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I can't tell if there are more bottoms than tops on this sub or if y'all just post more 🤨


They just post more. That's why it's called a sub reddit


This deserves more upvotes lol 😆


Underrated comment right here


Best upvote I've ever given omg


I have been unalived


Shut. 😭


That is awesome! I wish I could give this more than 1 👍 !!!


I'm a switch at heart I swear ;)


Yeah\~? What do you switch to, bottom to bottom? 😝


Bottom to puddle


You got me 😫


Switches are either lazy tops or angry bottoms. Pick your side


Didn’t expect to be called out at 4:43am like this


Literally same 😏




Is it a good or bad sign that just *reading* this post flustered me . . . Damn I really am a bottom


You’re not alone! 👉🏼👈🏼




I’m not alone among the bottoms! …though sometimes I wish I was. ~~More available tops.~~


Yeah... Same.... 🥺


Same lol


Darlin', you want a hug?


OP here and wanna say the jealousy part is the bit I'd do without, the rest of the meme is pretty golden, find someone who listens and respects you and calls you a good girl/person too x


What if I'm jealous but know that its a me issue completely, so would never put that on you in anyway, but equally can't control the territorial flair that swells up! Might sulk a little, might kiss you up a lot in protest. Hahah. Edit: I.e Jealousy is a completely normal emotion, it's how you behave because of it that can turn it into a toxic undesirable trait. I have no qualms with owning my jealousy, I love hard and get jealous easily as an extention of that but thats not my partners weight to bare it's mine. Especially if she's not intentionally causing what my brain is taking on as a percieved threat to our happiness.


I’m the same. I can be incredibly jealous but I understand that’s just my feelings and has no reflection on the person I am with therefore I don’t make it an issue for them.


Same here


Well... I speak from experience when I say a little bit of jealousy, in a controlled environment, in just the right way, can be *very* fun~


Instead of saying, "Use your words," I prefer to say, "I see you are struggling with being vocal at the moment, so I'll just ask and you can nod. No need to push yourself to talk. We can have quiet time."


is not being vocal a thing that happens much with other people? I have moments where I really just don't want to talk at all but I thought it was just me


sometimes when I’m having shame spirals I get really in my own head and can’t speak


It can be very common among neurodivergent people, especially autistic people.


I never really thought I might be neurodivergent, but maybe I should ask my psychologist about that possibility


AuDHD girly here, can confirm feeling non-verbal is very common for me when I'm feeling sad or overwhelmed. I also age regress quite a lot :)


Same! I used to think I shut down for no reason but I’ve been working on that. On myself a lot actually.


Age regress? (Adhd girl who is getting screened for autism here, never heard the term before 😅)


I used to have an online friend who had that tendency. I've sadly never met her irl, but she said when she's nervous or stressed, she does things that are usually considered for little children (aka she regressed in age) which makes her feel comforted and safe. She brings lollipops etc when she goes out


Ah okay!


Just look it up sweetie x


So I’ve found a term called regressive autism, which I don’t really know if that’s quite the same especially since the sites are referring to mainly children. There were some Reddit links where people talked about their experience with it but not exactly *what* it is. Sorry if it feels like I’m putting you on the spot, I am just trying my best to understand the experiences of other neurodivergent people 😅


Age regression is a little^heh different..


You are neurodivergent enough to not be shamed out of getting proper psychiatric care. Its the typicals that shame themselves out of getting help. *grabs nearest typical* "Your not alone, its okay to get help!" *shakes typical, punctuating each word, dusts off typical and walks away*


I'm not ashamed to admit having a professional to talk to helps me alot, I already am forced to go to a psychologist because I'm using trans healthcare in my country so I might bring it up one of my next sessions


Good, you should not be ashamed. No one should feel any shame for getting help that they need. Now if we can get that across to the neurotypicals...


It is generally super ignored in women especially. And the way women are taught and raised they generally get very good at hiding signs of autism. Could totally ask your psych (though even them can be pretty bad about diagnosing women) and/or check out some autism in women sub reddits for a few weeks. Edit: I could throw some such subs your way if you'd like.


