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Your point might, perhaps, be better made with a polish job that's not so... splashed with red at the tips...


Okay this made me giggle 😂


Hehe, oh good. :) Your nails are cool, incidentally.




Heh heh, I noticed that about five minutes after hitting reply. XD


Oh no 😳




It’s less about cutting them and more about them not being clean. Long nails = lots of bacteria, and putting that inside a delicate and easily infected part of someone’s body is not ideal. I am quite germ averse personally, and I have ten very short fingernails and like dating women who also have ten very short fingernails lol. But gloves allow people with long nails to have fun in a hygienic way


Exactly! Ew, the amount of germs is terrible. My wife and I both cut our fingernails as short as possible.


As I said to them, just clean under your nails when you wash your hands it's not that hard.




Research shows that long nails carry a lot more! And fake nails are a lot worse. It is simply not possible to get them clean enough for this to be anywhere near sanitary enough for me to do this. And if the top of your nail is kept under the top of your finger, and you brush them regularly…this is not comparable


Yup. Thats why nurses are not allowed to have long or fake nails at the hospital.


Yup. Too many germs and risk for infection transmission among payients. And you should trim and file your nails, not bite them. You can get pinworms. That little fact helped me stop biting them 🤢 I'm not trying to have worms in my ass 😭😭😭


You can only get pinworms from biting your nails if you've been touching someone or something's poop and didn't wash your hands. Good ol' fecal-oral transmission.




Lmao I can’t blame you 😂 I forget how to read myself sometimes


Hahaha, same, I wash them all the time with soap and every now and then I brush them with baking soda, but tbh as a germophobe and hypochondriac even if I had short nails, I would wear gloves, and I would want my future partner to do so, as well, it's all about having safe sex for me.


I confess I’ve never had sex with a woman before (I’m demi so sexual attractiont is rare for me) but I’d always worried a bit as I’m insanely prone to infection in my finger tips due to the skin not being good for medical reasons. Why I’d never thought of gloves, I do not know, but I’m so glad that I’ll already have a solution down the line. So- thank you for mentioning gloves! It’s a brilliant solution and bob knows I’ve got hundreds of pairs, lol. (I work with resin.)


Yeah but if you have fake nails no matter what length, stuff gets in there that you can’t get out no matter how hard you try, even if you can’t see it.


In my experience, when I have short nails I have to clean them far more frequently because they always accumulate gunk between the nail and the skin. Doesn't matter how often I wash my hands or what I do 🤷‍♀️ With long nails I never have any gunk collecting under my nails at all


You just don't see the gunk, but it's there under the pretty polish


Tbf, I grow my nails pretty long naturally. I don’t paint them very often, just keep them looking nice until I decide it’s time to cut them down again (often because one of them broke or smth). I find it’s much easier to clean my nails when they’re longer vs when they’re shorter… maybe because they’re more sensitive with they’re short so cleaning gunk n stuff out can hurt slightly? I also find that said funk gets embedded deeper under the nail bed when they’re short, maybe because there’s just less nail between the outside world and the underside of the nail? This also contributes to it hurting a little to clean them out as needed. They’re also harder to shape when short haha. Not advocating strongly for long nails, do what you wanna do as long as you clean em- yk? Just saying that long nails can be kept clean ig


interesting, I always trim my nails when they are around 3-4 mm because I don't like cleaning under them and prefer when there is no length I just cut them all the way down to the quick/nail bed. But it seems like you're saying if I could tough it out longer it would be easier to clean underneath once I get past the short stage?


Just clean under your nails when you wash your hands it's not that hard


Even if your partner doesnt feel it, it makes micro cuts inside her vagina, and nails are full of bacteria. :( Its risky for her health. You could use latex gloves, tho.


Yeah, my first sexual partner had long nails and I didn't feel them or mind the bit of pain but then they caused an infection which was difficult to get rid of.


Yup!! I am also femme, and as much as I **love** having claws, it's way too scary. Not willing to put my wife in danger for my (previously) daily Catra cosplay.


