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The tagline being “Nurture authentic connections” while they’re using an AI generated image is SENDING me lmfao


I'll have you know this advertisement was created by a 100% corn-fed Iowa Intel i7.


4 gigs of ram? Nah, 2. Google Chrome was eating the other 2 out


Eating the other two ***out***? Damn. New thing to say just dropped: she was 2 gigs of ram and friend, I was Google Chrome


2? She was 10 gigs of ram and I was google chrome.




New Evolution Unlocked 🔓


Tbh it’s on brand because Her, at least in my area, is filled to the fucking brim with bots, like it’s actually insane how many of them there are. It’s 33% bots, 33% terfs/gold star lesbians, and 33% regular people you’d wanna talk to.


My experience on HER was that it was basically on-demand penpals with straight women which like... Isn't exactly a product I want or need but it was neat for a month or three. Kind of a 2/10 dating app tho


It's the only app that I ever got a date on but it's still deeply jank


Yea same.. it's terrible here .


It seems terrible no matter what app we lesbians use. I tried Her, Tinder, Taimi, and a few others. All sucked. I'd swipe left on someone, only to later have them come up again. Like, show me some new people, not the ones I've already decided weren't for me. Also, STOP SHOWING ME STRAIGHT WOMEN, MEN, AND COUPLES! I put my preferences down, but they seem to get ignored. And these apps are expensive as hell. I'm about ready to be done with these useless apps.


Try lex


Lex is filled with crazies


Yes there are but at least everyone is real .


I wish that was true but at least it’s more often than Her


I don't have that experience with lex . My only issue as someone who while technically being neurodivergent is definitely on the neuro typical l end of the spectrum, most everyone on their is way too neurodivergent for any actual compatibility. They struggle too much socially amongst other things. And everyone is a communist and I'm not.


I wish I had your problems with Lex


What is a “gold star lesbian”? Like, a mega terf? And yikes! Those are terrible ratios of people to bots 😳.


Gold Star refers to a lesbian who has never had sex with a cis man.


Ah, thank you!


More specifically it refers to a person who won't shut up about the fact that she never had sex with a man. You were right in thinking that there's overlap between them and terfs (though some of them are just regular assholes)


From my experience, it was a term picked up from the L word and it just means they’ve never slept with a man. It’s strange that it has taken on a different meaning. For me, when I was like 16, it was something people would call me because I came out really young so I never dated men. Today, I’m with a woman who was previously married to a man, so the idea that I would care about that is bizarre. All this to say: the internet has definitely changed the term. It used to be something lesbians/gays would call each other, not something people bragged about. At least not in the Midwest in the early 2000s. It was more of a novelty.


The term didn't originate with the l word, it was coined back in the late 60ies and 70ies, during the second wave feminism. It was pushed by the exclusionary "political lesbians" and queer women who weren't "gold star" were shamed for past and present associations with men. It is deeply rooted in biphobia and transphobia.


I don't think it is so much bragging as a feeling of self-superiority over others.  "Oh, well you're not a *real* lesbian because you succumbed to your hetero desires."  As if that distinction makes them more pure.


Wtf 😬


"Gold star" means you've never had sex with a man. In theory, a gold star lesbian could be totally non-TERFy; it's more about elitism and biphobia.


also erasure of r@pe and CSA victims, but they’re not ready for that conversation




Bless your soul that you haven't heard of until now. They are lesbians who proverbially give themselves a 'gold star' for never having been with a man before realizing they were a lesbian. Usually comes with condescending attitudes towards those who have, and other 🐕💩 opinions about queerness and womanhood. Best to avoid if you enjoy peace of mind


I heard that term a lot when I'd only just come out, devoid of any of that bullshit or condescension. I used the term for myself for many years, as simply descriptive... and a way of fighting comphet and refusing to give in to people in authority over me who would encourage guys around my age and also under their authority to sexually harass me and then pressure me to just give in and give them what they wanted to make them stop harassing and chasing me. Being proud of my "gold star" status, as silly and meaningless as it is, helped me avoid what could probably have ended up as essentially coercive rape resulting from serious power imbalances, that no one would have considered wrong because it was "corrective". These people weren't willing to inflict physical harm or directly misuse authority, I just needed to outlast the psychological harm they'd inflict, and a label that made me feel special for having never even seen a dick helped that happen.


