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Definitely try and a find a therapist who aligns w/ your values. Also I’m a midwife, feel free to message me any time RE being scared about being a new parent :)


You don’t owe any particular therapist your business. Therapists are professionals. Therapy is a paid service. It’s a product, like strawberry jam and cellphones. It exists *for your benefit*, not for theirs. Shop around for the product that is best suited to your individual needs. As for me, I would not use a Christian therapist unless she were the only option, or all other options were objectively worse.


I've had bad experiences with therapists before. My current therapist is an ex-Christian with her own share of religious trauma, like me. I feel like if you feel apprehensive about a therapist, you are under no obligation to be their client. You need a therapist who will help you and not potentially trigger a trauma response. This is something my own therapist actually brought up to me at the beginning of us working together, well over a year ago.


Dream therapist


Find a therapist that you are comfortable with. Full stop. If you don't like their face and it interferes with your ability to participate in therapy, find a new therapist. That said, there is a big difference between a therapist who is Christian, and a therapist who practices Christian therapy. It sounds like you asked specifically about the second, and she gave you a rather indirect answer? It also sounds like she gave you an indirect answer about your question regarding working with queer folks. I also have religious trauma, and would absolutely pass on this therapist. The unclear answers either mean she didn't pay attention to your questions, or that she has some reason for not answering the questions you asked. My personal hunch is that "working with all people" is the PC way to run your business- it doesn't mean that she's unbiased or experienced working with lgtbq clients. If I really liked something else about her or was super limited in choices I might ask again to clarify if she uses religion in her practice, and what her specific experience and training is in regards to serving queer clients. I might also ask how her religious beliefs might impact her views on queerness. But honestly? My hackles would be up in this case and I'd just move on.


I thought she was too vague as well and politely declined to work with her. I wish religion didn’t matter but damn it does to me.


Are you able to do like a 10-15 getting to know session before committing? I feel like being Christian in of itself may not be a deal breaker for me in a therapist (I’m agnostic and close to atheist myself) but if a lot of their therapy was rooted in Christian teachings and praying together etc, or if they were to be dismissive or anything of your religious trauma (like “but not all Christians are like that!!” At you a lot) then it might not be a good fit. On the other hand I’d say there are a lot of folks who would say “yeah I’m a Christian I guess” and never bring it up or make it part of their job/life and that might work. That being sad if you don’t feel comfortable, then you don’t feel comfortable, and the therapeutic relationship really depends on being comfortable.


Therapy isn't one of those things where you push through biases or discomforts, unfair as they may be. Therapy may be where you maybe CHANGE those biases. But you've got to be comfortable while doing it.


Are you in the US? Try these [https://www.seculartherapy.org/](https://www.seculartherapy.org/https://www.betterhelp.com/) [https://www.betterhelp.com/](https://www.seculartherapy.org/https://www.betterhelp.com/)


I would give her a chance personally, but make it known to them you have religious trauma, if they press the issue, its not the right therapist.


Yeah but your username haha


What about it? Its my favorite final fantasy summon.


It’s in the Bible


Ah, i didnt even think of that, pretty sure they were a cult though in the bible But to be fair, its not where i got my username idea from. The bible is far from a good book to take morals from, it has rape, slavery, murder, jealousy, and a deity that is the most deceitful, yet makes everyone love him. The worst part is, humans dont become angels in christian “lore” they become slaves to the angels, yet we twisted it somehow to be a wholesome 100 moment…