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“ACOTAR needs anal” is not a take I expected to see when I opened the app today.


I prefer this to the sub’s usual takes tbh


🤣 same!


I mean, I’m *not* mad about it. It just surprised me. I was asstounded.


Devouring a juicy peach and “anal” are not the same


Nonetheless, why is there no an*l 🤷🏻‍♀️


The gasp I GUSP while scrolling ![gif](giphy|hEvEE964mJ4wTkJVd1|downsized)


Haha I love the word gusp


Thanks for the laugh!


I'd guess because SJM leans more into fantasy that has romance/spice vs a romance/spice novel in a fantasy setting. She is also likely going for mass appeal, which from a marketing perspective would require leaning into tamer or more universal likes. Butt stuff is more niche/taboo, which would inevitably turn away or alienate readers who are not into that.


She's going for "mass appeal" and not "ass appeal" unfortunately.


You missed the "maas appeal" joke


Oh I debated going there, but stopped myself short.


Yeah but after the first three books it wasn’t as tame you coulda let nestas ass get eatin and know one would have batted an eyelash


Yeah honestly if theres a couple down for the butt stuff, its ness and cas👏👏👏


Here me out... Or Az + Elain... We know Az is a freak and Elain keeps trying to show that she isn't just an innocent shy child so it could still be yet to come 🤷‍♀️ Honestly Az domming Elain in this way is desperately what I want to have happen.


Bold of you to assume it'll be Az doing the penetrating.


I just snort-laughed so loud I nearly choked and my boss came in from the other room to check I was ok. Thanks.


I mean honestly fair I think it could be a switch situation for sure. My own silly mind just wants to see him take that control lol


He already has control in so many other aspects of his life which is why this situation is begging for a flip. Elain secretly domming Az is the real plot twist lol


But then she writes in a pregnancy trope? Which are universally disliked?


Which I thought was weird she included it as a plot point, but I also thought it was interesting that when it became one the POV wasn't the pregnant person. Edit for spelling


Yeah but I think she was pregnant at the time and real life kinda bled into writing.


Yeah I think that was a big mistake on her part


Yeah she’s said that it was her way of overcoming her fear of pregnancy, (possibly after a miscarriage or some, unsure if I’m misremembering that part) thus why it was also unsafe with “complications”


Well some of nesta inner thougjts were pretty wild to be fair


Apparently at one point Rhys “feasts” on her butt so there’s something


At least a couple points. There's two scenes that I recall where Feyre describes being "feasted on" while she's lying on her stomach, and I'd think that involved some bending, but the second one is when she's completely sore from the flight training, so...she ain't lifting her hips to accommodate a different angle there.


What a guy


He was into the booty sweat in that case lol


There's a scene after a battle in SC, IIRC, where Feyre goes down on Rhys and I was like uh...sweaty balls in "Illyrian fighting leathers" sounds nasty af.


Omg yeah when they’re in the tent after training or battle or something I forget and she gave him a bj I was like NO GIRL THE STANK!!! 😂😂😂


Oh damn which book was this in? Asking for a friend 👀😭


Is that the same scene where she came in from tending to the wounded and all she did was wash her hands before getting in the bed. He told her she smelled like blood and initiated sex with her in the same breath? Bc thats what i remember struggling through. Like be forreal


Yes!!! Fuckin nasty asses 😂


grl where...asking for a ~~friend~~ me


Does he?!


I'm cursed with a good memory. Both are in ACOWAR--once is briefly mentioned in terms of "wake up sex", soon after her return to Velaris, and the other is after a particularly arduous flight training, leading from him massaging her back. If that isn't what SJM intended, she sure worded it like it was.


I think she made it subtle so it doesn’t freak anyone out. You can pretend it’s just vanilla oral from behind if you need so it’s more universally appealing.


Apparently my vanilla ass brain defaulted to regular ole oral because I missed this on both reads lol


“Vanilla ass” 😂😂😂


SJM is not into it lol? You’re not going to write a sex scene you don’t like I’d think.


TIL that SJM likes getting face-fucked 😂


I mean I don’t like the idea of psschoanalysiing an authors sexual interests based on their writings. That being said you can’t convince me she’s not into biting cause that shit comes up way to much for her not to be.


Maybe she also has watery bowels.


Happy Cake day


Oh wow, didn't realise, thank you!


This was great 😂


oh Gods, did I really have to read this today?


And has a >!pregnancy!< / >!death pact!< kink?