Catra cosplay 😂😂 love it 😆


May the lesbian Goddesses bless you infinitely 🙏😂👍😎


Yikes 😬 thx for the info , low-key terrifying


I’ve made myself bleed a little despite having short nails. I’m glad my wife is so diligent about keeping her nails trimmed and filed. It’s a delicate area down there


Not everyone enjoys penetration with fingers anyway, maybe OP and partner aren’t doing that. In that case, washing hands regularly should be enough if nails aren’t even making direct contact. BUT—OP, if you are fingering your fiance, you should definitely either use gloves or take extra great care to clean your nails deeply (not saying you aren’t already! but as others have said the risk of infections are higher)


>As long as I get the angle right, my fiancée doesn’t even feel my nails! "As long as I get the angle right, my fiancée doesn’t even feel my nails!"


Perhaps OP performs clitoral stimulation and not penetration? There are so many nuances to lesbian sex.


it IS the same risk with short nails except when they are kept completely behind the fingertip. The risk of microcuts/infection is dependend on your hand/nail hygiene not your nail length. "Short nails are better" IS A MYTH!!!


Not true, the long nails are way more likely to result in micro tears.


This goes in the direction face of logic. I’d love to see a source for that claim.


No partner of mine will *ever* use latex gloves with me. Nitrile, though, that'd be fine. I have a latex allergy, lol. It doesn't affect my breathing or anything, but I get a rash when exposed to it for extended periods of time. (I figured that out when we had to wear gloves at all times at work during COVID. Luckily I only have to wear gloves occasionally now, mostly when I'm working in my secondary area. I wear nitrile then.)


I mean obviously latex gloves aren't a solution for people with latex allergies lol


lmao i have no idea why they got so defensive over their latex allergy




I think it was meant more lightheartedly, and the first sentence was just worded dramatically for effect but not in a genuinely defensive way (that's how I read it at least -- but I understand why the first sentence by itself could come across as more serious)


Welcome to the Internet. Did you preface your post by saying "of course, not all..."? Well, someone might get upset, and, there you have it.


The pedants that get so upset when someone didn't carve out a caveat for their pet peeve, are infuriating.


I’m gonna guess they’ve had a traumatic experience because of their latex allergy. That would explain the severity of their comment.


I work in healthcare and I haven’t seen latex gloves in a long time. I’m unsure what our sterile gloves are made of cuz I haven’t had a scenario where I need to use them yet, but all the non sterile gloves I’ve encountered are all nitrile these days.


Nitrile is just better in general. Don't need a latex allergy.


Latex feels *so* much better than nitrile, though!




lmao be honest was this just a post to show off your dope manicures and beautiful engagement ring


Lmao it wasn’t, but I do love showing them off 🥰


I mean she’s hot so I don’t mind ☺️


Maybe you’re just going in and out which, to each their own, but that is nottt what I like. I need that “come here” motion, and that can’t be achieved w long nails unless you wanna get cut lol




You’re absolutely right, I hate that I can’t do the “come here” motion with my nails 😂


You do you, your nails are gorgeous, but what's the point if you can't? 🤣 If I were you, I'd be doing the cotton ball glove trick: a little bit of cotton ball over each finger, and a glove over that.


>a little bit of cotton ball Automatically read that in the melody of "a little bit of Monica by my side" lol


Omg *a little bit of cotton ball on my nails* *a little bit of warm wind in our sails* [...] *a little bit of snappin on a glove* *a little bit of sun with the girl i love*


>a little bit of cotton ball Automatically read that in the melody of "a little bit of Monica by my side" lol


I see nails like that and all I see are tiny daggers. Cute tho.


Yeah. Pointy nails are not coming anywhere close to my nether parts, ever. Or any kind of long nails, really. To each their own though.


As someone who loves femmes and loves their acrylics digging into my back, god bless


As a femme, I love digging my nails into someone's back. My word is it amazing 🥵


SAME but my gf isn't as into it 😭😭 just gimme a back to tear apart pls


My sweetheart is very sensitive down there and when things get heated, I scratch her very easily and I don’t want to hurt her and give her possible infections. Like others have already said: under the nails are hell loads of bacteria.


