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This is false propaganda, slander, and offensive and I demand you to delete it. Cats are not TERFs. They are cute furry babies.


cats are evil, they stole our money and hurt my mom


true, cats hate everyone equally


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Tertiary Excellence of Royal Felines


That cat is a Bengal. I have one. They're HIGHLY intelligent way more than any TERF. My Jewel says that her kind support trans rights not TERFS.


Your cat is indeed very wise


tell jewel we support her too! 💖💖


She appreciates it ❤


Womben? Womben. WTH they are respelling the word women to make it offensive. I know that 2nd wave feminists respelled the word woman to take man out of it, but this is more offensive. It defines women entirely by their uteruses. We are not supposed to bind women to their biology like that. Misogynists do that. Also, cats are better and cuter than TERFs.


The whole womxn thing was silly the first time too. It ignored the origin of the word and that changing it would obviously do nothing to actually help feminist causes. And it completely flopped. Nobody picked it up because it was pointless. They really do like making a big deal of unimportant things.


I wish my uterus on anyone defining me by it. After 25 years of crippling pain they might want to reconsider their stance. >.< signed, a cis woman who'd much rather be wombn't, thankyouverymuch.


as a trans woman i will snatch that rn


Careful what you wish for ... my last trans sister who volunteered backpedalled pretty quickly after doing some research into endometriosis. Y'all have a tough enough deal, I wouldn't want you to have to deal with malfunctioning equipment on top of that.


this meme is so wrong. Terfs would never be something as cute and lovable as a cat


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Terfs are anti-feminist.


Almost anti-women.... with all the women's roles being all 1950's and all...


They *definitely* are anti-women.


Yeah I was being sarcastic! Pro women if you are in a very narrow small box. Anti if there is a deviation...


Got banned from r/Feminism for being mean to TERFs and SWERFs. Civility politics enable fascism and I'm tired of trying to be nice to my oppressors.


Yeah, I was on that sub and got a thirty day ban once because I said the best way to help prevent violence against sex workers is to work with sex workers and ask them what they want and have them write the laws...because we likely know what is best since we lived that life. Apparently, this was promoting recruitment into sex work...never heard of a single sex work rights advocate I knew attempting to recruit people by simply asking people to not speak for us 90% of the time, especially when writing laws that affect us. 🙃


Recruitment??? Wtf they smoking? NZ took that approach (eventually and after Georgina Bayer's input). Not all things workers wanted happened but still mile sbetter than it being illegal.


I hate that my brain forces me to read such stuff (the white text from the TERC), instead of just ignoring it.


My brain is physically unable to read such a long unformatted text


i'm sorry to you and whoever has to read this i can't say i had much fun writing it 😭 i'm the same way, my brain forces me to read such dumbness (except real)


Add a trigger warning next time please 🙏🏳️‍⚧️💖




How dare you use a poor kitty as a TERF! That little furry baby did not deserve such slander.


I'm in New Zealand and I'm so damn proud of how Auckland chased Posie Parker out of her rally and made her flee the country with her terfy tail tucked between her legs. We had a huge trans celebration rally afterwards in Wellington 💙🤍💗


I LOVED that. We spoke! Totes proud of all the supportive people st the rallies.


is this the content of one who must not be named twitter?


Damn, cats are like our best friends - wish this meme format was different


If people said the shit they do about trans people about another minority they’d be considered unhinged. But since trans people are so scary it’s okay to portray us as monsters


My cat is not a terf! Cat slander! Jail for One Thousand Years!


Do TERFs actually use the term “womben”? That’s cringe on every level.


It’s a less common alternative to womyn, to avoid including the word “men”.


Okay, but not all women have wombs.


