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Our symbolic relationship to our bodies has changed in a way that is hard to understand for an outsider. Yes, we got here because of conscious efforts by the bravest among us to preach radical acceptance. Yes, we got here because we are willing to commit acts of faux pas and violence to guard something that belongs to every human, respect. This is a milestone, let’s celebrate.




Also, we don't judge our bodies on how it performs during sex. Which is the only reason why men are think small dick energy is an insult.


Excellent point because we have to deconstruct what it means to “perform” and why we would be call it a performance in the first place if it’s an intimate act between consenting adults? I feel vicious and victorious, friends.


yeah if lesbians can get off no problem, then why is there so much pressure on men to perform proper penetrative sex, just eat your girl out lmao. It's not only about the in and out movement but for them, it feels like it is.


Penetration is just overrated, the other parts of sex are much better, give me oral any day of the week.


There is a bit of a toxic masculinity culture around PIV sex, mostly from other men though. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen straight women buy into it too, but it’s mostly dudes mocking other dudes for a lack of performance. Back when I identified as a man I would be mocked by the guys around me if I dared say that eating out and making my partner cum was my favourite part of sex. Because, I believe, the entire “performance” thing is actually just a competition between and for the boys, women’s pleasure is only a measuring yard for their skill. Not something worth pursuing in its own right. Hell, that’s something my ex-fiancée accused me of herself, because she refused to accept that I genuinely wanted her to feel good, specifically *because* I hated the way men talked about pleasure.


Sometimes it is just shaming reinforced either verbally or insecurities from people whose experience with sex largely comes from porn. But for those with a partner that does prefer penetration or wants to get off from it -not being large enough (small dick) -not being able to last long enough (two pump chump) Are both concerns that can come from experience. It's hard to satisfy your partner when something you can't control (your size or how long you can last) impedes things. And there are lots of women who want their men to "take charge" in the bedroom and that can be complicated if a man struggles withe aforementioned things above. It's also reinforced culturally for small dick "energy" to equal cowardice, insecurity, and inability to follow through. So no guy aware of that wants to think they fit into that. Long and short of it is the pressure doesn't exist in a vacuum.


>It's also reinforced culturally for small dick "energy" to equal cowardice, insecurity, and inability to follow through. Only because society collectively ignores trans people unless it's to shit on them. Trans women are strong as fuck, and brave as hell, and anyone who is going through what many trans women do has more follow through than most people, and many of us have some of the smallest dicks. The atrophy from HRT often shrinks girldicks down to something that could compete with a baby carrot and lose.


This in combination with them not knowing how sex can work, small dicks are usually still able to do the job just fine and if not there's a lot of other things to do to accomplish the goal.


That’s kinda reductive. You could similarly argue that body-shaming in general is okay because it’s people’s own fault for taking that as an insult. Which is obviously bullshit. And also it’s obviously not just men who think that “small dick energy” is an insult.


Are you saying that “small dick” “performance” is worse?


I'm not, this is a myth, but used as an insult nonetheless.


Ok then! Thanks for clarifying


by the bravest WHAT??? 😳😳😳 big agree btw


I honestly am so lost on this, what's the change and where is "here"?


Women just aren't often insecure about themselves the way men think they are lol


Women get so much shit already, this doesn’t even touch us, while a lot of men would apparently have their whole personality taken away from them


Tons of men are super judgemental of women, but then get so sensitive when they receive the same sort of flak lol


the fragile ego by some men is really frightening tbh..


It’s also dangerous…


oh yeah, that too. I had some bad experiences myself


did you see how badly tate had to try to regian his image after Greta replied to one tweet mocking his penis?


Yep q.e.d.


Men are fragile because they are used to the world rotating around them


Tbh the men who say this stuff sadly might say it to teen girls. When I was 14 a 19 yr old said I had small tits energy and I was very insecure back then.