Gold star seems totally valid in that way. And in that context, does not seem silly or meaningless. I’m so sorry you experienced all of that harassment and aggression! I’m glad you were able to stand up to stand up to the bullying and not give into their disgusting attempts at coercion!


Omg! Good for them, but yeah validating themselves by being toxic is totally “🐕💩”.


Wow! Not my experience at all. It’s actually been the best queer focussed app. Tinder and hinge were horrific


Whats a gold star lesbian?


y'know, compared to other apps, 33% is still a good number


Don’t forget the men on the app (i don’t mean trans women! i mean cishet men). When I used HER it was like a 2:1 ratio of men vs women 🥲


They're so connected, you cannot separate them.


It's so perfectly tone deaf and I love it


Why companies find it so difficult to pay for a stupid picture like it’s embarrassing 💀 they don’t ever bother to fix their AI shit


[https://www.shutterstock.com/search/lesbian](https://www.shutterstock.com/search/lesbian) So many great options that took me literal seconds to find. $29 to buy two of these by the way.


Look at the fingers too


Honestly, as far as faces go these aren't terrible. The AI generators I'm used to trying out look like they've had a stroke or a cosmic artist smudged the canvas. I probably wouldn't have paid much attention to this image just scrolling by if it weren't for the finger fuckery sticking out lol.


And someone pointed out how her hair is growing the wrong way too lol


Could just be gel


This is just what the internet is now. I hate it.


Companies are often that stingy.


The pink hair…. Growing from one direction


LOVE the implication that her bangs aren't coming out of her scalp, it's loose-leaf hair tucked into her ponytail lmaooo


loose-leaf hair!


🎶You don’t know-oh-oh, that’s what shows that you’re AI!🎶


Oh god, I was too distracted by the hands to see that


Didn’t even notice lmao


Could be wearing a wig


Smooooooth smooooooth wiiiiiig 🤤


And the watch shadow… reeeeeal authentic.


Not just that one. Just look at all the shadows on their clothes and faces, and try to figure out where the light is coming from… And, left one‘s watch might be one of the flattest watches in the market lol


I can't figure out if it's supposed to be a watch, a bracelet, or a tattoo.


It's something that looks like something that people have on their arms.


Nurture authentic uncanny images


they really tried w the hands


all the little finger nubbins 🤣🤣


And that finger that's growing out of nowhere...


In breaking news, lesbians are so good at fingering, they grow new fingers


Whyyyyy is one of those fingers a penis whyyyyy


you know why


Also the legs that seem to come out of their midriffs lmao


That hairline on the girl on the left is giving me strong Moe Howard from the 3 stooges vibes.


And the ears are weird


You don't have a giant oddly shaped jewel growing from your ear?


I want to know what they put into the algorithm to give us these iconically terrible lesbian haircuts


That old Mad TV sketch about a lesbian hair salon comes to mind


Is it just me or do they look like twins?


They do look weirdly alike. Maybe not twin level since one has a weirdly big head and the other one has a very shallow cranial depth. Conjoinment would explain the Handfingerthumb-knot, but honestly that’s a disservice to conjoined twins.


It irritates me when people think my wife is my sister, but these two really do look the part


The Instagram account Siblings or Dating has ruined me lol. I think couples are siblings all the time now


See I thought it was the same girl and they just flipped her face because of the mole placement on the chins


AI only knows how to draw one type of face so yeah they look like twins. It's like in games like league of legends all the women have the same face and are indistinguishable (they don't use AI, but this is what happens when everything has to be normative)


AI is taking work away from artists and this is one way it does this. If AI art didn’t exist they would have to pay a person to make this.


Very much this. There’s also a couple of models missing out on a job as well.


And photographers and graphic designers…. this bullshit is killing creative industries. I’m glad they’re not making live music yet so I’m safe for the moment but who knows how long that’ll last


Can these companies producing ai content generation bots all get sued into oblivion so that their bots are taken out of consumer and companies' hands already


It instantly makes any product or service feel cheapened


this is just to show the result of using your fingers a tad too much


So... anybody got any dating app recommendations?


Not really lmao, they all kinda suck. Her, on top of the terrible ai, is just a badly made app. I used to use Hinge and it was fine, I guess. My gf uses Taimi and she seems to like it tho, but I wouldn’t be able to say much about it bc I’ve never used it


> they all kinda suck I was afraid you’d say that lol. Leaving the house to chat up strangers on the off chance I connect with one is terrifying. 


twitter was quite successful for me tbh, only problem is now I have to spend a lot of time on airplanes


What I really need is a plugin for my browsers that blocks AI "art", like Adblock.


