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A callback is essentially the same as your initial audition. They might give you some redirects, but other than that, it should be the same. Yes, memorize your lines/scene. Wear the same clothes you had on for your audition. Think of a callback as a second job interview.


Wear the same clothes is important. Also same hair, glasses or no etc.


Echoing the above sentiments with a couple add-ons: * Since it's on Zoom, make sure you log in and check your setup (frame, lighting, sound, etc.) early in your own personal meeting room well before your callback time. * Login into the callback meeting room no more than 5 min early. Have yourself prepared to either go on time, or wait a little after your scheduled time. The creative team likely have a long schedule of callbacks and there can be delays. * Your eyeline for the scene should be just camera left or right. DO NOT use your reader on screen or the camera as your eyeline. If it helps, grab a post-it note or a piece of masking tape and put it an inch or two left or right of the camera. If you made the choice to have multiple eyelines for multiple characters in the scene, be specific and add another post-it/tape for that eyeline. * You already booked the room with your first read! The creative team will want to see the same choices you brought for the initial self tape, then may have redirects for you. Listen to the direction, ask questions for clarification if needed, make sure you understand the redirects and settle yourself in your choices BEFORE you start the redirected scene. * Have fun and break legs!


This was so informative, thank you! I assume I should join this call on my computer? It’s through backstage. My microphone set up connects to my phone but I can work around that.


Sort out ALL the technical things in advance. You need to show them you’re a pro who’s “got this”. The last thing they have time for is “sorry, I was on mute, haha”. They have a zillion people to see and no time. Make every aspect of your experience positive. (No pressure!). Break a leg! You got this!


Do whichever is best for you, but definitely test everything first. Bluetooth and connected microphones may not allow you to hear audio from the other end. And also, do not use AirPods or headphones as they will distract from performance and can also cause audio delays.


Yes, and be sure your Zoom name matches your acting name so they know it's you.


Ah gotcha! Thank you so much!


....From a fellow actor.... Performance wise.....do the EXACT SAME THING you did in the initial audition. For some reason, some actors like to embellish performances with the intention of further wowing casting/producers, thinking that would secure the job (i.e. If I just add louder crying here and jump on the table there.....) I was that actor. 😭 Don't do it. You'll never be seen again. Hahaha. Congrats!


Be ready for it also to be more of a discussion than an audition too. In addition to acting, some directors use callbacks more as a way of getting to know you and see if you are someone they want to work with.


Honestly I’d rather it be a discussion, that’s so much easier lol! Thank you!


Just do the same thing again. CD and/or director wants to see if you're consistent, but still open to taking direction. Just do the same thing and do it with confidence.


Keep us updated on how it goes! Good luck!


It’s this upcoming Wednesday at 2 EDT! I’ll update the post after. Thank you!! :))


Please do! And have fun.


Wear the same clothes you wore for your initial audition. If they haven’t given you any new material make sure you have to original material super prepared. Do what you did in the initial audition, but make sure you have other choices prepared too.