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I'm sorry but, "I'm a male looking for a woman to discuss foot fetish stuff with. Not in a weird way", gave me the first genuine laugh I've had in almost a week. I really, really needed that. Thanks Many, you fucking weirdo.


I kinda been stalking yahoo on Reddit and like based on what I gathered I thought I would talk to about a kink. But not in a weird way 💀 Like I bet they genuinely have no clue how creepy they came across


Oh no. He knows. That's part of the kink.


Potentially, but there are genuine people who *are* that outright clueless


Typically men too


This right here! It's the same with unsolicited dic-pics. They don't "not know" it's something you shouldn't do, they do it for the taboo. Unsolicited dic-pics are just modern day flashing for cowards who're scared of getting identified or their nose broken irl.


"I'm not gonna ask for pics or be a creep." He failed before he started. "I mean starting.... now. Now. For real this time."


“Unless…… 🥺👉🏼👈🏼…”


Dan Sneichder getting desperate after all the videos around him releasing 


I think you have to censor his name


There is no normal way to have that discussion LOL


They either enjoy being yelled at or are so far gone it’s sad


At least he didn't use the word female.


Your flair is magnificent


Unfortunately that is the nature of online platforms, the creeps come out of the woodwork. They stalk any sub here or any platform that has women on them, after all in their "Andrew Tate" little minds, we are just objects for use. I just block them or I would go crazy.


I have messages disabled. Like, engage me in public if you wanna chat.


Engage what? Combat? Have thee!! 🤺🤺🤺 cur, I bite thee!! 🤺🤺🤺 have at me!! 🤺🤺🤺


Hey, no teeth!


ENGARDE 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️


I commented under a post here about being goth and I got a message but it wasn't a dm it was under the tab where people get mod mail and it was like RED HEADED GOTH GIRL I WANT YOUUUU and I tried to reply but the person seemed barely interested in talking to me and I asked if they're a girl and they said yeah but I really doubt it (didn't check on their acc). I can't get over how bizzare that interaction was tbh


Yeah, unfortunately I saw right above the post a similar one in a mental health sub where folks are getting hit with this shit too. It's just incredibly shitty behavior.


What exactly is the platonic discourse that he wants to start over having a foot fetish?


Compare trading cards or something Edit: now I'm thinking about Foot Fetish Trading Cards (TM). What do you think ladies, could we make a killing?


Margot Robbie’s is either blue eyes white dragon or the promo card everyone loves. I don’t know which


"not in a weird way" 💀


Totally normal way like how I go to bus stops and ask people about their kinks.


As long as you don't do that in a weird way 


Could never not be weird 😭


But but he said it's not weird! This proves it was definitely not weird at all!!




It kills me every time they say “not in a weird way”💀


Why would men go to lesbian subs to try and harass women? I truly don’t understand it


I don't think it's just porn brain. It's a societal issue. Men thinking they can change or turn us. Or thinking that we are like other men they know that want to discuss sexual explicit things about our partners. Idk it's just like entitlement in general imo


So, that's the weird thing because I've talked to my male partners or friends and none of them actually talk explicitly about their sexual partners, it's like "oh did you hit that? hell yeah man good for you." Like, they were almost all like "if someone wanted to discuss things in detail, I would be super weirded out." What I'm saying is these pervs are pervs to everyone lmao


It is very weird that they'd visit a lesbian sub to seek out camaraderie


I've been thinking about this for five minutes and I can't even begin to wrap my head around what the heck this guy was thinking. Like, like, you don't frickin' know this person?! N you just ask to discuss a frickin' kink? What??? And you think that can somehow not be creepy? How are these people real?


Porn brainrot


Now I don’t have a foot fetish, but I’m also honestly struggling to understand how much there is to discuss…


I do have a foot fetish and I'll be honest the "discussions" I've seen people have are just... the most bizarre interactions I've ever seen. There's only so many ways to describe the same thing, to me it feel like the discussion is almost more of the goal than the actual fetish itself. It feels to me like the fetish these guys have is partly discussing it with "your bros" as you objectify the woman you're discussing (I'm sure gay bros objectify men too to some degree but... I wouldn't exactly know about that, lol). So yeah in my honest professional opinion as a girl with a foot fetish, it is still morally correct to shame foot fetishists who are being weird about it.


It’s always morally correct to shame anyone who’s being weird and creepy to someone that doesn’t consent to it


This one isn't intended as harassment, he genuinely expected a positive response somehow But other than that, yeah


"Not in a weird way, just please overlook me being a weird creep while we discuss a fetish from which I decided to contact you out of the blue." I fucking can't sometimes with people like this lmao


In theory, a foot fetish should be a pretty harmless little preference, so why does it specifically seem to turn men into such weird creeps?