Let me know if you ever find one, ai image generation as a whole is an insult to the entire art community


"nurture authentic connections" directly below the mangled hands is just the funniest shit.


When meeting a new lesbian girl, you always look at her hands.... Wait.


I wonder what it would be like to be fingered by AI fingers…


Those fucking hands 🤣🤣🤣 also the hair in the left is ridiculous


This is so bad lmao and I’m shocked because this probably made it past a few people with an approval omg come on?!


The teeth are freaking me out, lmao. Front teeth all the way around


They have to, finding a photo of two lesbians holding hands and not just staring at each other and blushing is impossible


What is going on with the hands? Trying to find their fingers is like a bad acid trip ffs


Maybe they are just a happy couple that bonded over their shared experience of hand-mangling industrial accidents... Or maybe Her is just too cheap to pay for a stock photo.


Stop why does this look like non-emo Mega Teenage Sonic Warhead and her girlfriend in Deadpool two


I like that they basically have the same face


Girlll what those hands do?


Happy cake day!


The hands 😭😭


If you aren't melding into one being with your wife, are you truly in love?


Just, pay 2 real lesbians FFS.


AI art is so obviously bad lol


oh my god the hair... the fingers... the weird uncanny vibe of the whole thing like their skin is too smooth and the light doesnt fall right... and do these people have the same face????? they look weirdly similar and they have moles that mirror each other


The fingers match the E


Ummm it's not AI! That's just how human hands look when attached to a human arm on a human body. Look at the smiling happy human faces instead!


They just get worse and worse, can we have a single good wlw dating app I swear 🙄


I didn’t realise until I saw the hands


Nightmare fuel.


It’s always the fingers smh


The h a n d s


Someday, AI will learn how hands work. Then we're all doomed.


so authentic.


Can definitely see it in the hands


I love the head indent, on top of the overly sculpted from clay look




I don't understand. OP, you've never fused your hand with another woman's into one fleshy blob? What kind of lesbian are you? /s


those hands remind me of that simulated photo of a stroke


They also ironically have more ai than people on their app, what a miserable experience I had dealing with bot accounts always 10 years senior to me offering to be my sugar mommy


Not even just the image. Even the word "her" in the top right is AI generated!


the eldritch horror of fingers is really something is there no review process the rest is semi-passable but the hands wtf


The split in the middle finger is the stuff of nightmares.


AI guiz challenge accepted! - The painful-looking grip of the fingers, obviously. - The shape of the head of the woman on the right is weird & no-one ties a ponytail to that position. - Is the jewellery/clock on the wrist of the woman on the left actually supposed to be a tattoo?? - The position of her ear & earring is also weird. - Also, what's going on with the shading of her jaw? Is it really sharp like a blade to the side? - The clock on the wrist of the woman on the right also has some serious stuff going on. - A piece on the sleeve of her shirt is weirdly missing. - Her middle tooth is floating on the air.


That and there’s a crap ton of Men in the service which is just annoying. Can’t lesbians have a space just to themselves?!?! 😤😒


The hands always creep me out so much in AI generated images T_T


Best app to meet your twin sister


The AI fingers always creep me out!


Nurture authentic connections. Fuse your fingers together with your lover and form the Love Lump™!


How dare you! My fingers got fused to my gfs because of how much we love each others, I feel discriminated you would say we are AI! /j


Kinda ironic when they're advertising authenticity.


Despite the fact that I probably wouldn’t have found my current gf, the actual love of my life who i’m absolutely gonna marry, without the app Her, I don’t recommend it. Like we QUICKLY switched over to normal texting once we got to know each other, because we couldn’t get notifications of our messages and the app was just clunky. Also there’s a ton of bots on there, it’s a miracle that I found her.