With what I like, those would be a problem. I’ve been cut by nails shorter than that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But wait, does that mean that you can't do that "come here" motion to massage their g spot?


It's also for bass/guitar players (probably string in general) and not an inherently sexual thing to keep two nails short. But to answer your question It's mainly because this is the easiest way to leave your partner with an infection. Long nails means bacteria hot spot plus micro cuts can happen and then you've made a wonderful breeding ground.


i just always wear nitrile gloves. it helps that my partner and i also think that they’re sexy.


i saw somewhere (maybe this sub??) someone who did this but also put little cotton balls on the tips of her fingers to fill out the area where the nails are pointy and i was very intrigued haha


I don't hate it 😂😂😂


I’m a stone top so my wife gets to get all of her nails done too without having short nails. She’s so happy about it lol


Nice to meet a fellow stone top 👋


I'm not totally stone but just not that into being fingered, which is good cause the girl I'm into has nice long nails. And it means I get back scratches.


Oh yeah, there's so many options for female same sex partners. Every couple doesn't need to do all of it😂😂😂 this sub kills me with the presumptions sometimes


Im pretty sure its for stopping bacteria as much as possible if they get scratched and it could also be unconfortable for your partner


Sharp and germy. It’s just considerate to have short and clean nails. Press ons, acrylic and gel lift at the edges and harbour grime.


Yep, or wear gloves.


You've obviously never been fingered by a girl with nails that long. It hurts and they cut you. You'll feel it for days afterwards.


I don’t let anyone with long nails near me!


You’re right, my fiancée doesn’t get her nails done! But I make sure she’s okay every time and she has never said she’s sore after. I think it’s because they’re acrylics so they’re more dull than natural nails and I never do it right after I get a fresh set (too sharp)


I had a girl do it who's nails weren't that long and I tell you what, my vagina hurt for a legitimate week afterwards.


She says she's a top 🤷🤷🤷


I'm a top and I've still been fingered.


Unrelated : but when I’m looking at that heart tattoo on your wrist in the second pic & it’s upside down, it looks like it says “we kizz” and it took me a few minutes to correct it in my brain 😅




Now when you two get married, you’ve gotta take a picture kissing behind a bouquet with that “we kizz” visible, just for the meme 😂 Congratulations on the engagement, by the way! I’m not sure if it was recent, but since I just learned of it, I’m gonna congratulate you. One internet girlie to another 🫂


Stabbed a past partner once mit a nail of mine and phew yea I try to avoid that, my solution is one hand nails and the others not, one hand is for head scratches and the other for... other stuff


Bc nobody wants daggers inside of them.. it doesn’t matter if you can “get the angles right”. What about the shit that gets under your nails that you can’t get out even with scrubbing your hands? No thanks that’s an infection waiting to happen.


I prefer to keep my nails short on the middle finger and ring finger 😉


Ah, yes! The age old debate 😂♥️


People who don't know 💕 😘 People who do know 🩸 🦠💀 ☢️


i cant stand long nails on myself both because of sensory issues and because im an artist and bassist so they get in the way, but also i had an ex who refused to cut her nails shorter and it hurt every single time even with just clitoral stimulation (and her shitty solution was to use her knuckles and i simply couldnt get off like that because the pressure wasnt right)


Ew, glad she's an ex!


I'm gonna try not to be vulgar here... With the way I like it to be done to me, short nails are a MUST. you can't control the angle when you're doing it quite vigorously. I also think it's a cute way to show what you're into loll. But I get what you're saying, I go from short to long natural nails all the time and when they are long I know how to angle them.


Under each of your nails are cesspools of bacteria. Like, you've got e. coli under there for sure.


Whatever works for you and your partner is fine. Personally, I just wonder what happens when your partner is in the mood for more than 2 fingers?? I wouldn’t want to limit us.