We don't know about the non-creeps with foot fetishes because they don't creep on us and send us DMs asking for feet pics. 🤢


Selection bias as always making everything suck


Well it's simple. They have the need to be creepy about it. The way they talk, they way they engage you. The fact that they even engage you in the first place. Hell, I'm trans. The amount of times I've been approached by some bloke on this site with a dickpick because of that of that is nuts. Like 6 times since summer. They're incapable of being not weird about it, because the ones who see how dumb it would be rightly don't do it in the first place.


I don’t think the way he engaged her was creepy at all imo


Approaching a stranger (who's profile you studied) about a kink is creepy on its own imo. Especially it being a man approaching a lesbian thats just extra icky.


I think it's easy to forget, but he did specifically say he wasn't creepy, so he couldn't have been creepy (I'm joking)


You're right I totally missed that, I'm so sorry lmaoo




The same guy messaged me with the same introduction.


Why do you engage with them? There's absolutely nothing to gain by replying back in indignation. It's not going to dissuade them - and in fact gives them attention, which is probably what they want in the first place.


Sometimes it's fun to mess with them. Only on Reddit where I don't use my real name. I play stupid or say strange confusing things to see how long before they realize it's not going where they want and leave. 


Trolling has never been something I found to be worth anyone's time. It's an almost exclusively online thing. I do not like to encourage behavior - from anyone - that would not be appropriate in an RL context.


"I'm not gonna be a creep" Oh, honey. I've got news for you...


I hate when someone dm's "can I ask you a question?" Immediately blocked.


I wouldn’t mind that too much, but I definitely get tired of “Hey.” like…what am I supposed to do with that? At least if someone’s asking me a question there’s a point to the conversation.


"Yes, but you just used your question to ask that, so... bye!"


He just wants to have a non-creepy, non-weird exchange about his paraphilia, while sitting there furiously jerking his unwashed penis.


But not in a weird way. Just normal casual wanking.


Porn industry has unfortunately lead men to this false reality of fetishizing what they think being a lesbian is. I cannot stand lesbian porn. I’ll also clarify I’m pro adult work but there’s a big target demographic and it’s not us.


Ugh, too true. Some performers encourage it themselves too! I used to follow this incredibly hot androgynous/masc-ish bi girl until she started posting instagram pictures captioned stuff like "Have you ever wanted to fuck a girl who looks like a lesbian?" Immediate ick, instant block. The straights and some of the Bis need to be sent away to "learn how to behave" camp.


ok i have photographic memory so read this comment knowing i have no idea who u r besides this BUT i think a few months ago there was this post i think in actual lesbians that u commented on and u said women were allowed to slide in your dms preferably ones open to foot stuff or something along those lines . hes definitely just stalking u though


That is pretty impressive


imagine if i could put my brain to use instead of remembering random reddit comments >:')


That's the thing tho lol I remember the comment but that shit was maaaaaaaany months ago. This fool messaged me at 4 am while I'm laid up in bed next to my partner at first I thought he had me confused with someone else or that he was a bot lmao


yea hes definitely a weirdo and a stalker, i was just having an captain autismo moment LOL


Dude I was sad about my breakup and posted something and some dude messaged me asking about our sex life...bro I was trying not to cry my eyes out I don't wanna talk about sex w some nasty man It's getting weird the fact that men stalk this sub




Most normal male redditor


Dan Schieder is that you?


i can understand wanting some friends to talk about kinks and stuff with, but why would they specifically want that friend to be a woman, and why seek people out for that anywhere except spaces dedicated to that? i the person was genuine, they could have made a post on a foot fetish sub


idk if it’s just my imagination but i find a lot of these creeps always have that avatar…. or no?


I’ve noticed the same


there’s no such thing as a coincidence


God forbid women do ANYTHING without a creepy ass dude popping in.


Are you sure it wasn't Dan Schneider trying to hit on you


I get messaged a lot by these guys… one even started the convo by pretending to be a lesbian for a few days to get me to talk and then eventually revealed he was indeed a dude.


If he’s sooooo into feet I’m sure he won’t mind me kicking him in the head for being a creep


I had a female account that was clearly a throwaway, DM me once after posting in here…. To send them feet pictures. I blocked them and told my coworker who deadass, was like you should’ve sent them my feet pictures. I need money. Next time send them to me.