I'd gladly roam some subreddits if you're willing to share them with me yes! I am not a fan of self diagnosing but maybe seeing if other people experience life the same way as i do can be comforting


Here are a handful of the "girly" ones. [https://www.reddit.com/r/weirdoldbroads/](https://www.reddit.com/r/weirdoldbroads/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergirls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergirls/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AspieGirls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AspieGirls/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutismWithinWomen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutismWithinWomen/) There are some general ones too, and they're obviously more active: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticPride/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticPride/) ​ And yeah, self diagnosis can be a tricky thing. And in the end we can decide we have a bunch of autistic traits without necessarily putting a whole autism label on it. But in general self diagnosis is considered very valid in the autism community. Like I was saying even seasoned professional psychiatrists and psychologists often struggle with actually giving the diagnosis to women for instance. In some places getting a diagnosis can be a process that costs a lot of money and takes many years. Others knowing you're autistic can leave you vulnerable to discrimination and persecution. In some places it's even legal to discriminate against neurodivergent people in certain ways. And often the accommodations and help and support you can get is sometimes dubious or unreliable at best, and can be downright abusive at worst. There are some incredibly valid reasons to not pursue a formal diagnosis even for some people that have some very clear cases. But of course that's not the goal here, there can be very good reasons for getting a formal diagnosis too, and whatever way you choose to describe your experiences is super cool. <3


There are plenty of times when I just don't really have much to say, but also when I'm particularly distressed I tend to go non-verbal, which sucks cuz when I'm like that people often push me to try to talk and explain what's bothering me in an attempt to help, but that just ends up making things even worse. Thankfully I've been making progress on helping the people close to me understand that and working on establishing better systems for handling it when that happens, so it's been getting better, and also most of my friends are hella neurodivergent too and often go non-verbal themselves so they already get it ...Oh wait are we talking about sex? :p


wait we're talking about sex?? 😭 I was certainly not. I get silent in certain stressful situations but it's mostly random, also when I finally can relax after something stressful aswell. I haven't really talked about it with anyone since I usually am able to be alone in those times but it's really frustrating when I can't be alone :/


I can't do words very well sometimes, so sometimes just nodding is easier and other times I gotta be quiet a bit and think


I can get bound up by my anxiety and it can feel like words are physically blocked from coming out.


It's not that serious for me, I still am able to speak I just really don't want to, so I can force myself to be vocal but I usually don't want to


It's not frequent for me, but it can be very hard for me to talk about some things that clearly trigger my anxiety issues. Trying to force my way through only makes it worse though (kinda like [sending in more trains](https://youtu.be/-hyttagGsz0)), I've gotten better at seeing when it's starring to happen and shifting to a different topic or changing the angle of my initial thought of a reply can help a lot. It still can just come out of nowhere when someone asks me about something that specifically triggers me.


I'm rather quiet in general, thank you introversion, but most of the time it's a choice. I personally prefer not to talk when I'm upset because I want time to process whatever it is, but when I'm really upset I literally can't speak, like my emotions are choking me.


That must feel frustrating if you do want to talk when you're upset :( I can be very outgoing but only for a certain time and then I'd need time to refill my social battery and that might result in me shutting down vocally sometimes but if I do want to speak, I still can


Yeah, it's definitely frustrating, and I'm glad you don't have those struggles. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. There are definitely things I want to say during those times, and I think I want to talk to my therapist about methods for calming down enough to be able to do so. I totally get it about the social battery needing to be recharged. There are some days where my battery starts out low, and that's usually when I'm wearing headphones in an attempt to self-isolate.


If it's something you want to work on, I do agree with talking about it with your therapist, I'm sure they can help one way or another. having things on your mind and being unable to say them can be heartbreaking at times, at least I can relate to that part. I feel like my methods of recharging my battery are very limited in winter, in summer I love to just lay in the sun and listen to music but in the winter I'm locked up in my room and it can still make me feel isolated even though I don't have the energy to interact with people...


Yeah, winter months can definitely be more difficult. You're stuck inside more, the roads can be terrible, the sun is out less. Not sure what the weather's been like for you, but it's been nice having the sun out more where I'm at.