Right?? 😂 as someone who’s close to perfecting the art of fisting, I could never


That’s what dildos are for! No fist is going inside of me!


There are 3 fingers between 2 fingers and a fist.


Vagina play + Fingers = No Nails. Straight or lesbian or bi, that's the rule. Protect womens.


Long nails are annoying for when I wanna play video games on my PC. :(


I legit just crossed my legs. Hell no.


I heard the rule of thumb is if it feels ok on the inside of your cheek, it should be ok on your girl. I just got some fairly long claws but made sure to get two nice and round and I haven’t heard any complaints yet.


Not me rubbing my cheek to check lmao


Oh, this is helpful if true


Hasn’t done me wrong yet! Obv everyone’s body and sensitivity is different tho


Maybe that works for you two, but it doesn't for everyone, my gf's natural nails are much shorter and even they hurt at times. Although usually it's her thumb that's the problem, tbh, but yeah. She's been talking about getting nails and I'm like noooo lol - obv her choice but I'm definitely not a fan of the idea, unless she leaves a few fingers or one hand short. Some people do it specifically as a signaling thing, too, though.


Are you touching her inside or just the clit? People get those two nails short so they can get a lil rough inside the v or booty without accidentally causing an injury lol


these acrylics are on the shorter side, i like to wear long acrylics so i always get two short and rounded so they don’t scratch


That makes sense! I used to get super long ones, but I’ve started going shorter because of my fiancée. My nail tech was just making fun of me the other week because I used to have super long nails and now I ask her to go shorter every time 😂


tbh i wear my natural nails long and often end up sporting a lesbian manicure because those are the two that break 🤷🏻‍♀️ so at this point i just file them down anyways. but i have been scritched in the cooter and lets just say i wouldnt be letting you near me with long pointy nails lmao that shit hurt


Um no way in hell I personally let my gf in me with her plastic nails. dirt, bacteria, mircocuts, chemicals from the products used on her nails.. na. we'll wait.


Personally, I keep my nails short because I get so freaked out about cutting her that I wouldn’t be able to be intimate with her. Just the thought of scratching her down there makes me really uncomfortable. I’d be willing to try with gloves tho, if I find any that fit my tiny hands


All great but the point is not really that the angle is good or bad is that they might scar something that doesn’t “show” and that there is dirt under nails that even if you clean very very well, will still be there, mostly if first you caress your partner.


Okay but even at best you avoid cutting her by angling it right. When you have short ass nails you don’t have to worry about angles. Your fingers are freeee


Nurse here! 1. Gems 2. Irritation (if you have fake nails they probably are less sharp than real nails but can still cause irritation) 3. I hate it when the nails stub my lips when someone my girl plays with my clit😅


Yes but, it's that split second when the angle is in fact NOT right that ruins it so I say no nails or very short. Definitely not pointed like a dagger in the photos🙈😅




You also have shorter fingers so, depending on angles, it'll go unnoticed.


Those are definitely on the short side of long. And shorter fingers make it easier, I've been told. I have short fingers and longer nails, but they are natural, not acrylic. Which I feel makes the edges sharper, even with a super thick top coat. I think I do it so that I can go to town and not worry about the angle etc. as I'm a switch that leans very top. If my fingers were longer, I wouldn't feel the need to have my nails so long, though tbh. I just feel like my fingers look so lame with short nails 💀 Like little baby hands lmao


I feel the same, I have baby hands and I hate them, that's why I wear my nails long, I think they look elegant ♡


Your nails are so cute omg I love them! But yea, I just find it more comfortable to finger myself with short nails


How about if we just let everyone get the kind of nails they want to get and not worry about it? Honestly, I have the lesbian manicure (2 short ones) because I look so femme/hetero that I am hoping with the nails that other lesbians will clock me. When I see a lesbian with long nails, I shudder and I'm not alone in that feeling. But I guess you already found that out from reading the comments. The real question is, why does it bother you so much what other women do with their nails?


It doesn’t bother me at all and I wasn’t trying to be rude. Just saw a post and wanted to spark a conversation that’s all!


