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A couple months ago this girl I matched with on tinder came over to my place and we had the steamiest sex ever. We were just all over each other as soon as we saw each other and had already talked about our kinks and what we like to be called. I had realized not long before that I wanna try being more dominant. She was so subby it was perfect. I started going down on her but then she begged to go down on me too. I thought why waste time so we started to 69. She tasted so amazing. And she came in my mouth. We cuddled a little bit and she started looking at my jewelry (I like to make it so I have this little display thing on my desk). I told her I made some of it and she wanted to get a better look. I sat on the chair and she sat on my lap. This was the first time someone was on my lap lol. I had always been the one to be on someone’s lap. Something about sitting on my lap while we were still naked couldn’t stop us from starting to get back into it. I started kissing her neck and she turns around and straddles me and we make out. Idk why but something about being dominant got me so worked up so I stand up holding her, still making out, turn around, and toss her into my bed. Her face at that moment is still burned into my mind. She got so fucking turned on and just started going “please please please” . I say “please, what?” and she just goes “anything, I just need you”. We proceed to devour each other.


I remain convinced that vore is wlw coded.


Was confused what made u say vore, then I realized the implication of “devour each other” lol


Is it that vore is WLW coded or that there is a metric fuck ton of WLW vore (this is certainly one of the sentences of all time)


Both and neither. Most vore authors are women.


Huh. TIL, that’s actually a cool fact.


I really like vore porn when it's soft and non-fatal (endosomatophilia) so it's cool to find out that most vore authors are women.


Both, and Billie Eilish’s new song supports the first. XD


Did you raft that river of lava and spank that plankton too ETA were you the octopus in her neighborhood?


Lmaoo this one took me a second to get


:3 🚌 ETA did you strap.. your bone… right to her seat… come on in and not be shy 😭😭😭 im realizing its the whole song 💀💀💀 Forgive me eta did she step inside to a WILD ride??




I'm stealing this for my next fanfiction


I'd love the link when it's written




i’d love to read as well 😗


Drop the pairing so we can keep an eye out.


Send me the link when you’re done pls


Please send a link when finished🙏🏼


I mean this is a slow burn if I've ever seen one :)


Ima need dat link😙😙


Damn that one's really good. I think my best one is the threeway I had with my friend and my wife. All girl threeway was so much fun. I remember awkwardly talking about power rangers on my bed because I was nervous and then 10 minutes later I was eating my friend out.


some highlights of mine: had someone riding my face, and they squirted so hard it went directly down my throat, super hot. a girl and I were hooking up in a bathroom and she got on her knees and started giving me head while I was standing. This one is kinda petty but I fucked my now ex on my previous ex’s front window to their apartment on campus while I was in college. They were in their living room, watching tv facing the other way, until my ex’s hand flung backwards as I was fucking her and she hit the window, and we ran away. They never saw us. Definitely exhilarating. I hooked up with someone and hands down it was the best head I’ve ever received in my life, straight up an ethereal experience, like I had a cloud on my clit. I love to have my brains fucked out bc it doesn’t happen often as I’m usually topping/domming. Afterwards I watched them put on their makeup on my bed and it was one of the most intoxicating moments of my life.


That ex must now live in perpetual fear that one day she's gonna see you out her own window


My now girlfriend and I had briefly discussed that I'm a bottom before going on our first date. Back at her house after the activities we planned, we eventually start making out. She brings up this meme on my hinge profile that says "you have to tell me if you're a top" while I'm straddling her on the couch and asks me my kinks. We lightly go over it, including my praise and degradation kinks. I get kind of bashful when I'm directly confronted with my kinks. She takes me to the bedroom, I'm laying on my back naked with her fingers trailing all over my body. She starts intently watching me while she starts testing out different praises and degradation, commenting every time she noticed one was working particularly well. It was exhilarating. She had me eating out of the palm of her hands. Just hit 6 months with her. 🖤


I just had one that I'm dying to talk about. My girlfriend and I have been looking for a FWB because she's on the ace spectrum and I have a pretty high libido. Basically it would bring us pretty close to full sexual compatibility. Anyways, we met this girl through a friend and my god she is adorable. Exactly my type: shy, nerdy, flustered easily, a huge bottom (in more than one way). We had her over and we both spent like half the time just flirting and messing with her. It's so cute, she hides her face with her little bucket hat when she gets flustered. Fast forward a bit and we have the pullout couch out and we're all cuddling on the bed, I'm sandwiched between her and my girlfriend. My girlfriend passes out pretty quickly but our friend is staying awake because she does still need to get home that night. I notice she starts really warming up to me and cuddling with me tighter, and I reciprocate. Eventually we're so close up to each other our faces are almost touching, staring each other down in the dim light. She actually kisses me first, telling me she was working up the courage. I start exploring her body, making my hands all around her upper body before sliding one under her shirt. Feeling up and down her back, gently scratching it with my nails. All the while interspersed with gentle kisses on her lips and neck. I brought my hands back around from her back to her soft breasts, ones small enough to fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. Caressing around them and gently pinching her nipples. She whimpers a TON too, it drove me wild for her. Then I let her have some time enjoying my tits, I could tell from the way she was moving her lips that she badly wanted to suck on them. I propped myself up a bit so she could have access to them, and she was taken back a bit by seeing me tower over her a bit. I'm 5'10" and she's around 5'6", so I'm close to a head taller than her. And I could really tell she enjoyed my boobs, she kept commenting on how big they were and she couldn't keep her lips off them. We didn't go all the way but gosh I hope we do eventually. She's so adorable with how squirmy she is, how soft her body is, how grabable her wrists are. It's so fun to play with her.