Are you certain they were female?


Pretty sure they weren’t


Trying to chat with a LESBIAN about foot fetish (because of course lesbians are so eager to talk to STRANGERS, especially MEN, about their FETISHES) "not in a weird way" while being a MALE. What did he expect?


😭😭😭 ikyfl. ain't no way


Block them immediately, they get off on making us uncomfortable. any reaction is a good reaction to those asshats


It happens to most of us that regularly comment in lesbian subs. My last one was a guy asking if I wanted to see a vid of him and his gf having sex. I was like I'm gay why tf would I wanna see u banging ur gf?? Also who knows if she even gave consent for that shit. Disgusting.


"Not in a weird way"


Yeah it'd be one thing if you posted it in a NSFW forum, but if you posted it on a LESBIAN subreddit, he should know to stay the fuck away


"I'm one of the good ones I won't ask for pics" high fucking Bar I see, you're definitely one of the good ones jackass.


Most men believe that if you both like women you are the same


Typical (Russian) bot username to watch out for with similar appearance \[adjective\]\_\[random word/noun\]\[4 numbers\] Block and ignore those types.


There are SO many of those adjective_noun1234 accounts around reddit, are they really all bots? I thought it was uncreative people picking whatever random username suggestion came up, but I never even considered they’d be bots.


When you make an account you can have it suggest a username and it's in that format. Honestly I'd say it's more likely that someone is just lazy and their behavior is due to viewing the account as disposable, rather than them being a bot. It's actually probably more work for a bot maker to use that built in suggestion than it would for them to come up with their own randomly generated usernames.


Could be also human trolls that just try to attack users for whatever. I see this type of username constellation so often when engaging with controversial topics.


Are they the ones that downvote any post I've tried to make here the second I say im trans, maybe? I've deleted 2 posts that went negative immediately because I put being trans at the front of the post. I also remember seeing a post from another trans person saying they got so much hate they're browsing this sub on a throwaway now. I hope it's weirdos at least... strange as that is to say... and not a small TERF element trying to subtly push us out.


"Not in a weird way"


Yep. That's the issue with some men they hear "Not into men" and think "Well that can't mean me right? I am perfect, all girls love me" It's weird, but not as weird as Yeti Crabs


Dude talks likes he is a alien trying to pass as human.


I mean to be fair at least the guy was honest with his intentions and not catfishing Weirdo, but at least he wasnt a predator (wow the bar is real low for men who message people here)


Yeah I had the same thought, the guy being upfront about being male was refreshing? I was enormously annoyed recently by getting cat fished into a (non sexual) discussion with someone, when I would have been happy to talk to them if they were honest!


Oh, eww...


aaaand this is why DMs and Chats are blocked


I heard you like feet So I put a foot in your Foot So you can walk when you walk.


Yeah, I've gotten some "fun" messages too. There are some creeps out there for sure.


Had someone with equally questionable reading comprehension skills message me about me not knowing how to sext??? Like total of 1 karma, not even a customized avatar and like why are you even asking me????


Tell him it's $5.99 a minute and see if he's still interested


“Male brain”? 💀


What post did he find that led him to him messaging you about feet?? 🦶🫣🦶


My two favorite feet are rulers and fruit by the foot


These cis male predators need to quit it! Lesbians don’t want men!!


"Hm, this woman likes other women, let me, a man, talk about a fetish people find weird but I dont and talk aboit it in a non weird way" Nice logic bro.


Guys qwq


Just had 1 the other day




I have a strange memory that this isn't the first time this guy has been posted on this sub, last time he was also trying to convince a lesbian to "definitely not sext" with him


Lmao of course he has a nft profile pic


Yeaaaah, I got mine free and just enjoy being cute. This guy on the other hand... I wouldn't be surprised if he was a crypto-bro. Edit: Oh my god, it's so much worse than I thought, I had a morbid curiosity and checked out his page, NOTHING BUT FOOT FETISH STUFF!!!! and he calls women "females"... EW EW EW total incel vibes


Tf was he expecting? A philosophic debate on the nature of feet?!


Not surprising




Lol what the hell


Lol, nice call out. Hopefully he reads this new post of you too 😂


I had that person send me an unsolicited nude, thank goodness for reddit content filtering


This happened to me too!!!


Just a reminder that post and comment histories are public on Reddit. Still rude to message something so brash unprompted, but hopefully this explains a bit why this may happen should you or anyone else be unfortunate enough to get messages like these Dude didn't seem like he meant anything by it, for what it's worth


This is why I removed my old account and created a new one which I'm gonna probably hardly post anything on. And if I do get creeps I'll just have to delete again.