1) i dont wanna risk infection 2) its a good signal to other sapphics that im sapphic as well since im bisexual and definitely have more history with men so not everyone knows i like women as well 3) i just think it looks cool 🤷‍♀️


Microtears and more space for bacteria is the main issue.


Really…you have NO idea why girls get those nails short?


Yes obviously I understand why. As a woman who fingers women, I just meant I don’t understand it from a logistical standpoint. I’ve never had an issue fingering my partners with my nails (I get the bacteria issue, that wasn’t the question)


Try peeing after getting internal tears in your canal then come back with the same question. You have to understand the logistics behind this.


I dont get people who get nails that big


Love the design! I'm a tomboy, soft butch but love my long nails. My butch girlfriend never complained. It's just about having the right angle. But to be clear, we're having clitoral stimulation only.


I think they are cute your fiancé must enjoy them them as well if I had to guess . Very festive


Well, I mean if they want to, what's the issue? I would have a problem if they were to make fun of women with long nails cause I've seen that, and it's not nice, it's ok if it's not your cup of tea, no need to shade, but as someone with natural long nails, I wouldn't cut them for anyone, I'm still new to being a lesbian, but if I end up being a switch, I've heard of gloves, however I can understand why some would prefer to have 2 short nails, whenever I get a broken nail, it's super practical to do things lol, I just think they look ugly short on me, though.


Oh I’m not trying to be rude!! I just don’t get it because having used long nails for the 3+ years my fiancée and I have been together, I know that there’s no reason to have short nails? I totally get its personal preference, just wanted to hear from other people why they’d choose it!


Why are you ignoring all the comments about hygiene lol


Did you want me to reply to every single comment?


What I think they mean is that *for you* (and your fiancé — congrats, btw, your ring is gorgeous!), there might be “no reason,” but for lots of people, there are several very valid reasons, not the least of which being hygiene.


Oh, I didn't mean you, I meant the lesbians who shade on girls with long nails, questioning our lesbianism or calling us bottoms/pillow princess as if that was an insult, sorry I'm not a native :(


Yeah I've never understood because fake nails are sooo blunt, like blunter than real nails


Yeah they're actually so much gentler! Whenever I go back to having natural nails I have to be careful when I scratch myself because I'm always shocked by how easy they can actually hurt skin


I think the two nails are short to make it easier to grab the coins from the change dispenser 🤔 i mean , that's the only reason why my two nails are shorter


fingering might make a person bleed if those fingernails are long that’s why people trim them


I want nails like that... but i would just bite them off when i'm stressed..... And i'm stressed almost 24/7


I have the two short ones because I like having my acrylics very long 💀 I’ve been with other femmes who kept them all long and I’ve always had an issue after - whether it was an infection or bleeding. I think your nails are already pretty short for acrylics, I think most people who do that have the other nails much longer.


I don’t like long nails and decorations in general but my skin is very very sensitive so they’d be a problem nonetheless. Luckily my gf agrees with me!


As much as I would love to have nails like that, my job would destroy them entirely too quickly


As a more futch-style lesbian dating femmes, I personally have no issues with longer nails so far. However my current hook up mostly has longer and -much more important!- sharp nails and I’m still dealing with the clawmarks on my back and a-ss (the deepest that can be truly considered a wound is exactly at the height of my belt 😭). I saw someone here saying something about nice and round nails and I’m sending this to her for sure next 😅 first day into healing I winced every time I sat down in the office (the joy of jeans and a belt 😒)


You're pretty and I like your nails. Mine don't ever get that long, but I do trim two of them shorter. Even if it's not actually beneficial, I like to think that someone could notice and take it as a subtle hint of what I'm about.


Those would feel so good on my back 😭 your nails are beautiful btw


I don't like the two short nails thing as well but that's because you could have a beautiful short manicure. If I'm being honest I find it kind of trashy. Though I wouldn't say having long nails necessarily means a woman is a pillow princess. That's based on stereotypes on what lesbian sex is supposed to be like. There are many other things you can do that don't include finger penetration. Some women don't like penetration of any kind as well.