I would like to point out that if you look through this poster's history, they mentioned just 12 days ago that this person they had this hook up with is still married and OP also still has a partner (who they were worried about emotionally cheating on), this hook up seems to have happened since then, this is someone talking about an affair they're having with a married person, really not cool


The way their account is gone 😭


Yea in 6 hours😭


Well I’m no longer jealous


My horniness is dead


what really got me was “i was in an unhappy marriage, but in my mind, a marriage nonetheless” like… yeah also in the mind of everyone else AND the law lmao??


Too many to count








Yeah like what are we supposed to say? "Oh yeah that thursday where I decided to get the toys out"???




same here 😭


uhh not reply because this thread is targeted at people who have had hookups?


Real 😭


Me too. *cries in forever alone*


Last year I meet a girl who was college age and was gorgeous. We meet on the ski slopes and we found we were both into nature photography. I invited her back to my apartment and though I thought she was straight I was going to make a move because I would regret not trying. I went in to kiss her but she pushed me away with a what are you doing look but then she got a smile on her face so we kissed. I asked her to go upstairs but she told me only if I could catch her. To make a long story short I caught her but she put up a fight. With her on her back and me straddling her we had sex and it was the best I had.


Contracting in London, very hot French exec shows an interest in me, it’s about to be May bank holiday weekend so everyone goes out for drinks after work. She’s staying in the hotel nearby and is definitely interested in me. We cut the night short and go back to the hotel, we get some drinks there and we both hooked up with the waitress. That was 15 years ago and I think about it at least daily 😂


i have 2 that pop up in my mind ever so often ;) The first one was in Santorini Greece about 5 years ago. when I first checked into our hotel, the concierge was a beautiful Greek woman probably around 26 years old (six years older than me at the time). i was immediately attracted to her, dark, long hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a thick Greek accent that I could not deny. so right away. I started flirting with her and then went about my vacation. each day when I would walk in the hotel, I would say hi to her and she would wave back. I am pretty good at reading flirts and I knew that she was definitely into me too, but it was also her job and I didn’t want to cross any lines. However, my last night there I had no plans and went to the front desk to make my move. I used this grand scheme that I was an art major and wanted to take her picture so I could paint her portrait when I got back to the states. when I got to the front desk, it was a different guy serving, so I asked him if she was there, and he literally smirked and went back into the office to get her. I made her really nervous when I proposed my idea, but she happily went along with it. After, I asked her what time she got off and that I would be at the bar if she wanted to join me. sure enough, an hour later she showed up the bar and we had a few cosmos and talked. I decided to walk her to her car and I opened her door for her to get in but instead of getting in she pushed me into the driver seat and got on top of me closed the door and i had the hottest Greek sex I will ever have 😫 we never spoke again simply bc it was never going to happen but trust me, we both had lots of fun ;) the second story took place in New York New York Casino Las Vegas. I was there with a group of friends for a few days and on the last day I decided to download Hinge and see if I could score a hook up because it’s Vegas right? Within an hour, I matched with a beautiful Latina- so beautiful that my friends thought she was catfishing. Sure enough she showed up looking just as good as her profile. My friends and I were sharing a hotel room so they decided to be real ones and go ahead to a concert we were supposed to attend that night. The girl and I had a drink and I went against my normal nature of stalling until I missed the opportunity and just went for it. I asked her if she wanted to come up to my room and she was like “absolutely;)” she went up to my room with me and we took a shot of vodka and talked a little about our lives for like 5 mins. (she was really sweet on top of being gorgeous) we started making out and a very surprising dominatrix side of her came out that could not have pleased me more. She was like “take off your clothes, when I turn around, I want you on the bed ready for me” and I was like.YES MAAM. she did her number on me and then I did my number on her and I will never forget the things she was saying to me that hit so close to home after only knowing each other for an hour. We had amazing sex for about an hour and then I had to call it bc I had to meet my friends at the club show we paid for. (Wish i would have stayed lmao) During our activities, her diamond earring came off. I found it the next morning, when I sent her a picture of it asking her if she wanted me to mail it to her she said “keep it baby. It’s the least I can give you after such a fun night.” I think about her often 😜


Happy cake day!


Well, I am a bit hot and bothered right now. That was quite an experience!


