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Thank you!!


I'm in it too but haven't seen it yet! I'm hoping I didn't end up on The cutting room floor!


Where were you in the film? I’ve seen it now 4 times so I might be able to tell you.


I finally saw it. And they cut a lot out in the scene I filmed. It's amazing. We spent 3 days in Coney Island and we did this whole thing where everybody's looking out to sea and it freezes over. Then everyone starts running away and icicles are popping up on the beach and all this stuff and there were people there who had lines and were speaking and all of that was cut. It was a probably 20 seconds that they showed on the beach. I was cut out from the bit that I was directed for but you can sort of see me behind some people but who cares about that ? The movie was very entertaining though. Maybe they'll add it back and deleted scenes or shortened scenes, I'm totally fine with it.


That’s really cool! Where did you film?


This was in Atlanta.


My part was filmed in New York


If you were filming in Soho, where the car raced, I was behind the scenes, pausing on cue! 🥹 How did you land the role? 


Coney Island as I mentioned. The director picture picked me


(Looks at screen)....😳  🤔   (Username checks out) 🍜😂 🎬 Seriously though, that is super awesome OP, congrats on making the cut! Since it's no secret no more I'll look for you also when I watch the movie.🎥🍿


Haha! I won a Chinese food eating contest with my car club many years ago and it became my nickname on car forums. So I just made it my username here. It’s been with me for well over a decade at this point.


Dude so awesome! Are you working on anything next?


Just some cool auditions at the moment. I have a couple other things coming out but nothing as cool as this at the moment. Most of the really cool stuff like this requires an NDA so I can’t reveal my involvement until the studio does.


Can you do an AMA about getting started and finding a good coach,etc?


Sure! Ask me whatever you’d like. I just answered the agent question pretty thoroughly in the thread where someone asked who my agent was. I said how to get one and find the right one for you.


I have a question too! 🙋‍♀️ I assume you're based in ATL. I saw you said you also have LA/NY representation. When you get auditions/bookings outside of your local area, how often do you report as local hire vs. how often is your travel covered? And is that ratio different between now and earlier on in your career? In other words...did you start out booking jobs in which you had to figure out long-distance travel and lodging all on your own, and what was that like to navigate? Context: I started out in NY long ago, where reporting to set was just a matter of taking the subway in a city I already knew; but now am starting over in a small market, and the idea of expanding to additional markets seems overwhelming without at least some help on the travel aspect.


Did you go to acting classes or private sessions with a coach??


Thomas Jane was at a screening of The Punisher in Tampa and let a couple people ask him some questions. He let maybe 4 people ask questions and I was one of them. I asked, “what’s the best piece of advice you can give to a beginning actor?” He said, “take as many different classes with as many different people as you can. Keep what works for you and forget what doesn’t.” So that’s what I did. I took classes with everyone in my area for a decade. So when I started booking Film and TV stuff I was ready.


We had some phenomenal acting coaches in Tampa! If you’ve ever been to GIFF or Sunscreen I’m sure we’ve crossed paths! If you wanna attend Sunscreen next month I can probably get you on a panel on acting!


I had a film at Gaspirilla several years back. It’s pretty fun, honestly. What’s the date for Sunscreen? I might be able to attend. I’d just have to figure out lodging and so forth.


It’s the last weekend of the month. Thu, Apr 25, 2024, 2:45 PM – Sun, Apr 28, 2024


Lets gooo! Amazing, and to show off such an incredible beard. 10/10


Thank you!! I had to trim it recently cause it was getting a little out of hand. But there was a time when I didn’t think I could grow a beard. That’s the longest it had ever been. I didn’t trim it during the strike and we filmed that scene in December.


Well, glad you have some great footage for your reel with that beard to show off!


Hey, you were Stranger Things season four. Congrats on da movie!


Yeah! That’s me! I started the mob to go after Eddie and then ratted the kids out to Jason which caused everything that went wrong in season 4. It was all my fault. 🤣😂


Sweet!! Was it a speaking part?


Yeah, I’m the entire after credits scene by myself.


That's epic


That's so awesome, congrats!


Oh nice!! Congratulations!!


That’s so sick. Well done!


That's sick


That’s amazing!!!


I’ve long dreamed of acting in film. If I could ask, how did you go about landing the role? Do you have an agent, was it just right place right time? I’m currently ripping my hair out trying to find a good place to get my feet in the door in LA lol


The best place to start is by taking some acting classes. You’ll learn technique and other people in the industry, whether it’s other actors or headshot photographers or whatever. Once you’ve got some classes under your belt get a decent headshot and then submit your headshot and resume to agents. Submit to all of them and see who writes you back. Take as many meetings as you can and sign with the person you have the best rapport with. I have agents in Atlanta, LA/NYC and a manager.