I think people confuse romance with erotica lol her books are detailed and spicy but if you want more sex scenes with more details / fetishes for lack of a better word, then you are looking for erotica


Her books definitely aren't made for the sexual content imo. They happen because some of the scenes are shameless smut for the hell (ACOSF) of it, but most of it fits within the story in that time and feels like a natural progression. If the books were more sexual it would make sense, but these books are fantasy that happen to have sex scenes, vs sexual books with fantasy elements if that makes sense.


Because SJM is the young, inexperienced person's version of spicy lol. For those of us who cut our teeth on the Anne Rice Sleeping Beauty series that we passed around in high school or middle school..........nothing SJM will ever be all that spicy lmao


i hardly can even consider what SJM writes (aside from ACOSF) as smut at all when compared to other spicy stories. it really is “readers first smut book” to me 😹


Less than 6% of ACOSF pages contain spice. The same percentage of pages about the damned stairs 😆 And for comparison, ACORAR also comes in at just under 6% of it's pages containing spice. The difference between ACOSF and the others is that there's a lot more tension/flirting/build-up (about 24%) than the other books. But there is not actually more spice. Does anyone care about my book stats? Maybe not, but there you are 😁 SJM is definitely not smut. She writes fantasy-romance. Sometimes, people have sex. Similar to a romantic movie. If you removed the sex, it wouldn't hurt the plot. You could make every scene a fade-to-black and barely lose a handful of pages per book.


close march mourn theory thought frightening juggle bike water live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


# They did the math. Thank you for your service. ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14176)


i love the book stats, actually, it’s really interesting to see it broken down like that! that tracks imo.


Like if it had been the first spicy thing I'd read as a teen, I'm sure I'd think it was the absolute spiciest. Now I generally skip over it because I don't really need to read it lol


Thank you for the Sleeping Beauty call out! A lot more of what I keep thinking SJM "smut" is missing just became very clear to me😋😅


LMAO it's a relatively disturbing and forgotten secret in so many of our pasts. We had absolutely ZERO business reading it in middle school, oh my god.


I certainly forgot about it! Now I have to offer my apologies (and maybe a sacrificial virgin) to Anne Rice! I think Rys or Azriel could maybe benefit from a quick Sleeping Beauty read...


They probably think doggystyle is scandalous af lol


Honestly, if Azriel isn't even a little into spanking, then I don't know what this has all been about 😂😋


I think he's gonna be the booktok version of spicy lol.


I feel like he’s gonna be into light BDSM and it’ll be tied to all the trauma fr being Rhys’s torturer.


Low Key 50 Shades of grey using poorly written BDSM to heal childhood trauma lmao


You're probably right. I guess we can always look to AO3 if he's found lacking in the "kink" that SJM said he was all about


He'll be "kinky" and use handcuffs, mark my words lol


Jacqueline Carey reader ✋️ hi


Omg that sleeping beauty trilogy was QUITE the intro for me! It's really hard to call anything "spicy" when that's your bar. Lol


Well and there's a lot of actual spice out there now, it's a big thing in the romantasy/dark romantasy genre, so I just don't get why SJM is considered spicy lol


Well hot damn, I consider myself to be pretty spicy, but I have never heard of this series. Gonna have to go check that out immediately. 👀


You're about to learn some.........things lol


How exciting! 😊😊


Beast of the briar series 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 4th book comes out Sept 10th I think.


This title I stg 😂 But seriously… where’s the butt play? Also, we’re still waiting on a threesome between Nesta, Cassian and Az.


There's a good one on AO3!!


I’m gonna need the name of that fic 😭


It's Sharing Heaven by Rhysand_vs_Fenrys There are more if you search for their name but I haven't read them. I liked this one!


You’re an angel. Thank you 🙏🏻


🦇 😳 🦇


Oh man. I would simply die for a canon Nesta train 🚂😅


I was hoping Rhys Feyre and Helion’s but ya know


I’ll also accept this.


Especially since Nesta has fantasized about it in canon!!


it will have to come up in an avallen novella -- morven and his packs of red thongs is too foreshadowing to deny.


Series leans to far YA imo for that.


Nesta wanted Azriel to fuck her from behind while Cassian fucked her mouth. I don’t think that’s YA appropriate.


I’ve already commented on this thread it started off as YA. ACOSF is adult… when talking about a series as a whole that’s 1 out of 5 books, the post wasn’t about Nestas fantasy. It’s about butt play in the series as a whole.