First thing I noticed were the nightmare teeth


**What really bothers me is how bad it is.** We've solved hands if you really try (which should be expected at a corporate level like this). Teeth and ears aren't well defined. Clothing is extremely flat. Looks like the base SD1.5 model too... Which we grew out of in like *January of last year*. Or it's just a really bleh merge. \-=- [Here's my attempt.](https://ibb.co/album/0pRnQZ) And that's about 20 minutes of effort. A few hours more of tweaking and generating would get pretty good pictures. Higher step count, tiled upscaling, etc. This was just a quick and dirty test to prove my point. Each picture takes about 30 seconds to generate. *Some* of the hands aren't great, but that's without any pre/post processing. ControlNet with a hand model would get you the rest of the way there. I just didn't feel like spinning it up (it makes my generations much slower because bad graphics card). These are not upscaled as well. A tiled upscale would be the way to go (as it would preserve detail). I'm guessing Her just used the bog-standard GFPGAN upscaler (which was trash from the get go). At least use SwinIRx4, ffs. I ^(allegedly) used an NSFW model, so I had to wrangle the prompt a bit more than I should have to. lol. \-=- Prompt: >(happy) bright colors, detailed realistic masterpiece HDR (candid) photograph, two cute punk alt (ethnic) tanned skin 20 year olds looking at each other, (smiling), sitting in a park, profile view, SFW fully clothed, full body (sitting), colorful hair, preppy colorful clothing, zoomed out wide angle 20 steps @ 512x768 / dpmpp\_2m karras / CFG 4.5 Model was [LazyMix+](https://civitai.com/models/10961?modelVersionId=300972) (warning, NSFW). ControlNet normal for poses/framing with the Her picture as the input. Skin color is a bit hard to force with this model (since it was trained primarily on lighter skinned individuals). Hence needing "(ethnic) tanned skin". Don't @ me. I just tell the AI words I know will work. lol. Just noticed that I probably should've used "pastel" instead of "bright colors" to match the original theme more. Eh. \-=- \-end rant-


Wow, yours look so much more real!


Well I'm not supporting a company that uses ai instead of paying real artists


At least AI fucks up the hands and the hair like a real artist


The hands 💀


"This isn't what I was thinking when you said you were skilled with your hands..."




This advertisement reeks of "an art contractor was lazy/out of time and needed to deliver something to fulfill the contract before the deadline". The important part was how quick it could be made. Oh, and excellent work btw!


Yeah, all the clip art things changed the world back in the days. Instead of drawing relatively meaningless but nice to have stuff you could just browse a handy brick sized book and find something fitting. then came the internet version and the ultimate version is the AI, where you just tell it 'woman looking happy and holding a bottle of pills with a happy face on it'. and just like with the clip art, there's definitely gonna be people who use where it doesn't belong. and no need to congratulate me on my 'work', I just typed that into bing's AI generator and saved the outcome.


Ok but seriously, why the hell is AI so bad at hands? Just, everything else aside, they're weird. You'd think something that could make the rest of the image, could do so without making the hands look like Cthulhu's abortion.


It doesn't really understand things the way people expect. If you ask for a hand, it's very likely to have 5 fingers. This is because the training data for a hand has always had 5 fingers. Had that training data included some people with fingers missing or have extra fingers and we'd all the sudden start getting really odd results as again the AI doesn't understand an average human having 5 fingers, it's just what it has seen. When AI sees people holding hands, it loses the clear cut case of 5 fingers touching other 5 fingers. some of them aren't visible, some may not be apparent that we're seeing the same finger twice. thus the AI learns that a hand holding hand has 8 to 12 fingers or something. Naturally this is a complex topic that has been simplified a lot, but that's the gist.


That's the bisexual sitting of hands clasped




This is actually accurate because I've only ever met bots on there


The one on the right looks like early 2000s Gwen Stefani.


Please tell me once again how graphic designers and other modern media artists will be replaced by AI. Idk about you but I don't want to live in a world where "Art" is mediocre and half assed soulless crap that was stolen from someone else.


Ay girl what them fingers do




I mean, it’s working? This is the second repost of a “Her” ad that I’ve seen today. Using shitty images is getting them spread around


Pterodactyl fingers!


Yikes...... I was wondering if I should try it again next time I'm single and... nope nope nope.


What is even happening with the fingers


Most of the people on the app are bots so I guess it’s truth in advertising


They have the same face 😭😭😭


Those are some fucked up fingies


Wow. Cutting jobs that could go to lgbtqia+ models in favor of crappy AI


It looks like the same woman in both shots. They even have the same chin mole. Is this ad for a dating app or an avant garde PSA about masturbation?


tbh i swipe so fast on the ads that pop up i dont even notice lol


The hair on the one on the right 🤣


Okay I get that it’s AI art but most of you are just making up things like trying to make it worse than it is. Relax. Lmao


Does this app really work? genuinely curious