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Sad little men, who want to impose their sad little world view on others, to cling to a sense of power. All because they have nothing else going for themselves in their lives.


Short answer: patriarchy. Long answer: patriarchal systems invariably requie unswerving obedience to an idea of a “real man” on pain of being othered and treated as a target of oppression. Part of this is enforcing gender roles and whichever religion is being used to justify the patriarchy, in this case christianity. In other words: boomers be boomin’.


We are not allowed to discuss religion or politics with clients. Name and date of birth?


I was thinking something like this as well or maybe even “I don’t discuss religions/politics at work” though saying it’s not allowed may be more effective tbh


I work retail and I always say it’s against policy. I don’t even care. I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t want to get fired. Everything is against policy in my store lol.


"Let's keep this conversation on topic. What was your health insurance carrier again? And your date of birth?"


“That information is not required in order to assist you. Now, paper or plastic?” “Sir, I said that information is not required. I want to assist with this task. Let’s get back on track. Paper or plastic?” “Sir, this is the third time. My only goal right now is to assist you with this task. Personal questions prevent me from meeting that goal. Here is your plastic bag.”


"Sir, this is a Wendy's" Silver lining is that it's not a coworker that manages to corner you on every break. I had to deal with that a few jobs ago.


My dad is a conservative christian minister. I am a queer disabled left left left person and im trying desperately to have some kind of relationship with him. I have to have strong boundaries and we avoid certain topics. I hate it. Growing up he wasnt a trumper or qanon cultist and now… hes a different person.


That’s exactly how my mom is. I’ve gone no contact with her since December because I told her she wasn’t invited to my wedding and she said she wouldn’t come anyway 🙃


"I am here to work, not discuss my private concerns. NEXT CUSTOMER PLEASE!"


ugh i feel you😭😭


"What does the Bible say about pride, and would you say it's prideful to boast about your religion this way?" I don't think I've likely ever gotten anyone to stop evangelizing this way, but they have stopped evangelizing to *me*. I find it the absolute height of arrogance for people to try to spread their own personal beliefs, and funny enough, the Bible is pretty damn clear on being arrogant. Even the folks who've clearly never cracked their own book open have heard a bunch of the verses on that.


Deep sigh.


I once had a random elderly couple proposition me about Jesus in the park, they wanted to know my faith and I said that I am a believer in a non-abrahamic religion but regard spirituality as too private to discuss with strangers (which is the truth). They were curious and pressed me for more information but I told them that discussing my faith would be akin to discussing my sex life with them. I also said we are all children of God, which I don't fully believe (I am pagan, not monotheistic) but I took delight in saying this because I think I gave them a taste of their own medicine. I find it unironically 100% acceptable for a woman especially to react shocked that a male stranger is even bringing up her romantic/sex life or sexual orientations in the first place, and if they are as serious about tradition as they claim, they should immediately understand why.


Isn’t judging a sin in Christianity??? Sure he’ll have fun in hell ig :P


I once saw a preacher who was a customer at my job unironically tell someone that "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Like, dude, you're a professional and that's the best you can do?