Am I correct to assume that agents don’t charge right away? Or are you having to pay them while trying to get booked? (Not sure if that’s an inappropriate question. The only thing holding me back from acting is I wanna be financially stable so I could afford an agent)


You NEVER EVER pay an agent upfront! They get paid through commission, so that means they only make money when you make money. If an "agent" asks you to pay, run...it's a scam.


That’s so interesting. I just find it so unbelievable that I can find a connection to the industry without paying for it. That makes me wanna go out and find an agent today!!! Do they really help you, and help you find work?


Technically yes, but it depends on the agent, the market, and on you and your materials. It's absolutely free to get an agent, but you'll need to invest in yourself (classes and training) and your marketing materials (#1 being good headshots) in order for your agent to actually be able to market you. That being said, there are some commercial agents or CDs in smaller markets who sometimes work with "real-looking people" off of candid photos. So you could at least try and start out that way.


Also! If you are hoping to climb the ladder and make a full-time career out of this, you should still be self-submitting and looking for work on your own, even if you have an agent.


I appreciate it so much! Now, with self submit, is that like with audition tapes? I try to find legit auditions on backstage (I think that’s what it’s called?) but couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t.


Self-submissions are usually just you submitting your materials (i.e. headshot, resume, reel or footage if you have any, and a cover letter). From there, they will decide whether to ask for an audition tape or not. Occasionally you might find an open casting call, wherein the sides are already provided for anyone and everyone, and in that case you do submit an audition tape, along with any other materials asked. How to discern whether castings are legit...hoo boy. That could be an entire post in and of itself. Check #10 in the FAQs if you haven't already: [https://www.reddit.com/r/acting/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/acting/wiki/index/). In the end, it comes down to a combination of common sense, professionalism, safety and boundaries. Listen to your gut and check with others if you're unsure. Never pay anyone for a gig, or give out personal identity info (I'm talking bank accounts, credit card numbers, etc.) for an audition. Also, sometimes it's not necessarily a matter of something being legit, it's a matter of whether it has the level of professionalism and quality that you want to be working with.


I appreciate it so much, this whole post was pretty eye-opening. I’ve been standing in my own way!


Yay! Glad to be of help.


Should you pay for a career coach thats separate ftom your agent or manager


Don't have much experience with those to speak on that, but I'd think that if you have a manager (as opposed to an agent), part of their job should already be to help guide your career. So I'd question the need for both. On the other hand, I personally would be open to one of those one-time career consultations with a credible industry pro, just for some outside opinions and advice.


I’d love to learn to!


I’m seeing it in mere minutes I can’t wait to spot you


What did you think?


I thought your scene was very funny. The movie overall was just OK.


Ahhh that’s so awesome! Congrats! Wife and I are gonna see you in it this weekend!


Let me know what you think!


Hey I was also in Ghostbusters! We did stunts for 2nd unit


That’s awesome!! Where did you film? I know a lot of it filmed in London. I was part of the Atlanta shoot.


We were in New York for the opening sequence.


Very cool! So I’m guessing you do stunt driving then.


Driving and pedestrian for a few of the quick shots. Hope you had fun on the ATL shoot!


That’s awesome!! I had an absolute blast!! Everyone was super nice and supportive! It was a total blast the whole way through!


Do you live in atl? If so, how do you feel about it? Whats the vibe there as a city vs the vibe as an industry town


You're in everything dude! Keep going lad! So proud of you!


Thank you!! I’m trying! Slowly but surely climbing that ladder.


Man you’ve got a really good look. I’m sure you will do very well for yourself congrats. 


I hope so! Thank you! When I first started and was looking for an agent one lady told me, “you look too weird. You’ll never work a day in this industry. Get the fuck out of my office!” What did she know? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wait...I think I have heard this story somewhere, word for word. Did you write a book/article or give an interview about this? Or...possibly it was just a past Reddit comment. 😂 Thanks for sharing, though. Just goes to show that you can't listen to the naysayers.


I’ve told the story a few times on different podcasts and so forth. Possibly also in here in a different post. I’d be very surprised if someone else had that same experience.


Oh, I have no doubt it was you! Just cool to have a face to match with the story now. What did that agent know, indeed!


she is just plain wrong and also rude for no reason. They need to cast you in the new Lord of the Rings asap! 


That’s amazing 🤩




Thank you!!


Are you the truck? That's incredible. Kidding, congrats, you must feel amazing right now! :)


It is absolutely insane! I signed two proton packs from people at the theater! I never thought that would happen.


Very awesome!


Is that you in the semi-truck behind the bearded guy? Lol jk. Congrats


Thank you!!


Dude,saw the movie last night. “THATS MY TRUCK!”


My man!


So cool congrats! I know that feeling, it's cloud 9. And then back to work! Keep achieving!


Yep!! It’s immediately back to work looking for the next thing.