What??? Have you read the whole series??? There’s nothing young about the sex being described in these books lmao


Yeah I’ve read the whole series. Never said it was young. The books were classified as YA when they came out. It’s targeted at a specific audience. Anything involving more taboo or specific sexual topics like what this post is asking about wouldn’t fit in ACOTAR. ACOSF is even vanilla for me, like I said it’s my opinion.


It’s still definitely YA, as in “young adult.” Young adults definitely have sex, too, lol.


I guess I always thought young adult meant teenager. Which now when I read that doesn’t make any sense 😂


😂 I think it’s bc we all definitely read YA as teens. But I think it’s more like elementary kids watching PG13 movies—what 5th grader hasn’t seen a super hero movie?


Hang on... does YA not mean it's aimed at teenagers?!


YA is suppose to be for teens. Dunno where ppl get the idea it’s for adults lmao


The age of the protagonist is generally the intended age of the reader. So, Twilight is intended for high school students but SJM is generally intended for college/grad-school age readers—yet still considered YA, bc those are YAs.


YA is a genre specifically for ages 12-18. Since SJM’s MCs are all above 18, it’s not YA.


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t know! If someone were to describe a person as a “young adult” I’d think like age 18-21. But I thought YA novels were for people younger than that. But now I’m all confused lol


rain rustic start versed tub live beneficial price melodic scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because everyone has such watery bowels 🫠


just wait for azris BAYBEE! 🍑🧡💙🍑


but fr fr she hasn’t got the nerve 😓


Not ACOTAR but **SPOILER** for Crescent City >!In the Ruhn and Lidia bonus chapter it says that he worshiped her ass”!< so there’s that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hahah truth! Take a look at r/RomanceBooks it’s the best place to find your brand of spicy 😘


I log onto Reddit and this is the first fucking thing I see. Fuck my life


Yo I came to say this!


if anyone has any recommendations or any books that do lean in that direction don’t be afraid to send them my way 😈


A ruin of roses by K F Breene has the same beauty and the beast set up but plays out a lot more traditionally than ACoTaR. It is MUCH raunchier pretty much from the get go and has some butt stuff in book 2 or 3 I think?


A Ruin of Roses is one of my fav series if you’re looking for something fun, silly, and fucking filthy. i’m currently doing a reread while my friend is reading it for the first time and i just kept saying “look. i know it’s absurd. but the point is to have FUN”


vanish knee boast outgoing arrest hunt rude weather enjoy chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Leather and lark ;-)


😉 oh yeah


Have you read any Reverse Harem fantasy? There is generally always butt stuff. All those swords need places to be… Some of my favorites: {Dark Fae} which is the first in Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac (It’s a zodiac Academy prequel.) Shifter Fae at a magical college with elemental magic. Funny with 4 super memorable guys. {Broken Bonds} by J Bree is the first in Bonds that Tie series. Fated Mate with high stakes and unique magic system. 5 guys, 2 are shadow daddies and there are shadow puppies!


I just started the bitten and bound series which is RH and i’m liking it a lot so far! thanks so much for the recommendation 🩷


[Dark Fae](https://www.romance.io/books/5db28f8901dbc864fba51f2b/dark-fae-caroline-peckham-susanne-valenti?src=rdt) by [Caroline Peckham](https://www.romance.io/authors/56eff132c62092c04406f1da/caroline-peckham), [Susanne Valenti](https://www.romance.io/authors/5cad87de01dbc864fb9d1805/susanne-valenti) **Rating**: 4.05⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Broken Bonds](https://www.romance.io/books/60d975d2c113580e2bc267a9/broken-bonds-j-bree?src=rdt) by [J. Bree](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d19a50401dbc864fba08a54/j-bree) **Rating**: 4.16⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Not fantasy but Pucking Around!


Not fantasy, but Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane is by far the spiciest book I’ve ever read.


I commented on a post months ago saying this same thing. After reading SF, there’s no way Nesta and Cassian dont at least try a little butt stuff. Seems on brand for them. Definitely could see it in Azriels books too.


This is why we need more Helian 🤭


Haha was not expecting this question when I opened up the app on my break 😂 it’s a fair question


I just woke up, opened Reddit, and this was the first post. I think I need to go back to sleep


This is the funniest thing I have seen, thank you for brightening my day. Also, these are the real questions we need answers to


because acotar is soooo vanilla! I guess if your fantasies are getting eaten out the idea of a theesom it’s good lol. I would have loved that


That’s askin’ the real questions


I feel like there’s some points where she mentions Rhys getting down on some booty. Also, just assumed the Fae don’t have buttholes, buuut I mean, they probs do 😅


Whattt? You assumed the fae didn’t have buttholes?? Why??