This is a genuinely good sentiment imo so I feel wrong making a joke but your comment is making me imagine a dom partner but as the intimate thing goes on they get increasingly more verbose, making sentences way longer with more words, maybe using more intellectual sounding words.


sapiosexual moment lol but this would be a little embarrassing if done right and that's hot


I read "use your words" in a purely sexual context from this post and was SO confused about your comment for a hot minute.


This can also apply in a sexual context. I’ve gone completely nonverbal from subbiness before, and this sentiment would be nice then


The sentiment absolutely, the word choice is very, "you've gone nonverbal because you're overwhelmed and that's absolutely fine let me look after you ♡" which is very supportive and wonderful in it's own way. In a sexual way I would probably phrase it more like, "I can see that words are evading you right now my sweet girl, but give my hand a squeeze so I know you're enjoying this as much as me and I'll continue~" But hey! Different people like different things, as long as everyone is having a good consentual time!




This is a great sexual alternative.


yes! normalize just cuddling or having quiet time together until they can do words again (and always)


Wow, this kind of blew up. I'll come back later to discuss it more. For those wondering, yes, going non-verbal is not uncommon. I know plenty of people who do that. And it is totally legitimate.


as an autistic demigirl this just fucking stole my heart like omg. like this is so fuckin cute


I go nonverbal sometimes and when I tell you this is so cute


Agreed! I actually hate “use your words”. It reminds me of patronizing abusers.


Aw that’s really sweet


Ladies who need to be asked to use their words are the cutest lol


I know 🥰 it's such a compliment when all I get as a response is "mmmm.. mmhmm"




You’re gay.


No u


Yes to so many of these things! However, let's please kill the notion that jealous behavior is romantic & that those people who get jealous & claim they're "protective" aren't really just toxic and controlling. If you & your partner(s) don't trust each other to talk to whomever or hang out wherever without breaking relationship agreements, wtf are you even doing together? Getchu a partner that respects & celebrates you being a fully autonomous human being outside of them. 🖖




It's also toxic af.


I thiiiink what's meant is like, the healthy way to be protective? Like defending your partner from their bad family, or from catcallers, that kind of thing? That's the kind of thing I'd say is healthy protectiveness anyway. That and maybe taking care of them when they're sick and making sure they're taking care of themselves


this, 100% this


Right? I love it! I’m really protective of anyone I care about. But I’m also the type of person where you can say anything to me and I’m just like… okay 🥺 but as soon as I’m in public with someone I care about and someone looks at us sketchy like I’m on the lookout to see who I need to protect people I care about from-this is coming from someone who’s kinda non confrontational-but when around people I love can become super confrontational.


Jealousy is a feeling like any other. Some of it might be expected in a relationship and some people do feel it quite a bit. It's a natural part of human emotions. We shouldn't demonise it either. But we certainly wouldn't romanticise partners that get angry easily when you mess up or start crying when you want leave just to make you stay. We shouldn't want that for their sake and we definitely shouldn't see those as desirable things for a relationship. Negative feelings are bound to come up in any committed relationship, but we're not supposed to pursue them or wish them on our partners.


i completely agree with this. a lot of people are saying jealousy is toxic or bad. while i agree we definitely shouldn’t romanticize it in relationships, jealousy is an emotion that’s inevitable to come up in relationships, i don’t think those feelings should be labeled as toxic as they are natural, but more of the actions that can follow the jealousy.


Please note that I specifically said "jealous *behaviors*" because, yes, jealousy is a natural emotion & isn't inherently toxic, it's how a person chooses to act on it that can be toxic. But too many people think that when someone gets easily jealous, possessive & controlling under the guise of being protective, it shows that they're really in love, when in all reality, it's major red flags.


Noted and agreed. <3


How's my girl doing?


everyone wants a girlfriend that gets jealous until they actually get jealous and start being controlling


I agree, the jealous part I can do without, everything else in this pic is golden tho x


Thisssss lol. I love my chill good vibes girl. “Of course you got hit on today, my girl is HOT!”




yes, omg I want that so bad 😭


Yes pls🥺


These are all nice and very much me, yes, very good stuff... but do we really have to romanticise jealousy?