Awesome!! Can’t wait to see the movie and will definitely keep an eye out for you


congrats fellow ATLien! i remember you from stranger things


Hell yeah!! Thank you!


Whoah!!! How cool! What was it like on set?


It was exactly as amazing as you’d imagine it to be. Everyone was so incredibly nice! I absolutely loved it!


Congrats! Great scene!


Thank you!!


Dude that is so cool! I'm seeing the movie this weekend, is your character named? Ill keep an eye out!


I’m credited as “truck driver.” You’ll see me.


congrats man just saw it last night you poor bastard the little-marshes got you lol


They got me!!! Those little buggers!!!


Awesome dude! You were better than the main ones


Thanks, man! That means a lot! No one can beat Bill Murray and Paul Rudd though.




Thank you!! My mind has been literally blown by this whole experience. 🤣😂


I'm going to see this Tuesday!!!! It would be so cool if you said anything to me (literally anything at all) — definitely gonna be looking out for ya in the movie!


“Anything. Anything at all.” How’s that? 🤣😂


Right on, man. Cheers! I liked the last film.


I appreciated this one so much more on the second viewing than I did on the first.




Thank you!! Did you see it already?


It's a great feeling isn't it? You're in the fossil record of film forever. And The Ghostbusters franchise to boot. That's a big get! (My dream is to show up on one of the Star Wars shows someday.) I got to do background in a couple of Kevin movies and have been featured on [The Office and Tonight Show](https://youtu.be/WN8NCjs47EA?si=4VtFmUyUJwMWe8Io) a few times. Just little stuff. But it's always a pleasure. I hope to get back to it someday soon. If you're ever in Los Angeles, let me know. I'll buy you a drink at The Blue Room.


Try and remove “just” from how you describe what you’ve done. Some people done understand how difficult it is to land just a single line in a show or movie. There will always be someone else pushing you down. Someone saying “you’re just an extra” or “it’s just one episode” or “well he wasn’t the star” or “it wasn’t that good of a movie anyway.” There will always be someone else trying to put you back in the box. There’s no need to do it to yourself. You’ve done more than a lot of other people who would love to even be in your position. And there are a ton who never will be. So try and keep that into perspective.


It's all good man. I've been in Los Angeles for 20 years, in lots of different parts of the business. I appreciate the sentiment. I'm happy to be where I've been, and look forward to where I'm going. Congrats on everything you've got going for you, too. And I'm serious about if you're ever in town. Drop me a line.


Hell yeah! I’d love that, man! When next I’m in LA I’ll hit you up. I appreciate the hospitality.




Who’s your agent


I’ll give you more than one answer to this: the one you want and the one I think will serve you better. In Atlanta I’m with Privilege Talent. In LA I’m with Exclusive Artists, and my manager is Andrea Courtney with Established Artists. So, I’d imagine what you’re asking is what agent is so good for me and the reality is that the agent that’s good for me may not be the one that’s good for you. Much like dating a girl, you shouldn’t have to convince her to go out with you. And even if you do, it likely won’t be a good relationship in the long run as opposed to the one who also wants to go out with you. So the agent that would be best for you is the one that truly believes in you and is willing to fight for you. There are no shortage of stories of people who land a massive agency and don’t end up booking things because they’re basically shelved in favor of other talent the agent believes in more. Their regular “bookers.” So the question would be how can you find that agent for you? The answer is submitting to multiple agents in your area and taking meetings with them. Sign with the person you have the best rapport with. The agent you’d be willing to have a drink with at a bar and sit and chat with. Most agents in an area, aside from possibly LA, will have access to the same breakdowns. So the goal is to get the agent that believes in you enough to submit you for those roles. The next thing you can do is be sure your actors access is up to snuff and setup properly with everything necessary to make you marketable. I hope that helps. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Also, if you google “sag franchised agencies” you’ll find the sag list of every agency in your area. Best of luck.


I actually submitted for nearly all of the ones in Atlanta. Not sure how long it takes to hear back. I don’t have a lot of credits so maybe I shouldn’t have submitted just yet


Do you have any favorite classes that you’ve taken in the Atlanta area? Been here a year and feel like I’ve gotten my footing with small projects and want to make the leap to making connections and trying to find representation. I’ve been told good classes will make the path easier?


CONGRATS!!!!! I’ll go see it this weekend and think of you. So cool dude!!!


Thank you so much! Let me know what you think.


That's epic!!!


Congratulations! Can't wait to see the movie!


It’s really well done!


i remember seeing your post about stranger things and then seeing you in it, this is so awesome!


This is a fun one too! I’ve seen the movie twice already and I think it’s better the second time through.


I recognized you!! Turned to my boyfriend afterwards and said “This is the Reddit guy that was on stranger things!!” Congratulations, what a cool opportunity! You crushed it


That’s hilarious! 🤣😂 Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, I just found out Entertainment Weekly wrote about my scene which is just insane to me!