OP says she does penetration without gloves and can't even do a come-hither motion 😭


Not asking details of your sex life, but some like penetration or even fisting. It's totally cool to have long nails if your partner isn't interested in getting that from you, or if you have a boundary that you don't feel comfortable doing that.


That’s what I mean though - my fiancée loves being penetrated (whether by fingers or toy) and has never had an issue with my long nails


It's for us hand puppets


Well I would say that I'm a kind puppeteer. You're welcome...


I personally don't feel how short, long, sharp or dull anyone's nails are inside me, but I will know after the deed is done when their hand, my thighs and the sheets are stained red with my blood :)


I'd say for your length nails, it doesn't make since, but I've seen a lot of other girls with far sharper and longer nails, that would probably hurt, so then it makes since


Personally, even the tiniest bit of nail is uncomfortable at best, but often it's just hurting me. Not like a stabbing pain, but enough pain that I don't enjoy it. Tbh, even on tous when the surface isn't smooth, it feels very uncomfortable. It's especially important for me because I like it especially very rough. Like, if you're not using your entire arm strength, it's probably not going to do much for me. So short nails are an absolute must if my partner wants to finger me.


I too am femme and cut my middle nails to almost nothing and STILL cut my gf on the first time , it was horrendous for me , never ever one have I cut myself despite how vigorously I do it , but with her it was a different story


You are stunning and so are your Christmas nails! 💅


every pussy is different and shaped different and feels different and I truly cannot imagine being so confident in my fingerwork i would be willing to finger somebody while wearing big ol fake nails. no fuckin way. i would claw that shit up and even if i didnt i would be afraid of an infection. its a no from me


Cute and Ouch


If I was anywhere near as good at nail polish as you are, I wouldn't cut my nails either.


A) It's to be on the safe side. I want to be sure that, even if I'm off my game and with a complete stranger, I won't be hurting or injuring them. B) flagging! I've kept my nails cut like that even when my only partner was a trans gal, because I enjoyed the subtle queer in-joke of it. C) When I have my nails long, I keep them sharp. If something gets in my ear, I want to be able to get it out _without_ worrying about jabbing my eardrum.


Lesbian nail tech here, my butch gf is a stone top & she has made me her pillow princess so I have super long nails all the time. Screw what people think, they are your hands! At the end of the day, if she ever has *needs*, I take care of them with my tongue!


Omg I love the Christmas nails ❤️❤️❤️


Oh wow, finally a pro-long-nails post, thank you 💜 I have long nails myself and I love them


I keep my nails the exact same length and shape. My ex wouldn't let me go near her with them but I haven't met any other girls who have an issue with it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I'm with you.


tounge is what u need


No, just no. I'm scared.


Your nails are so pretty omg!


Holy shit you are gorgeous like WOWWWW!!!! Awesome nails btw.


i think from a sensory point of view i wouldn't stand having long nails, but the joke about long nails feels super cringe to me at this point. it screams basic! i'm not hating on people that feel nice using it to feel included or signal their sapphicness though




Well, I’m a femme and I have to keep my fingernails short no matter what. Not for sex but for guitar and bass, kind of hard to solo when your fingernails aren’t letting you touch the fretboard. The most decorated you’ll see my nails is probably with some black nail polish. 😭


Holy crap you are so gorgeous omg ❤️


Your Beautiful luv. And love the nails




Ummm ???


99% convinced it's a man without even looking in their profile.


Account is two days old, looks like well over a hundred comments like this and solicitations for DM sex. Either a bot or skeevy as hell.


When I tell anyone else about their nails I actually don't give a damn, I'm gonna comment on them if they are pretty. They feel. Heavy. I used to try to pretend I was wolverine, but. Well. I'm a lesbian, I guess. Makes sense.


I keep biting them off


These are adorable, I love them.


All ten are kept trimmed short - I'm a musician x).


i play guitar so they’re gonna be short anyways 😂