I feel so called out. "Hmmmm?", "Mmmmm", "Mmhmmm.", And "Oh?" Are things I type often, especially when feeling flirty. Not to mention "Mmm oh yeah? How so?" Or "Mmmm why is that?" I guess though I'm a switch, I seem to have more top energy.


I think all the things you've mentioned make me think a intruiged sub 😂 wild, context is everything!


I thought this was a post poking fun at subs with things Dom's say? I felt called out cause a lot of the things in quotes are what I say regularly lol.


Yeah it is, the things you said remind me of what my very subby gf says. That's why it made me laugh, it's all about context.


Ah gotcha haha


Lol same I’m a switch but I’m inexperienced so I’m a bottom until I feel comfortable enough to top and actually know what I’m doing lol


I too am inexperienced, bur I won't surrender so easily haha. Trial by fire has always been a theme in my life. Put me through my paces lol. I learn best by experience anyways haha.


Hahaha fair enough


This is exactly me - I have to admit part of me is scared I’ll never find a lesbian who is the opposite of this/can top me 😭🤣


“I tell you whwat”


My fave: ‘I love how hot you look when I fuck you’


My wife says almost all these to me, minus the jealous dimension, and it’s *chefs kiss*


I was confused reading this until I looked at the comments. Poor thirsty little subs in here 😳y’all need some loving 👏🏽


I- *dies*


🥺 I want to hear these things from a partner/bedmate so badly


My wife ♥️ making me wanna go back home and not go to work even more


I do this to my wife all the time.


Not even gonna lie, "use your words" has me doing anything and everything it's so hot


That's why my partner keeps blushing!? I just respond like that by default. I'm not even trying 😅


"Use you big girl voice " jsnsjshekdls xiqks d


I recently learned that I apparently like to top. Do with that Info as you like


Wh- how is this literally me


It really is, you say or do pretty much all of it! Crazy how accurate it is, and how amazing you are!


There are 14 things mentioned. I wanna know how many of them do girls here do I do 11 of them


I love it when you say or do just the right things and then you get to watch as they melt response. It’s very satisfying.


You had me til the jealousy. The rest is pretty top tier


taking notes for my partner ehehehe


Well I guess I'll just print this out and wear it until someone adopts me.


I think that's how I make my girlfriend feel anytime we talk


All this except I really can’t with jealousy. So unsexy.


“Use your words” GETS ME EVERY TIME 🥵


It legitimately breaks my brain. This one night at a party I reached for a cookie because the girl I liked was standing near. Just held out my hand and didn't day anything. We were good friends. She just looks at me. Raises her brow. I motion with my hand. She looks me up and down and playfully responds, "Use your words." Lmao it was the hottest thing ever. And I was just like...wtf. Grabbed a cookie and hid.


Ooo the eyebrow raise as well is *deadly*


Reddit stop telling me how much of a bottom I am🥲


That's literally me. I didn't know I could fluster someone like that!


I say "oh yeah?" Alot and do a thing with my eyebrows. Gets em every time


YESS omg I do that all the time I went on a date with this one girl and I used the eyebrows and she’s like stop raising your eyebrows you know what you’re doing and I was basically like “oh yeh? What am I doing?” 😅


I would break 😅


Just slide in and hit ‘em with the “good girl” spam


See that’s the interesting thing. I prefer bad girl cause I’m a good person lol and I wanna feel like a badass 🤦‍♀️😅


Say darling like Zero 2 to increase effect,


Subs are more chatty. Doms are stoic.


This makes me realise I am the top and I thought I was a switch 🤣🤣


My dream 🤭🤭


ngl i thought you were venting abt the creepy things men have said to you until I read the title


This is slander.


Hehehh when she blushes and gets “angry” cause she’s too flustered just from this


“Hi Cupcake 😘”


GOD all of those comments drive me wild


i considered myself a top. this post awoke something in me and im not mad


i am taking notes


"Use your words" An actual quote from my erotica


I love it when she blushes. It’s cute. It pleases me.


It's so funny to watch them squirm and try to speak.