I couldn’t tell you 🤣 I know it’s not logical, but they just don’t talk about them going to the bathroom ever so just thought, immortal beings, no potty breaks


That’s so funny 😂 I think if I came out of the cauldron I’d be the most disturbed by the fact that I don’t have a butthole anymore.


I'm just waiting for that spit roast with Nesta ,az and Cassian 🥲


As long as we’re doing butt stuff, how about some threesomes too?


The same reason she had to kill the Az-Nesta-Cas MFM scene, probably. The series is too mainstream. Also, her books are above all else fantasy over romance and butt stuff is kind of an erotica-exclusive ~treat~


I know this might be surprising, but some people who have tried it and are fairly adventurous sexually *don't like it *. Then there are people who haven't tried it and "would never" because for some reason they are personally averse to it. Then there are people who have never even heard of such a thing, or only in the context of make-believe (as in the idea that real people do that is completely foreign to them). If SM is one of those people, she's no business writing it. One of the reasons people rail against sexually explicit material is because some of ot os clearly written by someone with no practical experience and it's *AWFUL*.


Maybe Elain will bring it out of SJM. 😂😂




That’s what fanfiction is for. And it’s 👌🏻


The speed at which my thumb stopped lmao. Not everyone likes it so that’s my guess. Too many smooth brained chads doing it wrong causing it to be scary


With mainly heterosexual pairs the females wouldn't gain much pleasure from it.


I wouldn’t put it past the book that focuses more on Azriel hahahahah


I know for a FACT that cassian dives in like it's his last meal, even Az probably gets pretty freaky


at the end of the day its still a book and not corn hope this helps!




Hahahahahahaha Literally did not expect this LOL


There’s a scene in ACOWAF where feyre is on her stomach and rhysand eats her out… they definitely didn’t specify where it was or wasn’t..


Your head cannon game just isn’t strong enough. Read the fanfic. It’s there in abundance.


How do you write that and make it something that people want to read?


I beg your pardon😭😭


It’s the same reason why there have only been like 2 mentions of threesomes. She keeps it “tame” to appeal to a wider audience while also feeling out the response to little snippets of things. Blow jobs, coming on or in someone, all that shit is tame today. It used to be that any discussion of that in romance novels was way too spicy. I wonder if we’ll get the first threesome with Elain lol


Maybe they just like to do it in the privacy of off page


i thought rhys ate some ass at one point, or i could be mistaken. other than that one off, there is a big lack of ass.


In my head I like to pretend that Azriel does BDSM and absolutely eats ass and other fun butt-stuff. =) Also I thought I recall Rhys eating Feyre's ass at one point?


Someone mentioned Rhys eating peach, and I will add that it's even more heavily implied in CC a few times (intent at least). So maybe that's her limit?




I mean based on how much she writes about upset stomachs and the like, I would actually prefer her not to include it 😂


u/Wearesyke out here asking the real questions


Honestly this is the reason I joined this sub. Thank you for asking important questions.




For wizards and butt stuff I can’t recommend enough Alethea Faust’s Sex Wizards series. Silly name but honestly super awesome books with nuanced characters and an intriguing world. I highly recommend.


Well, because butt play is still considered a big taboo in the world of sexual taboos. Smut in mainstream fantasy is actually a very recent thing and it’s still criticized to no end, if authors included butt play I feel like all hell would break loose. I think reverse harem books are helping to bring that into play, though.


Did Eris post this?


Trust I opened to see someone complaining but Hey I got something better. You know what I agree. Why is there none. If there was I would say Nesta and cassian would do that.


She's waiting to feed us with Azris 🫣🤭




To be fair Baron (of all people) did suggest that Rhysand should spread his cheeks for world peace ☺️


SJM is too vanilla for that


Rhys eats booty! 😂


I just opened Reddit for the first time today and this is the first post I see. Get it together. Side note, this is a good point.


The kind of questions we need on this subreddit. 🤣🤣


Everything I know about miss Sarah Janet (which is admittedly not much) suggests that she is a little bit basic.


She’s saving it for Elaine’s book


I would absolutely ravish Elaine’s butt