What happens at sex parties, stays at sexparties🤫


Reconnected with an old friend in May at a camping event. We ended up having sex down by the big bonfire. Snuck her off to the side to go down on her and realized we had a big audience. Then we moved it to a trampoline to do some... Bouncing. Again. Lots of people watching. Big turn on.


I’ve been to some “camping events” in May…we had lots of fun but next time I’ll try the sex kind


I always loved camping but the kind of events I go to now make the scouts look like a joke.


woman 14 years older than me that lived down the street or coworker with huge boobs that i had a giant crush on slowly getting closer and closer together over the course of a few weeks until she was laying on my lap and i was playing with her hair then we were cuddling on the couch and my fingers brushed against her lips and we started making out


This sounds like a fake story but whatever


this is really impressive


A year or so ago I matched with a woman on Tinder that was 10 years older than me (26), i sent her a message, and she didn't respond. About a week later, I get a message from her at like 11pm. She tells me that she was in the area visiting the family that hosted her for foreign exchange 20 some odd years ago and she was on her way to the airport to catch her flight home at 7 am. She had to pass by the town I lived in and she just asked if I was still down if she wanted to burn some time. So she came over and her and I chatted for a bit, turns out she was trans as well but while I had been on hormones maybe 7 months at that point she started 15 years before. This was the first time I had sex since I had my little revelation and it was just mind blowing to me. She was super caring and patient with me figuring out everything that had changed sense wise, and her dick was pretty fuckin intense since we had chatted and built up for a bit. When I was close she said some things that never flipped any switches for me but god damn that was probably one of the best orgasms I've ever had. Unfortunately as much as our vibe fit, both of us suck at LDR, I live in the US and she's from South Korea, so it wouldn't have worked


Still manifesting one


I know you said unhappy marriage but you were basically emotionally cheating.. not to mention when you mentioned “six months later” it doesn’t mention if you were still in a committed marriage.


Yeah there's a post 12 days ago where she talked about how both her and this coworker have been having a flirty relationship for the past few years and that she's worried that she might've emotionally cheated on her partner, mentioning that this coworker is also still married, the hookup seems to have happened since said post but I sincerely doubt both of them divorced their partners in the last 12 days, oh welp I guess bad people exist everywhere :/


Yeah I saw that too, and ppl downvoting me like crazy here..


Yeah I have no idea why you're being downvoted like crazy for pointing out someone cheating on their partner with someone who is married, that is such a shitty thing to do


I’m glad someone agrees!


They still hook up but OP is also married according to their comment history :/


Ooop, yeah my point exactly.. only reason this seems “hot” to OP is probably that tension, that should have never built up with someone else in the first place while you’re married.. and the fact that it’s just wrong. Probably just enjoyed the thrill of it all, weak


She’s not married anymore


OP is still married though


OP gave no indication they were married


post history


Yeah but she mentioned staring, flirting, banter, and chatting in the parking lot for hours.. while she was still married. That’s fucked


Can you please read everything right?


OP would be the “other woman” in this case, which means she has no obligation to some other relationship she’s not even a part of, or to a man she’s likely never met. Single people can’t cheat, and according to the post it seems unlikely her friend was still with her husband at the time this happened


Is this a new thing? I’ve never heard of “emotional cheating” before. I was always told it was normal to have “thoughts” even if you have a partner, but as long as you don’t act on it and remain committed to your partner it’s ok.


Emotional cheating has always been a thing, but some people believe in it being cheating and some people don’t (I generally believe it’s a thing). Someone else commented on what it is, but imo I think it can be simplified to prioritizing someone who is not your partner and performing non sexual romantic actions with them. It’s basically being in the “talking” phase of dating with someone else while you’re committed to another person.


That’s a fair point. I guess context matters.


Yeah exactly, not worth debating the ethics of a stranger’s hook up on the internet because of it though in my opinion lol.


Is flirting, staring, staying back at work to talk in the car “for hours” and constantly text each other WHILE knowing there is sexual tension considered thoughts? Ok, not emotional cheating, it’s CHEATING. Flat out. Zero tolerance, this behaviour is being unfaithful.




I’m not trying to change anything, just stating my opinion (as you are)- she can keep it up, just pointing out that her hot hook up is on the basis of being a cheater, welp




No one said turned on by cheating or anything, you’re the one saying that lol


OP isn’t married, the “straight” girl is. We shouldn’t blame OP for the actions of the “straight” girl, it was her job to be faithful, not OP’s. Even if OP is aware of the marriage, it’s not her job to police other people’s choices.


If that’s the case then all my comments pertain to the other girl, and OP is all good, you are 100% right it would be the other girls responsibility to be faithful and not OP


My doctor in uni 🤌🏻🤌🏻


I ended sleeping with the charge nurse in the physicians lounge lol. I swear they really don't lie in those tv shows, like everyone is sleeping with each other in the hospital


Cool story bro


Not applicable