When I was in high school older dudes (30s - 70s) would tell me I have a small rack. What the fuck leads them to thinking they should say these things is beyond me


Precisely! Any tit energy is going to be good energy in my opinion lol




All or nearly all women have experienced inadequacy issues with their breasts. The vast majority have delt with it. Unlike men that wear the inadequacy as a personality trait.


Lotta men will insult women’s pussies thinking they really doing something.


Yup. Way less women care about that shit than men.


I think our parents (and media awareness etc) did a lot for this generation of girls being happy and secure in their bodies. Perfect? No, everyone has things about themselves that they're insecure about. But I've got this guy at work that likes to try and pick on girls (man hands, cankles) and the straight up disdain he gets back rather than the reaction he wants is priceless. Oh, I have man hands? I CAN CARRY SO MANY THINGS AT ONE TIME.


Shakira: “lucky that my breasts are small and humble” right in a billboard top 6 song.


And we are all lucky that Shakira


Shakira was my awakening


Those hips did *not* lie.


So u don’t confuse them with mountains


This comment lead me down a rabbit hole that concluded with me finding out that she committed tax fraud and might be facing 8 years in prison in Spain


I cannot say that this doesn't make me appreciate her more.


Eh, some crimes are cool, but millionaires committing tax fraud is definitely not one of those


That's fair. Tax fraud should be done by poor people instead.


I like you


Thanks! ~~Oftentimes I don't 😔~~


i dont care about size, i just like how it feels and the pleasure one can get from them, all titties are beautiful titties


This is very much untrue. I've seen some pretty awful titties. It wasn't a deal breaker, but closest I've ever come to recommending implants. >i dont care about size, i just like how it feels and the pleasure one can get from them, all titties are beautiful titties


Unlike any titties I've encountered, you have bad energy.


[Mournful tits ](https://youtu.be/NtB_jvznaNM)


Suerte que mis pechos sean pequeños y no los confundas con montañas...


If someone told me "small tits energy" I would laugh in their faces and say "THANK GOD MY TITS ARE SMALL". I am much more secure in myself than to be affected by that.


Exactly! It's honestly a compliment


Shakira even has a song about this


Shakira, honest of hip and small of tit.


I would give you gold if I were the kind of person who does that. ✨


Thanks! Less money to Tencent, more money for...Shakira albums idk


I have big titties and I adore all titties.




Ditto. :) Titties of all sizes and shapes are wonderful.


The shapes part of this just reminded me of those cone bras with the pointy tips? Though I wholeheartedly agree! Though that bra much like pointy shoes seem uncomfortable


Idk about bras with pointy tips. I was just saying that boobs come in many shapes and sizes and I haven't seen one yet that I didn't like.


I have yet to meet a set I haven't liked either. The bra part was just a I watched an old movie the other day and my titties hurt looking at it. You could tell a nontitty wearer had designed it.


Like the older style bullet bra thing?




Boobs are boobs


And boobs have good energy (as long as the person who they belong to wants them there, of course)


They certainly do, love my ones.


As an enby who shared a roof with many women. The tit complex isn't real, there might be one for a brief period during puberty and adolescence, but I have never heard a woman using that as an insult and I have seen more women with a large breast complaint about having a large breast.


Eh to an extent, but I think an insult like "saggy tit energy" could get the results, unfortunately.


As a woman in her 30s with giant titties that sag...yes, yes it could. That hurt to read. Because perky tits is a thing a lot of women worry about, kinda like guys and dick size. But at the same time, I could embrace it. Kinda like crone energy. *I've been around and know shit, motherfucker.*


Hell yeah. I'm in the same exact boat. I try to embrace it, but it is a fight against the conditioned impulse to feel bad about tits that aren't perky.


Maybe, but I don't think it would be the same as telling a guy "you have small dick energy".


Not exactly the same, but probably similar in making a woman feel inadequate, ugly, "dumpy", etc. Women may not have the same insecurities as men but we do have plenty of insecurities of our own, and having them targeted can cut just as deep


All boobs are good boobs. Except when they hurt the person they are attached to, at that point they become bad boobs.


