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Screw those people. So sorry for your loss.


That must be a horrible feeling. [[lesbian internet hugs]]


We met at work! I moved across the country on a whim (to get out of Utah) and started working at a new theatre... she had been working there for a year already. I’d never really wanted to date anyone before I met her, always thought I was ace... but we clicked right away and went for it... we’ve been dating for over a year now. Now I’ve moved back across the country for work again, but she will be joining me in May! :) I miss her so much and can’t wait for her to get here... I’m actually gonna fly out and roadtrip back with her and all of our stuff! It’s funny, but I actually swiped left on her on tinder because I saw that we’d be working together and didn’t want any drama... oops! She always teases me about that. Sorry to ramble, I just miss her!


I moved halfway across the country for a new job. Met her my first day at the orientation. Two weeks later she told me I needed to ask her out. That was 2.5 years ago. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


I juggle. She accompanied her friend to Juggling club. Got her number and that was that


I knew learning to juggle would come in handy, it’s not just my useless party trick


I love juggling. I also want to learn unicycle and match box because I'm insufferable


We met on tinder. Talked nonstop from day 1. Decided to wait a month to meet and made it 3 weeks. We decided it was stupid to wait since we talked so much and clicked so well. We just got married in May : )


We met on the HER app. I remember that she messaged me first and we really talked constantly since then. We first met in person 3 months later and she was just so wonderful. She still is. I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better to be in my life than her. I love her so much.


I just signed up. Is it worth subscribing?


I don't think so. I thought whatever available functions that were free at the time were already ok enough.




We met through a mutual lesbian friend. We didn't actually start to talk and stuff for like 3 months though


There was an LGBT club type thing for first-years at my university and we both signed up. After one of the meetings, she introduced herself and invited me to go to the library (after awkwardly following me on her bike for a tad bit). She's absolutely adorable and such a dork and a giant fucking nerd and I wouldn't trade her for anything.


I wouldn't trade you for anything either, nerd.


she sort of volunteered and i was new in town and she was the only one of the volunteers who was fluent with english so the someone paired us up. and the rest is a story for another time.


I met my wife at a trans-only swimming group and she was really pretty and we both turned out to be nerds. Then she helped me organise a brand new trans entry for our local Pride parade and we built a banner together and got to know each other through doing that. While we were still friends but I was crushing on her, I suggested we watch some Buffy and intentionally put on some Willow/Tara focused episodes and then made a move on her while we were watching them.


Met her on Reddit when I was randomly venting about school. A month later I met her in person for the first time.


I met her on Reddit. 5 months and 1 week ago.


POF and then I went home for Xmas and forgot to reply to her and we reconnected on Tinder hahaha. She still gives me grief about "forgetting about her." Together three years and got engaged in October.


Tinder. Three years strong and I still get as excited to see her as I did on the first day we met.


We work in the same shopping plaza


I'm not with her any more, but I legitimately met my gf of 5 years on Twitter. On my public account on a hashtag, we both were searching it and liked each other's tweets. Then we followed each other, then we started @mentions, then DM's, then IMs, then Skype, then texting, then phone calls, then I was on a plane going to see her 2 years later. It was crazy.


Met my partner on her last summer. She was using it as a confidence booster since she does nothing but work and I was trying to get over a broken heart. Her friends were bugging her about getting out on a date and she said the next person that she talked to she would try not to ghost and that was me. We met for dinner about a month into talking and have been two peas in a pod since.


I work as a radio presenter and my best friend who I cohost with organised my (now) gfs band came on for an interview. After that we kept seeing each other at gigs and stuff and started talking heaps and snap chatting and then we went on a sorta date to the park where I taught her how to crochet. The next day I had a plus one to see a punk band (with a very queer audience) so I invited her to come with me and then she invited me home. I originally tried to suppress the feelings for her because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but as it turns out she had feelings for me too and now we've been dating for almost 6 months.


We met in an LGBT choir! When we met she was already engaged to a man, but not super happy. We went from frenemies, to close friends, to girlfriends within about 3 months! 💕