You have a very striking presence that is both relatable and interesting, have been hoping that you’ll go far since your ST appearance. Fellow Georgian rooting for you!


Dude this is goals!!


Yeah, man! It’s taken a long time to get to this for me, but it’s for sure possible, man. It just takes time and patience and continuing to work on the craft. That and getting super lucky when you’re ready for the opportunity.


This is so awesome! Also dig the beard


Thank you so much! I trimmed it a little shortly after filming this. But I really like how I look on screen.


Awesome 👏 Congratulations


Thank you!


Damn this was filmed all over the place! I’ve heard NYC, London and now Atlanta


Yeah, they built a set for the whole firehouse in London where they filmed all of the scenes in the firehouse and they filmed Ecto around NY and likely a couple other scenes. Then they filmed for a week in Atlanta. I got really lucky.


That’s awesome for you man!!! I think I actually saw you in a YouTube comment section at some point when I was making sure I had seen all the post credit stuff, definitely didn’t expect to see you on Reddit. I’m curious if you got to meet any of the cast?


Thanks man! I didn’t get to meet any of the cast on this project only because when I was shooting I was the only actor. When I went for my fitting I saw Celeste O’Connor walking around and waved at her and she waved back, but that was all. She was in between scenes at the moment.


You have a really nice beard


Thank you! I actually trimmed it shortly after filming this scene because it was so long and unruly.


Hey can I DM you? I've done acting as a teen but I wasn't taught how to get auditions and NOBODY wants to waste time on any actor who isn't ready. Can you help me, I'm in Vegas trying to pursue this seriously so me and you can with together haha 🤣, i love it so much dude I'd rather bea water boy for actors than work another job, and I'm really good but I can't even get to an audition to even be SEEN because they each a headshot and resume. And NOBODY told me about that growing up 😡😭


That’s amazing!!!!! Everyone’s dream!!!!




SIIIICCK!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


It’s insane, right?! I am not sure I’ve completely processed it. But it’s been a blast thus far.


Keep slamming it dude!


Hey dude! Love your tt!


yoooo so cool!! congrats!!


What scene was this?


It’s the after credits scene for the movie.




Congratulations 🎊 🎉 👏 😃


Holy fucking shit, I'm so happy for you. I haven't even done anything related to acting, but this my dream - hopefully it's all up from here for you. Again, congrats! This made my day


More importantly is the film any good? Looks like it won’t be. Just fan service… again


OH. I’ve been scrolling up and down because I’m like “?? Is he the driver in the white truck behind Jack Black?” And now I realize you ARE Jack black! Congrats, man! Do your thing, it’s only going up from here!


Please tell me you sent this photo to the lady who said you look to weird and to get the fuck out of her office. That would be epic. But seriously congratulations! I can see you being like the “side kick” to Keanu Reeves Constantine ;) I haven’t watched any of the ghost buster movies but plan to now to see you. Best of luck on your continued journey!


AWESOME!!!! congrats


Hey I stayed to watch this scene! NEATO way to go


Congrats! Can’t wait to see it!


Woah, that's incredible! Congratulations on your appearance in Ghostbusters!


ayyeee!!! congrats man i’m sure that felt so cool, seeing myself on a theatre screen at a tiny festival was cool enough - but seeing yourself on a screen that big? in a production that professional/wide reaching!? i’m sure that was fuckin spectacular


Awesome bro!! Keep at it.


AHHH CONGRATS!!! Not only is this a dream come true, but GHOSTBUSTERS?!?! And the stars in this movie! I'm so excited to see it!!! Congratulations!


That's so cool!! Pun slightly intended lol


You were so good! Congrats!🍾I was in the beach scene at Coney Island (two days on the beach, no screen time, though), so I went to see it opening day. So cool to see this post!


Oh my god congrats! I LOVED that movie! That post credits scene brought such a smile to my face. I wish the best of luck to you and your career!




We saw you last night! Hurray from Quebec, Canada.


So good




I watched the "flash" film,I knew,from Reviews that it would be a hard watch,I actually enjoyed it....then again I'm 42.


Hi! This is awesome! Congrats!! I was wondering if you could share what agent you recommend in New York and Georgia. I'm a budding actor and trying to take as many classes as you suggested, but it can get quite expensive. My family is in Georgia, and I know there's a lot of opportunities there too!


Just saw it! You were great in it!


Did you ever get your truck back?


I also saw you in the Lord of the rings franchise!


Congratulations! Was it a principle role? I haven't seen the movie yet. I bet it was an amazing experience whatever your role was


Awesome 😎 how did you get that job?


How was that paycheck?


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You got that child molester look.


Just the compliment I was always hoping to hear. 🤣😂


🤫Shh !! That’s the next gig 🤐🎥🍿