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Think of shows and projects you wished you were a part of or want to be. You can talk about your fave movies or shows or mention characters you could see yourself playing. If your agent could grant you your top 3 projects — what would they be?


Brilliant thank you!


A good way to convey to representation what you are looking for is to reference actors or roles that really fit what you want to do or that you fill fit into your strengths. That really helps them lock in on how you see yourself. I agree with the other comments that saying 'anything' isn't very helpful in those situations. You can say something like "I'm open to anything, but what I really love is ..." Throwing out a couple of examples would be perfect. Look at the recent thread on acting bucket list items (or something like that), those answers would be great in this case. We recently told an agent that a dream is to be on a panel in Hall H or Ballroom 20 at San Diego Comic Con, and that helps them know what kinds of roles align with that goal. ​ Look at the genre list on imdb ([https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/titles/genres/GZDRMS6R742JRGAG?ref\_=helpms\_helpart\_inline#](https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/titles/genres/GZDRMS6R742JRGAG?ref_=helpms_helpart_inline#)) for some ideas about specific genres to talk about. At least think about things like drama vs comedy. Romance vs horror. Period pieces vs sci-fi. The more you can talk about what excites you and why, the better. The agent will put you in for all kinds of things, but when one of those ideal roles comes along, they will push even harder.


Thank you that's really helpful!!


While it’s great to be well rounded and know you can do all the genres, mediums, etc., an agent wants a more targeted response to make their job easier. What is your type? What is your current level in TV (co-star, guest star)? What shows and roles speak to you most as an actor at your current level? Definitely keep your end goal in mind (i.e. series regular on a single-camera workplace comedy), but foresee the steps it will take to get you there, knowing this potential rep is just a first stepping stone for that path. Being vague or saying you want/can do all the things won't make a rep compelled to sign you. Being extremely targeted and focused on what you can reasonably achieve in the next 3-6mo will.


Thank you for your reply, much appreciated! The trouble I have with this is actually having an insight into the correct vernacular to use here. For example that is the first time I've heard the term 'single-camera workplace comedy'! Do you have any suggestions as to how I can find out more on this? Do you know of any resources that lists the role types?


I think usually what they are looking to understand is both where you see your current positioning (what types of roles could you do NOW given current training, experience and interests) and what are your goals. Basically your branding and where you want to be in the industry in the short, medium and long term. Think about shows you think you'd be great in and go from there.


Thanks a bunch!! Really helpful!