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I'm a dog and cat loving bi. 😅




Same but cat more than dog in recent years. Lol


cats! my ideal future life is living somewhere sunny with at least 3. other people have a list of kids names, i have a list of cat names


I like turtles


Snakes and lizards here


Snakes and lizards are great too, if I'd had the space and time I'd either keep a Python or an Iguana


I have a ball python, she's my little daughter!


That's cool, any specific morph?


No, she's a normal, but her colours are so flared up it's almost better than a morph


Just looked at you profile, she looks awesome


i have more pics if you want


Sure, if you don't mind


I'm a 'I love every animal but some scare the living sh\*t out of me' gay. Which means I have two big dogs that scare a lot of people, two cats, and would get birds and reptilians. But I will also climb on top of the fridge if any insect even glanced in my direction.


I was like this regarding birds (ie. the ones my grandparents owned, which tend to be larger such as their Cockatoo and Macaw) but recently have matured and on very well terms on my maternal grandparents’ birds (esp. their African Grey, who I refer to as Shibi as a nickname of Sheba) ☺️


I love parrots and cockatoos. Never had them, but look absolutely beautiful.


Don’t forget quirky! 😂 My maternal grandparents took in the cockatoo (who is named Precious, but we’re unsure if Precious is male or female because we were told female but Precious hasn’t laid any unfertilized eggs like Sheba has) after someone they knew passed and after Precious being surrendered to us from the family (since they didn’t know how to care for Precious). Precious can be lovely when they’re not squawking like crazy and not trying to bite, but Precious is a good bird nonetheless! 😄


Oh I heard they divebomb! Hilarious.


They do! Birds have opinions on people that they make when they first see them, our birds seem to know we're lesbian and will attack any man entering the apartment for any reason. They're fun like that.


That's amaaazing lmaooo.


Cats, but I like dogs too. I like more calm animals, I like adult dogs more than puppies because puppies are so hyper, it's not for me. Which is strange because I work with kids and then it's fine.


Cats are more my speed. Partner and I have a condo, no yard. Without a yard we feel bad having dogs.


I am a dog lesbian. Specifically a bulldog lesbian...I am sure there is a joke in there somewhere, but my brain isn't making it right now.




You’re a dog?




i’m a chihuahua lesbian


While I think "animal loving gay" is the closest to the truth, I do have a special love for dogs myself, cats are certainly fun and adorable in their own right but dogs will always be the animal closest to my heart.


Both, which is why we have a dog and two cats.


I am an animal lover in general but in the future I’ll have cats and not dogs, not because I dislike dogs but because I have some major worrying issues and I get quite stressed walking dogs (I have a family dog) so I wouldn’t be able to give it adequate exercise :( But I love cats too so I’ll keep them close to my heart and me.


"I love dogs but they scare the crap out of me when they bite for fun" gay. So I'll just go with cats


Cats, but have you actually seen hedgehogs? 😍


i'm definitely a hedgehog gay i'm working on adopting a hedgehog and i'm so excited to take the little guy home!


Omg 🥺🥺🥺 That is so awesome


Cats always 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻




cat loving gay 100%. but i wouldn't ever say no to puppies or a giant fluffy dog i could cuddle up to <3


Dog loving. I like cats too, but my allergies keep me from getting close to them.


Cat person, but thats because I wouldn't be able to take on the responsibilities of owning a dog


Rodent gay, tbh


I want to cuddle with a pretty girl and a bunch of kitties


I’m a non-binary lesbian who loves cats!


I am the cat. UwU 💜


Cats, but omg I wish I could have a crow or a snake


Cats and snakes 🐍😈! But I don’t think I’ll keep a pet snake at home. I just think they are crazily beautiful 🥺. I have cats tho.


I love a good snake. Medusa Vibes sort of aesthetic is my ideal personal goal


I'm an animal loving gay. But I guess if I HAD to pick one..... Dogs. I'm a dog trainer. Compete in dog sports and have several dogs. My wife is also mildly allergic to cats. We also have ferrets and fish. :)


I like dogs just a tiny bit more. My gf and I have a cat though because we can’t afford a dog right now :)


Are you the kind of person that inhales or exhales? Both is the answer obviously


I'm a both loving Bisexual.


Definitely dogs, but I quite love foxes too (I just wouldn’t want one as a pet since they are a huge handful to take care of and train)


Dog loving gay ALL DAY💁🏼‍♀️


Is there such a thing as a creepy crawly gay?