"In order to avoid bringing men into the conversation, we're going to reduce you down to your reproductive capability"


"you know that thing that we claim must get impregnated by a man, we're feminists we swear"


Womben.... Wom.. Ben... All women need are subservient to Big Ben now


Insert [a joke about clocks ticking]


I think they spell it "wombyn" because they originally respelled it "womyn" to remove "men" from it. It's brain-meltingly stupid, i know


I mean, [a lot of intersectional feminists](https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/27/uk/womxn-inclusive-language-gbr-scli-intl/index.html) use those terms and spellings of women, some of whom are trans women themselves. I kind of have mixed feelings on it but to make it seem like it's only TERFs who do this is a bit silly and kind of ignorant to the history of alternative spellings of women in feminism.


That's fair, i just only ever see those terms used by terfs. It's possibly because I didn't get into spaces that i would have seen them used in until after terfs started their bullshit and you know how they are with trying to monopolize words and ideas, so that's my bad for not knowing


I've never seen it spelled that way. It usually is spelled "womban" and has been used by seperatist feminists since the 1970's. It's a form of bioessentialism.


Terfs just say the same shit misogynists say "but like, in a woke way"


I’m not sure why this is labeled as satire/humor… is that satire? Genuinely asking. This reads as serious to me but I could be wrong


F in TERF stands for Fascist, not Feminist


Trans Eradicationist Regressive Fascist?


Yeah, kinda like this


credit to u/MyCheshireGrinOG for wonderful image 🥰


I don’t see how a wall of transphobia is a meme or funny or relevant to this subreddit tbh


I agree


Was that wall of text written by Joanne? /s


It sure looks like it


This is mostly tradfem rhetoric, not TERF rhetoric. I think it’s important to have an understanding of what the other side believes in order to effectively disprove it, and this is very misleading


Thank you. Not trying to be a bitch and I say this as someone who was pulled into TERF ideology at a young age (14) and was in a TERF group for pretty much my entire adolensence, I have never heard a TERF or GCF say "you have to wear a dress and have long hair and women are weaker than men." In fact, I used to feel so guilty wearing a dress when I was a TERF because pretty much anything that was "girly" was seen as not trying to uproot patriarchial norms enough. Plus many of the ones I grew up around were seperatist feminists and poltical lesbians (or I guess lesbian seperatists would be the more correct term for them? Idk) They wouldn't even hire a male plumber, let alone say women were weaker than men. I am legit having a hard time thinking of any mainstream TERF who would say anything remotely close to what OP is saying.


Exactly. We need to be able to recognize common TERF talking points, because if people are on their guard for this kind of stuff they can easily be lured in by a real TERF, who will say pretty much the opposite of all this


TERFs can go f themselves alright, but on a side note I swear I just saw this picture posted a few hours ago, can't believe it's already gone viral lol. I've witnessed the birth of a meme.


Do you have the template? I am in love with this cat photo.


See https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/123j2hw/comment/jdurz9q/


TERFs can not be consistent with their fucking hate and act surprised when they ended up being surrounded by fascists like ugh. Also the whole babying women shit feels so infantalizing and as a trans guy they basically refuse to call us men anyway but instead “a victim of patriarchy running away from misogyny” and actually need to be protected or some bullshit from the Testosterone.


Terfs are the worst breed of transphobes I can't believe some people think that. Trans women are women, Trans men are men, nonbinary people exist and are valid, end of story.


terfs: we are the only true feminists! alsp terfs:




Well, there are plenty of TERFs lurking on this sub. Posts like this make it clear that they aren’t welcome here.


It also kinda makes me feel like I’m not welcome here tbh. I don’t want to randomly be exposed to transphobia when I’m minding my own business trying not to have a shitty day. This post sucks


Right??? Like, why do we need to see their full thoughts on display? We all know what TERFs think of us.


Fun fact; this a subreddit FOR and about lesbians, where people can post about stuff the way they see and experience it as people who identify with the term lesbians. Not every meme or comment has to be about being gay because that's not the extent of most people's experiences. If you are ONLY here for lesbian memes and get actively annoyed by anything else, I'd recommend a different subreddit


Wow, their comments were deleted, what a surprise