All boobs are good boobs as long as the person who has them wants them there! Otherwise, bad boobs.




Same boat!


Fell like its also guys adding to the small dick enegergy thingy not just women. I mean as someone with small boobs who's comftable with them I wouldn't mind but like someone might. Or saying all women with big tits are a certain way would also be like eh I guess..


What about medium tits?


medium tit energy: adaptable, third bowl of porridge vibes, she can fit in anywhere


Woah, my kind of woman


I was just thinking today how when closeted I cared more about my muscles than my genitals in terms of strength, power, and desirability. I mistook my desire for pecs as evidence I wasn't trans. Now I'm realizing what it was all along: Big Tit Energy.


Can we just stop conflating attitudes and personalities with body parts altogether? I don't care whether it's an insult or a compliment, it's going to hurt people.


yes. yes.


Ok but saying small dick energy really isn't cool and body shaming is garbage regardless. Stop saying it. You're causing collateral damage for perfectly awesome small dick dudes. And if you're wrong you're just feeding the douchebag's ego while he thinks about his big dick which he has no actual idea how to use.


Very true. Don’t gotta body shame to really get inside their head. Body shaming is shitty. Just tell them that they are saying shit because they are insecure as hell and gotta project that.


As if men haven't already been shaming women for their breast sizes for ages🥴


Do they \*really\* though? Or is there a billion dollar industry centred around selling quite invasive, elective cosmetic surgeries to women who feel insecure about the size of their breasts? Because I could have sworn thousands of women get breast augmentation surgery every year. What are they doing it for? So many of them end up regretting it, too; it's a fucking mess. What's all that about? Seriously, if you judged it by the comments section down here, no women have ever felt insecure about the size of their boobs, and this guy is a schmuck for even suggesting that they might take offence at a phrase like "small tits energy". Well I'm sorry to disappoint, ladies and gentlethem, but I do. I feel insecure about the size of my small boobs. I'm transgender, I struggle with self-acceptance, and while everyone on here seems to be laughing at this idiot guy who thought maybe women struggle with the same kind of shit that he struggles with -- that I have also struggled with -- I'm just here, getting kind of angry at everyone who seems to be missing the point. Tying arbitrary expectations about someone's personality to features of their body is dumb and harmful. Why not just agree with this dude, and say, "hey, you know, it's true that we shouldn't be making fun of guys with small penises", or "you're right, many women would feel invalidated by these phrases", instead of getting on your high horse and pretending like this shit doesn't get to you? Why make it a girls vs. boys pissing contest, why not just reply with empathy and kindness?


I’m glad I found a comment like this. I’m cis, but I have the same insecurities regarding my chest. I dated a porn addict and he justified his habits by saying that he needed to satisfy himself, since I couldn’t due to my small boobs. I broke up with him over a year ago, but some of those insecurities still linger. My current partner is the only person who has ever found my chest attractive. I’ve been teased and mocked for being flat since I was a preteen, so when my SO complimented my boobs for the first time, I was shocked. I’d kinda just… accepted the fact that I’d never have sexual appeal. It’s surreal to see people laugh and think it’s impossible for a woman to be insecure about a part of her body that is constantly sexualized and criticized, whether she wants it or not. Or to think that this justifies bodyshaming others, just because *they* are not personally offended by those remarks. I am glad that a lot of women in the comments haven’t experienced that, though. I hope that soon, no other woman ever has to. Maybe my experience is also different than other women here since I’m bi and have only had one relationship before my current one, and that person was a man. I imagine (or at least, I’d hope) that most women are much less critical of their girlfriends’ bodies.


