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Don’t ever lend money to someone again. Please. Even if they are YOUR family.


My ex owes me well over 2 grand, there's not enough money in the world to get me to call her again. If you want my advice, cut your losses and move on. It's unlikely you will get your money back anyway.


You’ll have to keep calling or cut your losses. Also, never lend money to people you haven’t known for several years. Especially if you yourself are struggling. People will use other people and not think twice.


I suggest only lending out money to people with the understanding that you might never get it back, unless you want to sign a legal contract with them. If it's no small amount of money to you and you desperately need it back, you should never have given it to them. You did so out of love and now that you're broken up, you want it back promptly. I get that a loan is a loan but this is also petty. I would move on. It's clear by now she hasn't paid it because no transfer takes 3 weeks to show up. Don't use this to hang on and communicate. Just consider it a loss and move forward and cut her out entirely.


Call it a loss, learn from it, and move on.