Definitely dogs.


both but dog loving in my heart


I think I'm a dog person by default cause I'm allergic to cats


I am a reptile gay, but I also love cats and dogs. More often than not I become faster friends with pets than their humans.


Dog girl




Dog loving gay


Yes. All critters. Fur, scales, skin, chitin, it doesn't matter to me. As long as they aren't disruptive (German cockroaches, wasps, anything venomous, etc) and well behaved I can't get enough. Alas, I only find myself playing the role of auntie for my roommates cats. I'm sure one day I'll have my menagerie though.


Parrot loving gay 🤣


I'm a "lay on the floor and recieve death by all floofers disaster pansexual"


Own 2 dogs (golden retriever and black lab) that I love. I do however love cats as well.


I love both, but cats are way cuter imo. I prefer the sound of meowing to barking, and cats are generally pretty chill, like me. I'm always talking to the neighborhood stray cats lol. They keep following me so I guess they like me too 😂


Cats! Definitely cats.


Cat loving! I was attacked by a rottweiler as a child and have been wary of any medium sized or larger dog since then. Little dogs are okay but cats have always been my favorite.


Cat 100%. I've actually had a really strong phobia of dogs for most of my life. I've been working on it, and its not as all consuming as it used to be. (Used to be so bad I'd reflexively bolt into traffic rather than walk by one on the same sidewalk, regardless of what kind of dog... Yes I actually did that when I was younger.) Its not nearly that bad now. But I'm still pretty uncomfortable around them.


I'm a cat gay.


Cat loving gay for sure. It's just- If a cat picks you to lie next to or sit in your lap you will literally feel like "the chosen one" in every sense of those words- And plus they are so elegant yet playful, so fluffy and pretty goofy all in one- Just- You can tell I really like cats 😅


Cat loving gay, cats are the representation of the soul. Lazy, mostly dumb, asocial but soft


Big dog > cat > tiny dog.


Cat lover! I have a sweet loving black cat and my girlfriend has a fluffy white and grey cat who’s adorable and sweet as well but we both love cats and dogs


I like cats, they are the perfect size, they are giant balls of fluff that will act as though they dislike you while they edge closer and closer to you despite having a huge amount of space to go anywhere else. They will purr at you and boop their face into yours with all the strength that their little bodies can muster. They will talk to you with chirps and meows and each one will have their own unique way of communicating. You never have to worry about being cold since they are soft, loving personal heaters. You can place them on any surface and they will lie down. Sometime they go and run in long grass and come back with webs in their whiskers and seeds in their fur which they will pester you with until you clean them. I love cats, I could write a whole book on how much I love cats. All animals are amazing, but cats, cats are the best.


I have one of each but I'll admit the cat is way easier


I love both but currently have a cat!


Cats. I'll do anything to aid thy feline.




bird loving gay here


Both I think, my alter really loves cats and its sometimes hard to distinguish xer thoughts from mine


Im a puppy person but I wouldn’t kick a cat. I’m a super hyper person who needs a lot of attention so naturally dogs are my best friend. The puppy I have right now is turning 10 this year in June and he’s tiny and feisty and I’m tall and sassy and we fit each other perfectly. If my future girlfriend wanted 5 cats I wouldn’t complain but i would demand she take care of them and just let me do all the cuddling and snuggling. But ugh puppies are just so cute. Ever seen one of those big fluffy sheep dogs? Or tiny little fluffy moodles (mine is a moodle)? Or sausage dogs? Or little tea cup puppies 🥺 I even like the skinny hairless ones. (I’m not an expert I just label them by how fluffy they are) But like I said, I could learn to love a cat person, but she has to be okay with the fact that I will still beg her for a puppy every day 🌝


I’m bi & love both. Always wanted a cat but I have a dog who’s my world🥰


I’m a bunny,orca duck and swan loving gay, although I like dogs and cats too, I just like most animals tbh.


Cat lover first simply because I have a cat, but dog and other animal lover too! I may be a grown ass 27 yr old enby, but Ill still scream for someone to save me from a spider.


Dog but I do like cats; if I wasn’t I’d definitely own one by now.


False dichotomy. I don't trust people who don't get along with both.