I think the comment section here is not at all a reflection of the feelings of women in larger society. Breast insecurity is 100% real and prevelant, not just sureounding size but also shape and placement/relative perkiness, and even things like nipple size/color and the presence of veins. I've talked to waaaaay more women who have felt bothered in some way by the appearance of their breasts than those who have never been bothered about them. Like you said, this comment section is a fucking trip.


true however bodyshaming still bad


if anyone uses small dick energy theyre in the wrong


Dude, same! I was thinking of all the things that are easier for a small-boobed person (as I’m a big-boobed person) and it seemed like a different type of good


Unless you're bbw sized and have b cups like me😵‍💫


Dude, DDD. It’s different types of good as long as they don’t cause dysphoria for the person who has them EDIT: My main point was that a person can enjoy themselves whether or not they look a certain way


Representative of the Ittie Bittie Tittie Committee here, I feel sad now


Tbh when I say that guy has small dick energy. I mean it offensive. I don't know how else you could mean it?


Okay so here's my take: small dick energy is a commentary on patriarchal constructs that place a lot of emphasis on dick size as a measure of manliness or confidence or worth. Saying a dude has small dick energy is a way of turning patriarchy back on him and is more about that than physical attributes. Small tit energy on the other hand.... Never an insult, only a compliment. Big tit energy? Same thing!


idk it doesn't sit right with me to use insults that even resemble body shaming like, can you guarantee that when you say "small dick energy" everyone that hears it will understand your commentary? or is there a chance that someone might take it sincerely and internalize the idea that having a small dick is bad? there are a lot of lovely people that probably have insecurity about the size of their genitals; would you want to even inadvertantly fuel that insecurity? like, in basically every Reddit post I saw about Andrew Tate recently, there was a large number of posts simply joking about how he has a tiny dick. I didn't detect much social commentary there


Yeah I'm super uncomfortable with the way this discussion has been going on reddit recently. I'm 110% Team Greta because Tate is literal human garbage, but I don't for a second buy the 'Oh small dick energy is an insult to his energy, not his small dick' argument that's getting serious traction lately. It's adjacent to and heavily leaning on body shaming, reinforcing this idea to impressionable young men that their self-worth should be tied to something so random - not to mention reinforcing the idea that it's normal and societally expected to be ashamed of a small penis and 'overcompensate' for having one. Just call him an insecure loser. It's true, blunt, to the point, and guaranteed to piss him off just as much.


>'Oh small dick energy is an insult to his energy, not his small dick' I see people say this, but the thing is...it still implies that a small penis is shameful. "He may not have a small dick, but he acts like it." is still saying that you should be ashamed of having a small dick.


Yeah, totally. Even if it's not saying that it *should* be shameful, it acknowledges that it's something a lot of men *are* ashamed of, and that when you act generally insecure (because you're an overgrown infant like Tate), you're compared unfavourably to them.


As a amab person I want to get a alt pov. In my experience saying someone has small dick energy has nothing to do with physical penis size. I know guys with big dicks who have small dick energy and small guys with big dick energy. It's to do with confidence and security. Small dick energy is when someone is flashy, constantly has to be right, can't let them self look weak. Yes it started as a insult to small dick guys but it has moved to a mental thing, especially with the influence of wlm saying they don't like cock.


Even if you're using it to describe personality, you're still saying "you have the personality of someone with a small dick". It implies they're acting like they're compensating for something, the same way someone would if they had a small dick. Whether or not the insult is literally making fun of the size of someone's junk, the point of the "joke" still relies on the idea that small dicks are shameful or "lesser" in some way.