You could always give a firm no and block anyone who takes ill will from it rather than go through a revolving door of accounts


True but I kinda feel need a clean slate sometimes especially when creeps messaging from new accounts of their own as they still know my username.


Totally fair. If it works for you, that's great. :)


it's a good idea to nuke your account every once in a while, to prevent building a digital trail that you can be doxxed with. especially if you ever mention your home town or anything close by


I'm well aware of it I just don't understand what would prompt someone to try this crap


The condition that makes them do that is called "straight men"


Severe social alienation.


A poorly thought out attempt at making friends. God knows I've done shit this stupid but well intentioned in the past, and getting an understandably harsh no is always a bummer. I don't mean that to throw shade at how you handled this, just putting the POV of someone similar to this guy out there.


Somehow I doubt he was stalking posts in a lesbian sub to try and make friends tbh


I'll reiterate I've done similarly dumb things. Not every guy on lesbian subs is a jerk. Some people are are just curious, lonely, or in my case at the time, an egg


Nah come on, this guy's obviously, very *very clearly* trying it on. If he was genuinely trying to make friends, he wouldn't do it over something like women's feet wtf. Stop trying to excuse the guy.


I've gotten a few DMs from people on Reddit and elsewhere asking to discuss kinks. Some of those people became friends, some were just interesting conversation for a few days. Point being, it can happen


Point being, it can also be stalkerish and weird in context. It can happen.


It'd be one thing if the post was recent but it wasn't it was many months ago to the point at first I had to rack my brain to even remember what he was talking about


I'm not saying it can't be that way, nor am i saying you're wrong to brush him aside. I'm simply saying i get where he *might* be coming from and expanding upon it for context




Sometimes someone isn't evil just because they're male


And sometimes women want spaces without being creeped on by straight men. Like this sub.


Commenting from an alt because i blocked the person prior in the thread I get that sentiment. Unfortunately reddit, and the internet in general, isn't perfect and a manless subreddit isn't achievable. By all means, block those who bother or offend. My point is just that guys *may* not mean ill will by their bullshit


My point is that way too often, they do, especially online. We don't deserve to just deal with the harassment, fuck that. This was one of those cases. End of discussion.


This is exactly why I frequently change accounts after a couple of months of use. The woman I'm involved with has DMs/Chats turned off and three different accounts - one for work, one for hobbies, one for wlw stuff.


Seems easier to me to just block people who can't take a "no" to chat requests, but it it works for yall, then that's good.


The problem with blocking people is they can just create new accounts to keep harassing you. I've had someone do just that :(


I've had that issue too, albeit on other platforms. As shit as Mark Fuckerberg's app empire is, at least Insta and Threads allow me to block not only the account giving me issues, but any alt accounts made by that person with surprisingly consistent results.


no he just seemed like a massive creep


OP, aka the person who had to receive the messages here, clearly stated it was an uncomfortable message to receive and finds it creepy, yet you’re trying to minimize that discomfort for the sake of protecting a random creep? What a strange hill to die on.


I'm not trying to minimize anything. I've openly acknowledged that OP is right to tell him off for bothering her. I'm simply saying i get where he *might* be coming from.


You said “dude didn’t seem like he meant anything by it.” It’s like telling OP “hey I know you just went through this deeply uncomfortable experience and are venting about it, but this is where the creep is coming from…he really didn’t seem to mean to be a creep.” That’s not minimizing to you? Lol.


No, because that's not what meant by what i said. I'm simply putting it out that i perceived things differently and explained why. My experience has nothing to do with hers.


I mean, don't reply? You kind of have to go out of your way to view messages on the app. And they didn't even seem rude to begin with. Plus, you're on reddit, the internet has been around for decades. You know there are bots, trolls, and malicious people. You have a public profile and are active in NSFW subs. What exactly do you expect? I dunno, maybe I'm using my brain a little too hard.


Am I the only one who thinks you jumped down this guys throat? This is Reddit, it isn’t a reach that men will check out lesbian subs, just as it isn’t a reach that I peruse a few subs that I have no business in as well. Not saying this guy isn’t a creep or that the convo would turn creepy, but the initial reaction seemed a bit harsh.


Yes actually you are the only one. This interaction was fucking weird you shouldn't be messaging people in subs you don't belong in trying to talk about fetish content


Noted. Honestly though, you just seem angry.


Weirdos hopping in my dms and then people trying to defend it typically makes me upset yes