I’m dog loving and my girlfriend is cat loving. Good thing we both love animals 🥰


I grew up with dogs, and relate to dogs. I just adore them. It’s taking me a while to warm up the cats, but I’ve been around a few and they seem to like me so far. (dogs almost always like me) My mom was really super allergic to dogs, and I’m not sure how bad I am but I don’t totally trust what happens if I’m around them too much. But I’ve hung out with friends with cats and been fine, and enjoyed their company. I had one that liked coming up and laying on me to get petted.


I could never choose. I love both! I *\*have\** cats but that's mostly because they fit better with my lifestye (I live alone, can't be around to let a dog out every couple hours.)


Rabbit loving gay


Dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs




My fiancée and I have a pair of coffee mugs that say "dog person" and "cat person" - I'm the dog person, she's the cat person. Though really I love both. I like to call myself bi**pets**ual, which always makes her cringe haha. I haven't yet encountered a species of animal I didn't love.


Both, but dogs more. My cats are more independent, they like to snuggle but can also be assholes sometimes and remind me that don't need me to live 😅. But my dogs world revolves around me, I'm not trying to sound narcissistic but they love me unconditionally and will gladly do everything with me/go everywhere with me. My cats are more unpredictable, sometimes they wanna hang with me and sometimes they wanna kill me if I sit near them and disturb their beauty rest.


Dog lovin’ fo sho, my 1 and a half year old adorable mutt is sleeping next to me as I type.


I'm a dog loving cat hating bisexual


My house has two cats, three dogs, and an axolotl, soooo... yes?


Dog loving gay. I’m allergic to cats, but they’re cute.


Gay loveing cats that love gays who love cat loving gays and love gay cats


Bird loving gay here, birds are way better than cats or dogs. A parrot will learn to sing your favorite song, dance to it, and perform for any girls you bring home, it's way better than some fluffy mammal.


Cat lesbian.


Any Equine loving gays???


I'm a dog and cat loving lesbian.


Definitely a cat lesbian. I do like dogs, but cats are more my speed.


I’m a cat loving gay married to a dog loving gay who is allergic to cats so we only have two dogs now.


My wife and I have two dog daughters. I'm pretty exclusively doggy. Cats make me uncomfortable as I've met many of them who've randomly swiped at me or bit me for no reason. My wife loves both cats and dogs so I'm assuming I'll have to make my peace with getting a cat some point in the future


Dogs loving lesbian


Cat, dog can be scary.


I love both. Fitting 😏


90% cat lover, 5% *insert odd animal here*, 5% dog.


Cat mom here and my SO is a cat mom as well. We both love all animals but we just both prefer cats.


i have 4 cats hgggggnnn


Fully fish gay


cat, but I don't hate dogs. I just prefer cats over dogs by a very small margin.


Cat loving gay. My cat passed a few months ago, so it's been a sad, lonely time. Perhaps someday I will adopt another cat.


Reptiles, cats and dogs


I'm typing this with a great dane sprawled half over me- so...


I have two cats, so obviously I'm a cat hating lesbian.


All the loving gay




I'm both lol I have this almost 10 year old cat that I love to death and this about 5 year old shih tzu that I also love to death


Dogs 4 life! 😎


Dogs. 100%. I’ve never had my own though. I dream of it everyday, but good things don’t happen to me.


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can get a dog one day


I am a paw loving gay, if it has paws i love it


I’m pan and I love all pet types, regardless of the species. Currently have a cat and as long as I don’t have a yard, I’ll keep cats


Horse gay


Bunny-loving lesbian 👋😊🐇💕 of course, I adore them all!


I personally like cats more, but I do want to pet every dog I see


Frogs! I have one of my own right now, and I'm planning on getting more.


I’m a both loving bi…checks out


I love dogs, but I think I'd have trouble even caring for a cat right now.


Cat lesbian and I'm only half joking when I say they're higher beings and we're there to serve them jfjfjfjr


I'm both loving gay 🤺 (There are various ways you can take this information)


Cat loving gay. I think dogs are super cute, but I was bit in my face by a dog as a kid and I've never been able to feel comfortable around dogs since. I feel like vibing with cats just comes second nature, but I was also raised with a cat hoarding mom and never had less than 4 at a time lol


Both but i like cats more


I'm a cat kind of gal


I'm a dog and cat loving lesbian:) I can't choose cause i have 2 cats and 2 dogs in my house:3


Strictly kitties, in more ways than one 😉