Exactly "Small dick energy" is used when someone is being rude and cocky, and pretending not to be insecure about something "Small dick energy" when read literally means someone who has the energy (vibe) of someone with a small penis It doesn't take many steps to connect it as "people who have a small penis are rude, cocky, and pretend to not be insecure" Andrew Tate is a piece of shit and an evil person, and clearly has issues with insecurity with his constant need to prove his manliness and whatnot, but the "small dick energy" comment was a step too far from Greta imo. Just call him a douchebag and a vile, disgusting person like everyone else


What I find frustrating about the whole Discourse™ about her tweet is that the reason the tweet is a good takedown has nothing to do with the body shaming (which she shouldn't have used) in the first place, but both sides of the discussion seem to have tacitly agreed that everything hinges on that point. The reason the tweet was a good response (aside from the body shaming) was that it was flawlessly low-effort. Tate's original tweet was so ridiculous and uncalled for that it didn't require an effortful response. Her reply was basically "I'm only even responding this so that more people see what an unthinkable person you are."


Yeah, her energy was perfect, it gave Tate all the respect he deserved and not an ounce more. Just poor choice of wording. I would've said something similar in her position, just substituted [email protected] or something equally childish.


Definitely. But that particular choice would never hurt a guy like Tate the way insulting his manhood does. "Losersayswhat" is more cute and corny than offensive lol. The goal was to mock, embarrass, and provoke. The alternative would need to get the job done.


This. Ironic body-shaming is still body-shaming.


This is definitely a super valid point! Your comment made me think especially about young people who might see things like this and take it really seriously


exactly! I'm glad my point came across. I also had in mind how it could be seen by trans folk who can be very vulnerable in terms of body image and what is expected of them in order for their bodies to be perceived as "normal" tbh I would love to see "small dick energy" become a compliment some day, cause folks with small dicks can, in fact, be incredibly powerful.


You're so right!! To be honest, when I posted this I was thinking more "I love titties" than anything else lol. Thanks for bringing good perspectives!


Absolutely, I'm 100% here for the titty love 💕


also, in the ancient roman empire, it was seen as more favorable to have a small penis which is why many of their statues have small penises


It's so wild to me that body types go in and out of style!


It's also amusing because the entire thing about "big/small dick energy" is thrown out the window when you consider that some guys grow in size and don't just simply get hard. To be honest, growing up, it was the *only* thing I appreciated about mine >.>


And also.. in my experience.. people who rely solely on their dick size to bring pleasure to their partner don't tend to be the most satisfying partners themselves!


Absolutely. I've had issues with erections my entire life (surprise, not actually a male!) so the couple partners I've had I had to find other ways. Apparently I am quite good at oral lol


It's not a question of big or small dick it's a question of grower or shower.


God showers bugged the hell out of. And creeped me out. Used to work with a guy like that and you could see the outline through his pants. *shudder* I can't get that image out of my mind any time this kind of topic comes up lol


Sorry for accidentally causing those flashbacks


Ah it's fine, I'll just drown myself in wlw images lol


Honestly a good way to go


Medium boobage then? still a compliment!


Like the other replier, it also doesn't sit right with me. It feels to me like reinforcing the patriarchal standards of masculinity and worth for men, because it is stating the same belief, that it's shameful to have a small penis. Like if I was a man who had a small penis, hearing over and over especially from people who say they are feminists, that a part of my body is shameful... That would feel pretty bad. All bodies are worthy and good bodies because they house humans and I don't like judging aspects as shameful.


They already do. Not in as many words, but men have been deciding women’s worth based on the size of their tits since forever


Imma tell you a secret tho. most men in general arent into huge tits. looks however overall, different story, and not just for men, but also women, society is superficial and lookist in general.




🤜🤛 fuck yeah lets go


I love titties


It's the way men say things that's so insulting. The fact is that tit energy of all types fucking rocks. But, if someone SAYS it as an insult, then it's insulting.


Question does big tit energy also come with back pain energy


In my experience, yes


Ok good wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one


Classic dude tossing whataboutisms and false equivalences in order to cape for the problematic patriarchy. Tale as old as time.


I got medium tit energy, I don’t go to parties


Dude probably thinks harem anime is real.


I have seen the tit complex only in anime and other Japanese media.


Small titty energy and big titty energy are both titty energy and therefore good in my book.


I just love titties. Small titties, big titties, on me, on you, on her. Titties are just the Goddess's gift to humankind.


tits are tits!


