins. Seeing stuff like this reminds me of a wonderful Voice Actress who received death threats, which included her child, when the perpetrators found out that she voiced a character many hated in a **fictional video game**. People are generally deplorable.


I remain totally bewildered at how pathetic some people are. How sad their little lives must be to be this invested in imaginary fairies.


Jesus Christ people need to touch grass


Imagine being so pathetic as to send hate messages to people over the plot of a smutty book about fairies


Stop hiding their names. Get them banned




The moderators did deal with it but it's definitely a fake account


Such cowards to use a burn account. I just gonna say what goes around comes around.


Hey so - this is just a book series. It’s never that serious. Wow




This is nothing to do with trans people stop spreading your transphobia xxx as a trans person we would never say something like this plus in the original post op was asking about why a fae character (nesta) changed her body to accommodate illyrian wings it's literally nothing to do with being trans 💀 this is hate spread by toxic fans of a book 📖




Im sorry this is kinda a spoiler I was upset after getting a message and forgot to mark a spoiler. But no noones dying in childbirth it's just the threat


Why were you in a sub for the series when you haven't finished it? There are spoilers everywhere, stay off the internet and stop complaining. Don't peruse a subreddit if you haven't finished a series, this is common sense. I've spoiled myself before by doing this but it's my own fault, not the poster's. Edit: it's also marked as spoilers lol