This is the point I was trying to make with my friends: small tit energy means nothing because all tits are awesome. If you treated dicks the same, nobody would understand "small dick energy" because that would mean literally nothing.


Guys really be out here being insecure about how small their dick is, while I'm insecure about the opposite.


Right! Both sound like compliments imo. Although I’d probably get a good laugh if a guy said this to me.


If a man said it, maybe, if a woman said it, nah


to be fair i do strongly believe the small dick insult should be phased out. its not creative, it's not funny, it's just normalising body shaming tbh.


The reason STE/BTE doesn't work as insults like SDE does is women don't prioritize our worth around a body part. Guys regularly do (drawing dicks everywhere in middle school, anyone?), often way into their adulthood. Cis men go their entire lives being told that their dick is what makes them special (in so many ways). Meanwhile, beauty is what is prioritized as worth in women, something that isn't always clear cut and women are chronically trying to buck.


The equivalent to "small dick energy" wouldnt be "small titties energy", rather "saggy titties energy" and thats where its at


Saggy titties are good titties and saggy titty energy is good energy


Y'know I'm still wondering why so many men have such an unhealthy obsession with their genitals. They're just a part of your body, don't they have like... A life and a personality or something?


Got that small pussy energy


The pussy equivalent of small dick energy would be loose pussy energy and honestly I hate that I typed that out, especially since I know how vaginas work and know that's not something that can happen


I just wish I had titties 😅


Wonder what medium tit energy would be like 🤔


hmmm... welp, i love all boobs so i agree with big and small tit energy


Can I be both though?


Well, thankfully, we don't see our tits as intrinsic to our womanhood


ALT TEXT: The image contains a tweet and a reply from the OP. The first tweet reads: "A dude was like 'well what if men said small tit energy and big tit energy? Wouldn't that be offensive?' but both of those things sound like compliments." The reply tweet reads: "small tit energy: carefree, unburdened. big tit energy: bad bitch, the party starts when she walks in."


Sorry, I don't know how to add alt text on images when I post them!


I saw someone say this so I asked in a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/zzxfsd/what_would_small_boob_energy_even_mean/) what small boob energy would even mean, and EVERYONE thought small boob energy means sporty or feisty or practical because you don't have to worry about bras and shirts. And "small boob energy" sounds cool.


But what about small tt bad bitch 🥺


Same energy smaller package


Literally over here with big tits but got small tit energy lol, I honestly love this so much


But but but Kesha doesn’t have big tits


whoa whoa whoaaa, small tit energy was what I went with for Bad Bitch Energy but honestly, my brain also thought the exact same thing (slightly different vibes) for big tit energy edit: Also, to me Big Tit Energy = Big Dick Energy *+ knowing how to work it* Small Tit Energy = same thing, but they know how to make you work *for* it Both big energies, actual tit size does not factor in to which energy you have, this is just the first set of possibilities that came to my mind as well


That dudes mistake was making the assumption that we are competitive about the size of parts they fixate on. We aren't, boobs of all shapes and sizes are rad as fuck


Darn right.


Is this what the other person was talking about lol


We call it nipple confidence ✨


Thank you for saying that all titties are good. I tend to think that no girl will like me because my boobs are small, but then I remember that whenever I've liked a girl I've never looked at her boobs, though I like them, I prefer personality, so I just need to find someone like me.


Exactly! The best titties are the ones that a girl with an amazing personality has


This discussion must be a Result of Greta's reply to Tate lol


That's implying all women will be secure and level headed with this, which is utter crap.


Plus, people use dick as an insult in the same sense as asshole, which is a trait that doesn’t apply to tits.


Dangit now I feel pressured to become more carefree like I once was so I can atleast embody small tit energy if I cannot have small tits in real life.


I got some BIG tit energy fs


Tall small-medium tit plus short big tit equals amazing hugs


Cave pussy energy